| load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure:defs.bzl", "closure_js_binary", "closure_js_library") |
| load("//tools/bzl:genrule2.bzl", "genrule2") |
| load( |
| "//tools/bzl:js.bzl", |
| "bundle_assets", |
| ) |
| |
| def polygerrit_bundle(name, srcs, outs, app): |
| appName = app.split(".html")[0].split("/").pop() # eg: gr-app |
| |
| closure_js_binary( |
| name = name + "_closure_bin", |
| # Known issue: Closure compilation not compatible with Polymer behaviors. |
| # See: https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/issues/2042 |
| compilation_level = "WHITESPACE_ONLY", |
| defs = [ |
| "--polymer_version=2", |
| "--jscomp_off=duplicate", |
| ], |
| language = "ECMASCRIPT_2017", |
| deps = [name + "_closure_lib"], |
| ) |
| |
| # TODO(davido): Remove JSC_REFERENCE_BEFORE_DECLARE when this is fixed upstream: |
| # https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-resin/issues/7 |
| closure_js_library( |
| name = name + "_closure_lib", |
| srcs = [appName + ".js"], |
| convention = "GOOGLE", |
| # TODO(davido): Clean up these issues: http://paste.openstack.org/show/608548 |
| # and remove this supression |
| suppress = [ |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| "//lib/polymer_externs:polymer_closure", |
| "@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure/library", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| bundle_assets( |
| name = appName, |
| srcs = srcs, |
| app = app, |
| deps = ["//polygerrit-ui:polygerrit_components.bower_components"], |
| ) |
| |
| native.filegroup( |
| name = name + "_app_sources", |
| srcs = [ |
| name + "_closure_bin.js", |
| appName + ".html", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| native.filegroup( |
| name = name + "_css_sources", |
| srcs = native.glob(["styles/**/*.css"]), |
| ) |
| |
| native.filegroup( |
| name = name + "_theme_sources", |
| srcs = native.glob( |
| ["styles/themes/*.html"], |
| # app-theme.html already included via an import in gr-app.html. |
| exclude = ["styles/themes/app-theme.html"], |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| native.filegroup( |
| name = name + "_top_sources", |
| srcs = [ |
| "favicon.ico", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| genrule2( |
| name = name, |
| srcs = [ |
| name + "_app_sources", |
| name + "_css_sources", |
| name + "_theme_sources", |
| name + "_top_sources", |
| "//lib/fonts:robotofonts", |
| "//lib/js:highlightjs_files", |
| # we extract from the zip, but depend on the component for license checking. |
| "@webcomponentsjs//:zipfile", |
| "//lib/js:webcomponentsjs", |
| ], |
| outs = outs, |
| cmd = " && ".join([ |
| "mkdir -p $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/{styles/themes,fonts,bower_components/{highlightjs,webcomponentsjs},elements}", |
| "for f in $(locations " + name + "_app_sources); do ext=$${f##*.}; cp -p $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/elements/" + appName + ".$$ext; done", |
| "cp $(locations //lib/fonts:robotofonts) $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/fonts/", |
| "for f in $(locations " + name + "_top_sources); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/; done", |
| "for f in $(locations " + name + "_css_sources); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/styles; done", |
| "for f in $(locations " + name + "_theme_sources); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/styles/themes; done", |
| "for f in $(locations //lib/js:highlightjs_files); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/bower_components/highlightjs/ ; done", |
| "unzip -qd $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/bower_components $(location @webcomponentsjs//:zipfile) webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js", |
| "cd $$TMP", |
| "find . -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'", |
| "zip -qr $$ROOT/$@ *", |
| ]), |
| ) |