blob: b865a7c066546410ff0940e202e8b3e717b88308 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {create, Registry, Finalizable} from '../services/registry';
import {AppContext} from '../services/app-context';
import {AuthService} from '../services/gr-auth/gr-auth';
import {FlagsService} from '../services/flags/flags';
import {grReportingMock} from '../services/gr-reporting/gr-reporting_mock';
class MockFlagsService implements FlagsService {
isEnabled() {
return false;
finalize() {}
* @returns array of all enabled experiments.
get enabledExperiments() {
return [];
class MockAuthService implements AuthService {
clearCache() {}
get isAuthed() {
return false;
authCheck() {
return Promise.resolve(false);
baseUrl = '';
setup() {}
finalize() {}
fetch() {
const blob = new Blob();
const init = {status: 200, statusText: 'Ack'};
const response = new Response(blob, init);
return Promise.resolve(response);
// Setup mocks for appContext.
// This is a temporary solution
// TODO(dmfilippov): find a better solution for gr-diff
export function createDiffAppContext(): AppContext & Finalizable {
const appRegistry: Registry<AppContext> = {
flagsService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => new MockFlagsService(),
authService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => new MockAuthService(),
reportingService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => grReportingMock,
eventEmitter: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('eventEmitter is not implemented');
restApiService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('restApiService is not implemented');
changeService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('changeService is not implemented');
commentsModel: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('commentsModel is not implemented');
checksModel: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('checksModel is not implemented');
jsApiService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('jsApiService is not implemented');
storageService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('storageService is not implemented');
configModel: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('configModel is not implemented');
userModel: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('userModel is not implemented');
shortcutsService: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('shortcutsService is not implemented');
browserModel: (_ctx: Partial<AppContext>) => {
throw new Error('browserModel is not implemented');
return create<AppContext>(appRegistry);