blob: 72bec33ee6427fa73ed2c3acf6f137f05da8475a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {GerritView} from '../../services/router/router-model';
export interface ViewState {
view: GerritView;
* While we are using page.js this interface will normally be implemented by
* PageContext, but it helps testing and independence to have our own type
* here.
export interface UrlInfo {
querystring?: string;
hash?: string;
/** What the regular expression matching returns. */
params?: {[paramIndex: string]: string};
* Based on `urlPattern` knows whether a URL matches and if so, then
* `createState()` can produce a `ViewState` from the matched URL.
export interface Route<T extends ViewState> {
urlPattern: RegExp;
createState: (info: UrlInfo) => T;