| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2015 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import '../../../styles/shared-styles'; |
| import '../../../elements/shared/gr-button/gr-button'; |
| import '../../../elements/shared/gr-icon/gr-icon'; |
| import '../gr-diff-highlight/gr-diff-highlight'; |
| import '../gr-diff-selection/gr-diff-selection'; |
| import '../gr-syntax-themes/gr-syntax-theme'; |
| import '../gr-ranged-comment-themes/gr-ranged-comment-theme'; |
| import '../gr-ranged-comment-hint/gr-ranged-comment-hint'; |
| import '../gr-diff-builder/gr-diff-builder-image'; |
| import '../gr-diff-builder/gr-diff-section'; |
| import './gr-diff-element'; |
| import '../gr-diff-builder/gr-diff-row'; |
| import { |
| getLineNumber, |
| isThreadEl, |
| getResponsiveMode, |
| isResponsive, |
| getSideByLineEl, |
| compareComments, |
| getDataFromCommentThreadEl, |
| FullContext, |
| DiffContextExpandedEventDetail, |
| GrDiffCommentThread, |
| } from '../gr-diff/gr-diff-utils'; |
| import {BlameInfo, ImageInfo} from '../../../types/common'; |
| import {DiffInfo, DiffPreferencesInfo} from '../../../types/diff'; |
| import {GrDiffHighlight} from '../gr-diff-highlight/gr-diff-highlight'; |
| import {CoverageRange, DiffLayer, isDefined} from '../../../types/types'; |
| import { |
| GrRangedCommentLayer, |
| id, |
| } from '../gr-ranged-comment-layer/gr-ranged-comment-layer'; |
| import {DiffViewMode, Side} from '../../../constants/constants'; |
| import {fire, fireAlert} from '../../../utils/event-util'; |
| import {MovedLinkClickedEvent, ValueChangedEvent} from '../../../types/events'; |
| import {AbortStop} from '../../../api/core'; |
| import { |
| RenderPreferences, |
| GrDiff as GrDiffApi, |
| DisplayLine, |
| DiffRangesToFocus, |
| FileRangeSelection, |
| LineNumber, |
| ContentLoadNeededEventDetail, |
| DiffContextExpandedExternalDetail, |
| CopyInfoEventDetail, |
| CommentRangeLayer, |
| } from '../../../api/diff'; |
| import {getShadowOrDocumentSelection} from '../../../utils/dom-util'; |
| import {assertIsDefined} from '../../../utils/common-util'; |
| import {GrDiffSelection} from '../gr-diff-selection/gr-diff-selection'; |
| import {property, query, state} from 'lit/decorators.js'; |
| import {sharedStyles} from '../../../styles/shared-styles'; |
| import {html, LitElement, PropertyValues} from 'lit'; |
| import {grSyntaxTheme} from '../gr-syntax-themes/gr-syntax-theme'; |
| import {grRangedCommentTheme} from '../gr-ranged-comment-themes/gr-ranged-comment-theme'; |
| import {iconStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-icon-styles'; |
| import {DiffModel, diffModelToken} from '../gr-diff-model/gr-diff-model'; |
| import {provide} from '../../../models/dependency'; |
| import { |
| grDiffBinaryStyles, |
| grDiffContextControlsSectionStyles, |
| grDiffElementStyles, |
| grDiffIgnoredWhitespaceStyles, |
| grDiffImageStyles, |
| grDiffMoveStyles, |
| grDiffRebaseStyles, |
| grDiffRowStyles, |
| grDiffSectionStyles, |
| grDiffSelectionStyles, |
| grDiffStyles, |
| grDiffTextStyles, |
| } from './gr-diff-styles'; |
| import {GrCoverageLayer} from '../gr-coverage-layer/gr-coverage-layer'; |
| import {GrFocusLayer} from '../gr-focus-layer/gr-focus-layer'; |
| import { |
| GrAnnotationImpl, |
| getStringLength, |
| } from '../gr-diff-highlight/gr-annotation'; |
| import { |
| GrDiffGroup, |
| GrDiffGroupType, |
| hideInContextControl, |
| } from './gr-diff-group'; |
| import {GrDiffLine} from './gr-diff-line'; |
| import {subscribe} from '../../../elements/lit/subscription-controller'; |
| import {GrDiffSection} from '../gr-diff-builder/gr-diff-section'; |
| import {GrDiffRow} from '../gr-diff-builder/gr-diff-row'; |
| import {GrDiffElement} from './gr-diff-element'; |
| import {getContentEditableRange} from '../../../utils/safari-selection-util'; |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * 72 is the unofficial length standard for git commit messages. |
| * Derived from the fact that git log/show appends 4 ws in the beginning of |
| * each line when displaying commit messages. To center the commit message |
| * in an 80 char terminal a 4 ws border is added to the rightmost side: |
| * 4 + 72 + 4 |
| */ |
| const COMMIT_MSG_LINE_LENGTH = 72; |
| |
| export class GrDiff extends LitElement implements GrDiffApi { |
| /** |
| * Fired when the user selects a line. |
| * |
| * @event line-selected |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Fired if being logged in is required. |
| * |
| * @event show-auth-required |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Fired when a comment is created |
| * |
| * @event create-comment |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Fired when rendering, including syntax highlighting, is done. Also fired |
| * when no rendering can be done because required preferences are not set. |
| * |
| * @event render |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Fired for interaction reporting when a diff context is expanded. |
| * Contains an event.detail with numLines about the number of lines that |
| * were expanded. |
| * |
| * @event diff-context-expanded |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Deprecated. Use `diffElement` instead. |
| * |
| * TODO: Migrate to new diff. Remove dependency on this property from external |
| * gr-diff users that instantiate TokenHighlightLayer. |
| */ |
| @query('gr-diff-element') |
| diffTable?: HTMLElement; |
| |
| @query('gr-diff-element') |
| diffElement?: GrDiffElement; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| noAutoRender = false; |
| |
| @property({type: String}) |
| path?: string; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| prefs?: DiffPreferencesInfo; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| renderPrefs: RenderPreferences = {}; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) |
| override hidden = false; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| noRenderOnPrefsChange?: boolean; |
| |
| @property({type: String}) |
| actionHoverCardText?: string; |
| |
| // By default <gr-diff> highlights all ranges that are referenced by a |
| // comment. This `highlightRange` property allows to also highlight one other |
| // range explicitly. |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| highlightRange?: CommentRangeLayer; |
| |
| @property({type: Array}) |
| coverageRanges: CoverageRange[] = []; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| lineWrapping = false; |
| |
| // TODO: Migrate users to using the same property in render preferences. |
| @property({type: String}) |
| viewMode = DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| lineOfInterest?: DisplayLine; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| diffRangesToFocus?: DiffRangesToFocus; |
| |
| // Extra message shown if files are binary to help users investigate contents. |
| @property({type: String}) |
| binaryDiffHint = ''; |
| |
| /** |
| * True when diff is changed, until the content is done rendering. |
| * Use getter/setter loading instead of this. |
| */ |
| private _loading = true; |
| |
| get loading() { |
| return this._loading; |
| } |
| |
| set loading(loading: boolean) { |
| if (this._loading === loading) return; |
| const oldLoading = this._loading; |
| this._loading = loading; |
| fire(this, 'loading-changed', {value: this._loading}); |
| this.requestUpdate('loading', oldLoading); |
| } |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| loggedIn = false; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| diff?: DiffInfo; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| baseImage?: ImageInfo; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| revisionImage?: ImageInfo; |
| |
| @property({type: String}) |
| errorMessage: string | null = null; |
| |
| @property({type: Array}) |
| blame: BlameInfo[] | null = null; |
| |
| // TODO: Migrate users to using the same property in render preferences. |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| showNewlineWarningLeft = false; |
| |
| // TODO: Migrate users to using the same property in render preferences. |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| showNewlineWarningRight = false; |
| |
| // TODO: Migrate users to using the same property in render preferences. |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| useNewImageDiffUi = false; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| diffLength?: number; |
| |
| /** Observes comment nodes added or removed at any point. */ |
| private nodeObserver?: MutationObserver; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| diffSelection = new GrDiffSelection(); |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| highlights = new GrDiffHighlight(); |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| diffModel = new DiffModel(this); |
| |
| /** |
| * Just the layers that are passed in from the outside. Will be joined with |
| * `layersInternal` and sent to the diff model. |
| */ |
| @property({type: Array}) |
| layers: DiffLayer[] = []; |
| |
| /** |
| * Just the internal default layers. See `layers` for the property that can |
| * be set from the outside. |
| */ |
| private layersInternal: DiffLayer[] = []; |
| |
| private coverageLayerLeft = new GrCoverageLayer(Side.LEFT); |
| |
| private coverageLayerRight = new GrCoverageLayer(Side.RIGHT); |
| |
| private focusLayer = new GrFocusLayer(); |
| |
| private highlightLayer = new GrRangedCommentLayer(); |
| |
| @state() groups: GrDiffGroup[] = []; |
| |
| @state() private context = 3; |
| |
| private readonly layerUpdateListener: ( |
| start: LineNumber, |
| end: LineNumber, |
| side: Side |
| ) => void; |
| |
| static override get styles() { |
| return [ |
| iconStyles, |
| sharedStyles, |
| grSyntaxTheme, |
| grRangedCommentTheme, |
| grDiffStyles, |
| grDiffElementStyles, |
| grDiffSectionStyles, |
| grDiffContextControlsSectionStyles, |
| grDiffRowStyles, |
| grDiffIgnoredWhitespaceStyles, |
| grDiffMoveStyles, |
| grDiffRebaseStyles, |
| grDiffSelectionStyles, |
| grDiffTextStyles, |
| grDiffImageStyles, |
| grDiffBinaryStyles, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| provide(this, diffModelToken, () => this.diffModel); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.diffModel.context$, |
| context => (this.context = context) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.diffModel.groups$, |
| groups => (this.groups = groups) |
| ); |
| this.addEventListener('moved-link-clicked', (e: MovedLinkClickedEvent) => { |
| this.diffModel.selectLine(e.detail.lineNum, e.detail.side); |
| }); |
| this.addEventListener( |
| 'diff-context-expanded-internal-new', |
| this.onDiffContextExpanded |
| ); |
| this.layerUpdateListener = ( |
| start: LineNumber, |
| end: LineNumber, |
| side: Side |
| ) => this.requestRowUpdates(start, end, side); |
| this.layersInternalInit(); |
| } |
| |
| override connectedCallback() { |
| super.connectedCallback(); |
| if (this.loggedIn) { |
| this.addSelectionListeners(); |
| } |
| if (this.diff && this.diffElement) { |
| this.diffSelection.init(this.diff, this.diffElement); |
| } |
| if (this.diffElement) { |
| this.highlights.init(this.diffElement, this); |
| } |
| this.observeNodes(); |
| } |
| |
| override disconnectedCallback() { |
| if (this.nodeObserver) { |
| this.nodeObserver.disconnect(); |
| this.nodeObserver = undefined; |
| } |
| this.removeSelectionListeners(); |
| this.diffSelection.cleanup(); |
| this.highlights.cleanup(); |
| super.disconnectedCallback(); |
| } |
| |
| protected override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>): void { |
| if ( |
| changedProperties.has('diff') || |
| changedProperties.has('path') || |
| changedProperties.has('renderPrefs') || |
| changedProperties.has('viewMode') || |
| changedProperties.has('loggedIn') || |
| changedProperties.has('useNewImageDiffUi') || |
| changedProperties.has('showNewlineWarningLeft') || |
| changedProperties.has('showNewlineWarningRight') || |
| changedProperties.has('prefs') || |
| changedProperties.has('lineOfInterest') || |
| changedProperties.has('diffRangesToFocus') || |
| changedProperties.has('actionHoverCardText') |
| ) { |
| if (this.diff && this.prefs) { |
| const renderPrefs = {...(this.renderPrefs ?? {})}; |
| // TODO: Migrate users to using render preferences directly. Then removes these overrides. |
| if (renderPrefs.view_mode === undefined) { |
| renderPrefs.view_mode = this.viewMode; |
| } |
| if (renderPrefs.can_comment === undefined) { |
| renderPrefs.can_comment = this.loggedIn; |
| } |
| if (renderPrefs.use_new_image_diff_ui === undefined) { |
| renderPrefs.use_new_image_diff_ui = this.useNewImageDiffUi; |
| } |
| if (renderPrefs.show_newline_warning_left === undefined) { |
| renderPrefs.show_newline_warning_left = this.showNewlineWarningLeft; |
| } |
| if (renderPrefs.show_newline_warning_right === undefined) { |
| renderPrefs.show_newline_warning_right = this.showNewlineWarningRight; |
| } |
| this.diffModel.updateState({ |
| diff: this.diff, |
| path: this.path, |
| renderPrefs, |
| diffPrefs: this.prefs, |
| lineOfInterest: this.lineOfInterest, |
| diffRangesToFocus: this.diffRangesToFocus, |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('baseImage')) { |
| this.diffModel.updateState({baseImage: this.baseImage}); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('revisionImage')) { |
| this.diffModel.updateState({revisionImage: this.revisionImage}); |
| } |
| if ( |
| changedProperties.has('path') || |
| changedProperties.has('lineWrapping') || |
| changedProperties.has('viewMode') || |
| changedProperties.has('useNewImageDiffUi') || |
| changedProperties.has('prefs') |
| ) { |
| this.prefsChanged(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('layers')) { |
| this.layersChanged(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('blame')) { |
| this.diffModel.updateState({blameInfo: this.blame ?? []}); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('renderPrefs')) { |
| this.renderPrefsChanged(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('loggedIn')) { |
| if (this.loggedIn && this.isConnected) { |
| this.addSelectionListeners(); |
| } else { |
| this.removeSelectionListeners(); |
| } |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('coverageRanges')) { |
| this.updateCoverageRanges(this.coverageRanges); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('lineOfInterest')) { |
| this.lineOfInterestChanged(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('diffRangesToFocus')) { |
| this.updateFocusRanges(this.diffRangesToFocus); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('actionHoverCardText')) { |
| if (this.actionHoverCardText) { |
| this.diffModel.updateState({ |
| actionHoverCardText: this.actionHoverCardText, |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('highlightRange')) { |
| this.updateHighlightLayer(this.diffModel.getState().comments); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected override async getUpdateComplete(): Promise<boolean> { |
| const result = await super.getUpdateComplete(); |
| await this.diffElement?.updateComplete; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| protected override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) { |
| if (changedProperties.has('diff')) { |
| // diffChanged relies on diffElement having been rendered. |
| this.diffChanged(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('groups')) { |
| if (this.groups?.length > 0) { |
| this.loading = false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override render() { |
| return html`<gr-diff-element |
| .binaryDiffHint=${this.binaryDiffHint} |
| ></gr-diff-element>`; |
| } |
| |
| private addSelectionListeners() { |
| document.addEventListener('selectionchange', this.handleSelectionChange); |
| document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); |
| } |
| |
| private removeSelectionListeners() { |
| document.removeEventListener('selectionchange', this.handleSelectionChange); |
| document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); |
| } |
| |
| private readonly handleSelectionChange = () => { |
| // Because of shadow DOM selections, we handle the selectionchange here, |
| // and pass the shadow DOM selection into gr-diff-highlight, where the |
| // corresponding range is determined and normalized. |
| const selection = getShadowOrDocumentSelection( |
| this.shadowRoot, |
| getContentEditableRange() |
| ); |
| this.highlights.handleSelectionChange(selection, false); |
| }; |
| |
| private readonly handleMouseUp = () => { |
| // To handle double-click outside of text creating comments, we check on |
| // mouse-up if there's a selection that just covers a line change. We |
| // can't do that on selection change since the user may still be dragging. |
| const selection = getShadowOrDocumentSelection( |
| this.shadowRoot, |
| getContentEditableRange() |
| ); |
| this.highlights.handleSelectionChange(selection, true); |
| }; |
| |
| private commentThreadRedispatcher = ( |
| target: EventTarget | null, |
| eventName: 'comment-thread-mouseenter' | 'comment-thread-mouseleave' |
| ) => { |
| if (!isThreadEl(target)) return; |
| const data = getDataFromCommentThreadEl(target); |
| if (data) fire(target, eventName, data); |
| }; |
| |
| private commentThreadEnterRedispatcher = (e: Event) => { |
| this.commentThreadRedispatcher(e.target, 'comment-thread-mouseenter'); |
| }; |
| |
| private commentThreadLeaveRedispatcher = (e: Event) => { |
| this.commentThreadRedispatcher(e.target, 'comment-thread-mouseleave'); |
| }; |
| |
| getCursorStops(): Array<HTMLElement | AbortStop> { |
| if (this.hidden && this.noAutoRender) return []; |
| |
| // Get rendered stops. |
| const stops: Array<HTMLElement | AbortStop> = this.getLineNumberRows(); |
| |
| // If we are still loading this diff, abort after the rendered stops to |
| // avoid skipping over to e.g. the next file. |
| if (this.loading) { |
| stops.push(new AbortStop()); |
| } |
| return stops; |
| } |
| |
| isRangeSelected() { |
| return !!this.highlights.selectedRange; |
| } |
| |
| getSelectedRange(): FileRangeSelection | undefined { |
| if (!this.highlights.selectedRange || !this.path) { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| return { |
| text_range: { |
| start_line: this.highlights.selectedRange.range.start_line, |
| start_column: this.highlights.selectedRange.range.start_character, |
| end_line: this.highlights.selectedRange.range.end_line, |
| end_column: this.highlights.selectedRange.range.end_character, |
| }, |
| file_path: this.path, |
| side: this.highlights.selectedRange.side, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| selectLine(el: Element) { |
| const lineNumber = Number(el.getAttribute('data-value')); |
| const side = el.classList.contains('left') ? Side.LEFT : Side.RIGHT; |
| this.diffModel.selectLine(lineNumber, side); |
| } |
| |
| addDraftAtLine(lineNum: LineNumber, side: Side) { |
| this.diffModel.createCommentOnLine(lineNum, side); |
| } |
| |
| createRangeComment() { |
| const selectedRange = this.highlights.selectedRange; |
| assertIsDefined(selectedRange, 'no range selected'); |
| const {side, range} = selectedRange; |
| this.diffModel.createCommentOnRange(range, side); |
| } |
| |
| private lineOfInterestChanged() { |
| if (this.loading) return; |
| if (!this.lineOfInterest) return; |
| const lineNum = this.lineOfInterest.lineNum; |
| if (typeof lineNum !== 'number') return; |
| this.unhideLine(lineNum, this.lineOfInterest.side); |
| } |
| |
| private prefsChanged() { |
| if (!this.prefs) return; |
| this.updatePreferenceStyles(); |
| |
| if (!Number.isInteger(this.prefs.tab_size) || this.prefs.tab_size <= 0) { |
| this.handlePreferenceError('tab size'); |
| } |
| if ( |
| !Number.isInteger(this.prefs.line_length) || |
| this.prefs.line_length <= 0 |
| ) { |
| this.handlePreferenceError('diff width'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private updatePreferenceStyles() { |
| assertIsDefined(this.prefs, 'prefs'); |
| const lineLength = |
| this.path === COMMIT_MSG_PATH |
| : this.prefs.line_length; |
| const sideBySide = this.viewMode === 'SIDE_BY_SIDE'; |
| |
| const responsiveMode = getResponsiveMode(this.prefs, this.renderPrefs); |
| const responsive = isResponsive(responsiveMode); |
| const lineLimit = `${lineLength}ch`; |
| this.style.setProperty( |
| '--line-limit-marker', |
| responsiveMode === 'FULL_RESPONSIVE' ? lineLimit : '-1px' |
| ); |
| this.style.setProperty('--content-width', responsive ? 'none' : lineLimit); |
| if (responsiveMode === 'SHRINK_ONLY') { |
| // Calculating ideal (initial) width for the whole table including |
| // width of each table column (content and line number columns) and |
| // border. We also add a 1px correction as some values are calculated |
| // in 'ch'. |
| |
| // We might have 1 to 2 columns for content depending if side-by-side |
| // or unified mode |
| const contentWidth = `${sideBySide ? 2 : 1} * ${lineLimit}`; |
| |
| // We always have 2 columns for line number |
| const lineNumberWidth = `2 * ${getLineNumberCellWidth(this.prefs)}px`; |
| |
| // border-right in ".section" css definition (in gr-diff_html.ts) |
| const sectionRightBorder = '1px'; |
| |
| // each sign col has 1ch width. |
| const signColsWidth = |
| sideBySide && this.renderPrefs?.show_sign_col ? '2ch' : '0ch'; |
| |
| // As some of these calculations are done using 'ch' we end up having <1px |
| // difference between ideal and calculated size for each side leading to |
| // lines using the max columns (e.g. 80) to wrap (decided exclusively by |
| // the browser).This happens even in monospace fonts. Empirically adding |
| // 2px as correction to be sure wrapping won't happen in these cases so it |
| // doesn't block further experimentation with the SHRINK_MODE. This was |
| // previously set to 1px but due to to a more aggressive text wrapping |
| // (via word-break: break-all; - check .contextText) we need to be even |
| // more lenient in some cases. If we find another way to avoid this |
| // correction we will change it. |
| const dontWrapCorrection = '2px'; |
| this.style.setProperty( |
| '--diff-max-width', |
| `calc(${contentWidth} + ${lineNumberWidth} + ${signColsWidth} + ${sectionRightBorder} + ${dontWrapCorrection})` |
| ); |
| } else { |
| this.style.setProperty('--diff-max-width', 'none'); |
| } |
| if (this.prefs.font_size) { |
| this.style.setProperty('--font-size', `${this.prefs.font_size}px`); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private renderPrefsChanged() { |
| this.classList.toggle( |
| 'disable-context-control-buttons', |
| !!this.renderPrefs.disable_context_control_buttons |
| ); |
| this.classList.toggle( |
| 'hide-line-length-indicator', |
| !!this.renderPrefs.hide_line_length_indicator |
| ); |
| this.classList.toggle('with-sign-col', !!this.renderPrefs.show_sign_col); |
| if (this.prefs) { |
| this.updatePreferenceStyles(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private diffChanged() { |
| this.loading = true; |
| if (this.diff && this.diffElement) { |
| this.diffSelection.init(this.diff, this.diffElement); |
| this.highlights.init(this.diffElement, this); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This must be called once, but only after diff lines are rendered. Otherwise |
| * `processNodes()` will fail to lookup the HTML elements that it wants to |
| * manipulate. |
| * |
| * TODO: Validate whether the above comment is still true. We don't look up |
| * elements anymore, and processing the nodes earlier might be beneficial |
| * performance wise. |
| */ |
| private observeNodes() { |
| if (this.nodeObserver) return; |
| // Watches children being added to gr-diff. We are expecting only comment |
| // widgets to be direct children. |
| this.nodeObserver = new MutationObserver(() => this.processNodes()); |
| this.nodeObserver.observe(this, {childList: true}); |
| // Process existing comment widgets before the first observed change. |
| this.processNodes(); |
| } |
| |
| private processNodes() { |
| const threadEls = [...this.childNodes].filter(isThreadEl); |
| const comments = threadEls |
| .map(getDataFromCommentThreadEl) |
| .filter(isDefined) |
| .sort(compareComments); |
| this.diffModel.updateState({comments}); |
| this.updateHighlightLayer(comments); |
| for (const el of threadEls) { |
| el.addEventListener('mouseenter', this.commentThreadEnterRedispatcher); |
| el.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.commentThreadLeaveRedispatcher); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Updates the layer that highlights all ranges that belong to a comment |
| * and the `this.highlightRange`. |
| */ |
| private updateHighlightLayer(threads: GrDiffCommentThread[]) { |
| const ranges: CommentRangeLayer[] = threads |
| .filter(t => !!t.range) |
| .map(t => { |
| return {range: t.range!, side: t.side, id: t.rootId}; |
| }); |
| if (this.highlightRange) { |
| ranges.push({ |
| ...this.highlightRange, |
| id: `hl-${id(this.highlightRange)}`, |
| }); |
| } |
| this.highlightLayer.updateRanges(ranges); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: Migrate callers to just update prefs.context. |
| toggleAllContext() { |
| const current = this.diffModel.getState().showFullContext; |
| this.diffModel.updateState({ |
| showFullContext: |
| current === FullContext.YES ? FullContext.NO : FullContext.YES, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| private updateCoverageRanges(rs: CoverageRange[]) { |
| this.coverageLayerLeft.setRanges(rs.filter(r => r?.side === Side.LEFT)); |
| this.coverageLayerRight.setRanges(rs.filter(r => r?.side === Side.RIGHT)); |
| } |
| |
| private updateFocusRanges(rs?: DiffRangesToFocus) { |
| this.focusLayer.setRanges(rs); |
| } |
| |
| private onDiffContextExpanded = ( |
| e: CustomEvent<DiffContextExpandedEventDetail> |
| ) => { |
| // Don't stop propagation. The host may listen for reporting or |
| // resizing. |
| this.diffModel.replaceGroup(e.detail.contextGroup, e.detail.groups); |
| }; |
| |
| private layersChanged() { |
| const layers = [...this.layersInternal, ...this.layers]; |
| for (const layer of layers) { |
| layer.removeListener?.(this.layerUpdateListener); |
| layer.addListener?.(this.layerUpdateListener); |
| } |
| this.diffModel.updateState({layers}); |
| } |
| |
| private layersInternalInit() { |
| this.layersInternal = [ |
| this.createTrailingWhitespaceLayer(), |
| this.createIntralineLayer(), |
| this.createTabIndicatorLayer(), |
| this.createSpecialCharacterIndicatorLayer(), |
| this.highlightLayer, |
| this.coverageLayerLeft, |
| this.coverageLayerRight, |
| this.focusLayer, |
| ]; |
| this.layersChanged(); |
| } |
| |
| getContentTdByLineEl(lineEl?: Element): Element | undefined { |
| if (!lineEl) return undefined; |
| const line = getLineNumber(lineEl); |
| if (!line) return undefined; |
| const side = getSideByLineEl(lineEl); |
| return this.getContentTdByLine(line, side); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * When the line is hidden behind a context expander, expand it. |
| * |
| * @param lineNum A line number to expand. Using number here because other |
| * special case line numbers are never hidden, so it does not make sense |
| * to expand them. |
| * @param side The side the line number refer to. |
| */ |
| unhideLine(lineNum: number, side: Side) { |
| assertIsDefined(this.prefs, 'prefs'); |
| const group = this.findGroup(side, lineNum); |
| // Cannot unhide a line that is not part of the diff. |
| if (!group) return; |
| // If it's already visible, great! |
| if (group.type !== GrDiffGroupType.CONTEXT_CONTROL) return; |
| const lineRange = group.lineRange[side]; |
| const lineOffset = lineNum - lineRange.start_line; |
| const newGroups = []; |
| const groups = hideInContextControl( |
| group.contextGroups, |
| 0, |
| lineOffset - 1 - this.context |
| ); |
| // If there is a context group, it will be the first group because we |
| // start hiding from 0 offset |
| if (groups[0].type === GrDiffGroupType.CONTEXT_CONTROL) { |
| newGroups.push(groups.shift()!); |
| } |
| newGroups.push( |
| ...hideInContextControl( |
| groups, |
| lineOffset + 1 + this.context, |
| // Both ends inclusive, so difference is the offset of the last line. |
| // But we need to pass the first line not to hide, which is the element |
| // after. |
| lineRange.end_line - lineRange.start_line + 1 |
| ) |
| ); |
| this.diffModel.replaceGroup(group, newGroups); |
| } |
| |
| // visible for testing |
| handlePreferenceError(pref: string): never { |
| const message = |
| `The value of the '${pref}' user preference is ` + |
| 'invalid. Fix in diff preferences'; |
| fireAlert(this, message); |
| throw Error(`Invalid preference value: ${pref}`); |
| } |
| |
| // visible for testing |
| createIntralineLayer(): DiffLayer { |
| return { |
| // Take a DIV.contentText element and a line object with intraline |
| // differences to highlight and apply them to the element as |
| // annotations. |
| annotate(contentEl: HTMLElement, _: HTMLElement, line: GrDiffLine) { |
| const HL_CLASS = 'intraline'; |
| for (const highlight of line.highlights) { |
| // The start and end indices could be the same if a highlight is |
| // meant to start at the end of a line and continue onto the |
| // next one. Ignore it. |
| if (highlight.startIndex === highlight.endIndex) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| // If endIndex isn't present, continue to the end of the line. |
| const endIndex = |
| highlight.endIndex === undefined |
| ? getStringLength(line.text) |
| : highlight.endIndex; |
| |
| GrAnnotationImpl.annotateElement( |
| contentEl, |
| highlight.startIndex, |
| endIndex - highlight.startIndex, |
| ); |
| } |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // visible for testing |
| createTabIndicatorLayer(): DiffLayer { |
| const show = () => this.prefs?.show_tabs; |
| return { |
| annotate(contentEl: HTMLElement, _: HTMLElement, line: GrDiffLine) { |
| if (!show()) return; |
| annotateSymbols(contentEl, line, '\t', 'tab-indicator'); |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| private createSpecialCharacterIndicatorLayer(): DiffLayer { |
| return { |
| annotate(contentEl: HTMLElement, _: HTMLElement, line: GrDiffLine) { |
| // Find and annotate the locations of soft hyphen (\u00AD) |
| annotateSymbols(contentEl, line, '\u00AD', 'special-char-indicator'); |
| // Find and annotate Stateful Unicode directional controls |
| annotateSymbols( |
| contentEl, |
| line, |
| /[\u202A-\u202E\u2066-\u2069]/, |
| 'special-char-warning' |
| ); |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // visible for testing |
| createTrailingWhitespaceLayer(): DiffLayer { |
| const show = () => this.prefs?.show_whitespace_errors; |
| return { |
| annotate(contentEl: HTMLElement, _: HTMLElement, line: GrDiffLine) { |
| if (!show()) return; |
| const match = line.text.match(TRAILING_WHITESPACE_PATTERN); |
| if (match) { |
| // Normalize string positions in case there is unicode before or |
| // within the match. |
| const index = getStringLength(line.text.substr(0, match.index)); |
| const length = getStringLength(match[0]); |
| GrAnnotationImpl.annotateElement( |
| contentEl, |
| index, |
| length, |
| 'trailing-whitespace' |
| ); |
| } |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| getContentTdByLine( |
| lineNumber: LineNumber, |
| side?: Side |
| ): HTMLTableCellElement | undefined { |
| if (!side) return undefined; |
| const row = this.findRow(side, lineNumber); |
| return row?.getContentCell(side); |
| } |
| |
| getLineElByNumber( |
| lineNumber: LineNumber, |
| side?: Side |
| ): HTMLTableCellElement | undefined { |
| if (!side) return undefined; |
| const row = this.findRow(side, lineNumber); |
| return row?.getLineNumberCell(side); |
| } |
| |
| private findRow(side: Side, lineNumber: LineNumber): GrDiffRow | undefined { |
| const group = this.findGroup(side, lineNumber); |
| if (!group) return undefined; |
| const section = this.findSection(group); |
| if (!section) return undefined; |
| return section.findRow(side, lineNumber); |
| } |
| |
| private getDiffRows() { |
| if (!this.diffElement) return []; |
| const sections = [...(this.diffElement.diffSections ?? [])]; |
| return sections.map(s => s.getDiffRows()).flat(); |
| } |
| |
| getLineNumberRows(): HTMLTableRowElement[] { |
| const rows = this.getDiffRows(); |
| return rows.map(r => r.getTableRow()).filter(isDefined); |
| } |
| |
| getLineNumEls(side: Side): HTMLTableCellElement[] { |
| const rows = this.getDiffRows(); |
| return rows.map(r => r.getLineNumberCell(side)).filter(isDefined); |
| } |
| |
| /** This is used when layers initiate an update. */ |
| private requestRowUpdates(start: LineNumber, end: LineNumber, side: Side) { |
| const groups = this.getGroupsByLineRange(start, end, side); |
| for (const group of groups) { |
| const section = this.findSection(group); |
| for (const row of section?.getDiffRows() ?? []) { |
| row.requestUpdate(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private findSection(group: GrDiffGroup): GrDiffSection | undefined { |
| if (!this.diffElement) return undefined; |
| const leftClass = `left-${group.startLine(Side.LEFT)}`; |
| const rightClass = `right-${group.startLine(Side.RIGHT)}`; |
| return ( |
| this.diffElement.querySelector<GrDiffSection>( |
| `gr-diff-section.${leftClass}.${rightClass}` |
| ) ?? undefined |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| findGroup(side: Side, line: LineNumber) { |
| return this.groups.find(group => group.containsLine(side, line)); |
| } |
| |
| // visible for testing |
| getGroupsByLineRange( |
| startLine: LineNumber, |
| endLine: LineNumber, |
| side: Side |
| ): GrDiffGroup[] { |
| const startIndex = this.groups.findIndex(group => |
| group.containsLine(side, startLine) |
| ); |
| if (startIndex === -1) return []; |
| let endIndex = this.groups.findIndex(group => |
| group.containsLine(side, endLine) |
| ); |
| // Not all groups may have been processed yet (i.e. this.groups is still |
| // incomplete). In that case let's just return *all* groups until the end |
| // of the array. |
| if (endIndex === -1) endIndex = this.groups.length - 1; |
| // The filter preserves the legacy behavior to only return non-context |
| // groups |
| return this.groups |
| .slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1) |
| .filter(group => group.lines.length > 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function getLineNumberCellWidth(prefs: DiffPreferencesInfo) { |
| return prefs.font_size * 4; |
| } |
| |
| function annotateSymbols( |
| contentEl: HTMLElement, |
| line: GrDiffLine, |
| separator: string | RegExp, |
| className: string |
| ) { |
| const split = line.text.split(separator); |
| if (!split || split.length < 2) { |
| return; |
| } |
| for (let i = 0, pos = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) { |
| // Skip forward by the length of the content |
| pos += split[i].length; |
| |
| GrAnnotationImpl.annotateElement(contentEl, pos, 1, className); |
| |
| pos++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| customElements.define('gr-diff', GrDiff); |
| |
| declare global { |
| interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { |
| 'gr-diff': GrDiff; |
| } |
| interface HTMLElementEventMap { |
| 'comment-thread-mouseenter': CustomEvent<GrDiffCommentThread>; |
| 'comment-thread-mouseleave': CustomEvent<GrDiffCommentThread>; |
| 'loading-changed': ValueChangedEvent<boolean>; |
| 'render-required': CustomEvent<{}>; |
| /** |
| * Fired when the diff begins rendering - both for full renders and for |
| * partial rerenders. |
| */ |
| 'render-start': CustomEvent<{}>; |
| /** |
| * Fired when the diff finishes rendering text content - both for full |
| * renders and for partial rerenders. |
| */ |
| 'render-content': CustomEvent<{}>; |
| 'diff-context-expanded': CustomEvent<DiffContextExpandedExternalDetail>; |
| 'diff-context-expanded-internal-new': CustomEvent<DiffContextExpandedEventDetail>; |
| 'content-load-needed': CustomEvent<ContentLoadNeededEventDetail>; |
| 'copy-info': CustomEvent<CopyInfoEventDetail>; |
| } |
| } |