blob: 6e20dd41e99edd09438a10e4f1a08526ef2ca9b9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright 2017 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import '../types/globals';
import {getAppContext} from '../services/app-context';
import {RestApiService} from '../services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api';
import {SinonSpy, SinonStub} from 'sinon';
import {ReportingService} from '../services/gr-reporting/gr-reporting';
import {queryAndAssert, query} from '../utils/common-util';
import {FlagsService} from '../services/flags/flags';
import {Key, Modifier, whenVisible} from '../utils/dom-util';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {filter, take, timeout} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {assert} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {Route, ViewState} from '../models/views/base';
import {PageContext} from '../elements/core/gr-router/gr-page';
import {waitUntil} from '../utils/async-util';
export {query, queryAll, queryAndAssert} from '../utils/common-util';
export {mockPromise, waitUntil} from '../utils/async-util';
export type {MockPromise} from '../utils/async-util';
export function isHidden(el: Element | undefined | null) {
if (!el) return true;
return getComputedStyle(el).display === 'none';
export function isVisible(el: Element) {
return getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('display') !== 'none';
export type CleanupCallback = () => void;
const cleanups: CleanupCallback[] = [];
export function getCleanupsCount() {
return cleanups.length;
export function registerTestCleanup(cleanupCallback: CleanupCallback) {
export function addListenerForTest(
el: EventTarget,
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject
) {
el.addEventListener(type, listener);
registerListenerCleanup(el, type, listener);
export function registerListenerCleanup(
el: EventTarget,
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject
) {
registerTestCleanup(() => {
el.removeEventListener(type, listener);
export function cleanupTestUtils() {
cleanups.forEach(cleanup => cleanup());
export function stubBaseUrl(newUrl: string) {
const originalCanonicalPath = window.CANONICAL_PATH;
window.CANONICAL_PATH = newUrl;
registerTestCleanup(() => (window.CANONICAL_PATH = originalCanonicalPath));
export function stubRestApi<K extends keyof RestApiService>(method: K) {
return sinon.stub(getAppContext().restApiService, method);
export function spyRestApi<K extends keyof RestApiService>(method: K) {
return sinon.spy(getAppContext().restApiService, method);
export function stubReporting<K extends keyof ReportingService>(method: K) {
return sinon.stub(getAppContext().reportingService, method);
export function stubFlags<K extends keyof FlagsService>(method: K) {
return sinon.stub(getAppContext().flagsService, method);
export function stubElement<
T extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap,
K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap[T]
>(tagName: T, method: K) {
// This method is inspired by web-component-tester method
const proto = document.createElement(tagName).constructor
.prototype as HTMLElementTagNameMap[T];
const stub = sinon.stub(proto, method);
registerTestCleanup(() => {
return stub;
export type SinonSpyMember<F extends (...args: any) => any> = SinonSpy<
export function removeThemeStyles() {
// Do not remove the light theme, because it is only added once statically,
// not once per gr-app instantiation.
// document.head.querySelector('#light-theme')?.remove();
function getActiveElement() {
return document.activeElement;
export function isFocusInsideElement(element: Element) {
// In Polymer 2 focused element either <paper-input> or nested
// native input <input> element depending on the current focus
// in browser window.
// For example, the focus is changed if the developer console
// get a focus.
let activeElement = getActiveElement();
while (activeElement) {
if (activeElement === element) {
return true;
if (activeElement.parentElement) {
activeElement = activeElement.parentElement;
} else {
activeElement = (activeElement.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot).host;
return false;
export async function waitQueryAndAssert<E extends Element = Element>(
el: Element | null | undefined,
selector: string
): Promise<E> {
await waitUntil(
() => !!query<E>(el, selector),
`The element '${selector}' did not appear in the DOM within 1000 ms.`
return queryAndAssert<E>(el, selector);
export async function waitUntilVisible(element: Element): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
whenVisible(element, () => resolve());
export function waitUntilCalled(stub: SinonStub | SinonSpy, name: string) {
return waitUntil(() => stub.called, `${name} was not called`);
* Subscribes to the observable and resolves once it emits a matching value.
* Usage:
* await waitUntilObserved(
* myTestModel.state$,
* state => state.prop === expectedValue
* );
export async function waitUntilObserved<T>(
observable$: Observable<T>,
predicate: (t: T) => boolean,
message = 'The waitUntilObserved() predicate did not match after 1000 ms.'
): Promise<T> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
observable$.pipe(filter(predicate), take(1), timeout(1000)).subscribe({
next: t => resolve(t),
error: () => reject(new Error(message)),
* sinon.useFakeTimers() overwrites window.setTimeout with a controlled,
* synchronous version for tests to use. Keep the original one for use in
* waitEventLoop
const nativeSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
* Wait for the current event loop's tasks to complete by scheduling a promise
* to resolve during the next loop. Prefer other wait methods over this one to
* wait for specific work to be done or for specific states to exist.
export function waitEventLoop(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => nativeSetTimeout(resolve, 0));
* Promisify an event callback to simplify async...await tests.
* Use like this:
* await listenOnce(el, 'render');
* ...
export function listenOnce<T extends Event>(
el: EventTarget,
eventType: string
) {
return new Promise<T>(resolve => {
const listener = (e: Event) => {
resolve(e as T);
let removeEventListener = () => {
el.removeEventListener(eventType, listener);
removeEventListener = () => {};
el.addEventListener(eventType, listener);
export function dispatch<T>(element: HTMLElement, type: string, detail: T) {
const eventOptions = {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<T>(type, eventOptions));
export function pressKey(
element: HTMLElement,
key: string | Key,
...modifiers: Modifier[]
) {
const eventOptions = {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
altKey: modifiers.includes(Modifier.ALT_KEY),
ctrlKey: modifiers.includes(Modifier.CTRL_KEY),
metaKey: modifiers.includes(Modifier.META_KEY),
shiftKey: modifiers.includes(Modifier.SHIFT_KEY),
element.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', eventOptions));
export function mouseDown(element: HTMLElement) {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const eventOptions = {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
clientX: (rect.left + rect.right) / 2,
clientY: ( + rect.bottom) / 2,
screenX: (rect.left + rect.right) / 2,
screenY: ( + rect.bottom) / 2,
element.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', eventOptions));
export function assertFails<T = unknown>(promise: Promise<unknown>, error?: T) {
return promise
.then((_v: unknown) => {'Promise resolved but should have failed');
.catch((e: T) => {
if (error) {
assert.equal(e, error);
return e;
export function logProxy<T extends object>(obj: T, name?: string): T {
const handler = {
get(target: object, prop: PropertyKey, receiver: any) {
const result = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
if (result instanceof Function) {
return ( unknown[]) => {
return result.apply(target, rest);
return result;
return new Proxy(obj, handler) as unknown as T;
export function assertRouteState<T extends ViewState>(
route: Route<T>,
path: string,
state: T,
createUrl: (state: T) => string
) {
const {urlPattern, createState} = route;
const ctx = new PageContext(path);
const matches = ctx.match(urlPattern);
assert.deepEqual(createState(ctx), state);
assert.equal(path, createUrl(state));
export function assertRouteFalse<T extends ViewState>(
route: Route<T>,
path: string
) {
const ctx = new PageContext(path);
const matches = ctx.match(route.urlPattern);