| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2017 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import '../../../test/common-test-setup-karma'; |
| import './gr-editor-view'; |
| import {GrEditorView} from './gr-editor-view'; |
| import {GerritNav} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation'; |
| import {HttpMethod} from '../../../constants/constants'; |
| import { |
| mockPromise, |
| query, |
| stubRestApi, |
| stubStorage, |
| } from '../../../test/test-utils'; |
| import {EDIT, NumericChangeId, PatchSetNum} from '../../../types/common'; |
| import { |
| createChangeViewChange, |
| createGenerateUrlEditViewParameters, |
| } from '../../../test/test-data-generators'; |
| import * as MockInteractions from '@polymer/iron-test-helpers/mock-interactions'; |
| import {GrEndpointDecorator} from '../../plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator'; |
| import {GrDefaultEditor} from '../gr-default-editor/gr-default-editor'; |
| import {GrButton} from '../../shared/gr-button/gr-button'; |
| |
| const basicFixture = fixtureFromElement('gr-editor-view'); |
| |
| suite('gr-editor-view tests', () => { |
| let element: GrEditorView; |
| |
| let savePathStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let saveFileStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let changeDetailStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let navigateStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| |
| setup(async () => { |
| element = basicFixture.instantiate(); |
| savePathStub = stubRestApi('renameFileInChangeEdit'); |
| saveFileStub = stubRestApi('saveChangeEdit'); |
| changeDetailStub = stubRestApi('getChangeDetail'); |
| navigateStub = sinon.stub(element, 'viewEditInChangeView'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| }); |
| |
| suite('paramsChanged', () => { |
| test('good params proceed', async () => { |
| changeDetailStub.returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| const fileStub = sinon.stub(element, 'getFileData').callsFake(() => { |
| element.content = 'text'; |
| element.newContent = 'text'; |
| element.type = 'application/octet-stream'; |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| }); |
| |
| element.params = {...createGenerateUrlEditViewParameters()}; |
| const promises = element.paramsChanged(); |
| |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| assert.equal(element.changeNum, changeNum); |
| assert.equal(element.path, 'foo/bar.baz'); |
| assert.deepEqual(changeDetailStub.lastCall.args[0], changeNum); |
| assert.deepEqual(fileStub.lastCall.args, [ |
| changeNum, |
| 'foo/bar.baz', |
| EDIT as PatchSetNum, |
| ]); |
| |
| return promises?.then(() => { |
| assert.equal(element.content, 'text'); |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, 'text'); |
| assert.equal(element.type, 'application/octet-stream'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('edit file path', () => { |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.path = 'foo/bar.baz'; |
| savePathStub.onFirstCall().returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| savePathStub.onSecondCall().returns(Promise.resolve({ok: true})); |
| |
| // Calling with the same path should not navigate. |
| return element |
| .handlePathChanged(new CustomEvent('change', {detail: 'foo/bar.baz'})) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.isFalse(savePathStub.called); |
| // !ok response |
| element |
| .handlePathChanged(new CustomEvent('change', {detail: 'newPath'})) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(savePathStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse(navigateStub.called); |
| // ok response |
| element |
| .handlePathChanged(new CustomEvent('change', {detail: 'newPath'})) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(navigateStub.called); |
| assert.isTrue(element.successfulSave); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('reacts to content-change event', async () => { |
| const storageStub = stubStorage('setEditableContentItem'); |
| element.newContent = 'test'; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| query<GrEndpointDecorator>(element, '#editorEndpoint')!.dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('content-change', { |
| bubbles: true, |
| composed: true, |
| detail: {value: 'new content value'}, |
| }) |
| ); |
| element.storeTask?.flush(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, 'new content value'); |
| assert.isTrue(storageStub.called); |
| assert.equal(storageStub.lastCall.args[1], 'new content value'); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('edit file content', () => { |
| const originalText = 'file text'; |
| const newText = 'file text changed'; |
| |
| setup(async () => { |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.path = 'foo/bar.baz'; |
| element.content = originalText; |
| element.newContent = originalText; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| }); |
| |
| test('initial load', () => { |
| assert.equal( |
| query<GrDefaultEditor>(element, '#file')!.fileContent, |
| originalText |
| ); |
| assert.isTrue( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('file modification and save, !ok response', async () => { |
| const saveSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'saveEdit'); |
| const eraseStub = stubStorage('eraseEditableContentItem'); |
| const alertStub = sinon.stub(element, 'showAlert'); |
| saveFileStub.returns(Promise.resolve({ok: false})); |
| element.newContent = newText; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isFalse( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| assert.isFalse(element.saving); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!); |
| assert.isTrue(saveSpy.called); |
| assert.equal(alertStub.lastCall.args[0], 'Saving changes...'); |
| assert.isTrue(element.saving); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| |
| return saveSpy.lastCall.returnValue.then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(saveFileStub.called); |
| assert.isTrue(eraseStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse(element.saving); |
| assert.equal(alertStub.lastCall.args[0], 'Failed to save changes'); |
| assert.deepEqual(saveFileStub.lastCall.args, [ |
| 42 as NumericChangeId, |
| 'foo/bar.baz', |
| newText, |
| ]); |
| assert.isFalse(navigateStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| assert.notEqual(element.content, element.newContent); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('file modification and save', async () => { |
| const saveSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'saveEdit'); |
| const alertStub = sinon.stub(element, 'showAlert'); |
| saveFileStub.returns(Promise.resolve({ok: true})); |
| element.newContent = newText; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isFalse(element.saving); |
| assert.isFalse( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!); |
| assert.isTrue(saveSpy.called); |
| assert.equal(alertStub.lastCall.args[0], 'Saving changes...'); |
| assert.isTrue(element.saving); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| |
| return saveSpy.lastCall.returnValue.then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(saveFileStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse(element.saving); |
| assert.equal(alertStub.lastCall.args[0], 'All changes saved'); |
| assert.isTrue( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| assert.equal(element.content, element.newContent); |
| assert.isTrue(element.successfulSave); |
| assert.isTrue(navigateStub.called); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('file modification and publish', async () => { |
| const saveSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'saveEdit'); |
| const alertStub = sinon.stub(element, 'showAlert'); |
| const changeActionsStub = stubRestApi('executeChangeAction'); |
| saveFileStub.returns(Promise.resolve({ok: true})); |
| element.newContent = newText; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isFalse(element.saving); |
| assert.isFalse( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(query<GrButton>(element, '#publish')!); |
| assert.isTrue(saveSpy.called); |
| assert.equal(alertStub.getCall(0).args[0], 'Saving changes...'); |
| assert.isTrue(element.saving); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| |
| return saveSpy.lastCall.returnValue.then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(saveFileStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse(element.saving); |
| |
| assert.equal(alertStub.getCall(1).args[0], 'All changes saved'); |
| assert.equal(alertStub.getCall(2).args[0], 'Publishing edit...'); |
| |
| assert.isTrue( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| assert.equal(element.content, element.newContent); |
| assert.isTrue(element.successfulSave); |
| assert.isFalse(navigateStub.called); |
| |
| const args = changeActionsStub.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(args[0], 42 as NumericChangeId); |
| assert.equal(args[1], HttpMethod.POST); |
| assert.equal(args[2], '/edit:publish'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('file modification and close', async () => { |
| const closeSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'handleCloseTap'); |
| element.newContent = newText; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isFalse( |
| query<GrButton>(element, '#save')!.hasAttribute('disabled') |
| ); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(query<GrButton>(element, '#close')!); |
| assert.isTrue(closeSpy.called); |
| assert.isFalse(saveFileStub.called); |
| assert.isTrue(navigateStub.called); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('getFileData', () => { |
| setup(() => { |
| element.newContent = 'initial'; |
| element.content = 'initial'; |
| element.type = 'initial'; |
| stubStorage('getEditableContentItem').returns(null); |
| }); |
| |
| test('res.ok', () => { |
| stubRestApi('getFileContent').returns( |
| Promise.resolve({ |
| ok: true, |
| type: 'text/javascript', |
| content: 'new content', |
| }) |
| ); |
| |
| // Ensure no data is set with a bad response. |
| return element |
| .getFileData(1 as NumericChangeId, 'test/path', EDIT as PatchSetNum) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, 'new content'); |
| assert.equal(element.content, 'new content'); |
| assert.equal(element.type, 'text/javascript'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('!res.ok', () => { |
| stubRestApi('getFileContent').returns( |
| Promise.resolve(new Response(null, {status: 500})) |
| ); |
| |
| // Ensure no data is set with a bad response. |
| return element |
| .getFileData(1 as NumericChangeId, 'test/path', EDIT as PatchSetNum) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, ''); |
| assert.equal(element.content, ''); |
| assert.equal(element.type, ''); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('content is undefined', () => { |
| stubRestApi('getFileContent').returns( |
| Promise.resolve({ |
| ...new Response(), |
| ok: true, |
| type: 'text/javascript' as ResponseType, |
| }) |
| ); |
| |
| return element |
| .getFileData(1 as NumericChangeId, 'test/path', EDIT as PatchSetNum) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, ''); |
| assert.equal(element.content, ''); |
| assert.equal(element.type, 'text/javascript'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('content and type is undefined', () => { |
| stubRestApi('getFileContent').returns( |
| Promise.resolve({...new Response(), ok: true}) |
| ); |
| |
| return element |
| .getFileData(1 as NumericChangeId, 'test/path', EDIT as PatchSetNum) |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, ''); |
| assert.equal(element.content, ''); |
| assert.equal(element.type, ''); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('showAlert', async () => { |
| const promise = mockPromise(); |
| element.addEventListener('show-alert', e => { |
| assert.deepEqual(e.detail, {message: 'test message', showDismiss: true}); |
| assert.isTrue(e.bubbles); |
| promise.resolve(); |
| }); |
| |
| element.showAlert('test message'); |
| await promise; |
| }); |
| |
| test('viewEditInChangeView', () => { |
| element.change = createChangeViewChange(); |
| navigateStub.restore(); |
| const navStub = sinon.stub(GerritNav, 'navigateToChange'); |
| element.patchNum = EDIT; |
| element.viewEditInChangeView(); |
| assert.equal(navStub.lastCall.args[1]!.patchNum, undefined); |
| assert.equal(navStub.lastCall.args[1]!.isEdit, true); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('keyboard shortcuts', () => { |
| // Used as the spy on the handler for each entry in keyBindings. |
| let handleSpy: sinon.SinonSpy; |
| |
| suite('handleSaveShortcut', () => { |
| let saveStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| setup(() => { |
| handleSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'handleSaveShortcut'); |
| saveStub = sinon.stub(element, 'saveEdit'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('save enabled', async () => { |
| element.content = ''; |
| element.newContent = '_test'; |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 83, 'ctrl', 's'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(handleSpy.calledOnce); |
| assert.isTrue(saveStub.calledOnce); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 83, 'meta', 's'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.equal(handleSpy.callCount, 2); |
| assert.equal(saveStub.callCount, 2); |
| }); |
| |
| test('save disabled', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 83, 'ctrl', 's'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(handleSpy.calledOnce); |
| assert.isFalse(saveStub.called); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 83, 'meta', 's'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.equal(handleSpy.callCount, 2); |
| assert.isFalse(saveStub.called); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('gr-storage caching', () => { |
| test('local edit exists', () => { |
| stubStorage('getEditableContentItem').returns({ |
| message: 'pending edit', |
| updated: 0, |
| }); |
| stubRestApi('getFileContent').returns( |
| Promise.resolve({ |
| ok: true, |
| type: 'text/javascript', |
| content: 'old content', |
| }) |
| ); |
| |
| const alertStub = sinon.stub(); |
| element.addEventListener('show-alert', alertStub); |
| |
| return element |
| .getFileData(1 as NumericChangeId, 'test', 1 as PatchSetNum) |
| .then(async () => { |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(alertStub.called); |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, 'pending edit'); |
| assert.equal(element.content, 'old content'); |
| assert.equal(element.type, 'text/javascript'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('local edit exists, is same as remote edit', () => { |
| stubStorage('getEditableContentItem').returns({ |
| message: 'pending edit', |
| updated: 0, |
| }); |
| stubRestApi('getFileContent').returns( |
| Promise.resolve({ |
| ok: true, |
| type: 'text/javascript', |
| content: 'pending edit', |
| }) |
| ); |
| |
| const alertStub = sinon.stub(); |
| element.addEventListener('show-alert', alertStub); |
| |
| return element |
| .getFileData(1 as NumericChangeId, 'test', 1 as PatchSetNum) |
| .then(async () => { |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isFalse(alertStub.called); |
| assert.equal(element.newContent, 'pending edit'); |
| assert.equal(element.content, 'pending edit'); |
| assert.equal(element.type, 'text/javascript'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('storage key computation', () => { |
| element.changeNum = 1 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchNum = 1 as PatchSetNum; |
| element.path = 'test'; |
| assert.equal(element.storageKey, 'c1_ps1_test'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |