blob: caf906192ca22326567af5d3a10f9bfa75ba41a0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
:- load([rules,utils]).
:- begin_tests(t1).
:- test1(true). % expect true to pass
:- test0(false). % expect false to fail
:- test1(X = 3). % unification should pass
:- test1(_ = 3). % unification should pass
:- test0(X \= 3). % not-unified should fail
% (7-4) should have expected result
:- test1((X is (7-4), X =:= 3)).
:- test1((X is (7-4), X =\= 4)).
% memberchk should pass/fail exactly once
:- test1(memberchk(3,[1,3,5,3])).
:- test0(memberchk(2,[1,3,5,3])).
:- test0(memberchk(2,[])).
:- end_tests_or_halt(0). % expect no failure