| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2020 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import { |
| AccountDetailInfo, |
| AccountId, |
| AccountInfo, |
| AccountsConfigInfo, |
| ApprovalInfo, |
| AuthInfo, |
| BasePatchSetNum, |
| BlameInfo, |
| BranchName, |
| ChangeConfigInfo, |
| ChangeId, |
| ChangeInfo, |
| ChangeInfoId, |
| ChangeMessageId, |
| ChangeMessageInfo, |
| ChangeViewChangeInfo, |
| CommentInfo, |
| CommentLinkInfo, |
| CommentLinks, |
| CommentRange, |
| CommitId, |
| CommitInfo, |
| ConfigInfo, |
| DownloadInfo, |
| EditInfo, |
| EDIT, |
| EmailAddress, |
| FixId, |
| FixSuggestionInfo, |
| GerritInfo, |
| GitPersonInfo, |
| GitRef, |
| GroupAuditEventInfo, |
| GroupAuditEventType, |
| GroupId, |
| GroupInfo, |
| InheritedBooleanInfo, |
| MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo, |
| MergeableInfo, |
| NumericChangeId, |
| PatchRange, |
| PatchSetNum, |
| PluginConfigInfo, |
| PreferencesInfo, |
| RelatedChangeAndCommitInfo, |
| RelatedChangesInfo, |
| RepoName, |
| Requirement, |
| RequirementType, |
| Reviewers, |
| RevisionInfo, |
| RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| RobotCommentInfo, |
| RobotId, |
| RobotRunId, |
| SchemesInfoMap, |
| ServerInfo, |
| SubmittedTogetherInfo, |
| SubmitTypeInfo, |
| SuggestInfo, |
| Timestamp, |
| TimezoneOffset, |
| UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| UserConfigInfo, |
| } from '../types/common'; |
| import { |
| AccountsVisibility, |
| AppTheme, |
| AuthType, |
| ChangeStatus, |
| CommentSide, |
| DateFormat, |
| DefaultBase, |
| DefaultDisplayNameConfig, |
| DiffViewMode, |
| EmailStrategy, |
| InheritedBooleanInfoConfiguredValue, |
| MergeabilityComputationBehavior, |
| RequirementStatus, |
| RevisionKind, |
| SubmitType, |
| TimeFormat, |
| } from '../constants/constants'; |
| import {formatDate} from '../utils/date-util'; |
| import {GetDiffCommentsOutput} from '../services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api'; |
| import { |
| AppElementChangeViewParams, |
| AppElementSearchParam, |
| } from '../elements/gr-app-types'; |
| import {CommitInfoWithRequiredCommit} from '../elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata'; |
| import {WebLinkInfo} from '../types/diff'; |
| import { |
| ChangeMessage, |
| CommentThread, |
| createCommentThreads, |
| DraftInfo, |
| UnsavedInfo, |
| } from '../utils/comment-util'; |
| import {GerritView} from '../services/router/router-model'; |
| import {ChangeComments} from '../elements/diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api'; |
| import {EditRevisionInfo, ParsedChangeInfo} from '../types/types'; |
| import {GenerateUrlEditViewParameters} from '../elements/core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation'; |
| import { |
| DetailedLabelInfo, |
| FileInfo, |
| QuickLabelInfo, |
| SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo, |
| SubmitRequirementResultInfo, |
| SubmitRequirementStatus, |
| } from '../api/rest-api'; |
| import {CheckResult, RunResult} from '../models/checks/checks-model'; |
| import {Category, RunStatus} from '../api/checks'; |
| import {DiffInfo} from '../api/diff'; |
| |
| const TEST_DEFAULT_EXPRESSION = 'label:Verified=MAX -label:Verified=MIN'; |
| export const TEST_PROJECT_NAME: RepoName = 'test-project' as RepoName; |
| export const TEST_BRANCH_ID: BranchName = 'test-branch' as BranchName; |
| export const TEST_CHANGE_ID: ChangeId = 'TestChangeId' as ChangeId; |
| export const TEST_CHANGE_INFO_ID: ChangeInfoId = |
| export const TEST_SUBJECT = 'Test subject'; |
| export const TEST_NUMERIC_CHANGE_ID = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| |
| export const TEST_CHANGE_CREATED = new Date(2020, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3); |
| export const TEST_CHANGE_UPDATED = new Date(2020, 10, 6, 5, 12, 34); |
| |
| export function dateToTimestamp(date: Date): Timestamp { |
| const nanosecondSuffix = '.000000000'; |
| return (formatDate(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') + |
| nanosecondSuffix) as Timestamp; |
| } |
| |
| export function createCommentLink(match = 'test'): CommentLinkInfo { |
| return { |
| match, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createInheritedBoolean(value = false): InheritedBooleanInfo { |
| return { |
| value, |
| configured_value: value |
| ? InheritedBooleanInfoConfiguredValue.TRUE |
| : InheritedBooleanInfoConfiguredValue.FALSE, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createMaxObjectSizeLimit(): MaxObjectSizeLimitInfo { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| export function createSubmitType( |
| value: Exclude<SubmitType, SubmitType.INHERIT> = SubmitType.MERGE_IF_NECESSARY |
| ): SubmitTypeInfo { |
| return { |
| value, |
| configured_value: SubmitType.INHERIT, |
| inherited_value: value, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createCommentLinks(): CommentLinks { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| export function createConfig(): ConfigInfo { |
| return { |
| private_by_default: createInheritedBoolean(), |
| work_in_progress_by_default: createInheritedBoolean(), |
| max_object_size_limit: createMaxObjectSizeLimit(), |
| default_submit_type: createSubmitType(), |
| enable_reviewer_by_email: createInheritedBoolean(), |
| submit_type: SubmitType.INHERIT, |
| commentlinks: createCommentLinks(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAccountWithId(id = 5): AccountInfo { |
| return { |
| _account_id: id as AccountId, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAccountDetailWithId(id = 5): AccountDetailInfo { |
| return { |
| _account_id: id as AccountId, |
| registered_on: dateToTimestamp(new Date(2020, 10, 15, 14, 5, 8)), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAccountWithEmail(email = 'test@'): AccountInfo { |
| return { |
| email: email as EmailAddress, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAccountWithIdNameAndEmail(id = 5): AccountInfo { |
| return { |
| _account_id: id as AccountId, |
| email: `user-${id}@` as EmailAddress, |
| name: `User-${id}`, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAccountDetailWithIdNameAndEmail( |
| id = 5 |
| ): AccountDetailInfo { |
| return { |
| _account_id: id as AccountId, |
| email: `user-${id}@` as EmailAddress, |
| name: `User-${id}`, |
| registered_on: dateToTimestamp(new Date(2020, 10, 15, 14, 5, 8)), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createReviewers(): Reviewers { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| export function createGitPerson(name = 'Test name'): GitPersonInfo { |
| return { |
| name, |
| email: `${name}@` as EmailAddress, |
| date: dateToTimestamp(new Date(2019, 11, 6, 14, 5, 8)), |
| tz: 0 as TimezoneOffset, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createCommit(): CommitInfo { |
| return { |
| parents: [], |
| author: createGitPerson(), |
| committer: createGitPerson(), |
| subject: 'Test commit subject', |
| message: 'Test commit message', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit( |
| commit = 'commit' |
| ): CommitInfoWithRequiredCommit { |
| return { |
| ...createCommit(), |
| commit: commit as CommitId, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createPatchRange( |
| basePatchNum?: number, |
| patchNum?: number |
| ): PatchRange { |
| return { |
| basePatchNum: (basePatchNum ?? PARENT) as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: (patchNum ?? 1) as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRevision( |
| patchSetNum = 1, |
| description = '' |
| ): RevisionInfo { |
| return { |
| _number: patchSetNum as PatchSetNum, |
| commit: createCommit(), |
| created: dateToTimestamp(TEST_CHANGE_CREATED), |
| kind: RevisionKind.REWORK, |
| ref: 'refs/changes/5/6/1' as GitRef, |
| uploader: createAccountWithId(), |
| description, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createEditInfo(): EditInfo { |
| return { |
| commit: {...createCommit(), commit: 'commit-id-of-edit-ps' as CommitId}, |
| base_patch_set_number: 1 as BasePatchSetNum, |
| base_revision: 'base-revision-of-edit', |
| ref: 'refs/changes/5/6/1' as GitRef, |
| fetch: {}, |
| files: {}, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createEditRevision(basePatchNum = 1): EditRevisionInfo { |
| return { |
| _number: EDIT, |
| basePatchNum: basePatchNum as BasePatchSetNum, |
| commit: { |
| ...createCommit(), |
| commit: 'test-commit-id-of-edit-rev' as CommitId, |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChangeMessageInfo(id = 'cm_id_1'): ChangeMessageInfo { |
| return { |
| id: id as ChangeMessageId, |
| date: dateToTimestamp(TEST_CHANGE_CREATED), |
| message: `This is a message with id ${id}`, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChangeMessage(id = 'cm_id_1'): ChangeMessage { |
| return { |
| ...createChangeMessageInfo(id), |
| type: '', |
| expanded: false, |
| commentThreads: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRevisions(count: number): { |
| [revisionId: string]: RevisionInfo; |
| } { |
| const revisions: {[revisionId: string]: RevisionInfo} = {}; |
| let revisionDate = TEST_CHANGE_CREATED; |
| const revisionIdStart = 1; // The same as getCurrentRevision |
| for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| const revisionId = (i + revisionIdStart).toString(16); |
| const revision: RevisionInfo = { |
| ...createRevision(i + 1), |
| created: dateToTimestamp(revisionDate), |
| ref: `refs/changes/5/6/${i + 1}` as GitRef, |
| }; |
| revisions[revisionId] = revision; |
| // advance 1 day |
| revisionDate = new Date(revisionDate); |
| revisionDate.setDate(revisionDate.getDate() + 1); |
| } |
| return revisions; |
| } |
| |
| export function getCurrentRevision(count: number): CommitId { |
| const revisionIdStart = 1; // The same as createRevisions |
| return (count + revisionIdStart).toString(16) as CommitId; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChangeMessages(count: number): ChangeMessageInfo[] { |
| const messageIdStart = 1000; |
| const messages: ChangeMessageInfo[] = []; |
| let messageDate = TEST_CHANGE_CREATED; |
| for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| messages.push({ |
| ...createChangeMessageInfo((i + messageIdStart).toString(16)), |
| date: dateToTimestamp(messageDate), |
| }); |
| messageDate = new Date(messageDate); |
| messageDate.setDate(messageDate.getDate() + 1); |
| } |
| return messages; |
| } |
| |
| export function createFileInfo(): FileInfo { |
| return { |
| size: 314, |
| size_delta: 7, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChange(): ChangeInfo { |
| return { |
| project: TEST_PROJECT_NAME, |
| branch: TEST_BRANCH_ID, |
| change_id: TEST_CHANGE_ID, |
| subject: TEST_SUBJECT, |
| status: ChangeStatus.NEW, |
| created: dateToTimestamp(TEST_CHANGE_CREATED), |
| updated: dateToTimestamp(TEST_CHANGE_UPDATED), |
| insertions: 0, |
| deletions: 0, |
| owner: createAccountWithId(), |
| // This is documented as optional, but actually always set. |
| reviewers: createReviewers(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChangeViewChange(): ChangeViewChangeInfo { |
| return { |
| ...createChange(), |
| revisions: { |
| abc: createRevision(), |
| }, |
| current_revision: 'abc' as CommitId, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createParsedChange(): ParsedChangeInfo { |
| return createChangeViewChange(); |
| } |
| |
| export function createAccountsConfig(): AccountsConfigInfo { |
| return { |
| visibility: AccountsVisibility.ALL, |
| default_display_name: DefaultDisplayNameConfig.FULL_NAME, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAuth(): AuthInfo { |
| return { |
| auth_type: AuthType.OPENID, |
| editable_account_fields: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChangeConfig(): ChangeConfigInfo { |
| return { |
| large_change: 500, |
| // The default update_delay is 5 minutes, but we don't want to accidentally |
| // start polling in tests |
| update_delay: 0, |
| mergeability_computation_behavior: |
| MergeabilityComputationBehavior.REF_UPDATED_AND_CHANGE_REINDEX, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createDownloadSchemes(): SchemesInfoMap { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| export function createDownloadInfo(): DownloadInfo { |
| return { |
| schemes: createDownloadSchemes(), |
| archives: ['tgz', 'tar'], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createGerritInfo(): GerritInfo { |
| return { |
| all_projects: 'All-Projects', |
| all_users: 'All-Users', |
| doc_search: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createPluginConfig(): PluginConfigInfo { |
| return { |
| has_avatars: false, |
| js_resource_paths: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createSuggestInfo(): SuggestInfo { |
| return { |
| from: 0, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createUserConfig(): UserConfigInfo { |
| return { |
| anonymous_coward_name: 'Name of user not set', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createServerInfo(): ServerInfo { |
| return { |
| accounts: createAccountsConfig(), |
| auth: createAuth(), |
| change: createChangeConfig(), |
| download: createDownloadInfo(), |
| gerrit: createGerritInfo(), |
| plugin: createPluginConfig(), |
| suggest: createSuggestInfo(), |
| user: createUserConfig(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createGetDiffCommentsOutput(): GetDiffCommentsOutput { |
| return { |
| baseComments: [], |
| comments: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createEmptyDiff(): DiffInfo { |
| return { |
| meta_a: { |
| name: 'empty-left.txt', |
| content_type: 'text/plain', |
| lines: 1, |
| }, |
| meta_b: { |
| name: 'empty-right.txt', |
| content_type: 'text/plain', |
| lines: 1, |
| }, |
| intraline_status: 'OK', |
| change_type: 'MODIFIED', |
| content: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createDiff(): DiffInfo { |
| return { |
| meta_a: { |
| name: 'lorem-ipsum.txt', |
| content_type: 'text/plain', |
| lines: 45, |
| }, |
| meta_b: { |
| name: 'lorem-ipsum.txt', |
| content_type: 'text/plain', |
| lines: 48, |
| }, |
| intraline_status: 'OK', |
| change_type: 'MODIFIED', |
| diff_header: [ |
| 'diff --git a/lorem-ipsum.txt b/lorem-ipsum.txt', |
| 'index b2adcf4..554ae49 100644', |
| '--- a/lorem-ipsum.txt', |
| '+++ b/lorem-ipsum.txt', |
| ], |
| content: [ |
| { |
| ab: [ |
| 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, suspendisse inceptos vehicula, ' + |
| 'nulla phasellus.', |
| 'Mattis lectus.', |
| 'Sodales duis.', |
| 'Orci a faucibus.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| b: [ |
| 'Nullam neque, ligula ac, id blandit.', |
| 'Sagittis tincidunt torquent, tempor nunc amet.', |
| 'At rhoncus id.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| ab: [ |
| 'Sem nascetur, erat ut, non in.', |
| 'A donec, venenatis pellentesque dis.', |
| 'Mauris mauris.', |
| 'Quisque nisl duis, facilisis viverra.', |
| 'Justo purus, semper eget et.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| a: [ |
| 'Est amet, vestibulum pellentesque.', |
| 'Erat ligula.', |
| 'Justo eros.', |
| 'Fringilla quisque.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| ab: [ |
| 'Arcu eget, rhoncus amet cursus, ipsum elementum.', |
| 'Eros suspendisse.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| a: ['Rhoncus tempor, ultricies aliquam ipsum.'], |
| b: ['Rhoncus tempor, ultricies praesent ipsum.'], |
| edit_a: [[26, 7]], |
| edit_b: [[26, 8]], |
| }, |
| { |
| ab: [ |
| 'Sollicitudin duis.', |
| 'Blandit blandit, ante nisl fusce.', |
| 'Felis ac at, tellus consectetuer.', |
| 'Sociis ligula sapien, egestas leo.', |
| 'Cum pulvinar, sed mauris, cursus neque velit.', |
| 'Augue porta lobortis.', |
| 'Nibh lorem, amet fermentum turpis, vel pulvinar diam.', |
| 'Id quam ipsum, id urna et, massa suspendisse.', |
| 'Ac nec, nibh praesent.', |
| 'Rutrum vestibulum.', |
| 'Est tellus, bibendum habitasse.', |
| 'Justo facilisis, vel nulla.', |
| 'Donec eu, vulputate neque aliquam, nulla dui.', |
| 'Risus adipiscing in.', |
| 'Lacus arcu arcu.', |
| 'Urna velit.', |
| 'Urna a dolor.', |
| 'Lectus magna augue, convallis mattis tortor, sed tellus ' + |
| 'consequat.', |
| 'Etiam dui, blandit wisi.', |
| 'Mi nec.', |
| 'Vitae eget vestibulum.', |
| 'Ullamcorper nunc ante, nec imperdiet felis, consectetur in.', |
| 'Ac eget.', |
| 'Vel fringilla, interdum pellentesque placerat, proin ante.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| b: [ |
| 'Eu congue risus.', |
| 'Enim ac, quis elementum.', |
| 'Non et elit.', |
| 'Etiam aliquam, diam vel nunc.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| ab: [ |
| 'Nec at.', |
| 'Arcu mauris, venenatis lacus fermentum, praesent duis.', |
| 'Pellentesque amet et, tellus duis.', |
| 'Ipsum arcu vitae, justo elit, sed libero tellus.', |
| 'Metus rutrum euismod, vivamus sodales, vel arcu nisl.', |
| ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createBlame(): BlameInfo { |
| return { |
| author: 'test-author', |
| id: 'test-id', |
| time: 123, |
| commit_msg: 'test-commit-message', |
| ranges: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createMergeable(): MergeableInfo { |
| return { |
| submit_type: SubmitType.MERGE_IF_NECESSARY, |
| mergeable: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: Maybe reconcile with createDefaultPreferences() in constants.ts. |
| export function createPreferences(): PreferencesInfo { |
| return { |
| changes_per_page: 10, |
| theme: AppTheme.LIGHT, |
| date_format: DateFormat.ISO, |
| time_format: TimeFormat.HHMM_24, |
| diff_view: DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE, |
| my: [], |
| change_table: [], |
| email_strategy: EmailStrategy.ENABLED, |
| default_base_for_merges: DefaultBase.AUTO_MERGE, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createApproval(): ApprovalInfo { |
| return createAccountWithId(); |
| } |
| |
| export function createAppElementChangeViewParams(): AppElementChangeViewParams { |
| return { |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| project: TEST_PROJECT_NAME, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createAppElementSearchViewParams(): AppElementSearchParam { |
| return { |
| view: GerritView.SEARCH, |
| query: TEST_NUMERIC_CHANGE_ID.toString(), |
| offset: '0', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createGenerateUrlEditViewParameters(): GenerateUrlEditViewParameters { |
| return { |
| view: GerritView.EDIT, |
| patchNum: EDIT, |
| path: 'foo/bar.baz', |
| project: TEST_PROJECT_NAME, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRequirement(): Requirement { |
| return { |
| status: RequirementStatus.OK, |
| fallbackText: '', |
| type: 'wip' as RequirementType, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createWebLinkInfo(): WebLinkInfo { |
| return { |
| name: 'gitiles', |
| url: '#', |
| image_url: 'gitiles.jpg', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRange(): CommentRange { |
| return { |
| start_line: 1, |
| start_character: 0, |
| end_line: 1, |
| end_character: 1, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createComment( |
| extra: Partial<CommentInfo | DraftInfo> = {} |
| ): CommentInfo { |
| return { |
| patch_set: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| id: '12345' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| side: CommentSide.REVISION, |
| line: 1, |
| message: 'hello world', |
| updated: '2018-02-13 22:48:48.018000000' as Timestamp, |
| unresolved: false, |
| path: 'abc.txt', |
| ...extra, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createDraft(extra: Partial<CommentInfo> = {}): DraftInfo { |
| return { |
| ...createComment(), |
| __draft: true, |
| ...extra, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createUnsaved(extra: Partial<CommentInfo> = {}): UnsavedInfo { |
| return { |
| ...createComment(), |
| __unsaved: true, |
| id: undefined, |
| updated: undefined, |
| ...extra, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRobotComment( |
| extra: Partial<CommentInfo> = {} |
| ): RobotCommentInfo { |
| return { |
| ...createComment(), |
| robot_id: 'robot-id-123' as RobotId, |
| robot_run_id: 'robot-run-id-456' as RobotRunId, |
| properties: {}, |
| fix_suggestions: [], |
| ...extra, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createChangeComments(): ChangeComments { |
| const comments = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': [ |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| message: 'Done', |
| updated: '2017-02-08 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '1' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| message: 'oh hay', |
| updated: '2017-02-09 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '2' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| message: 'hello', |
| updated: '2017-02-10 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '3' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| }, |
| ], |
| 'myfile.txt': [ |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| message: 'good news!', |
| updated: '2017-02-08 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '4' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| message: 'wat!?', |
| updated: '2017-02-09 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '5' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| message: 'hi', |
| updated: '2017-02-10 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '6' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| }, |
| ], |
| 'unresolved.file': [ |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| message: 'wat!?', |
| updated: '2017-02-09 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '7' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| unresolved: true, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| message: 'hi', |
| updated: '2017-02-10 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '8' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| in_reply_to: '7' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| unresolved: false, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createComment(), |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| message: 'good news!', |
| updated: '2017-02-08 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '9' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| unresolved: true, |
| }, |
| ], |
| }; |
| const drafts = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': [ |
| { |
| ...createDraft(), |
| message: 'hi', |
| updated: '2017-02-15 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '10' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| unresolved: true, |
| }, |
| { |
| ...createDraft(), |
| message: 'fyi', |
| updated: '2017-02-15 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '11' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| unresolved: false, |
| }, |
| ], |
| 'unresolved.file': [ |
| { |
| ...createDraft(), |
| message: 'hi', |
| updated: '2017-02-11 16:40:49' as Timestamp, |
| id: '12' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| unresolved: false, |
| }, |
| ], |
| }; |
| return new ChangeComments(comments, {}, drafts, {}, {}); |
| } |
| |
| export function createThread( |
| ...comments: Partial<CommentInfo | DraftInfo>[] |
| ): CommentThread { |
| return { |
| comments: comments.map(c => createComment(c)), |
| rootId: 'test-root-id-comment-thread' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| path: 'test-path-comment-thread', |
| commentSide: CommentSide.REVISION, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| line: 314, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createCommentThread( |
| comments: Array<Partial<CommentInfo | DraftInfo>> |
| ) { |
| if (!comments.length) { |
| throw new Error('comment is required to create a thread'); |
| } |
| const filledComments = comments.map(comment => { |
| return {...createComment(), ...comment}; |
| }); |
| const threads = createCommentThreads(filledComments); |
| return threads[0]; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRelatedChangeAndCommitInfo(): RelatedChangeAndCommitInfo { |
| return { |
| project: TEST_PROJECT_NAME, |
| commit: createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRelatedChangesInfo(): RelatedChangesInfo { |
| return { |
| changes: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createSubmittedTogetherInfo(): SubmittedTogetherInfo { |
| return { |
| changes: [], |
| non_visible_changes: 0, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createFixSuggestionInfo(fixId = 'fix_1'): FixSuggestionInfo { |
| return { |
| fix_id: fixId as FixId, |
| description: `Fix ${fixId}`, |
| replacements: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createGroupInfo(id = 'id'): GroupInfo { |
| return { |
| id: id as GroupId, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createGroupAuditEventInfo( |
| type: GroupAuditEventType |
| ): GroupAuditEventInfo { |
| if ( |
| type === GroupAuditEventType.ADD_USER || |
| type === GroupAuditEventType.REMOVE_USER |
| ) { |
| return { |
| type, |
| member: createAccountWithId(10), |
| user: createAccountWithId(), |
| date: dateToTimestamp(new Date(2019, 11, 6, 14, 5, 8)), |
| }; |
| } else { |
| return { |
| type, |
| member: createGroupInfo(), |
| user: createAccountWithId(), |
| date: dateToTimestamp(new Date(2019, 11, 6, 14, 5, 8)), |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| export function createSubmitRequirementExpressionInfo( |
| ): SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo { |
| return { |
| expression, |
| fulfilled: true, |
| passing_atoms: ['label2:verified=MAX'], |
| failing_atoms: ['label2:verified=MIN'], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createSubmitRequirementResultInfo( |
| ): SubmitRequirementResultInfo { |
| return { |
| name: 'Verified', |
| status: SubmitRequirementStatus.SATISFIED, |
| submittability_expression_result: |
| createSubmitRequirementExpressionInfo(expression), |
| is_legacy: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createNonApplicableSubmitRequirementResultInfo(): SubmitRequirementResultInfo { |
| return { |
| name: 'Verified', |
| status: SubmitRequirementStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE, |
| applicability_expression_result: createSubmitRequirementExpressionInfo(), |
| submittability_expression_result: createSubmitRequirementExpressionInfo(), |
| is_legacy: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createRunResult(): RunResult { |
| return { |
| attemptDetails: [], |
| category: Category.INFO, |
| checkName: 'test-name', |
| internalResultId: 'test-internal-result-id', |
| internalRunId: 'test-internal-run-id', |
| isLatestAttempt: true, |
| isSingleAttempt: true, |
| pluginName: 'test-plugin-name', |
| status: RunStatus.COMPLETED, |
| summary: 'This is the test summary.', |
| message: 'This is the test message.', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createCheckResult(): CheckResult { |
| return { |
| category: Category.ERROR, |
| summary: 'error', |
| internalResultId: 'test-internal-result-id', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createDetailedLabelInfo(): DetailedLabelInfo { |
| return { |
| values: { |
| ' 0': 'No score', |
| '+1': 'Style Verified', |
| '-1': 'Wrong Style or Formatting', |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| export function createQuickLabelInfo(): QuickLabelInfo { |
| return {}; |
| } |