| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2020 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import {HttpMethod} from '../../constants/constants'; |
| import { |
| AccountCapabilityInfo, |
| AccountDetailInfo, |
| AccountExternalIdInfo, |
| AccountId, |
| AccountInfo, |
| ActionNameToActionInfoMap, |
| Base64FileContent, |
| BasePatchSetNum, |
| BlameInfo, |
| BranchInfo, |
| BranchInput, |
| BranchName, |
| CapabilityInfoMap, |
| ChangeId, |
| ChangeInfo, |
| ChangeMessageId, |
| CommentInfo, |
| CommentInput, |
| CommitInfo, |
| ConfigInfo, |
| ConfigInput, |
| ContributorAgreementInfo, |
| ContributorAgreementInput, |
| DashboardId, |
| DashboardInfo, |
| DiffPreferenceInput, |
| DocResult, |
| EditInfo, |
| EditPreferencesInfo, |
| EmailAddress, |
| EmailInfo, |
| EncodedGroupId, |
| FileNameToFileInfoMap, |
| FilePathToDiffInfoMap, |
| FixId, |
| GitRef, |
| GpgKeyId, |
| GpgKeyInfo, |
| GpgKeysInput, |
| GroupAuditEventInfo, |
| GroupId, |
| GroupInfo, |
| GroupInput, |
| GroupName, |
| GroupNameToGroupInfoMap, |
| GroupOptionsInput, |
| Hashtag, |
| HashtagsInput, |
| ImagesForDiff, |
| IncludedInInfo, |
| MergeableInfo, |
| NameToProjectInfoMap, |
| NumericChangeId, |
| ParsedJSON, |
| Password, |
| PatchRange, |
| PatchSetNum, |
| PathToRobotCommentsInfoMap, |
| PluginInfo, |
| PreferencesInfo, |
| PreferencesInput, |
| ProjectAccessInfo, |
| RepoAccessInfoMap, |
| ProjectAccessInput, |
| ProjectInfo, |
| ProjectInfoWithName, |
| ProjectInput, |
| ProjectWatchInfo, |
| RelatedChangesInfo, |
| RepoName, |
| RequestPayload, |
| ReviewInput, |
| RevisionId, |
| RobotCommentInfo, |
| ServerInfo, |
| SshKeyInfo, |
| SubmittedTogetherInfo, |
| SuggestedReviewerInfo, |
| TagInfo, |
| TagInput, |
| TopMenuEntryInfo, |
| UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| UserId, |
| DraftInfo, |
| ReviewResult, |
| } from '../../types/common'; |
| import { |
| DiffInfo, |
| DiffPreferencesInfo, |
| IgnoreWhitespaceType, |
| } from '../../types/diff'; |
| import {Finalizable, ParsedChangeInfo} from '../../types/types'; |
| import {ErrorCallback} from '../../api/rest'; |
| import {FixReplacementInfo} from '../../api/rest-api'; |
| |
| export interface GetDiffCommentsOutput { |
| baseComments: CommentInfo[]; |
| comments: CommentInfo[]; |
| } |
| |
| export interface GetDiffRobotCommentsOutput { |
| baseComments: RobotCommentInfo[]; |
| comments: RobotCommentInfo[]; |
| } |
| |
| export interface RestApiService extends Finalizable { |
| getConfig(noCache?: boolean): Promise<ServerInfo | undefined>; |
| getLoggedIn(): Promise<boolean>; |
| getPreferences(): Promise<PreferencesInfo | undefined>; |
| getVersion(): Promise<string | undefined>; |
| getAccount(): Promise<AccountDetailInfo | undefined>; |
| getAccountCapabilities( |
| params?: string[] |
| ): Promise<AccountCapabilityInfo | undefined>; |
| getExternalIds(): Promise<AccountExternalIdInfo[] | undefined>; |
| deleteAccountIdentity(id: string[]): Promise<unknown>; |
| deleteAccount(): Promise<unknown>; |
| getRepos( |
| filter: string | undefined, |
| reposPerPage: number, |
| offset?: number, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ProjectInfoWithName[] | undefined>; |
| |
| send( |
| method: HttpMethod, |
| url: string, |
| body?: RequestPayload, |
| errFn?: null | undefined, |
| contentType?: string, |
| headers?: Record<string, string> |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| send( |
| method: HttpMethod, |
| url: string, |
| body?: RequestPayload, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback, |
| contentType?: string, |
| headers?: Record<string, string> |
| ): Promise<Response | void>; |
| |
| /** |
| * DEPRECATED: Use functions from gr-rest-api-helper directly. |
| * |
| * Preserved for plugins that use it. |
| */ |
| getResponseObject(response: Response): Promise<ParsedJSON>; |
| |
| getChangeSuggestedReviewers( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| input: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<SuggestedReviewerInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getChangeSuggestedCCs( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| input: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<SuggestedReviewerInfo[] | undefined>; |
| /** |
| * Request list of accounts via https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#query-account |
| * Operators defined here https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/user-search-accounts.html#_search_operators |
| */ |
| queryAccounts( |
| input: string, |
| n?: number, |
| canSee?: NumericChangeId, |
| filterActive?: boolean, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<AccountInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getAccountSuggestions(input: string): Promise<AccountInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getSuggestedGroups( |
| input: string, |
| project?: RepoName, |
| n?: number, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<GroupNameToGroupInfoMap | undefined>; |
| /** |
| * Execute a change action or revision action on a change. |
| */ |
| executeChangeAction( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| method: HttpMethod | undefined, |
| endpoint: string, |
| patchNum?: PatchSetNum, |
| payload?: RequestPayload, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ParsedJSON | undefined>; |
| getRepoBranches( |
| filter: string, |
| repo: RepoName, |
| reposBranchesPerPage: number, |
| offset?: number, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<BranchInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeDetail( |
| changeNum?: number | string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ParsedChangeInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Given a changeNum, gets the change. |
| * |
| * If the project is known for the specified changeNum uses |
| * /changes/{project}~{change} api. |
| * Otherwise, calls /changes/q={changeNum}. In this case the result can be |
| * stale as this API uses index. |
| */ |
| getChange( |
| changeNum: ChangeId | NumericChangeId, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| savePreferences( |
| prefs: PreferencesInput |
| ): Promise<PreferencesInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getDiffPreferences(): Promise<DiffPreferencesInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| saveDiffPreferences(prefs: DiffPreferenceInput): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getEditPreferences(): Promise<EditPreferencesInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| saveEditPreferences(prefs: EditPreferencesInfo): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getAccountEmails(): Promise<EmailInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getAccountEmailsFor( |
| email: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<EmailInfo[] | undefined>; |
| deleteAccountEmail(email: string): Promise<Response>; |
| setPreferredAccountEmail(email: string): Promise<void>; |
| |
| getAccountSSHKeys(): Promise<SshKeyInfo[] | undefined>; |
| deleteAccountSSHKey(key: string): void; |
| addAccountSSHKey(key: string): Promise<SshKeyInfo>; |
| |
| createRepoBranch( |
| name: RepoName, |
| branch: BranchName, |
| revision: BranchInput |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| createRepoTag( |
| name: RepoName, |
| tag: string, |
| revision: TagInput |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| addAccountGPGKey(key: GpgKeysInput): Promise<Record<string, GpgKeyInfo>>; |
| deleteAccountGPGKey(id: GpgKeyId): Promise<Response>; |
| getAccountGPGKeys(): Promise<Record<string, GpgKeyInfo>>; |
| probePath(path: string): Promise<boolean>; |
| |
| saveFileUploadChangeEdit( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| path: string, |
| content: string |
| ): Promise<Response | undefined>; |
| |
| deleteFileInChangeEdit( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| path: string |
| ): Promise<Response | undefined>; |
| |
| restoreFileInChangeEdit( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| restore_path: string |
| ): Promise<Response | undefined>; |
| |
| renameFileInChangeEdit( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| old_path: string, |
| new_path: string |
| ): Promise<Response | undefined>; |
| |
| queryChangeFiles( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| query: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<string[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getRepoAccessRights( |
| repoName: RepoName, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ProjectAccessInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| createRepo(config: ProjectInput & {name: RepoName}): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getRepo( |
| repo: RepoName, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ProjectInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getRepoDashboards( |
| repo: RepoName, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<DashboardInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getRepoAccess(repo: RepoName): Promise<RepoAccessInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| getProjectConfig( |
| repo: RepoName, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ConfigInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getCapabilities( |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<CapabilityInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| setRepoAccessRights( |
| repoName: RepoName, |
| repoInfo: ProjectAccessInput |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| setRepoAccessRightsForReview( |
| projectName: RepoName, |
| projectInfo: ProjectAccessInput |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getGroups( |
| filter: string, |
| groupsPerPage: number, |
| offset?: number |
| ): Promise<GroupNameToGroupInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| getGroupConfig( |
| group: GroupId | GroupName, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<GroupInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getIsAdmin(): Promise<boolean | undefined>; |
| |
| getIsGroupOwner(groupName?: GroupName): Promise<boolean>; |
| |
| saveGroupName( |
| groupId: GroupId | GroupName, |
| name: GroupName |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| saveGroupOwner( |
| groupId: GroupId | GroupName, |
| ownerId: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| saveGroupDescription( |
| groupId: GroupId, |
| description: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| saveGroupOptions( |
| groupId: GroupId, |
| options: GroupOptionsInput |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| saveChangeReview( |
| changeNum: ChangeId | NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: RevisionId, |
| review: ReviewInput, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback, |
| fetch_detail?: boolean |
| ): Promise<ReviewResult | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeEdit(changeNum?: NumericChangeId): Promise<EditInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeActionURL( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum | undefined, |
| endpoint: string |
| ): Promise<string>; |
| |
| createChange( |
| repo: RepoName, |
| branch: BranchName, |
| subject: string, |
| topic?: string, |
| isPrivate?: boolean, |
| workInProgress?: boolean, |
| baseChange?: ChangeId, |
| baseCommit?: string |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeIncludedIn( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId |
| ): Promise<IncludedInInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Checks in projectLookup map shared across instances for the changeNum. |
| * If it exists, returns the project. If not, calls the restAPI to get the |
| * change, populates projectLookup with the project for that change, and |
| * returns the project. |
| * |
| * If the lookup fails the promise rejects and result is not cached. |
| */ |
| getFromProjectLookup(changeNum: NumericChangeId): Promise<RepoName>; |
| |
| saveDiffDraft( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| draft: CommentInput |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getPortedComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| revision: RevisionId |
| ): Promise<{[path: string]: CommentInfo[]} | undefined>; |
| |
| getPortedDrafts( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| revision: RevisionId |
| ): Promise<{[path: string]: DraftInfo[]} | undefined>; |
| |
| getDiffComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId |
| ): Promise<{[path: string]: CommentInfo[]} | undefined>; |
| getDiffComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| basePatchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| path: string |
| ): Promise<GetDiffCommentsOutput>; |
| getDiffComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| basePatchNum?: BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum?: PatchSetNum, |
| path?: string |
| ): |
| | Promise<{[path: string]: CommentInfo[]} | undefined> |
| | Promise<GetDiffCommentsOutput>; |
| |
| getDiffRobotComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId |
| ): Promise<PathToRobotCommentsInfoMap | undefined>; |
| getDiffRobotComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| basePatchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| path: string |
| ): Promise<GetDiffRobotCommentsOutput>; |
| getDiffRobotComments( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| basePatchNum?: BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum?: PatchSetNum, |
| path?: string |
| ): |
| | Promise<GetDiffRobotCommentsOutput> |
| | Promise<PathToRobotCommentsInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * If the user is logged in, fetch the user's draft diff comments. If there |
| * is no logged in user, the request is not made and the promise yields an |
| * empty object. |
| */ |
| getDiffDrafts( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId |
| ): Promise<{[path: string]: DraftInfo[]} | undefined>; |
| |
| createGroup(config: GroupInput & {name: string}): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getPlugins( |
| filter: string, |
| pluginsPerPage: number, |
| offset?: number, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<{[pluginName: string]: PluginInfo} | undefined>; |
| |
| getDetailedChangesWithActions( |
| changeNums: NumericChangeId[] |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getChanges( |
| changesPerPage?: number, |
| query?: string, |
| offset?: 'n,z' | number, |
| options?: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getChangesForMultipleQueries( |
| changesPerPage?: number, |
| query?: string[], |
| offset?: 'n,z' | number, |
| options?: string |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[][] | undefined>; |
| |
| getDocumentationSearches(filter: string): Promise<DocResult[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getAccountAgreements(): Promise<ContributorAgreementInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#list-groups |
| */ |
| getAccountGroups(): Promise<GroupInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getAccountDetails( |
| userId: UserId, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<AccountDetailInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getAccountStatus(userId: AccountId): Promise<string | undefined>; |
| |
| saveAccountAgreement(name: ContributorAgreementInput): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| generateAccountHttpPassword(): Promise<Password | undefined>; |
| |
| setAccountName(name: string): Promise<void>; |
| |
| setAccountUsername(username: string): Promise<void>; |
| |
| getWatchedProjects(): Promise<ProjectWatchInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| saveWatchedProjects( |
| projects: ProjectWatchInfo[] |
| ): Promise<ProjectWatchInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| deleteWatchedProjects(projects: ProjectWatchInfo[]): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getSuggestedRepos( |
| inputVal: string, |
| n?: number, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<NameToProjectInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| invalidateGroupsCache(): void; |
| invalidateReposCache(): void; |
| invalidateAccountsCache(): void; |
| invalidateAccountsDetailCache(): void; |
| removeFromAttentionSet( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| user: AccountId, |
| reason: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| addToAttentionSet( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| user: AccountId | undefined | null, |
| reason: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| setAccountDisplayName(displayName: string): Promise<void>; |
| setAccountStatus(status: string): Promise<void>; |
| getAvatarChangeUrl(): Promise<string | undefined>; |
| setDescription( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| desc: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| deleteVote( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| account: AccountId, |
| label: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| deleteComment( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| commentID: UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| reason: string |
| ): Promise<CommentInfo | undefined>; |
| deleteDiffDraft( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| draft: {id: UrlEncodedCommentId} |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| deleteChangeCommitMessage( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| messageId: ChangeMessageId |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| removeChangeReviewer( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| reviewerID: AccountId | EmailAddress | GroupId |
| ): Promise<Response | undefined>; |
| |
| getGroupAuditLog( |
| group: EncodedGroupId, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<GroupAuditEventInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getGroupMembers(groupName: GroupId | GroupName): Promise<AccountInfo[]>; |
| |
| getIncludedGroup( |
| groupName: GroupId | GroupName |
| ): Promise<GroupInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| saveGroupMember( |
| groupName: GroupId | GroupName, |
| groupMember: AccountId |
| ): Promise<AccountInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| saveIncludedGroup( |
| groupName: GroupId | GroupName, |
| includedGroup: GroupId, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<GroupInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| deleteGroupMember( |
| groupName: GroupId | GroupName, |
| groupMember: AccountId |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| deleteIncludedGroup( |
| groupName: GroupId | GroupName, |
| includedGroup: GroupId |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| runRepoGC(repo: RepoName): Promise<Response>; |
| getFileContent( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| path: string, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum |
| ): Promise<Response | Base64FileContent | undefined>; |
| |
| saveChangeEdit( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| path: string, |
| contents: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| getRepoTags( |
| filter: string, |
| repo: RepoName, |
| reposTagsPerPage: number, |
| offset?: number, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<TagInfo[]>; |
| |
| setRepoHead(repo: RepoName, ref: GitRef): Promise<Response>; |
| deleteRepoTags(repo: RepoName, ref: GitRef): Promise<Response>; |
| deleteRepoBranches(repo: RepoName, ref: GitRef): Promise<Response>; |
| saveRepoConfig(repo: RepoName, config: ConfigInput): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getRelatedChanges( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum |
| ): Promise<RelatedChangesInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangesSubmittedTogether( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| options?: string[] |
| ): Promise<SubmittedTogetherInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeConflicts( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeCherryPicks( |
| repo: RepoName, |
| changeID: ChangeId, |
| branch: BranchName |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangesWithSameTopic( |
| topic: string, |
| options?: { |
| openChangesOnly?: boolean; |
| changeToExclude?: NumericChangeId; |
| } |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getChangesWithSimilarTopic( |
| topic: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| getChangesWithSimilarHashtag( |
| hashtag: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<ChangeInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * @return Whether there are pending diff draft sends. |
| */ |
| hasPendingDiffDrafts(): number; |
| /** |
| * @return A promise that resolves when all pending |
| * diff draft sends have resolved. |
| */ |
| awaitPendingDiffDrafts(): Promise<void>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Preview Stored Fix |
| * Gets the diffs of all files for a certain {fix-id} associated with apply fix. |
| * https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#preview-stored-fix |
| */ |
| getRobotCommentFixPreview( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| fixId: FixId |
| ): Promise<FilePathToDiffInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Preview Provided fix |
| * Gets the diffs of all files for a provided fix replacements infos |
| * https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#preview-provided-fix |
| */ |
| getFixPreview( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| fixReplacementInfos: FixReplacementInfo[] |
| ): Promise<FilePathToDiffInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Apply Provided Fix |
| * https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#apply-provided-fix |
| */ |
| applyFixSuggestion( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| fixReplacementInfos: FixReplacementInfo[] |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Apply Stored Fix |
| * https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#apply-stored-fix |
| */ |
| applyRobotFixSuggestion( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| fixId: string |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| /** |
| * @param basePatchNum Negative values specify merge parent |
| * index. |
| * @param whitespace the ignore-whitespace level for the diff |
| * algorithm. |
| */ |
| getDiff( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| basePatchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| path: string, |
| whitespace?: IgnoreWhitespaceType, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<DiffInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Get blame information for the given diff. |
| * |
| * @param base If true, requests blame for the base of the |
| * diff, rather than the revision. |
| */ |
| getBlame( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| path: string, |
| base?: boolean |
| ): Promise<BlameInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| getImagesForDiff( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| diff: DiffInfo, |
| patchRange: PatchRange |
| ): Promise<ImagesForDiff>; |
| |
| getChangeRevisionActions( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum |
| ): Promise<ActionNameToActionInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| confirmEmail(token: string): Promise<string | null>; |
| |
| getDefaultPreferences(): Promise<PreferencesInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| addAccountEmail(email: string): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| saveChangeStarred( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| starred: boolean |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Fetch a project dashboard definition. |
| * https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#get-dashboard |
| */ |
| getDashboard( |
| repo: RepoName, |
| dashboard: DashboardId, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<DashboardInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| deleteDraftComments(query: string): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| setChangeHashtag( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| hashtag: HashtagsInput, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<Hashtag[] | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Set change topic. |
| * |
| * Returns topic that the change has after the requests. |
| */ |
| setChangeTopic( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| topic?: string, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<string | undefined>; |
| |
| /** |
| * Remove change topic. |
| * |
| * Returns topic that the change has after the requests. (ie. '' on success) |
| */ |
| removeChangeTopic( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| errFn?: ErrorCallback |
| ): Promise<string | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeFiles( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchRange: PatchRange |
| ): Promise<FileNameToFileInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeOrEditFiles( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchRange: PatchRange |
| ): Promise<FileNameToFileInfoMap | undefined>; |
| |
| getReviewedFiles( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum |
| ): Promise<string[] | undefined>; |
| |
| saveFileReviewed( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum, |
| path: string, |
| reviewed: boolean |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| getTopMenus(): Promise<TopMenuEntryInfo[] | undefined>; |
| |
| setInProjectLookup(changeNum: NumericChangeId, repo: RepoName): void; |
| getMergeable(changeNum: NumericChangeId): Promise<MergeableInfo | undefined>; |
| |
| putChangeCommitMessage( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| message: string, |
| committerEmail: string | null |
| ): Promise<Response>; |
| |
| updateIdentityInChangeEdit( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| name: string, |
| email: string, |
| type: string |
| ): Promise<Response | undefined>; |
| |
| getChangeCommitInfo( |
| changeNum: NumericChangeId, |
| patchNum: PatchSetNum |
| ): Promise<CommitInfo | undefined>; |
| } |