blob: aea24da80e494e1ea1f836803c505f216636dcba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import '../scripts/bundled-polymer.js';
import 'polymer-resin/standalone/polymer-resin.js';
import '@polymer/iron-test-helpers/iron-test-helpers.js';
import './test-router.js';
import {SafeTypes} from '../behaviors/safe-types-behavior/safe-types-behavior.js';
import {initAppContext} from '../services/app-context-init.js';
import {_testOnly_resetPluginLoader} from '../elements/shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-loader.js';
allowedIdentifierPrefixes: [''],
reportHandler(isViolation, fmt, ...args) {
const log = security.polymer_resin.CONSOLE_LOGGING_REPORT_HANDLER;
log(isViolation, fmt, ...args);
if (isViolation) {
// This will cause the test to fail if there is a data binding
// violation.
throw new Error(
'polymer-resin violation: ' + fmt +
safeTypesBridge: SafeTypes.safeTypesBridge,
// Default implementations of 'fixture' and 'stub' methods in
// web-component-tester are incorrect. Default methods calls mocha teardown
// method to register cleanup actions. Each call to the teardown method adds
// additional 'afterEach' hook to a suite.
// As a result, if a suite's setup(..) method calls fixture(..) or stub(..)
// method, then additional afterEach hook is registered before each test.
// In overall, afterEach hook is called testCount^2 instead of testCount.
// When tests runs with the wct test runner, the runner adds listener for
// the 'afterEach' and tries to make some UI and log udpates. These updates
// are quite heavy, and after about 40-50 tests each test waste 0.5-1seconds.
// Our implementation uses global teardown to clean up everything. mocha calls
// global teardown after each test. The cleanups array stores all functions
// which must be called after a test ends.
// Note, that fixture(...) and stub(..) methods are registered different by
// WCT. This is why these methods implemented slightly different here.
const cleanups = [];
if (!window.fixture) {
window.fixture = function(fixtureId, model) {
// This method is inspired by WCT method
cleanups.push(() => document.getElementById(fixtureId).restore());
return document.getElementById(fixtureId).create(model);
} else {
throw new Error('window.fixture must be set before wct sets it');
// On the first call to the setup, WCT installs window.fixture
// and widnow.stub methods
setup(() => {
// If the following asserts fails - then window.stub is
// overwritten by some other code.
assert.equal(cleanups.length, 0);
if (window.stub) {
window.stub = function(tagName, implementation) {
// This method is inspired by WCT method
const proto = document.createElement(tagName).constructor.prototype;
const stubs = Object.keys(implementation)
.map(key => sinon.stub(proto, key, implementation[key]));
cleanups.push(() => {
stubs.forEach(stub => {
} else {
throw new Error('window.stub must be set after wct sets it');
teardown(() => {
// WCT incorrectly uses teardown method in the 'fixture' and 'stub'
// implementations. This leads to slowdown WCT tests after each tests.
// I.e. more tests in a file - longer it takes.
// For example, gr-file-list_test.html takes approx 40 second without
// a fix and 10 seconds with our implementation of fixture and stub.
cleanups.forEach(cleanup => cleanup());