blob: 0ed4e0d33158e536d81640a1777e2e1eae4a1f71 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* rest-api.ts contains all entities from the Gerrit REST API that are also
* relevant to plugins and gr-diff users. These entities should be exactly what
* the backend defines and returns and should eventually be generated.
* Sorting order:
* - enums in alphabetical order
* - types and interfaces in alphabetical order
* - type checking functions after their corresponding type
* enums =======================================================================
* The authentication type that is configured on the server.
export enum AuthType {
* Specifies status for a change
export enum ChangeStatus {
NEW = 'NEW',
* The type in ConfigParameterInfo entity.
export enum ConfigParameterInfoType {
// Should be kept in sync with
// gerrit/java/com/google/gerrit/extensions/api/projects/
INT = 'INT',
* Used for server config of accounts
export enum DefaultDisplayNameConfig {
* Account fields that are editable
export enum EditableAccountField {
* The status of the file
export enum FileInfoStatus {
ADDED = 'A',
MODIFIED = 'M', // Not returned by BE, M is the default
UNMODIFIED = 'U', // Not returned by BE, but added by UI for certain files
REVERTED = 'X', // Not returned by BE, but added by UI for certain files
* The status of the file
export enum GpgKeyInfoStatus {
BAD = 'BAD',
OK = 'OK',
* Enum for all http methods used in Gerrit.
export enum HttpMethod {
GET = 'GET',
PUT = 'PUT',
* Enum for possible configured value in InheritedBooleanInfo.
export enum InheritedBooleanInfoConfiguredValue {
* This setting determines when Gerrit computes if a change is mergeable or not.
export enum MergeabilityComputationBehavior {
* The status of fixing the problem
export enum ProblemInfoStatus {
* The state of the projects
export enum ProjectState {
* The reviewer state
export enum RequirementStatus {
OK = 'OK',
* The reviewer state
export enum ReviewerState {
CC = 'CC',
* The patchset kind
export enum RevisionKind {
* All supported submit types.
export enum SubmitType {
* types and interfaces ========================================================
// This is a "meta type", so it comes first and is not sored alphabetically with
// the other types.
export type BrandType<T, BrandName extends string> = T & {
[__brand in BrandName]: never;
export type AccountId = BrandType<number, '_accountId'>;
* The AccountInfo entity contains information about an account.
export declare interface AccountInfo {
// Normally _account_id is defined (for known Gerrit users), but users can
// also be CCed just with their email address. So you have to be prepared that
// _account_id is undefined, but then email must be set.
_account_id?: AccountId;
name?: string;
display_name?: string;
// Must be set, if _account_id is undefined.
email?: EmailAddress;
secondary_emails?: string[];
username?: string;
avatars?: AvatarInfo[];
_more_accounts?: boolean; // not set if false
status?: string; // status message of the account
inactive?: boolean; // not set if false
tags?: string[];
* The AccountDetailInfo entity contains detailed information about an account.
export declare interface AccountDetailInfo extends AccountInfo {
registered_on: Timestamp;
* The AccountsConfigInfo entity contains information about Gerrit configuration
* from the accounts section.
export declare interface AccountsConfigInfo {
visibility: string;
default_display_name: DefaultDisplayNameConfig;
* The ActionInfo entity describes a REST API call the client can make to
* manipulate a resource. These are frequently implemented by plugins and may
* be discovered at runtime.
export declare interface ActionInfo {
method?: HttpMethod; // Most actions use POST, PUT or DELETE to cause state changes.
label?: string; // Short title to display to a user describing the action
title?: string; // Longer text to display describing the action
enabled?: boolean; // not set if false
export declare interface ActionNameToActionInfoMap {
[actionType: string]: ActionInfo | undefined;
// List of actions explicitly used in code:
wip?: ActionInfo;
publishEdit?: ActionInfo;
rebaseEdit?: ActionInfo;
deleteEdit?: ActionInfo;
edit?: ActionInfo;
stopEdit?: ActionInfo;
download?: ActionInfo;
rebase?: ActionInfo;
cherrypick?: ActionInfo;
move?: ActionInfo;
revert?: ActionInfo;
revert_submission?: ActionInfo;
abandon?: ActionInfo;
submit?: ActionInfo;
topic?: ActionInfo;
hashtags?: ActionInfo;
ready?: ActionInfo;
includedIn?: ActionInfo;
* The ApprovalInfo entity contains information about an approval from auser
* for a label on a change.
export declare interface ApprovalInfo extends AccountInfo {
value?: number;
permitted_voting_range?: VotingRangeInfo;
date?: Timestamp;
tag?: ReviewInputTag;
post_submit?: boolean; // not set if false
* The AttentionSetInfo entity contains details of users that are in the attention set.
export declare interface AttentionSetInfo {
account: AccountInfo;
last_update?: Timestamp;
reason?: string;
reason_account?: AccountInfo;
* The AuthInfo entity contains information about the authentication
* configuration of the Gerrit server.
export declare interface AuthInfo {
auth_type: AuthType; // docs incorrectly names it 'type'
use_contributor_agreements?: boolean;
contributor_agreements?: ContributorAgreementInfo[];
editable_account_fields: EditableAccountField[];
login_url?: string;
login_text?: string;
switch_account_url?: string;
register_url?: string;
register_text?: string;
edit_full_name_url?: string;
http_password_url?: string;
git_basic_auth_policy?: string;
* The AvartarInfo entity contains information about an avatar image ofan
* account.
export declare interface AvatarInfo {
url: string;
height: number;
width: number;
// The refs/heads/ prefix is omitted in Branch name
export type BranchName = BrandType<string, '_branchName'>;
* The ChangeConfigInfo entity contains information about Gerrit configuration
* from the change section.
export declare interface ChangeConfigInfo {
allow_blame?: boolean;
large_change: number;
update_delay: number;
submit_whole_topic?: boolean;
disable_private_changes?: boolean;
mergeability_computation_behavior: MergeabilityComputationBehavior;
conflicts_predicate_enabled?: boolean;
export type ChangeId = BrandType<string, '_changeId'>;
* The ChangeInfo entity contains information about a change.
export declare interface ChangeInfo {
id: ChangeInfoId;
project: RepoName;
branch: BranchName;
topic?: TopicName;
attention_set?: IdToAttentionSetMap;
hashtags?: Hashtag[];
change_id: ChangeId;
subject: string;
status: ChangeStatus;
created: Timestamp;
updated: Timestamp;
submitted?: Timestamp;
submitter?: AccountInfo;
starred?: boolean; // not set if false
stars?: StarLabel[];
submit_type?: SubmitType;
mergeable?: boolean;
submittable?: boolean;
insertions: number; // Number of inserted lines
deletions: number; // Number of deleted lines
total_comment_count?: number;
unresolved_comment_count?: number;
_number: NumericChangeId;
owner: AccountInfo;
actions?: ActionNameToActionInfoMap;
requirements?: Requirement[];
labels?: LabelNameToInfoMap;
permitted_labels?: LabelNameToValuesMap;
removable_reviewers?: AccountInfo[];
// This is documented as optional, but actually always set.
reviewers: Reviewers;
pending_reviewers?: AccountInfo[];
reviewer_updates?: ReviewerUpdateInfo[];
messages?: ChangeMessageInfo[];
current_revision?: CommitId;
revisions?: {[revisionId: string]: RevisionInfo};
tracking_ids?: TrackingIdInfo[];
_more_changes?: boolean; // not set if false
problems?: ProblemInfo[];
is_private?: boolean; // not set if false
work_in_progress?: boolean; // not set if false
has_review_started?: boolean; // not set if false
revert_of?: NumericChangeId;
submission_id?: ChangeSubmissionId;
cherry_pick_of_change?: NumericChangeId;
cherry_pick_of_patch_set?: RevisionPatchSetNum;
contains_git_conflicts?: boolean;
submit_requirements?: SubmitRequirementResultInfo[];
submit_records?: SubmitRecordInfo[];
// The ID of the change in the format "'<project>~<branch>~<Change-Id>'"
export type ChangeInfoId = BrandType<string, '_changeInfoId'>;
export type ChangeMessageId = BrandType<string, '_changeMessageId'>;
* The ChangeMessageInfo entity contains information about a message attached
* to a change.
export declare interface ChangeMessageInfo {
id: ChangeMessageId;
author?: AccountInfo;
reviewer?: AccountInfo;
updated_by?: AccountInfo;
real_author?: AccountInfo;
date: Timestamp;
message: string;
accounts_in_message?: AccountInfo[];
tag?: ReviewInputTag;
_revision_number?: PatchSetNum;
// This ID is equal to the numeric ID of the change that triggered the
// submission. If the change that triggered the submission also has a topic, it
// will be "<id>-<topic>" of the change that triggered the submission
// The callers must not rely on the format of the submission ID.
export type ChangeSubmissionId = BrandType<
string | number,
export type CloneCommandMap = {[name: string]: string};
* The CommentLinkInfo entity describes acommentlink.
export declare interface CommentLinkInfo {
match: string;
link?: string;
prefix?: string;
suffix?: string;
text?: string;
enabled?: boolean;
html?: string;
export declare interface CommentLinks {
[name: string]: CommentLinkInfo;
export type CommitId = BrandType<string, '_commitId'>;
* The CommitInfo entity contains information about a commit.
export declare interface CommitInfo {
commit?: CommitId;
parents: ParentCommitInfo[];
author: GitPersonInfo;
committer: GitPersonInfo;
subject: string;
message: string;
web_links?: WebLinkInfo[];
resolve_conflicts_web_links?: WebLinkInfo[];
export declare interface ConfigArrayParameterInfo
extends ConfigParameterInfoBase {
type: ConfigParameterInfoType.ARRAY;
values: string[];
* The ConfigInfo entity contains information about the effective
* project configuration.
export declare interface ConfigInfo {
description?: string;
use_contributor_agreements?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
use_content_merge?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
use_signed_off_by?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
create_new_change_for_all_not_in_target?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
require_change_id?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
enable_signed_push?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
require_signed_push?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
reject_implicit_merges?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
private_by_default: InheritedBooleanInfo;
work_in_progress_by_default: InheritedBooleanInfo;
max_object_size_limit: MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo;
default_submit_type: SubmitTypeInfo;
submit_type: SubmitType;
match_author_to_committer_date?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
state?: ProjectState;
commentlinks: CommentLinks;
plugin_config?: PluginNameToPluginParametersMap;
actions?: {[viewName: string]: ActionInfo};
reject_empty_commit?: InheritedBooleanInfo;
enable_reviewer_by_email: InheritedBooleanInfo;
export declare interface ConfigListParameterInfo
extends ConfigParameterInfoBase {
type: ConfigParameterInfoType.LIST;
permitted_values?: string[];
export type ConfigParameterInfo =
| ConfigParameterInfoBase
| ConfigArrayParameterInfo
| ConfigListParameterInfo;
* The ConfigParameterInfo entity describes a project configurationparameter.
export declare interface ConfigParameterInfoBase {
display_name?: string;
description?: string;
warning?: string;
type: ConfigParameterInfoType;
value?: string;
values?: string[];
editable?: boolean;
permitted_values?: string[];
inheritable?: boolean;
configured_value?: string;
inherited_value?: string;
export declare interface ContributorAgreementInfo {
name: string;
description: string;
url?: string;
auto_verify_group?: GroupInfo;
* LabelInfo when DETAILED_LABELS are requested.
export declare interface DetailedLabelInfo extends LabelCommonInfo {
// This is not set when the change has no reviewers.
all?: ApprovalInfo[];
// Docs claim that 'values' is optional, but it is actually always set.
values?: LabelValueToDescriptionMap; // A map of all values that are allowed for this label
default_value?: number;
export function isDetailedLabelInfo(
label: LabelInfo
): label is DetailedLabelInfo | (QuickLabelInfo & DetailedLabelInfo) {
return !!(label as DetailedLabelInfo).values;
* The DownloadInfo entity contains information about supported download
* options.
export declare interface DownloadInfo {
schemes: SchemesInfoMap;
archives: string[];
* The DownloadSchemeInfo entity contains information about a supported download
* scheme and its commands.
export declare interface DownloadSchemeInfo {
url: string;
is_auth_required: boolean;
is_auth_supported: boolean;
commands: string;
clone_commands: CloneCommandMap;
export type EmailAddress = BrandType<string, '_emailAddress'>;
* The FetchInfo entity contains information about how to fetch a patchset via
* a certain protocol.
export declare interface FetchInfo {
url: string;
ref: string;
commands?: {[commandName: string]: string};
* The FileInfo entity contains information about a file in a patch set.
export declare interface FileInfo {
status?: FileInfoStatus;
binary?: boolean; // not set if false
old_path?: string;
lines_inserted?: number;
lines_deleted?: number;
size_delta?: number; // in bytes
size?: number; // in bytes
* The GerritInfo entity contains information about Gerrit configuration from
* the gerrit section.
export declare interface GerritInfo {
all_projects: string; // Doc contains incorrect name
all_users: string; // Doc contains incorrect name
doc_search: boolean;
doc_url?: string;
edit_gpg_keys?: boolean;
report_bug_url?: string;
// The following property is missed in doc
primary_weblink_name?: string;
instance_id?: string;
export type GitRef = BrandType<string, '_gitRef'>;
// The 40-char (plus spaces) hex GPG key fingerprint
export type GpgKeyFingerprint = BrandType<string, '_gpgKeyFingerprint'>;
// The 8-char hex GPG key ID.
export type GpgKeyId = BrandType<string, '_gpgKeyId'>;
* The GpgKeyInfo entity contains information about a GPG public key.
export declare interface GpgKeyInfo {
id?: GpgKeyId;
fingerprint?: GpgKeyFingerprint;
user_ids?: OpenPgpUserIds[];
key?: string; // ASCII armored public key material
status?: GpgKeyInfoStatus;
problems?: string[];
* The GitPersonInfo entity contains information about theauthor/committer of
* a commit.
export declare interface GitPersonInfo {
name: string;
email: EmailAddress;
date: Timestamp;
tz: TimezoneOffset;
export type GroupId = BrandType<string, '_groupId'>;
* The GroupInfo entity contains information about a group. This can be a
* Gerrit internal group, or an external group that is known to Gerrit.
export declare interface GroupInfo {
id: GroupId;
name?: GroupName;
url?: string;
options?: GroupOptionsInfo;
description?: string;
group_id?: number;
owner?: string;
owner_id?: string;
created_on?: string;
_more_groups?: boolean;
members?: AccountInfo[];
includes?: GroupInfo[];
export type GroupName = BrandType<string, '_groupName'>;
* Options of the group.
export declare interface GroupOptionsInfo {
visible_to_all: boolean;
export type Hashtag = BrandType<string, '_hashtag'>;
export type IdToAttentionSetMap = {[accountId: string]: AttentionSetInfo};
* A boolean value that can also be inherited.
export declare interface InheritedBooleanInfo {
value: boolean;
configured_value: InheritedBooleanInfoConfiguredValue;
inherited_value?: boolean;
export declare interface LabelCommonInfo {
optional?: boolean; // not set if false
description?: string;
export type LabelNameToInfoMap = {[labelName: string]: LabelInfo};
// {Verified: ["-1", " 0", "+1"]}
export type LabelNameToValuesMap = {[labelName: string]: string[]};
* The LabelInfo entity contains information about a label on a change, always
* corresponding to the current patch set.
export type LabelInfo =
| QuickLabelInfo
| DetailedLabelInfo
| (QuickLabelInfo & DetailedLabelInfo);
export type LabelNameToLabelTypeInfoMap = {[labelName: string]: LabelTypeInfo};
* The LabelTypeInfo entity contains metadata about the labels that a project
* has.
export declare interface LabelTypeInfo {
values: LabelTypeInfoValues;
default_value: number;
export type LabelTypeInfoValues = {[value: string]: string};
// The map maps the values (“-2”, “-1”, " `0`", “+1”, “+2”) to the value descriptions.
export type LabelValueToDescriptionMap = {[labelValue: string]: string};
* The MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo entity contains information about the max object
* size limit of a project.
export declare interface MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo {
value?: string;
configured_value?: string;
summary?: string;
export type NumericChangeId = BrandType<number, '_numericChangeId'>;
// OpenPGP User IDs (
export type OpenPgpUserIds = BrandType<string, '_openPgpUserIds'>;
* The parent commits of this commit as a list of CommitInfo entities.
* In each parent only the commit and subject fields are populated.
export declare interface ParentCommitInfo {
commit: CommitId;
subject: string;
export type PatchSetNumber = BrandType<number, '_patchSet'>;
export type EditPatchSet = BrandType<'edit', '_patchSet'>;
export const EDIT = 'edit' as EditPatchSet;
export type ParentPatchSet = BrandType<'PARENT', '_patchSet'>;
export const PARENT = 'PARENT' as ParentPatchSet;
export type PatchSetNum = PatchSetNumber | ParentPatchSet | EditPatchSet;
// for the "left" side of a diff or the base of a patch range
export type BasePatchSetNum = PatchSetNumber | ParentPatchSet;
// for the "right" side of a diff or the revision of a patch range
export type RevisionPatchSetNum = PatchSetNumber | EditPatchSet;
* The PluginConfigInfo entity contains information about Gerrit extensions by
* plugins.
export declare interface PluginConfigInfo {
has_avatars: boolean;
// Exists in Java class, but not mentioned in docs.
js_resource_paths: string[];
* Plugin configuration values as map which maps the plugin name to a map of parameter names to values
export type PluginNameToPluginParametersMap = {
[pluginName: string]: PluginParameterToConfigParameterInfoMap;
export type PluginParameterToConfigParameterInfoMap = {
[parameterName: string]: ConfigParameterInfo;
* The ProblemInfo entity contains a description of a potential consistency
* problem with a change. These are not related to the code review process,
* but rather indicate some inconsistency in Gerrit’s database or repository
* metadata related to the enclosing change.
export declare interface ProblemInfo {
message: string;
status?: ProblemInfoStatus; // Only set if a fix was attempted
outcome?: string;
* The ProjectInfo entity contains information about a project
export declare interface ProjectInfo {
id: UrlEncodedRepoName;
// name is not set if returned in a map where the project name is used as
// map key
name?: RepoName;
// ?-<n> if the parent project is not visible (<n> is a number which
// is increased for each non-visible project).
parent?: RepoName;
description?: string;
state?: ProjectState;
branches?: {[branchName: string]: CommitId};
// labels is filled for Create Project and Get Project calls.
labels?: LabelNameToLabelTypeInfoMap;
// Links to the project in external sites
web_links?: WebLinkInfo[];
export declare interface ProjectInfoWithName extends ProjectInfo {
name: RepoName;
* The PushCertificateInfo entity contains information about a pushcertificate
* provided when the user pushed for review with git push
* --signed HEAD:refs/for/<branch>. Only used when signed push is
* enabled on the server.
export declare interface PushCertificateInfo {
certificate: string;
key: GpgKeyInfo;
export declare interface QuickLabelInfo extends LabelCommonInfo {
approved?: AccountInfo;
rejected?: AccountInfo;
recommended?: AccountInfo;
disliked?: AccountInfo;
blocking?: boolean; // not set if false
value?: number; // The voting value of the user who recommended/disliked this label on the change if it is not “+1”/“-1”.
default_value?: number;
export function isQuickLabelInfo(
l: LabelInfo
): l is QuickLabelInfo | (QuickLabelInfo & DetailedLabelInfo) {
const quickLabelInfo = l as QuickLabelInfo;
return (
quickLabelInfo.approved !== undefined ||
quickLabelInfo.rejected !== undefined ||
quickLabelInfo.recommended !== undefined ||
quickLabelInfo.disliked !== undefined ||
quickLabelInfo.blocking !== undefined ||
quickLabelInfo.blocking !== undefined ||
quickLabelInfo.value !== undefined
* The ReceiveInfo entity contains information about the configuration of
* git-receive-pack behavior on the server.
export declare interface ReceiveInfo {
enable_signed_push?: string;
export type RepoName = BrandType<string, '_repoName'>;
* The Requirement entity contains information about a requirement relative to
* a change.
export declare interface Requirement {
status: RequirementStatus;
fallbackText: string; // A human readable reason
type: RequirementType;
export type RequirementType = BrandType<string, '_requirementType'>;
* The reviewers as a map that maps a reviewer state to a list of AccountInfo
* entities. Possible reviewer states are REVIEWER, CC and REMOVED.
* REVIEWER: Users with at least one non-zero vote on the change.
* CC: Users that were added to the change, but have not voted.
* REMOVED: Users that were previously reviewers on the change, but have been removed.
export type Reviewers = Partial<Record<ReviewerState, AccountInfo[]>>;
* The ReviewerUpdateInfo entity contains information about updates to change’s
* reviewers set.
export declare interface ReviewerUpdateInfo {
updated: Timestamp;
updated_by: AccountInfo;
reviewer: AccountInfo;
state: ReviewerState;
export type ReviewInputTag = BrandType<string, '_reviewInputTag'>;
* The RevisionInfo entity contains information about a patch set.Not all
* fields are returned by default. Additional fields can be obtained by
* adding o parameters as described in Query Changes.
* basePatchNum is present in case RevisionInfo is of type 'edit'
export declare interface RevisionInfo {
kind: RevisionKind;
_number: RevisionPatchSetNum;
created: Timestamp;
uploader: AccountInfo;
ref: GitRef;
fetch?: {[protocol: string]: FetchInfo};
commit?: CommitInfo;
files?: {[filename: string]: FileInfo};
reviewed?: boolean;
commit_with_footers?: string;
push_certificate?: PushCertificateInfo;
description?: string;
basePatchNum?: BasePatchSetNum;
export type SchemesInfoMap = {[name: string]: DownloadSchemeInfo};
* The ServerInfo entity contains information about the configuration of the
* Gerrit server.
export declare interface ServerInfo {
accounts: AccountsConfigInfo;
auth: AuthInfo;
change: ChangeConfigInfo;
download: DownloadInfo;
gerrit: GerritInfo;
// docs mentions index property, but it doesn't exists in Java class
// index: IndexConfigInfo;
note_db_enabled?: boolean;
plugin: PluginConfigInfo;
receive?: ReceiveInfo;
sshd?: SshdInfo;
suggest: SuggestInfo;
user: UserConfigInfo;
default_theme?: string;
submit_requirement_dashboard_columns?: string[];
* The SshdInfo entity contains information about Gerrit configuration from the sshd section.
* This entity doesn’t contain any data, but the presence of this (empty) entity
* in the ServerInfo entity means that SSHD is enabled on the server.
export type SshdInfo = {};
export type StarLabel = BrandType<string, '_startLabel'>;
// Timestamps are given in UTC and have the format
// "'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fffffffff'"
// where "'ffffffffff'" represents nanoseconds.
* Information about the default submittype of a project, taking into account
* project inheritance.
export declare interface SubmitTypeInfo {
value: Exclude<SubmitType, SubmitType.INHERIT>;
configured_value: SubmitType;
inherited_value: Exclude<SubmitType, SubmitType.INHERIT>;
* The SuggestInfo entity contains information about Gerritconfiguration from
* the suggest section.
export declare interface SuggestInfo {
from: number;
export type Timestamp = BrandType<string, '_timestamp'>;
// The timezone offset from UTC in minutes
export type TimezoneOffset = BrandType<number, '_timezoneOffset'>;
export type TopicName = BrandType<string, '_topicName'>;
export type TrackingId = BrandType<string, '_trackingId'>;
* The TrackingIdInfo entity describes a reference to an external tracking
* system.
export declare interface TrackingIdInfo {
system: string;
id: TrackingId;
* The UserConfigInfo entity contains information about Gerrit configuration
* from the user section.
export declare interface UserConfigInfo {
anonymous_coward_name: string;
* The VotingRangeInfo entity describes the continuous voting range from minto
* max values.
export declare interface VotingRangeInfo {
min: number;
max: number;
* The WebLinkInfo entity describes a link to an external site.
export declare interface WebLinkInfo {
/** The link name. */
name: string;
/** The link URL. */
url: string;
/** URL to the icon of the link. */
image_url?: string;
/* Value of the "target" attribute for anchor elements. */
target?: string;
* The SubmitRequirementResultInfo describes the result of evaluating
* a submit requirement on a change.
export declare interface SubmitRequirementResultInfo {
name: string;
description?: string;
status: SubmitRequirementStatus;
applicability_expression_result?: SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo;
submittability_expression_result: SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo;
override_expression_result?: SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo;
is_legacy?: boolean;
* The SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo describes the result of evaluating
* a single submit requirement expression, for example label:code-review=+2.
export declare interface SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo {
expression: string;
fulfilled?: boolean;
status?: SubmitRequirementExpressionInfoStatus;
passing_atoms?: string[];
failing_atoms?: string[];
error_message?: string;
export enum SubmitRequirementExpressionInfoStatus {
* Status describing the result of evaluating the submit requirement.
export enum SubmitRequirementStatus {
export type UrlEncodedRepoName = BrandType<string, '_urlEncodedRepoName'>;
* The SubmitRecordInfo entity describes results from a submit_rule.
export declare interface SubmitRecordInfo {
rule_name: string;
status?: SubmitRecordInfoStatus;
labels?: SubmitRecordInfoLabel[];
requirements?: Requirement[];
error_message?: string;
export enum SubmitRecordInfoStatus {
OK = 'OK',
export enum LabelStatus {
* This label provides what is necessary for submission.
OK = 'OK',
* This label prevents the change from being submitted.
* The label may be set, but it's neither necessary for submission
* nor does it block submission if set.
MAY = 'MAY',
* The label is required for submission, but has not been satisfied.
* The label is required for submission, but is impossible to complete.
* The likely cause is access has not been granted correctly by the
* project owner or site administrator.
export declare interface SubmitRecordInfoLabel {
label: string;
status: LabelStatus;
appliedBy: AccountInfo;
* Represent a file in a base64 encoding; GrRestApiInterface returns
* it from some methods
export declare interface Base64FileContent {
content: string | null;
type: string | null;
ok: true;
export function isBase64FileContent(
res: Response | Base64FileContent
): res is Base64FileContent {
return (res as Base64FileContent).ok;