blob: 3456e8f1fd27090ae0bf65ad6ec2dbe942fefdee [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {GerritView} from '../../services/router/router-model';
import {getBaseUrl} from '../../utils/url-util';
import {define} from '../dependency';
import {Model} from '../model';
import {Route, ViewState} from './base';
import {
} from '../../types/common';
import {hasOwnProperty} from '../../utils/common-util';
import {MenuLink} from '../../api/admin';
import {createGroupUrl, GroupDetailView} from './group';
import {createRepoUrl, RepoDetailView} from './repo';
export interface SubsectionInterface {
name: string;
view: GerritView;
detailType?: RepoDetailView | GroupDetailView;
url?: string;
children?: SubsectionInterface[];
export interface AdminNavLinksOption {
repoName?: RepoName;
groupId?: GroupId;
groupName?: string;
groupIsInternal?: boolean;
isAdmin?: boolean;
groupOwner?: boolean;
export interface NavLink {
name: string;
noBaseUrl: boolean;
url: string;
view?: GerritView | AdminChildView;
viewableToAll?: boolean;
section?: string;
capability?: string;
target?: string | null;
subsection?: SubsectionInterface;
children?: SubsectionInterface[];
export const PLUGIN_LIST_ROUTE: Route<AdminViewState> = {
urlPattern: /^\/admin\/plugins(\/)?$/,
createState: () => {
const state: AdminViewState = {
view: GerritView.ADMIN,
adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS,
return state;
export enum AdminChildView {
REPOS = 'gr-repo-list',
GROUPS = 'gr-admin-group-list',
PLUGINS = 'gr-plugin-list',
const ADMIN_LINKS: NavLink[] = [
name: 'Repositories',
noBaseUrl: true,
url: createAdminUrl({adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS}),
view: 'gr-repo-list' as GerritView,
viewableToAll: true,
name: 'Groups',
section: 'Groups',
noBaseUrl: true,
url: createAdminUrl({adminView: AdminChildView.GROUPS}),
view: 'gr-admin-group-list' as GerritView,
name: 'Plugins',
capability: 'viewPlugins',
section: 'Plugins',
noBaseUrl: true,
url: createAdminUrl({adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS}),
view: 'gr-plugin-list' as GerritView,
export interface AdminLink {
url: string;
text: string;
capability: string | null;
noBaseUrl: boolean;
view: null;
viewableToAll: boolean;
target: '_blank' | null;
export interface AdminLinks {
links: NavLink[];
expandedSection?: SubsectionInterface;
export function getAdminLinks(
account: AccountDetailInfo | undefined,
getAccountCapabilities: () => Promise<AccountCapabilityInfo>,
getAdminMenuLinks: () => MenuLink[],
options?: AdminNavLinksOption
): Promise<AdminLinks> {
if (!account) {
return Promise.resolve(
filterLinks(link => !!link.viewableToAll, getAdminMenuLinks, options)
return getAccountCapabilities().then(capabilities =>
link => !link.capability || hasOwnProperty(capabilities, link.capability),
function filterLinks(
filterFn: (link: NavLink) => boolean,
getAdminMenuLinks: () => MenuLink[],
options?: AdminNavLinksOption
): AdminLinks {
let links: NavLink[] = ADMIN_LINKS.slice(0);
let expandedSection: SubsectionInterface | undefined = undefined;
const isExternalLink = (link: MenuLink) => link.url[0] !== '/';
// Append top-level links that are defined by plugins.
...getAdminMenuLinks().map((link: MenuLink) => {
return {
url: link.url,
name: link.text,
capability: link.capability || undefined,
noBaseUrl: !isExternalLink(link),
view: undefined,
viewableToAll: !link.capability,
target: isExternalLink(link) ? '_blank' : null,
links = links.filter(filterFn);
const filteredLinks: NavLink[] = [];
const repoName = options && options.repoName;
const groupId = options && options.groupId;
const groupName = options && options.groupName;
const groupIsInternal = options && options.groupIsInternal;
const isAdmin = options && options.isAdmin;
const groupOwner = options && options.groupOwner;
// Don't bother to get sub-navigation items if only the top level links
// are needed. This is used by the main header dropdown.
if (!repoName && !groupId) {
return {links, expandedSection};
// Otherwise determine the full set of links and return both the full
// set in addition to the subsection that should be displayed if it
// exists.
for (const link of links) {
const linkCopy = {};
if ( === 'Repositories' && repoName) {
linkCopy.subsection = getRepoSubsections(repoName);
expandedSection = linkCopy.subsection;
} else if ( === 'Groups' && groupId && groupName) {
linkCopy.subsection = getGroupSubsections(
expandedSection = linkCopy.subsection;
return {links: filteredLinks, expandedSection};
export function getGroupSubsections(
groupId: GroupId,
groupName: string,
groupIsInternal?: boolean,
isAdmin?: boolean,
groupOwner?: boolean
) {
const children: SubsectionInterface[] = [];
const subsection: SubsectionInterface = {
name: groupName,
view: GerritView.GROUP,
url: createGroupUrl({groupId}),
if (groupIsInternal) {
name: 'Members',
detailType: GroupDetailView.MEMBERS,
view: GerritView.GROUP,
url: createGroupUrl({groupId, detail: GroupDetailView.MEMBERS}),
if (groupIsInternal && (isAdmin || groupOwner)) {
name: 'Audit Log',
detailType: GroupDetailView.LOG,
view: GerritView.GROUP,
url: createGroupUrl({groupId, detail: GroupDetailView.LOG}),
return subsection;
export function getRepoSubsections(repo: RepoName) {
return {
name: repo,
view: GerritView.REPO,
children: [
name: 'General',
view: GerritView.REPO,
detailType: RepoDetailView.GENERAL,
url: createRepoUrl({repo, detail: RepoDetailView.GENERAL}),
name: 'Access',
view: GerritView.REPO,
detailType: RepoDetailView.ACCESS,
url: createRepoUrl({repo, detail: RepoDetailView.ACCESS}),
name: 'Commands',
view: GerritView.REPO,
detailType: RepoDetailView.COMMANDS,
url: createRepoUrl({repo, detail: RepoDetailView.COMMANDS}),
name: 'Branches',
view: GerritView.REPO,
detailType: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
url: createRepoUrl({repo, detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES}),
name: 'Tags',
view: GerritView.REPO,
detailType: RepoDetailView.TAGS,
url: createRepoUrl({repo, detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS}),
name: 'Dashboards',
view: GerritView.REPO,
detailType: RepoDetailView.DASHBOARDS,
url: createRepoUrl({repo, detail: RepoDetailView.DASHBOARDS}),
export interface AdminViewState extends ViewState {
view: GerritView.ADMIN;
adminView: AdminChildView;
openCreateModal?: boolean;
filter?: string | null;
offset?: number | string;
export function createAdminUrl(state: Omit<AdminViewState, 'view'>) {
switch (state.adminView) {
case AdminChildView.REPOS:
return `${getBaseUrl()}/admin/repos`;
case AdminChildView.GROUPS:
return `${getBaseUrl()}/admin/groups`;
case AdminChildView.PLUGINS:
return `${getBaseUrl()}/admin/plugins`;
export const adminViewModelToken = define<AdminViewModel>('admin-view-model');
export class AdminViewModel extends Model<AdminViewState | undefined> {
constructor() {