blob: 3d0ffd3f48bb403631df2443e55e7e32b41473b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {annotateElement} from '../gr-diff-highlight/gr-annotation';
import {GrDiffLine} from '../gr-diff/gr-diff-line';
import {DiffFileMetaInfo, DiffInfo} from '../../../types/diff';
import {DiffLayer, DiffLayerListener} from '../../../types/types';
import {Side} from '../../../constants/constants';
import {SyntaxLayerLine} from '../../../types/syntax-worker-api';
import {CancelablePromise, makeCancelable} from '../../../utils/async-util';
import {HighlightService} from '../../../services/highlight/highlight-service';
import {Provider} from '../../../models/dependency';
import {ReportingService} from '../../../services/gr-reporting/gr-reporting';
import {GrDiffLineType} from '../../../api/diff';
import {assert} from '../../../utils/common-util';
const LANGUAGE_MAP = new Map<string, string>([
['application/dart', 'dart'],
['application/json', 'json'],
['application/x-powershell', 'powershell'],
['application/typescript', 'typescript'],
['application/xml', 'xml'],
['application/xquery', 'xquery'],
['application/x-epp', 'epp'],
['application/x-erb', 'erb'],
['text/css', 'css'],
['text/html', 'html'],
['text/javascript', 'js'],
['text/jsx', 'jsx'],
['text/tsx', 'jsx'],
['text/x-c', 'cpp'],
['text/x-c++src', 'cpp'],
['text/x-clojure', 'clojure'],
['text/x-cmake', 'cmake'],
['text/x-coffeescript', 'coffeescript'],
['text/x-common-lisp', 'lisp'],
['text/x-crystal', 'crystal'],
['text/x-csharp', 'csharp'],
['text/x-csrc', 'cpp'],
['text/x-d', 'd'],
['text/x-diff', 'diff'],
['text/x-django', 'django'],
['text/x-dockerfile', 'dockerfile'],
['text/x-ebnf', 'ebnf'],
['text/x-elm', 'elm'],
['text/x-erlang', 'erlang'],
['text/x-fortran', 'fortran'],
['text/x-fsharp', 'fsharp'],
['text/x-gfm', 'markdown'],
['text/x-gherkin', 'gherkin'],
['text/x-go', 'go'],
['text/x-groovy', 'groovy'],
['text/x-haml', 'haml'],
['text/x-handlebars', 'handlebars'],
['text/x-haskell', 'haskell'],
['text/x-haxe', 'haxe'],
['text/x-iecst', 'iecst'],
['text/x-ini', 'ini'],
['text/x-java', 'java'],
['text/x-julia', 'julia'],
['text/x-kotlin', 'kotlin'],
['text/x-latex', 'latex'],
['text/x-less', 'less'],
['text/x-lua', 'lua'],
['text/x-markdown', 'markdown'],
['text/x-mathematica', 'mathematica'],
['text/x-nginx-conf', 'nginx'],
['text/x-nix', 'nix'],
['text/x-nsis', 'nsis'],
['text/x-objectivec', 'objectivec'],
['text/x-ocaml', 'ocaml'],
['text/x-perl', 'perl'],
['text/x-pgsql', 'pgsql'], // postgresql
['text/x-php', 'php'],
['text/x-properties', 'properties'],
['text/x-protobuf', 'protobuf'],
['text/x-puppet', 'puppet'],
['text/x-python', 'python'],
['text/x-q', 'q'],
['text/x-qml', 'qml'],
['text/x-ruby', 'ruby'],
['text/x-rustsrc', 'rust'],
['text/x-scala', 'scala'],
['text/x-scss', 'scss'],
['text/x-scheme', 'scheme'],
['text/x-shell', 'shell'],
['text/x-soy', 'soy'],
['text/x-spreadsheet', 'excel'],
['text/x-sh', 'bash'],
['text/x-sql', 'sql'],
['text/x-swift', 'swift'],
['text/x-systemverilog', 'sv'],
['text/x-tcl', 'tcl'],
['text/x-torque', 'torque'],
['text/x-twig', 'twig'],
['text/x-vb', 'vb'],
['text/x-verilog', 'v'],
['text/x-vhdl', 'vhdl'],
['text/x-vue', 'vue'],
['text/x-yaml', 'yaml'],
['text/vbscript', 'vbscript'],
const CLASS_PREFIX = 'gr-syntax gr-syntax-';
const CLASS_SAFELIST = new Set<string>([
'title function_',
'variable language_',
export class GrSyntaxLayerWorker implements DiffLayer {
diff?: DiffInfo;
enabled = true;
// private, but visible for testing
leftRanges: SyntaxLayerLine[] = [];
// private, but visible for testing
rightRanges: SyntaxLayerLine[] = [];
* We are keeping a reference around to the async computation, such that we
* can cancel it, if needed.
private leftPromise?: CancelablePromise<SyntaxLayerLine[]>;
* We are keeping a reference around to the async computation, such that we
* can cancel it, if needed.
private rightPromise?: CancelablePromise<SyntaxLayerLine[]>;
private listeners: DiffLayerListener[] = [];
private readonly getHighlightService: Provider<HighlightService>,
private readonly getReportingService: Provider<ReportingService>
) {}
setEnabled(enabled: boolean) {
this.enabled = enabled;
addListener(listener: DiffLayerListener) {
removeListener(listener: DiffLayerListener) {
this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(f => f !== listener);
annotate(el: HTMLElement, _: HTMLElement, line: GrDiffLine) {
if (!this.enabled) return;
if (typeof line.beforeNumber !== 'number') return;
if (typeof line.afterNumber !== 'number') return;
let side: Side | undefined;
if (
line.type === GrDiffLineType.REMOVE ||
(line.type === GrDiffLineType.BOTH &&
el.getAttribute('data-side') !== Side.RIGHT)
) {
side = Side.LEFT;
} else if (
line.type === GrDiffLineType.ADD ||
el.getAttribute('data-side') !== Side.LEFT
) {
side = Side.RIGHT;
if (!side) return;
const isLeft = side === Side.LEFT;
const lineNumber = isLeft ? line.beforeNumber : line.afterNumber;
assert(typeof lineNumber === 'number', 'lineNumber must be a number');
const rangesPerLine = isLeft ? this.leftRanges : this.rightRanges;
const ranges = rangesPerLine[lineNumber - 1]?.ranges ?? [];
for (const range of ranges) {
if (!CLASS_SAFELIST.has(range.className)) continue;
if (range.length === 0) continue;
CLASS_PREFIX + range.className
_getLanguage(metaInfo?: DiffFileMetaInfo) {
if (!metaInfo) return undefined;
// The Gerrit API provides only content-type, but for other users of
// gr-diff it may be more convenient to specify the language directly.
return metaInfo.language ?? LANGUAGE_MAP.get(metaInfo.content_type);
* Computes SyntaxLayerLines asynchronously, which can then later be applied,
* when the annotate() method of the layer API is called.
* For larger files this is an expensive operation, but is offloaded to a web
* worker. We are using the HighlightJS lib for doing the actual highlighting.
* annotate() will only be able to apply highlighting after process() has
* completed, but that will likely happen later. That is why layer can have
* listeners. When process() completes, the listeners will be notified, which
* tells the diff renderer that another call to annotate() is needed.
async process(diff: DiffInfo) {
this.diff = diff;
this.leftRanges = [];
this.rightRanges = [];
if (this.leftPromise) this.leftPromise.cancel();
if (this.rightPromise) this.rightPromise.cancel();
this.leftPromise = undefined;
this.rightPromise = undefined;
if (!this.enabled || !this.diff) return;
const leftLanguage = this._getLanguage(this.diff.meta_a);
const rightLanguage = this._getLanguage(this.diff.meta_b);
let leftContent = '';
let rightContent = '';
for (const chunk of this.diff.content) {
const a = [...(chunk.a ?? []), ...(chunk.ab ?? [])];
for (const line of a) {
leftContent += line + '\n';
const b = [...(chunk.b ?? []), ...(chunk.ab ?? [])];
for (const line of b) {
rightContent += line + '\n';
const skip = chunk.skip ?? 0;
if (skip > 0) {
leftContent += '\n'.repeat(skip);
rightContent += '\n'.repeat(skip);
leftContent = leftContent.trimEnd();
rightContent = rightContent.trimEnd();
try {
this.leftPromise = this.highlight(leftLanguage, leftContent);
this.rightPromise = this.highlight(rightLanguage, rightContent);
this.leftRanges = await this.leftPromise;
this.rightRanges = await this.rightPromise;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} catch (err: any) {
if (!err.isCanceled)
this.getReportingService().error('Diff Syntax Layer', err as Error);
// One source of "error" can promise cancelation.
this.leftRanges = [];
this.rightRanges = [];
language?: string,
code?: string
): CancelablePromise<SyntaxLayerLine[]> {
const hlPromise = this.getHighlightService().highlight(language, code);
return makeCancelable(hlPromise);
notify() {
// We don't want to notify for lines that don't have any SyntaxLayerRange.
// So for both sides we are looking for the first and the last occurrence
// of a line with at least one SyntaxLayerRange.
const leftRangesReversed = [...this.leftRanges].reverse();
const leftStart = this.leftRanges.findIndex(line => line.ranges.length > 0);
const leftEnd =
this.leftRanges.length -
1 -
leftRangesReversed.findIndex(line => line.ranges.length > 0);
const rightRangesReversed = [...this.rightRanges].reverse();
const rightStart = this.rightRanges.findIndex(
line => line.ranges.length > 0
const rightEnd =
this.rightRanges.length -
1 -
rightRangesReversed.findIndex(line => line.ranges.length > 0);
for (const listener of this.listeners) {
if (leftStart > -1) listener(leftStart + 1, leftEnd + 1, Side.LEFT);
if (rightStart > -1) listener(rightStart + 1, rightEnd + 1, Side.RIGHT);