blob: 0ce6d7de5781c55073360cb219896c8879fd79be [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
= plugin install
plugin install - Install/Add a plugin.
plugin add - Install/Add a plugin.
'ssh' -p <port> <host> 'gerrit plugin install | add'
[--name <NAME> | -n <NAME>]
- | <URL> | <PATH>
Install/Add a plugin. The plugin will be copied into the site path's
`plugins` directory.
* Caller must be a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group.
* link:config-gerrit.html#plugins.allowRemoteAdmin[plugins.allowRemoteAdmin]
must be enabled in `$site_path/etc/gerrit.config`.
This command is intended to be used in scripts.
Plugin jar or js as piped input.
URL from where the plugin should be downloaded. This can be an
HTTP or FTP site.
Absolute file path to the plugin jar or js.
The name under which the plugin should be installed. Note: if the plugin
provides its own name in the MANIFEST file, then the plugin name from the
MANIFEST file has precedence over this option.
Install a plugin from an absolute file path on the server's host:
ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin install -n name.jar \
Install a WebUi plugin from an absolute file path on the server's host:
ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin install -n name.js \
Install a plugin from an HTTP site:
ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin install -n name.jar \
Install a plugin from piped input:
ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin install -n name.jar \
- <target/name-0.1.jar
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]