blob: 59e0fba31953fe5d7c2abef89bfb5795d391b3ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Example usage only-
# 1. Optional: replace below with your own, reachable locally.
# 2. Use the '>>' operator below instead to not overwrite your known_hosts; keep '>' otherwise.
# 3. Note that appending as proposed above may potentially repeat the same line multiple times.
# 4. Init your local Gerrit test site then start it; you may refer to [1] below.
# 5. Set GIT_HTTP_PASSWORD below to yours, from [2].
# 6. Change to this directory to execute ./README (this executable file) in its own terminal.
# 7. Install sbt if missing, based on your operating system; re-run to compile.
# 8. Optional: add the below generated (displayed) key to your local admin user [3].
# 9. Otherwise keep the lines below that use your existing user ssh keys for admin testing.
# 10. This script assumes the google-sourced version of the example json file [4].
# 11. If running that scenario locally as below reports authentication failures, [4] may be a fork.
# 12. Uncomment any one of the below sbt commands at will; you may add some locally.
# 13. See [5] for how to start using JAVA_OPTS below; you may leave it empty for these sbt commands.
# 14. You can initialize an IDE sbt (Scala) project from/in this root folder; see [6].
# [1]
# [2] http://localhost:8080/settings/#HTTPCredentials
# [3] http://localhost:8080/settings/#SSHKeys
# [4] ./src/test/resources/data/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/CloneUsingBothProtocols.json
# [5]
# [6]
# DO NOT change this (assumed) directory; force-removed *recursively* below!
# Comment this group of lines out if willing to generate other keys as below.
rm -f $gatlingGitKeys
ln -s "$userSshDir" $gatlingGitKeys
# Comment this group of lines out if keys already generated, as either below or above.
#rm -fr $gatlingGitKeys
#mkdir $gatlingGitKeys
#ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -C "" -f $gatlingGitKeys/id_rsa
ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 29418 localhost > "$userSshDir"/known_hosts
cat $gatlingGitKeys/
export GIT_HTTP_USERNAME="admin"
export JAVA_OPTS="\
#-Dx=y \
#sbt clean
#sbt update
sbt compile
#sbt "gatling:testOnly"
#sbt "gatling:lastReport"