blob: f57afca19753892028f55886881b7ce03b0c309d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
export enum LifeCycle {
PLUGIN_LIFE_CYCLE = 'Plugin life cycle',
STARTED_AS_USER = 'Started as user',
STARTED_AS_GUEST = 'Started as guest',
VISIBILILITY_HIDDEN = 'Visibility changed to hidden',
VISIBILILITY_VISIBLE = 'Visibility changed to visible',
FOCUS = 'Focus changed',
EXTENSION_DETECTED = 'Extension detected',
PLUGINS_INSTALLED = 'Plugins installed',
PLUGINS_FAILED = 'Some plugins failed to load',
USER_REFERRED_FROM = 'User referred from',
NOTIFICATION_PERMISSION = 'Notification Permission',
SERVICE_WORKER_UPDATE = 'Service worker update',
export enum Execution {
PLUGIN_API = 'plugin-api',
REACHABLE_CODE = 'reachable code',
METHOD_USED = 'method used',
CHECKS_API_NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'checks-api not-logged-in',
CHECKS_API_ERROR = 'checks-api error',
USER_PREFERENCES_COLUMNS = 'user-preferences-columns',
PREFER_MERGE_FIRST_PARENT = 'prefer-merge-first-parent',
export enum Timing {
// Time between the navigationStart timing and the ready call of gr-app.
APP_STARTED = 'App Started',
// Time from navigation to showing first content of change view.
CHANGE_DISPLAYED = 'ChangeDisplayed',
// Time from navigation to having loaded and presented all change data.
CHANGE_LOAD_FULL = 'ChangeFullyLoaded',
// Time from navigation to showing content of dashboard.
DASHBOARD_DISPLAYED = 'DashboardDisplayed',
// Time from navigation to showing full content of diff without highlighting layer
// Time from navigation to showing full content of diff
DIFF_VIEW_DISPLAYED = 'DiffViewDisplayed',
// Time from navigation to showing initial content of the file list.
FILE_LIST_DISPLAYED = 'FileListDisplayed',
// Time from startup to having loaded all plugins.
PLUGINS_LOADED = 'PluginsLoaded',
// Time from startup to having loaded metrics plugin
METRICS_PLUGIN_LOADED = 'MetricsPluginLoaded',
// Time from startup to showing first content of change view.
STARTUP_CHANGE_DISPLAYED = 'StartupChangeDisplayed',
// Time from startup to having loaded and presented all change data.
STARTUP_CHANGE_LOAD_FULL = 'StartupChangeFullyLoaded',
// Time from startup to showing content of the dashboard.
STARTUP_DASHBOARD_DISPLAYED = 'StartupDashboardDisplayed',
// Time from startup to showing full content of diff without highlighting layer
// Time from startup to showing full content of diff view.
STARTUP_DIFF_VIEW_DISPLAYED = 'StartupDiffViewDisplayed',
// Time from startup to showing initial content of the file list.
STARTUP_FILE_LIST_DISPLAYED = 'StartupFileListDisplayed',
// Time from startup to when the webcomponentsready event is fired. If the event is fired from the webcomponents-lite polyfill, this may be arbitrarily long after the app has started.
WEB_COMPONENTS_READY = 'WebComponentsReady',
// Time to received all data for change view
CHANGE_DATA = 'ChangeDataLoaded',
// Time to compute and render first content of change view
CHANGE_RELOAD = 'ChangeReloaded',
// Time from clicking the [Send] button of the Reply Dialog to the time that the change has reloaded (core data)
SEND_REPLY = 'SendReply',
// The overall time to render a diff (excluding loading of data).
DIFF_TOTAL = 'Diff Total Render',
// The time to render the content off a diff (excluding loading of data or syntax highlighting).
DIFF_CONTENT = 'Diff Content Render',
// Time to compute syntax highlighting of a diff minus diff rendering time (DIFF_CONTENT).
DIFF_SYNTAX = 'Diff Syntax Render',
// Time to load diff and prepare before gr-diff rendering begins.
DIFF_LOAD = 'Diff Load Render',
// Time to render a batch of rows in the file list. If there are very many files, this may be the first batch of rows that are rendered by default. If there are many files and the user clicks [Show More], this may be the batch of additional files that appear as a result.
FILE_RENDER = 'FileListRenderTime',
// The time to expand some number of diffs in the file list (i.e. render their diffs, including syntax highlighting).
FILE_EXPAND_ALL = 'ExpandAllDiffs',
// Time for making the REST API call of creating a draft comment.
DRAFT_CREATE = 'CreateDraftComment',
// Time for making the REST API call of update a draft comment.
DRAFT_UPDATE = 'UpdateDraftComment',
// Time for making the REST API call of deleting a draft comment.
DRAFT_DISCARD = 'DiscardDraftComment',
// Time to load checks from all providers for the first time.
CHECKS_LOAD = 'ChecksLoad',
// Webvitals - Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): measures visual stability
CLS = 'CLS',
// WebVitals - First Input Delay (FID): measures interactivity
FID = 'FID',
// WebVitals - Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): measures loading performance.
LCP = 'LCP',
// WebVitals - Interaction to Next Paint (INP): measures responsiveness
INP = 'INP',
// Time to load preview for a user suggested edit or a fix from checks
PREVIEW_FIX_LOAD = 'PreviewFixLoad',
// Time to apply fix for a user suggested edit or a fix from checks
APPLY_FIX_LOAD = 'ApplyFixLoad',
// Time to copy target to clipboard
COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD = 'CopyToClipboard',
export enum Interaction {
TOGGLE_SHOW_ALL_BUTTON = 'toggle show all button',
SHOW_TAB = 'show-tab',
ATTENTION_SET_CHIP = 'attention-set-chip',
BULK_ACTION = 'bulk-action',
SAVE_COMMENT = 'save-comment',
COMMENT_SAVED = 'comment-saved',
DISCARD_COMMENT = 'discard-comment',
COMMENT_DISCARDED = 'comment-discarded',
ROBOT_COMMENTS_STATS = 'robot-comments-stats',
CHECKS_TAB_RENDERED = 'checks-tab-rendered',
CHECKS_CHIP_CLICKED = 'checks-chip-clicked',
CHECKS_CHIP_LINK_CLICKED = 'checks-chip-link-clicked',
CHECKS_RESULT_ROW_TOGGLE = 'checks-result-row-toggle',
CHECKS_ACTION_TRIGGERED = 'checks-action-triggered',
CHECKS_TAG_CLICKED = 'checks-tag-clicked',
CHECKS_RESULT_FILTER_CHANGED = 'checks-result-filter-changed',
CHECKS_RESULT_SECTION_TOGGLE = 'checks-result-section-toggle',
CHECKS_RESULT_SECTION_SHOW_ALL = 'checks-result-section-show-all',
CHECKS_RUN_SELECTED = 'checks-run-selected',
CHECKS_RUN_LINK_CLICKED = 'checks-run-link-clicked',
CHECKS_RUN_FILTER_CHANGED = 'checks-run-filter-changed',
CHECKS_RUN_SECTION_TOGGLE = 'checks-run-section-toggle',
CHECKS_ATTEMPT_SELECTED = 'checks-attempt-selected',
CHECKS_RUNS_PANEL_TOGGLE = 'checks-runs-panel-toggle',
CHECKS_RUNS_SELECTED_TRIGGERED = 'checks-runs-selected-triggered',
CHECKS_STATS = 'checks-stats',
CHANGE_ACTION_FIRED = 'change-action-fired',
BUTTON_CLICK = 'button-click',
LINK_CLICK = 'link-click',
USER_ACTIVE = 'user-active',
USER_PASSIVE = 'user-passive',
// User added generated suggestion to comment
GENERATE_SUGGESTION_ADDED = 'generate_suggestion_added',
// Request for generating suggestion (usually after user typed draft comment)
GENERATE_SUGGESTION_REQUEST = 'generate_suggestion_request',
// Response with suggestions
GENERATE_SUGGESTION_RESPONSE = 'generate_suggestion_response',
// User enabled generating suggestions (enabled is default)
GENERATE_SUGGESTION_ENABLED = 'generate_suggestion_enabled',
// User disabled generating suggestions
GENERATE_SUGGESTION_DISABLED = 'generate_suggestion_disabled',