blob: 35567be6e95e9af573146026ede0c8dc9f4c5663 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs';
import {AbortStop, CursorMoveResult, Stop} from '../../../api/core';
import {ScrollMode} from '../../../constants/constants';
* Type guard and checker to check if a stop can be targeted.
* Abort stops cannot be targeted.
export function isTargetable(stop: Stop): stop is HTMLElement {
return !(stop instanceof AbortStop);
export class GrCursorManager {
get target(): HTMLElement | null {
return this.targetSubject.getValue();
set target(target: HTMLElement | null) {;
private targetSubject = new BehaviorSubject<HTMLElement | null>(null);
target$ = this.targetSubject.asObservable();
* The height of content intended to be included with the target.
_targetHeight: number | null = null;
* The index of the current target (if any). -1 otherwise.
index = -1;
* The class to apply to the current target. Use null for no class.
cursorTargetClass: string | null = null;
* The scroll behavior for the cursor. Values are 'never' and
* 'keep-visible'. 'keep-visible' will only scroll if the cursor is beyond
* the viewport.
* TODO (beckysiegel) figure out why it can be undefined
* @type {string|undefined}
scrollMode: string = ScrollMode.NEVER;
* When true, will call element.focus() during scrolling.
focusOnMove = false;
set stops(stops: Stop[]) {
this.stopsInternal = stops;
get stops(): Stop[] {
return this.stopsInternal;
private stopsInternal: Stop[] = [];
/** Only non-AbortStop stops. */
get targetableStops(): HTMLElement[] {
return this.stops.filter(isTargetable);
* Move the cursor forward. Clipped to the end of the stop list.
* @param options.filter Skips any stops for which filter returns false.
* @param options.getTargetHeight Optional function to calculate the
* height of the target's 'section'. The height of the target itself is
* sometimes different, used by the diff cursor.
* @param options.clipToTop When none of the next indices match, move
* back to first instead of to last.
* @param options.circular When on last element, you get to first element.
* @return If a move was performed or why not.
options: {
filter?: (stop: HTMLElement) => boolean;
getTargetHeight?: (target: HTMLElement) => number;
clipToTop?: boolean;
circular?: boolean;
} = {}
): CursorMoveResult {
return this._moveCursor(1, options);
* Move the cursor backward. Clipped to the beginning of stop list.
* @param options.filter Skips any stops for which filter returns false.
* @param options.getTargetHeight Optional function to calculate the
* height of the target's 'section'. The height of the target itself is
* sometimes different, used by the diff cursor.
* @param options.clipToTop When none of the next indices match, move
* back to first instead of to last.
* @param options.circular When on first element, you get to last element.
* @return If a move was performed or why not.
options: {
filter?: (stop: HTMLElement) => boolean;
circular?: boolean;
} = {}
): CursorMoveResult {
return this._moveCursor(-1, options);
* Move the cursor to the row which is the closest to the viewport center
* in vertical direction.
* The method uses IntersectionObservers API. If browser
* doesn't support this API the method does nothing
* @param filter Skips any stops for which filter returns false.
async moveToVisibleArea(filter?: (el: Element) => boolean) {
const centerMostStop = await this.getCenterMostStop(filter);
// In most cases the target is visible, so scroll is not
// needed. But in rare cases the target can become invisible
// at this point (due to some scrolling in window).
// To avoid jumps set noScroll options.
if (centerMostStop) {
this.setCursor(centerMostStop, true);
private async getCenterMostStop(
filter?: (el: Element) => boolean
): Promise<HTMLElement | undefined> {
const visibleEntries = await this.getVisibleEntries(filter);
const windowCenter = Math.round(window.innerHeight / 2);
let centerMostStop: HTMLElement | undefined = undefined;
let minDistanceToCenter = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (const entry of visibleEntries) {
// We are just using the entries here, because entry.boundingClientRect
// is already computed, but should
// actually yield the same result.
const center = +
Math.round(entry.boundingClientRect.height / 2);
const distanceToWindowCenter = Math.abs(center - windowCenter);
if (distanceToWindowCenter < minDistanceToCenter) {
// comes from the filteredStops array,
// hence it is an HTMLElement
centerMostStop = as HTMLElement;
minDistanceToCenter = distanceToWindowCenter;
return centerMostStop;
private async getVisibleEntries(
filter?: (el: Element) => boolean
): Promise<IntersectionObserverEntry[]> {
if (!this.stops) {
return [];
const filteredStops = filter
? this.targetableStops.filter(filter)
: this.targetableStops;
return new Promise(resolve => {
let unobservedCount = filteredStops.length;
const visibleEntries: IntersectionObserverEntry[] = [];
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
// In Edge it is recommended to use intersectionRatio instead of
// isIntersecting.
entry => entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio > 0
// This callback is called for the first time immediately.
// Typically it gets all observed stops at once, but
// sometimes can get them in several chunks.
for (const entry of entries) {
unobservedCount -= entries.length;
if (unobservedCount === 0) {
for (const stop of filteredStops) {
* Set the cursor to an arbitrary stop - if the given element is not one of
* the stops, unset the cursor.
* @param noScroll prevent any potential scrolling in response
* setting the cursor.
* @param applyFocus indicates if it should try to focus after move operation
* (e.g. focusOnMove).
setCursor(element: HTMLElement, noScroll?: boolean, applyFocus?: boolean) {
if (!this.targetableStops.includes(element)) {
let behavior;
if (noScroll) {
behavior = this.scrollMode;
this.scrollMode = ScrollMode.NEVER;
this.unsetCursor(); = element;
if (applyFocus) {
if (noScroll && behavior) {
this.scrollMode = behavior;
unsetCursor() {
this.index = -1; = null;
this._targetHeight = null;
/** Returns true if there are no stops, or we are on the first stop. */
isAtStart(): boolean {
return this.stops.length === 0 || this.index === 0;
/** Returns true if there are no stops, or we are on the last stop. */
isAtEnd(): boolean {
return this.stops.length === 0 || this.index === this.stops.length - 1;
moveToStart() {
if (this.stops.length) {
moveToEnd() {
if (this.stops.length) {
this.setCursorAtIndex(this.stops.length - 1);
setCursorAtIndex(index: number, noScroll?: boolean) {
const stop = this.stops[index];
if (isTargetable(stop)) {
this.setCursor(stop, noScroll);
delta: number,
}: {
filter?: (stop: HTMLElement) => boolean;
getTargetHeight?: (target: HTMLElement) => number;
clipToTop?: boolean;
circular?: boolean;
} = {}
): CursorMoveResult {
if (!this.stops.length) {
return CursorMoveResult.NO_STOPS;
let newIndex = this.index;
// If the cursor is not yet set and we are going backwards, start at the
// back.
if (this.index === -1 && delta < 0) {
newIndex = this.stops.length;
let clipped = false;
let newStop: Stop;
do {
newIndex += delta;
if (
(delta > 0 && newIndex >= this.stops.length) ||
(delta < 0 && newIndex < 0)
) {
newIndex =
(delta < 0 && !circular) || (delta > 0 && circular) || clipToTop
? 0
: this.stops.length - 1;
newStop = this.stops[newIndex];
clipped = true;
// Sadly needed so that type narrowing understands that this.stops[newIndex] is
// targetable after I have checked that.
newStop = this.stops[newIndex];
} while (isTargetable(newStop) && filter && !filter(newStop));
if (!isTargetable(newStop)) {
return CursorMoveResult.ABORTED;
this.index = newIndex; = newStop;
if (getTargetHeight) {
this._targetHeight = getTargetHeight(;
} else {
this._targetHeight =;
return clipped ? CursorMoveResult.CLIPPED : CursorMoveResult.MOVED;
_focusAfterMove() {
if (this.focusOnMove) {;
_decorateTarget() {
if ( && this.cursorTargetClass) {;
_unDecorateTarget() {
if ( && this.cursorTargetClass) {;
_updateIndex() {
if (! {
this.index = -1;
const newIndex = this.stops.indexOf(;
if (newIndex === -1) {
} else {
this.index = newIndex;
* Calculate where the element is relative to the window.
* @param target Target to scroll to.
* @return Distance to top of the target.
_getTop(target: HTMLElement) {
let top: number = target.offsetTop;
for (
let offsetParent = target.offsetParent;
offsetParent = (offsetParent as HTMLElement).offsetParent
) {
top += (offsetParent as HTMLElement).offsetTop;
return top;
_targetIsVisible(top: number) {
// Targets near the top are often covered by sticky header UI, so we
// consider it not-visible if it is within 100px of the top.
return (
this.scrollMode === ScrollMode.KEEP_VISIBLE &&
top > window.scrollY + 100 &&
top < window.scrollY + window.innerHeight
_calculateScrollToValue(top: number, target: HTMLElement) {
return top + -window.innerHeight / 3 + target.offsetHeight / 2;
_scrollToTarget() {
if (! || this.scrollMode === ScrollMode.NEVER) {
const top = this._getTop(;
const bottomIsVisible = this._targetHeight
? this._targetIsVisible(top + this._targetHeight)
: true;
const scrollToValue = this._calculateScrollToValue(top,;
if (this._targetIsVisible(top)) {
// Don't scroll if either the bottom is visible or if the position that
// would get scrolled to is higher up than the current position. This
// would cause less of the target content to be displayed than is
// already.
if (bottomIsVisible || scrollToValue < window.scrollY) {
// Scroll the element to the middle of the window. Dividing by a third
// instead of half the inner height feels a bit better otherwise the
// element appears to be below the center of the window even when it
// isn't.
window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, scrollToValue);