blob: bc9d7a8d86bfd43cfb7b7e4329acd03b8cae4ca5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
const path = require('path');
// In this file word "plugin" refers to rollup plugin, not Gerrit plugin.
// By default, require(plugin_name) tries to find module plugin_name starting
// from the folder where this file (rollup.config.js) is located
// (see
// and
// So, rollup.config.js can't be in polygerrit-ui/app dir and it should be in
// tools/node_tools directory (where all plugins are installed).
// But rollup_bundle rule copy this .config.js file to another directory,
// so require(plugin_name) can't find a plugin.
// To fix it, requirePlugin tries:
// 1. resolve module id using default behavior, i.e. it starts from __dirname
// 2. if module not found - it tries to resolve module starting from rollupBin
// location.
// This workaround also gives us additional power - we can place .config.js
// file anywhere in a source tree and add all plugins in the same package.json
// file as rollup node module.
function requirePlugin(id) {
const rollupBinDir = path.dirname(process.argv[1]);
const pluginPath = require.resolve(id, {paths: [__dirname, rollupBinDir]});
return require(pluginPath);
const resolve = requirePlugin('rollup-plugin-node-resolve');
const {terser} = requirePlugin('rollup-plugin-terser');
const define = requirePlugin('rollup-plugin-define');
// @polymer/font-roboto-local uses import.meta.url value
// as a base path to fonts. We should substitute a correct javascript
// code to get a base path for font-roboto-local fonts.
const importLocalFontMetaUrlResolver = function() {
return {
name: 'import-meta-url-resolver',
resolveImportMeta(property, data) {
if (property === 'url' && data.moduleId.endsWith('/@polymer/font-roboto-local/roboto.js')) {
return 'new URL("..", document.baseURI).href';
return null;
export default {
treeshake: false,
onwarn: warning => {
// No warnings from rollupjs are allowed.
// Most of the warnings are real error in our code (for example,
// if some import couldn't be resolved we can't continue, but rollup
// reports it as a warning)
throw new Error(warning.message);
output: {
format: 'iife',
compact: true,
plugins: [
output: {
comments: false,
// Context must be set to window to correctly processing global variables
context: 'window',
plugins: [resolve({
customResolveOptions: {
// By default, it tries to use page.mjs file instead of page.js
// when importing 'page/page'.
// TODO: page.was removed. Is something obsolete here?
extensions: ['.js'],
moduleDirectory: 'external/ui_npm/node_modules',
replacements: {
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'),