blob: c9369b95707196cb8c4fd63ba9b01b1d8576d31d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
= Making a Release of a Gerrit Subproject
== Make a Snapshot
* Build the latest snapshot and install it into the local Maven
mvn clean install
* Test Gerrit with this snapshot locally
== Publish Snapshot
If a snapshot for a subproject was created that should be referenced by
Gerrit while current Gerrit development is ongoing, this snapshot needs
to be published.
* Make sure you have done the configuration needed for deployment:
** link:dev-release-deploy-config.html#deploy-configuration-settings-xml[
Configuration in Maven `settings.xml`]
** link:dev-release-deploy-config.html#deploy-configuration-subprojects[
Configuration for Subprojects in `pom.xml`]
* Deploy the new snapshot:
mvn deploy
* Change the `id`, `bin_sha1`, and `src_sha1` values in the `maven_jar`
for the subproject in `/WORKSPACE` to the `SNAPSHOT` version.
When Gerrit gets released, a release of the subproject has to be done
and Gerrit has to reference the released subproject version.
== Prepare the Release
* link:#make-snapshot[First create (and test) the latest snapshot for
the subproject]
* Update the top level `pom.xml` in the subproject to reflect
the new project version (the exact value of the tag you will create
* Create the Release Tag
git tag -a -m "prolog-cafe 1.3" v1.3
* Build and install into local Maven repository:
mvn clean install
== Publish the Release
* Make sure you have done the configuration needed for deployment:
** link:dev-release-deploy-config.html#deploy-configuration-settings-xml[
Configuration in Maven `settings.xml`]
** Configuration in `pom.xml` for
* Deploy the new release:
mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true
* Push the pom change(s) to the project's repository
* Push the Release Tag
git push gerrit-review refs/tags/v1.3:refs/tags/v1.3
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]