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= Gerrit Code Review - Named Destinations
== User Named Destinations
It is possible to define named destination sets on a user level.
To do this, define the named destination sets in files named after
each destination set in the `destinations` directory of the user's
account ref in the `All-Users` project. The user's account ref is
based on the user's account id which is an integer. The account
refs are sharded by the last two digits (`+nn+`) in the refname,
leading to refs of the format `+refs/users/nn/accountid+`. The
user's destination files are a 2 column tab delimited file. Each
row in a destination file represents a single destination in the
named set. The left column represents the ref of the destination,
and the right column represents the project of the destination.
The named destinations can be publicly accessible by other users.
Example destination file named `destinations/myreviews`:
# Ref Project
refs/heads/master gerrit
refs/heads/stable-2.11 gerrit
refs/heads/master plugins/cookbook-plugin
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]