| :linkattrs: |
| = Gerrit Community |
| |
| Gerrit is developed as a |
| link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/[self-hosting open source project,role=external,window=_blank] |
| and very much welcomes contributions from anyone with a |
| link:dev-cla.html[contributor's agreement] on file with the project. |
| |
| [[project-information]] |
| == Project Information |
| |
| * link:https://www.gerritcodereview.com/[Project Homepage,role=external,window=_blank] |
| * link:https://www.gerritcodereview.com/codeofconduct.html[Code of Conduct,role=external,window=_blank] |
| * link:https://www.gerritcodereview.com/releases-readme.html[Release Versions,role=external,window=_blank] |
| * link:https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit[Source,role=external,window=_blank] |
| * link:https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues?q=is:open[Issue Tracking,role=external,window=_blank] |
| * link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/q/status:open+project:gerrit[Change Review,role=external,window=_blank] |
| * link:dev-design.html[System Design] |
| * Processes |
| ** link:dev-processes.html#project-governance[Project Governance / Engineering Steering Committee] |
| ** link:#how-to-contribute[Contribution Processes] |
| ** link:dev-design-docs.html#review[Design doc reviews] |
| ** link:dev-processes.html#dev-in-stable-branches[Development in stable branches] |
| ** link:dev-processes.html#backporting[Backporting to stable branches] |
| ** link:dev-processes.html#security-issues[Dealing with Security Issues] |
| ** link:dev-processes.html#upgrading-libraries[Upgrading Libraries] |
| ** link:dev-processes.html#deprecating-features[Deprecating features] |
| * Roles |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#supporter[Supporter] |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#contributor[Contributor] |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#maintainer[Maintainer] |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#mentor[Mentor] |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#steering-committee-member[Engineering Steering Committee Member] |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#community-manager[Community Manager] |
| ** link:dev-roles.html#release-manager[Release Manager] |
| |
| [[how-to-contribute]] |
| == How to Contribute |
| * link:dev-cla.html[Contributor License Agreement] |
| * link:dev-contributing.html#contribution-processes[Contribution Processes] |
| ** link:dev-contributing.html#lightweight-contribution-process[Lightweight Contribution Process] |
| ** link:dev-contributing.html#design-driven-contribution-process[Design-Driven Contribution Process] |
| ** link:dev-contributing.html#mentorship[Mentorship] |
| * link:dev-design-docs.html[Design Docs] |
| * link:dev-readme.html[Developer Setup] |
| * link:https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit/+/master/polygerrit-ui[TypeScript Frontend Developer Setup] |
| * link:dev-crafting-changes.html[Crafting Changes] |
| * link:dev-contribution-opportunities.html[Contribution Opportunities (Help Wanted)] |
| |
| [[plugin-development]] |
| == Plugin Development |
| * link:dev-plugins-lifecycle.html[Plugin Lifecycle] |
| * link:dev-plugins.html[Developing Plugins] |
| * link:dev-build-plugins.html[Building Gerrit plugins] |
| * link:pg-plugin-dev.html[JavaScript Plugin Development and API] |
| * link:config-validation.html[Validation Interfaces] |
| * link:quota.html[Quota Enforcement] |
| |
| [[maintainer]] |
| == Maintainer |
| * link:dev-ci.html[Gerrit CI] |
| * link:dev-release.html[Making a Gerrit Release] |
| * link:dev-release-subproject.html[Making a Release of a Gerrit Subproject] |
| * link:https://www.gerritcodereview.com/publishing.html[Publish Gerrit Homepage] |
| |
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| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |
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