blob: 182d48e490bf82dcfe4915912691b83cbb82af80 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {BlameInfo, CommentRange} from '../../../types/common';
import {FILE, LineNumber} from './gr-diff-line';
import {Side} from '../../../constants/constants';
import {DiffInfo} from '../../../types/diff';
import {
} from '../../../api/diff';
import {getBaseUrl} from '../../../utils/url-util';
* In JS, unicode code points above 0xFFFF occupy two elements of a string.
* For example '𐀏'.length is 2. An occurrence of such a code point is called a
* surrogate pair.
* This regex segments a string along tabs ('\t') and surrogate pairs, since
* these are two cases where '1 char' does not automatically imply '1 column'.
* TODO: For human languages whose orthographies use combining marks, this
* approach won't correctly identify the grapheme boundaries. In those cases,
* a grapheme consists of multiple code points that should count as only one
* character against the column limit. Getting that correct (if it's desired)
* is probably beyond the limits of a regex, but there are nonstandard APIs to
* do this, and proposed (but, as of Nov 2017, unimplemented) standard APIs.
* Further reading:
* On Unicode in JS:
* Graphemes:
* A proposed JS API:
const REGEX_TAB_OR_SURROGATE_PAIR = /\t|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
// If any line of the diff is more than the character limit, then disable
// syntax highlighting for the entire file.
export const SYNTAX_MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 500;
export function getResponsiveMode(
prefs: DiffPreferencesInfo,
renderPrefs?: RenderPreferences
): DiffResponsiveMode {
if (renderPrefs?.responsive_mode) {
return renderPrefs.responsive_mode;
// Backwards compatibility to the line_wrapping param.
if (prefs.line_wrapping) {
return 'NONE';
export function isResponsive(responsiveMode: DiffResponsiveMode) {
return (
responsiveMode === 'FULL_RESPONSIVE' || responsiveMode === 'SHRINK_ONLY'
* Compare two ranges. Either argument may be falsy, but will only return
* true if both are falsy or if neither are falsy and have the same position
* values.
export function rangesEqual(a?: CommentRange, b?: CommentRange): boolean {
if (!a && !b) {
return true;
if (!a || !b) {
return false;
return (
a.start_line === b.start_line &&
a.start_character === b.start_character &&
a.end_line === b.end_line &&
a.end_character === b.end_character
export function isLongCommentRange(range: CommentRange): boolean {
return range.end_line - range.start_line > 10;
export function getLineNumberByChild(node?: Node) {
return getLineNumber(getLineElByChild(node));
export function lineNumberToNumber(lineNumber?: LineNumber | null): number {
if (!lineNumber) return 0;
if (lineNumber === 'LOST') return 0;
if (lineNumber === 'FILE') return 0;
return lineNumber;
export function getLineElByChild(node?: Node): HTMLElement | null {
while (node) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
if (node.classList.contains('lineNum')) {
return node as HTMLElement;
if (node.classList.contains('section')) {
return null;
node = node.previousSibling ?? node.parentElement ?? undefined;
return null;
export function getSideByLineEl(lineEl: Element) {
return lineEl.classList.contains(Side.RIGHT) ? Side.RIGHT : Side.LEFT;
export function getLineNumber(lineEl?: Element | null): LineNumber | null {
if (!lineEl) return null;
const lineNumberStr = lineEl.getAttribute('data-value');
if (!lineNumberStr) return null;
if (lineNumberStr === FILE) return FILE;
if (lineNumberStr === 'LOST') return 'LOST';
const lineNumber = Number(lineNumberStr);
return Number.isInteger(lineNumber) ? lineNumber : null;
export function getLine(threadEl: HTMLElement): LineNumber {
const lineAtt = threadEl.getAttribute('line-num');
if (lineAtt === 'LOST') return lineAtt;
if (!lineAtt || lineAtt === 'FILE') return FILE;
const line = Number(lineAtt);
if (isNaN(line)) throw new Error(`cannot parse line number: ${lineAtt}`);
if (line < 1) throw new Error(`line number smaller than 1: ${line}`);
return line;
export function getSide(threadEl: HTMLElement): Side | undefined {
const sideAtt = threadEl.getAttribute('diff-side');
if (!sideAtt) {
console.warn('comment thread without side');
return undefined;
if (sideAtt !== Side.LEFT && sideAtt !== Side.RIGHT)
throw Error(`unexpected value for side: ${sideAtt}`);
return sideAtt as Side;
export function getRange(threadEl: HTMLElement): CommentRange | undefined {
const rangeAtt = threadEl.getAttribute('range');
if (!rangeAtt) return undefined;
const range = JSON.parse(rangeAtt) as CommentRange;
if (!range.start_line) throw new Error(`invalid range: ${rangeAtt}`);
return range;
// TODO: This type should be exposed to gr-diff clients in a separate type file.
// For Gerrit these are instances of GrCommentThread, but other gr-diff users
// have different HTML elements in use for comment threads.
// TODO: Also document the required HTML attributes that thread elements must
// have, e.g. 'diff-side', 'range', 'line-num'.
export interface GrDiffThreadElement extends HTMLElement {
rootId: string;
export function isThreadEl(node: Node): node is GrDiffThreadElement {
return (
node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
(node as Element).classList.contains('comment-thread')
* @return whether any of the lines in diff are longer
export function anyLineTooLong(diff?: DiffInfo) {
if (!diff) return false;
return diff.content.some(section => {
const lines = section.ab
? section.ab
: (section.a || []).concat(section.b || []);
return lines.some(line => line.length >= SYNTAX_MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
* Simple helper method for creating elements in the context of gr-diff.
* We are adding 'style-scope', 'gr-diff' classes for compatibility with
* Shady DOM. TODO: Is that still required??
* Otherwise this is just a super simple convenience function.
export function createElementDiff(
tagName: string,
classStr?: string
): HTMLElement {
const el = document.createElement(tagName);
// When Shady DOM is being used, these classes are added to account for
// Polymer's polyfill behavior. In order to guarantee sufficient
// specificity within the CSS rules, these are added to every element.
// Since the Polymer DOM utility functions (which would do this
// automatically) are not being used for performance reasons, this is
// done manually.
el.classList.add('style-scope', 'gr-diff');
if (classStr) {
for (const className of classStr.split(' ')) {
return el;
export function createElementDiffWithText(
tagName: string,
textContent: string
) {
const element = createElementDiff(tagName);
element.textContent = textContent;
return element;
export function createLineBreak(mode: DiffResponsiveMode) {
return isResponsive(mode)
? createElementDiff('wbr')
: createElementDiff('span', 'br');
* Returns a <span> element holding a '\t' character, that will visually
* occupy |tabSize| many columns.
* @param tabSize The effective size of this tab stop.
export function createTabWrapper(tabSize: number): HTMLElement {
// Force this to be a number to prevent arbitrary injection.
const result = createElementDiff('span', 'tab');
`tab-size: ${tabSize}; -moz-tab-size: ${tabSize};`
result.innerText = '\t';
return result;
* Returns a 'div' element containing the supplied |text| as its innerText,
* with '\t' characters expanded to a width determined by |tabSize|, and the
* text wrapped at column |lineLimit|, which may be Infinity if no wrapping is
* desired.
* @param text The text to be formatted.
* @param responsiveMode The responsive mode of the diff.
* @param tabSize The width of each tab stop.
* @param lineLimit The column after which to wrap lines.
export function formatText(
text: string,
responsiveMode: DiffResponsiveMode,
tabSize: number,
lineLimit: number
): HTMLElement {
const contentText = createElementDiff('div', 'contentText');
contentText.ariaLabel = text;
let columnPos = 0;
let textOffset = 0;
for (const segment of text.split(REGEX_TAB_OR_SURROGATE_PAIR)) {
if (segment) {
// |segment| contains only normal characters. If |segment| doesn't fit
// entirely on the current line, append chunks of |segment| followed by
// line breaks.
let rowStart = 0;
let rowEnd = lineLimit - columnPos;
while (rowEnd < segment.length) {
document.createTextNode(segment.substring(rowStart, rowEnd))
columnPos = 0;
rowStart = rowEnd;
rowEnd += lineLimit;
// Append the last part of |segment|, which fits on the current line.
columnPos += segment.length - rowStart;
textOffset += segment.length;
if (textOffset < text.length) {
// Handle the special character at |textOffset|.
if (text.startsWith('\t', textOffset)) {
// Append a single '\t' character.
let effectiveTabSize = tabSize - (columnPos % tabSize);
if (columnPos + effectiveTabSize > lineLimit) {
columnPos = 0;
effectiveTabSize = tabSize;
columnPos += effectiveTabSize;
} else {
// Append a single surrogate pair.
if (columnPos >= lineLimit) {
columnPos = 0;
document.createTextNode(text.substring(textOffset, textOffset + 2))
textOffset += 2;
columnPos += 1;
return contentText;
* Given the number of a base line and the BlameInfo create a <span> element
* with a hovercard. This is supposed to be put into a <td> cell of the diff.
export function createBlameElement(
lineNum: LineNumber,
commit: BlameInfo
): HTMLElement {
const isStartOfRange = commit.ranges.some(r => r.start === lineNum);
const date = new Date(commit.time * 1000).toLocaleDateString();
const blameNode = createElementDiff(
isStartOfRange ? 'startOfRange' : ''
const shaNode = createElementDiff('a', 'blameDate');
shaNode.innerText = `${date}`;
shaNode.setAttribute('href', `${getBaseUrl()}/q/${}`);
const shortName =' ')[0];
const authorNode = createElementDiff('span', 'blameAuthor');
authorNode.innerText = ` ${shortName}`;
const hoverCardFragment = createElementDiff('span', 'blameHoverCard');
hoverCardFragment.innerText = `Commit ${}
Author: ${}
Date: ${date}
const hovercard = createElementDiff('gr-hovercard');
return blameNode;