blob: 0cce83c76d085c6b06a9aa9392359f4ede2cb06f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This defines the Gerrit instance. All methods directly attached to Gerrit
* should be defined or linked here.
import {getPluginLoader, PluginOptionMap} from './gr-plugin-loader';
import {send} from './gr-api-utils';
import {getAppContext, AppContext} from '../../../services/app-context';
import {PluginApi} from '../../../api/plugin';
import {AuthService} from '../../../services/gr-auth/gr-auth';
import {RestApiService} from '../../../services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api';
import {ReportingService} from '../../../services/gr-reporting/gr-reporting';
import {HttpMethod} from '../../../constants/constants';
import {RequestPayload} from '../../../types/common';
import {
} from '../../../services/gr-event-interface/gr-event-interface';
import {GerritNav} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation';
import {Gerrit} from '../../../api/gerrit';
import {fontStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-font-styles';
import {formStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-form-styles';
import {menuPageStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-menu-page-styles';
import {spinnerStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-spinner-styles';
import {subpageStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-subpage-styles';
import {tableStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-table-styles';
import {assertIsDefined} from '../../../utils/common-util';
* These are the methods and properties that are exposed explicitly in the
* public global `Gerrit` interface. In reality JavaScript plugins do depend
* on some of this "internal" stuff. But we want to convert plugins to
* TypeScript one by one and while doing that remove those dependencies.
export interface GerritInternal extends EventEmitterService, Gerrit {
css(rule: string): string;
callback: (plugin: PluginApi) => void,
opt_version?: string,
src?: string
): void;
getLoggedIn(): Promise<boolean>;
get(url: string, callback?: (response: unknown) => void): void;
url: string,
payload?: RequestPayload,
callback?: (response: unknown) => void
): void;
url: string,
payload?: RequestPayload,
callback?: (response: unknown) => void
): void;
delete(url: string, callback?: (response: unknown) => void): void;
isPluginLoaded(pathOrUrl: string): boolean;
awaitPluginsLoaded(): Promise<unknown>;
_loadPlugins(plugins: string[], opts: PluginOptionMap): void;
_arePluginsLoaded(): boolean;
_isPluginEnabled(pathOrUrl: string): boolean;
_isPluginLoaded(pathOrUrl: string): boolean;
_customStyleSheet?: CSSStyleSheet;
// exposed methods
Nav: typeof GerritNav;
Auth: AuthService;
export function initGerritPluginApi(appContext: AppContext) {
window.Gerrit = window.Gerrit ?? new GerritImpl(appContext);
export function _testOnly_getGerritInternalPluginApi(): GerritInternal {
if (!window.Gerrit) throw new Error('initGerritPluginApi was not called');
return window.Gerrit as GerritInternal;
export function deprecatedDelete(
url: string,
callback?: (response: Response) => void
) {
console.warn('.delete() is deprecated! Use plugin.restApi().delete()');
return getAppContext()
.restApiService.send(HttpMethod.DELETE, url)
.then(response => {
if (response.status !== 204) {
return response.text().then(text => {
if (text) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(text));
} else {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${response.status}`));
if (callback) callback(response);
return response;
const fakeApi = {
getPluginName: () => 'global',
* TODO(brohlfs): Reduce this step by step until it only contains install().
class GerritImpl implements GerritInternal {
_customStyleSheet?: CSSStyleSheet;
public readonly Nav = GerritNav;
public readonly Auth: AuthService;
private readonly reportingService: ReportingService;
private readonly eventEmitter: EventEmitterService;
private readonly restApiService: RestApiService;
public readonly styles = {
font: fontStyles,
form: formStyles,
menuPage: menuPageStyles,
spinner: spinnerStyles,
subPage: subpageStyles,
table: tableStyles,
constructor(appContext: AppContext) {
this.Auth = appContext.authService;
this.reportingService = appContext.reportingService;
this.eventEmitter = appContext.eventEmitter;
this.restApiService = appContext.restApiService;
assertIsDefined(this.reportingService, 'reportingService');
assertIsDefined(this.eventEmitter, 'eventEmitter');
assertIsDefined(this.restApiService, 'restApiService');
finalize() {}
* @deprecated Use plugin.styles().css(rulesStr) instead. Please, consult
* the documentation how to replace it accordingly.
css(rulesStr: string) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'css');
'Gerrit.css(rulesStr) is deprecated!',
'Use plugin.styles().css(rulesStr)'
if (!this._customStyleSheet) {
const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
this._customStyleSheet = styleEl.sheet!;
const name = `__pg_js_api_class_${this._customStyleSheet.cssRules.length}`;
this._customStyleSheet.insertRule('.' + name + '{' + rulesStr + '}', 0);
return name;
callback: (plugin: PluginApi) => void,
version?: string,
src?: string
) {
getPluginLoader().install(callback, version, src);
getLoggedIn() {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'getLoggedIn');
'Gerrit.getLoggedIn() is deprecated! ' +
'Use plugin.restApi().getLoggedIn()'
return this.restApiService.getLoggedIn();
get(url: string, callback?: (response: unknown) => void) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'get');
console.warn('.get() is deprecated! Use plugin.restApi().get()');
send(this.restApiService, HttpMethod.GET, url, callback);
url: string,
payload?: RequestPayload,
callback?: (response: unknown) => void
) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'post');
console.warn('.post() is deprecated! Use plugin.restApi().post()');
send(this.restApiService, HttpMethod.POST, url, callback, payload);
url: string,
payload?: RequestPayload,
callback?: (response: unknown) => void
) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'put');
console.warn('.put() is deprecated! Use plugin.restApi().put()');
send(this.restApiService, HttpMethod.PUT, url, callback, payload);
delete(url: string, callback?: (response: Response) => void) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'delete');
deprecatedDelete(url, callback);
awaitPluginsLoaded() {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'awaitPluginsLoaded');
return getPluginLoader().awaitPluginsLoaded();
// TODO(taoalpha): consider removing these proxy methods
// and using getPluginLoader() directly
_loadPlugins(plugins: string[] = []) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', '_loadPlugins');
_arePluginsLoaded() {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', '_arePluginsLoaded');
return getPluginLoader().arePluginsLoaded();
_isPluginEnabled(pathOrUrl: string) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', '_isPluginEnabled');
return getPluginLoader().isPluginEnabled(pathOrUrl);
isPluginLoaded(pathOrUrl: string) {
return this._isPluginLoaded(pathOrUrl);
_isPluginLoaded(pathOrUrl: string) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', '_isPluginLoaded');
return getPluginLoader().isPluginLoaded(pathOrUrl);
* Enabling EventEmitter interface on Gerrit.
* This will enable to signal across different parts of js code without relying on DOM,
* including core to core, plugin to plugin and also core to plugin.
* @example
* // Emit this event from pluginA
* Gerrit.install(pluginA => {
* fetch("some-api").then(() => {
* Gerrit.on("your-special-event", {plugin: pluginA});
* });
* });
* // Listen on your-special-event from pluginB
* Gerrit.install(pluginB => {
* Gerrit.on("your-special-event", ({plugin}) => {
* // do something, plugin is pluginA
* });
* });
addListener(eventName: string, cb: EventCallback) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'addListener');
return this.eventEmitter.addListener(eventName, cb);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
dispatch(eventName: string, detail: any) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'dispatch');
return this.eventEmitter.dispatch(eventName, detail);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
emit(eventName: string, detail: any) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'emit');
return this.eventEmitter.emit(eventName, detail);
off(eventName: string, cb: EventCallback) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'off');, cb);
on(eventName: string, cb: EventCallback) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'on');
return this.eventEmitter.on(eventName, cb);
once(eventName: string, cb: EventCallback) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'once');
return this.eventEmitter.once(eventName, cb);
removeAllListeners(eventName: string) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'removeAllListeners');
removeListener(eventName: string, cb: EventCallback) {
this.reportingService.trackApi(fakeApi, 'global', 'removeListener');
this.eventEmitter.removeListener(eventName, cb);