| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2015 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import '../../../test/common-test-setup-karma'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter'; |
| import './gr-file-list'; |
| import {FilesExpandedState} from '../gr-file-list-constants'; |
| import {GerritNav} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation'; |
| import {runA11yAudit} from '../../../test/a11y-test-utils'; |
| import { |
| listenOnce, |
| mockPromise, |
| query, |
| stubRestApi, |
| waitUntil, |
| } from '../../../test/test-utils'; |
| import { |
| BasePatchSetNum, |
| CommitId, |
| EDIT, |
| NumericChangeId, |
| PatchRange, |
| RepoName, |
| RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| Timestamp, |
| UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| FileNameToFileInfoMap, |
| } from '../../../types/common'; |
| import {createCommentThreads} from '../../../utils/comment-util'; |
| import { |
| createChangeComments, |
| createCommit, |
| createDiff, |
| createParsedChange, |
| createRevision, |
| } from '../../../test/test-data-generators'; |
| import { |
| createDefaultDiffPrefs, |
| DiffViewMode, |
| } from '../../../constants/constants'; |
| import {queryAll, queryAndAssert} from '../../../utils/common-util'; |
| import {GrFileList, NormalizedFileInfo} from './gr-file-list'; |
| import {GrButton} from '../../shared/gr-button/gr-button'; |
| import * as MockInteractions from '@polymer/iron-test-helpers/mock-interactions'; |
| import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../../../types/types'; |
| import {GrDiffHost} from '../../diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host'; |
| import {IronIconElement} from '@polymer/iron-icon'; |
| import {GrEditFileControls} from '../../edit/gr-edit-file-controls/gr-edit-file-controls'; |
| |
| const basicFixture = fixtureFromElement('gr-file-list'); |
| |
| suite('gr-diff a11y test', () => { |
| test('audit', async () => { |
| await runA11yAudit(basicFixture); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| function createFilesByPath(count: number) { |
| return Array(count) |
| .fill(0) |
| .reduce((filesByPath, _, idx) => { |
| filesByPath[`'/file${idx}`] = {lines_inserted: 9}; |
| return filesByPath; |
| }, {}); |
| } |
| |
| suite('gr-file-list tests', () => { |
| let element: GrFileList; |
| |
| let saveStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| |
| suite('basic tests', async () => { |
| setup(async () => { |
| stubRestApi('getDiffComments').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffRobotComments').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffDrafts').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stubRestApi('getAccountCapabilities').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stub('gr-date-formatter', '_loadTimeFormat').callsFake(() => |
| Promise.resolve() |
| ); |
| stub('gr-diff-host', 'reload').callsFake(() => Promise.resolve()); |
| stub('gr-diff-host', 'prefetchDiff').callsFake(() => {}); |
| |
| element = basicFixture.instantiate(); |
| |
| element.loading = false; |
| element.diffPrefs = { |
| context: 10, |
| tab_size: 8, |
| font_size: 12, |
| line_length: 100, |
| cursor_blink_rate: 0, |
| line_wrapping: false, |
| show_line_endings: true, |
| show_tabs: true, |
| show_whitespace_errors: true, |
| syntax_highlighting: true, |
| ignore_whitespace: 'IGNORE_NONE', |
| }; |
| element.numFilesShown = 200; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| saveStub = sinon |
| .stub(element, '_saveReviewedState') |
| .callsFake(() => Promise.resolve()); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for expandedFilesChanged to complete. |
| await flush(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('renders', () => { |
| expect(element).shadowDom.to.equal(/* HTML */ `<h3 |
| class="assistive-tech-only" |
| > |
| File list |
| </h3> |
| <div aria-label="Files list" id="container" role="grid"> |
| <div class="header-row row" role="row"> |
| <div class="path" role="columnheader">File</div> |
| <div class="comments desktop" role="columnheader">Comments</div> |
| <div class="comments mobile" role="columnheader" title="Comments"> |
| C |
| </div> |
| <div class="desktop sizeBars" role="columnheader">Size</div> |
| <div class="header-stats" role="columnheader">Delta</div> |
| <div aria-hidden="true" class="hideOnEdit reviewed"></div> |
| <div aria-hidden="true" class="editFileControls showOnEdit"></div> |
| <div aria-hidden="true" class="show-hide"></div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="controlRow invisible row"> |
| <gr-button |
| aria-disabled="false" |
| class="fileListButton" |
| id="incrementButton" |
| link="" |
| role="button" |
| tabindex="0" |
| > |
| Show -200 more |
| </gr-button> |
| <gr-tooltip-content title=""> |
| <gr-button |
| aria-disabled="false" |
| class="fileListButton" |
| id="showAllButton" |
| link="" |
| role="button" |
| tabindex="0" |
| > |
| Show all 0 files |
| </gr-button> |
| </gr-tooltip-content> |
| </div> |
| <gr-diff-preferences-dialog |
| id="diffPreferencesDialog" |
| ></gr-diff-preferences-dialog>`); |
| }); |
| |
| test('renders file row', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = createFilesByPath(1); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| const fileRows = queryAll<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.file-row'); |
| expect(fileRows?.[0]).dom.equal(/* HTML */ `<div |
| class="file-row row" |
| data-file='{"path":"'/file0"}' |
| role="row" |
| tabindex="-1" |
| > |
| <span class="path" role="gridcell"> |
| <a class="pathLink"> |
| <span class="fullFileName" title="'/file0"> '/file0 </span> |
| <span class="truncatedFileName" title="'/file0"> …/file0 </span> |
| <gr-file-status-chip> </gr-file-status-chip> |
| <gr-copy-clipboard hideinput=""> </gr-copy-clipboard> |
| </a> |
| </span> |
| <div role="gridcell"> |
| <div class="comments desktop"> |
| <span class="drafts"> </span> <span> </span> |
| <span class="noCommentsScreenReaderText"> No comments </span> |
| </div> |
| <div class="comments mobile"> |
| <span class="drafts"> </span> <span> </span> |
| <span class="noCommentsScreenReaderText"> No comments </span> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="desktop" role="gridcell"> |
| <div |
| aria-label="A bar that represents the addition and deletion ratio for the current file" |
| class="hide sizeBars" |
| ></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="stats" role="gridcell"> |
| <div> |
| <span aria-label="9 lines added" class="added" tabindex="0"> |
| +9 |
| </span> |
| <span aria-label="0 lines removed" class="removed" tabindex="0"> |
| -0 |
| </span> |
| <span hidden=""> +/-0 B </span> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="hideOnEdit reviewed" role="gridcell"> |
| <span aria-hidden="true" class="reviewedLabel"> Reviewed </span> |
| <span |
| aria-checked="false" |
| aria-label="Reviewed" |
| class="reviewedSwitch" |
| role="switch" |
| tabindex="0" |
| > |
| <span |
| class="markReviewed" |
| tabindex="-1" |
| title="Mark as reviewed (shortcut: r)" |
| > |
| </span> |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| <div |
| aria-hidden="true" |
| class="editFileControls showOnEdit" |
| role="gridcell" |
| ></div> |
| <div class="show-hide" role="gridcell"> |
| <span |
| aria-checked="false" |
| aria-label="Expand file" |
| class="show-hide" |
| data-expand="true" |
| data-path="'/file0" |
| role="switch" |
| tabindex="0" |
| > |
| <iron-icon |
| class="show-hide-icon" |
| id="icon" |
| tabindex="-1" |
| icon="gr-icons:expand-more" |
| > |
| </iron-icon> |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| </div>`); |
| }); |
| |
| test('correct number of files are shown', async () => { |
| element.fileListIncrement = 300; |
| element.filesByPath = createFilesByPath(500); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| |
| assert.equal( |
| queryAll<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.file-row').length, |
| element.numFilesShown |
| ); |
| const controlRow = queryAndAssert<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.controlRow'); |
| assert.isFalse(controlRow.classList.contains('invisible')); |
| assert.equal( |
| queryAndAssert<GrButton>( |
| element, |
| '#incrementButton' |
| ).textContent!.trim(), |
| 'Show 300 more' |
| ); |
| assert.equal( |
| queryAndAssert<GrButton>(element, '#showAllButton').textContent!.trim(), |
| 'Show all 500 files' |
| ); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(queryAndAssert<GrButton>(element, '#showAllButton')); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| |
| assert.equal(element.numFilesShown, 500); |
| assert.equal(element.shownFiles.length, 500); |
| assert.isTrue(controlRow.classList.contains('invisible')); |
| }); |
| |
| test('rendering each row calls the reportRenderedRow method', async () => { |
| const renderedStub = sinon.stub(element, 'reportRenderedRow'); |
| element.filesByPath = createFilesByPath(10); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.equal(queryAll<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.file-row').length, 10); |
| assert.equal(renderedStub.callCount, 10); |
| }); |
| |
| test('calculate totals for patch number', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': { |
| lines_inserted: 9, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| '/MERGE_LIST': { |
| lines_inserted: 9, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size_delta: 10, |
| size: 100, |
| }, |
| 'myfile.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size_delta: 10, |
| size: 100, |
| }, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| let patchChange = element.calculatePatchChange(); |
| assert.deepEqual(patchChange, { |
| inserted: 2, |
| deleted: 2, |
| size_delta_inserted: 0, |
| size_delta_deleted: 0, |
| total_size: 0, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(element.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| |
| // Test with a commit message that isn't the first file. |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': { |
| lines_inserted: 9, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| '/MERGE_LIST': { |
| lines_inserted: 9, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| 'myfile.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| patchChange = element.calculatePatchChange(); |
| assert.deepEqual(patchChange, { |
| inserted: 2, |
| deleted: 2, |
| size_delta_inserted: 0, |
| size_delta_deleted: 0, |
| total_size: 0, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(element.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| |
| // Test with no commit message. |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| 'myfile.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| patchChange = element.calculatePatchChange(); |
| assert.deepEqual(patchChange, { |
| inserted: 2, |
| deleted: 2, |
| size_delta_inserted: 0, |
| size_delta_deleted: 0, |
| total_size: 0, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(element.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| |
| // Test with files missing either lines_inserted or lines_deleted. |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| 'myfile.txt': { |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| patchChange = element.calculatePatchChange(); |
| assert.deepEqual(patchChange, { |
| inserted: 1, |
| deleted: 1, |
| size_delta_inserted: 0, |
| size_delta_deleted: 0, |
| total_size: 0, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(element.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| }); |
| |
| test('binary only files', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': { |
| lines_inserted: 9, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| file_binary_1: {binary: true, size_delta: 10, size: 100}, |
| file_binary_2: {binary: true, size_delta: -5, size: 120}, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const patchChange = element.calculatePatchChange(); |
| assert.deepEqual(patchChange, { |
| inserted: 0, |
| deleted: 0, |
| size_delta_inserted: 10, |
| size_delta_deleted: -5, |
| total_size: 220, |
| }); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| assert.isTrue(element.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| }); |
| |
| test('binary and regular files', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': { |
| lines_inserted: 9, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| file_binary_1: {binary: true, size_delta: 10, size: 100}, |
| file_binary_2: {binary: true, size_delta: -5, size: 120}, |
| 'myfile.txt': {lines_deleted: 5, size_delta: -10, size: 100}, |
| 'myfile2.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 10, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const patchChange = element.calculatePatchChange(); |
| assert.deepEqual(patchChange, { |
| inserted: 10, |
| deleted: 5, |
| size_delta_inserted: 10, |
| size_delta_deleted: -5, |
| total_size: 220, |
| }); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| assert.isFalse(element.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)); |
| }); |
| |
| test('formatBytes function', () => { |
| const table = { |
| '64': '+64 B', |
| '1023': '+1023 B', |
| '1024': '+1 KiB', |
| '4096': '+4 KiB', |
| '1073741824': '+1 GiB', |
| '-64': '-64 B', |
| '-1023': '-1023 B', |
| '-1024': '-1 KiB', |
| '-4096': '-4 KiB', |
| '-1073741824': '-1 GiB', |
| '0': '+/-0 B', |
| }; |
| for (const [bytes, expected] of Object.entries(table)) { |
| assert.equal(element.formatBytes(Number(bytes)), expected); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| test('formatPercentage function', () => { |
| const table = [ |
| {size: 100, delta: 100, display: ''}, |
| {size: 195060, delta: 64, display: '(+0%)'}, |
| {size: 195060, delta: -64, display: '(-0%)'}, |
| {size: 394892, delta: -7128, display: '(-2%)'}, |
| {size: 90, delta: -10, display: '(-10%)'}, |
| {size: 110, delta: 10, display: '(+10%)'}, |
| ]; |
| |
| for (const item of table) { |
| assert.equal( |
| element.formatPercentage(item.size, item.delta), |
| item.display |
| ); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| test('comment filtering', () => { |
| element.changeComments = createChangeComments(); |
| const parentTo1 = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| |
| const parentTo2 = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| |
| const _1To2 = { |
| basePatchNum: 1 as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '2c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '3c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: 'unresolved.file', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '1 draft' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: 'unresolved.file', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '1 draft' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'unresolved.file', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '1d' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'unresolved.file', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '1d' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '1c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '3c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '1c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '3c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '2 drafts' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsString({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '2 drafts' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo1; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '2d' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '2d' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '2c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeCommentsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '3c' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = parentTo2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| element.patchRange = _1To2; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDraftsStringMobile({ |
| __path: 'myfile.txt', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }), |
| '' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('reviewedTitle', () => { |
| assert.equal( |
| element.reviewedTitle(true), |
| 'Mark as not reviewed (shortcut: r)' |
| ); |
| |
| assert.equal( |
| element.reviewedTitle(false), |
| 'Mark as reviewed (shortcut: r)' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('keyboard shortcuts', () => { |
| setup(async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'myfile.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.change = {_number: 42 as NumericChangeId} as ParsedChangeInfo; |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(0); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('toggle left diff via shortcut', () => { |
| const toggleLeftDiffStub = sinon.stub(); |
| // Property getter cannot be stubbed w/ sandbox due to a bug in Sinon. |
| // https://github.com/sinonjs/sinon/issues/781 |
| const diffsStub = sinon |
| .stub(element, 'diffs') |
| .get(() => [{toggleLeftDiff: toggleLeftDiffStub}]); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 65, null, 'A'); |
| assert.isTrue(toggleLeftDiffStub.calledOnce); |
| diffsStub.restore(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('keyboard shortcuts', async () => { |
| const items = [...queryAll<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.file-row')]; |
| element.fileCursor.stops = items; |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(0); |
| assert.equal(items.length, 3); |
| assert.isTrue(items[0].classList.contains('selected')); |
| assert.isFalse(items[1].classList.contains('selected')); |
| assert.isFalse(items[2].classList.contains('selected')); |
| // j with a modifier should not move the cursor. |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 74, null, 'J'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 0); |
| // down should not move the cursor. |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 40, null, 'down'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 0); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 74, null, 'j'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.selectedIndex, 1); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 74, null, 'j'); |
| |
| const navStub = sinon.stub(GerritNav, 'navigateToDiff'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 2); |
| assert.equal(element.selectedIndex, 2); |
| |
| // k with a modifier should not move the cursor. |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 75, null, 'K'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 2); |
| |
| // up should not move the cursor. |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 38, null, 'up'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 2); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 75, null, 'k'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.selectedIndex, 1); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 79, null, 'o'); |
| |
| assert( |
| navStub.lastCall.calledWith( |
| element.change, |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt', |
| 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum |
| ), |
| 'Should navigate to /c/42/2/file_added_in_rev2.txt' |
| ); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 75, null, 'k'); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 75, null, 'k'); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 75, null, 'k'); |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.selectedIndex, 1); |
| |
| const createCommentInPlaceStub = sinon.stub( |
| element.diffCursor, |
| 'createCommentInPlace' |
| ); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 67, null, 'c'); |
| assert.isTrue(createCommentInPlaceStub.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('i key shows/hides selected inline diff', async () => { |
| const paths = Object.keys(element.filesByPath!); |
| sinon.stub(element, 'expandedFilesChanged'); |
| const files = [...queryAll<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.file-row')]; |
| element.fileCursor.stops = files; |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(0); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.diffs.length, 0); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 0); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.diffs.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.diffs[0].path, paths[0]); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles[0].path, paths[0]); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.diffs.length, 0); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 0); |
| |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(1); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.diffs.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.diffs[0].path, paths[1]); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles[0].path, paths[1]); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'I'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.diffs.length, paths.length); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, paths.length); |
| for (const diff of element.diffs) { |
| assert.isTrue(element.expandedFiles.some(f => f.path === diff.path)); |
| } |
| // since _expandedFilesChanged is stubbed |
| element.filesExpanded = FilesExpandedState.ALL; |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'I'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.diffs.length, 0); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 0); |
| }); |
| |
| test('r key toggles reviewed flag', async () => { |
| const reducer = (accum: number, file: NormalizedFileInfo) => |
| file.isReviewed ? ++accum : accum; |
| const getNumReviewed = () => element.files.reduce(reducer, 0); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| // Default state should be unreviewed. |
| assert.equal(getNumReviewed(), 0); |
| |
| // Press the review key to toggle it (set the flag). |
| element.handleCursorNext(new KeyboardEvent('keydown')); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 82, null, 'r'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(getNumReviewed(), 1); |
| |
| // Press the review key to toggle it (clear the flag). |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 82, null, 'r'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(getNumReviewed(), 0); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('handleOpenFile', () => { |
| let interact: Function; |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| const openCursorStub = sinon.stub(element, 'openCursorFile'); |
| const openSelectedStub = sinon.stub(element, 'openSelectedFile'); |
| const expandStub = sinon.stub(element, 'toggleFileExpanded'); |
| |
| interact = function () { |
| openCursorStub.reset(); |
| openSelectedStub.reset(); |
| expandStub.reset(); |
| element.handleOpenFile(); |
| const result = {} as any; |
| if (openCursorStub.called) { |
| result.opened_cursor = true; |
| } |
| if (openSelectedStub.called) { |
| result.opened_selected = true; |
| } |
| if (expandStub.called) { |
| result.expanded = true; |
| } |
| return result; |
| }; |
| }); |
| |
| test('open from selected file', () => { |
| element.filesExpanded = FilesExpandedState.NONE; |
| assert.deepEqual(interact(), {opened_selected: true}); |
| }); |
| |
| test('open from diff cursor', () => { |
| element.filesExpanded = FilesExpandedState.ALL; |
| assert.deepEqual(interact(), {opened_cursor: true}); |
| }); |
| |
| test('expand when user prefers', () => { |
| element.filesExpanded = FilesExpandedState.NONE; |
| assert.deepEqual(interact(), {opened_selected: true}); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('shift+left/shift+right', () => { |
| const moveLeftStub = sinon.stub(element.diffCursor, 'moveLeft'); |
| const moveRightStub = sinon.stub(element.diffCursor, 'moveRight'); |
| |
| let noDiffsExpanded = true; |
| sinon.stub(element, 'noDiffsExpanded').callsFake(() => noDiffsExpanded); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn( |
| element, |
| 73, |
| 'shift', |
| 'ArrowLeft' |
| ); |
| assert.isFalse(moveLeftStub.called); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn( |
| element, |
| 73, |
| 'shift', |
| 'ArrowRight' |
| ); |
| assert.isFalse(moveRightStub.called); |
| |
| noDiffsExpanded = false; |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn( |
| element, |
| 73, |
| 'shift', |
| 'ArrowLeft' |
| ); |
| assert.isTrue(moveLeftStub.called); |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn( |
| element, |
| 73, |
| 'shift', |
| 'ArrowRight' |
| ); |
| assert.isTrue(moveRightStub.called); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('file review status', async () => { |
| element.reviewed = ['/COMMIT_MSG', 'myfile.txt']; |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'myfile.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(0); |
| |
| const reviewSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| const toggleExpandSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'toggleFileExpanded'); |
| |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const fileRows = queryAll(element, '.row:not(.header-row)'); |
| const checkSelector = 'span.reviewedSwitch[role="switch"]'; |
| const commitMsg = fileRows[0].querySelector(checkSelector); |
| const fileAdded = fileRows[1].querySelector(checkSelector); |
| const myFile = fileRows[2].querySelector(checkSelector); |
| |
| assert.equal(commitMsg!.getAttribute('aria-checked'), 'true'); |
| assert.equal(fileAdded!.getAttribute('aria-checked'), 'false'); |
| assert.equal(myFile!.getAttribute('aria-checked'), 'true'); |
| |
| const commitReviewLabel = fileRows[0].querySelector('.reviewedLabel'); |
| assert.isOk(commitReviewLabel); |
| const markReviewLabel = fileRows[0].querySelector('.markReviewed'); |
| assert.isOk(markReviewLabel); |
| assert.isTrue(commitReviewLabel!.classList.contains('isReviewed')); |
| assert.equal(markReviewLabel!.textContent, 'MARK UNREVIEWED'); |
| |
| const clickSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'reviewedClick'); |
| MockInteractions.tap(markReviewLabel!); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| // assert.isTrue(saveStub.lastCall.calledWithExactly('/COMMIT_MSG', false)); |
| // assert.isFalse(commitReviewLabel.classList.contains('isReviewed')); |
| assert.equal(markReviewLabel!.textContent, 'MARK REVIEWED'); |
| assert.isTrue(clickSpy.calledOnce); |
| assert.isTrue(clickSpy.lastCall.args[0].defaultPrevented); |
| assert.isTrue(reviewSpy.calledOnce); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(markReviewLabel!); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(saveStub.lastCall.calledWithExactly('/COMMIT_MSG', true)); |
| assert.isTrue(commitReviewLabel!.classList.contains('isReviewed')); |
| assert.equal(markReviewLabel!.textContent, 'MARK UNREVIEWED'); |
| assert.isTrue(clickSpy.lastCall.args[0].defaultPrevented); |
| assert.isTrue(reviewSpy.calledTwice); |
| |
| assert.isFalse(toggleExpandSpy.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('handleFileListClick', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'f1.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'f2.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const clickSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'handleFileListClick'); |
| const reviewStub = sinon.stub(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| const toggleExpandSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'toggleFileExpanded'); |
| |
| const row = queryAndAssert( |
| element, |
| '.row[data-file=\'{"path":"f1.txt"}\']' |
| ); |
| |
| // Click on the expand button, resulting in toggleFileExpanded being |
| // called and resulting in a call to reviewFile(). |
| queryAndAssert<HTMLDivElement>(row, 'div.show-hide').click(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(clickSpy.calledOnce); |
| assert.isTrue(toggleExpandSpy.calledOnce); |
| await waitUntil(() => reviewStub.calledOnce); |
| |
| // Click inside the diff. This should result in no additional calls to |
| // toggleFileExpanded or reviewFile. |
| queryAndAssert<GrDiffHost>(element, 'gr-diff-host').click(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue(clickSpy.calledTwice); |
| assert.isTrue(toggleExpandSpy.calledOnce); |
| assert.isTrue(reviewStub.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| |
| test('handleFileListClick editMode', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'f1.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'f2.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.editMode = true; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const clickSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'handleFileListClick'); |
| const toggleExpandSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'toggleFileExpanded'); |
| |
| // Tap the edit controls. Should be ignored by handleFileListClick. |
| MockInteractions.tap(queryAndAssert(element, '.editFileControls')); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(clickSpy.calledOnce); |
| assert.isFalse(toggleExpandSpy.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('checkbox shows/hides diff inline', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| 'myfile.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(0); |
| sinon.stub(element, 'expandedFilesChanged'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| const fileRows = queryAll(element, '.row:not(.header-row)'); |
| // Because the label surrounds the input, the tap event is triggered |
| // there first. |
| const showHideCheck = fileRows[0].querySelector( |
| 'span.show-hide[role="switch"]' |
| ); |
| const showHideLabel = showHideCheck!.querySelector('.show-hide-icon'); |
| assert.equal(showHideCheck!.getAttribute('aria-checked'), 'false'); |
| MockInteractions.tap(showHideLabel!); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.equal(showHideCheck!.getAttribute('aria-checked'), 'true'); |
| assert.notEqual( |
| element.expandedFiles.findIndex(f => f.path === 'myfile.txt'), |
| -1 |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('diff mode correctly toggles the diffs', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| 'myfile.txt': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| const updateDiffPrefSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'updateDiffPreferences'); |
| element.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(0); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| // Tap on a file to generate the diff. |
| const row = queryAll(element, '.row:not(.header-row) span.show-hide')[0]; |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(row); |
| |
| element.diffViewMode = DiffViewMode.UNIFIED; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.isTrue(updateDiffPrefSpy.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('expanded attribute not set on path when not expanded', () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| assert.isNotOk(query(element, 'expanded')); |
| }); |
| |
| test('tapping row ignores links', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| sinon.stub(element, 'expandedFilesChanged'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| const commitMsgFile = queryAll( |
| element, |
| '.row:not(.header-row) a.pathLink' |
| )[0]; |
| |
| // Remove href attribute so the app doesn't route to a diff view |
| commitMsgFile.removeAttribute('href'); |
| const togglePathSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'toggleFileExpanded'); |
| |
| MockInteractions.tap(commitMsgFile); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert(togglePathSpy.notCalled, 'file is opened as diff view'); |
| assert.isNotOk(query(element, '.expanded')); |
| assert.notEqual( |
| getComputedStyle(queryAndAssert(element, '.show-hide')).display, |
| 'none' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('toggleFileExpanded', async () => { |
| const path = 'path/to/my/file.txt'; |
| element.filesByPath = {[path]: {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for expandedFilesChanged to finish. |
| await flush(); |
| |
| const renderSpy = sinon.spy(element, 'renderInOrder'); |
| const collapseStub = sinon.stub(element, 'clearCollapsedDiffs'); |
| |
| assert.equal( |
| queryAndAssert<IronIconElement>(element, 'iron-icon').icon, |
| 'gr-icons:expand-more' |
| ); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 0); |
| element.toggleFileExpanded({path}); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for expandedFilesChanged to finish. |
| await flush(); |
| |
| assert.equal(collapseStub.lastCall.args[0].length, 0); |
| assert.equal( |
| queryAndAssert<IronIconElement>(element, 'iron-icon').icon, |
| 'gr-icons:expand-less' |
| ); |
| |
| assert.equal(renderSpy.callCount, 1); |
| assert.isTrue(element.expandedFiles.some(f => f.path === path)); |
| element.toggleFileExpanded({path}); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for expandedFilesChanged to finish. |
| await flush(); |
| |
| assert.equal( |
| queryAndAssert<IronIconElement>(element, 'iron-icon').icon, |
| 'gr-icons:expand-more' |
| ); |
| assert.equal(renderSpy.callCount, 1); |
| assert.isFalse(element.expandedFiles.some(f => f.path === path)); |
| assert.equal(collapseStub.lastCall.args[0].length, 1); |
| }); |
| |
| test('expandAllDiffs and collapseAllDiffs', async () => { |
| const collapseStub = sinon.stub(element, 'clearCollapsedDiffs'); |
| const reInitStub = sinon.stub(element.diffCursor, 'reInitAndUpdateStops'); |
| |
| const path = 'path/to/my/file.txt'; |
| element.filesByPath = {[path]: {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}; |
| // Wait for diffs to be computed. |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| element.expandAllDiffs(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for expandedFilesChanged to finish. |
| await flush(); |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.ALL); |
| assert.isTrue(reInitStub.calledTwice); |
| assert.equal(collapseStub.lastCall.args[0].length, 0); |
| |
| element.collapseAllDiffs(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for expandedFilesChanged to finish. |
| await flush(); |
| assert.equal(element.expandedFiles.length, 0); |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.NONE); |
| assert.equal(collapseStub.lastCall.args[0].length, 1); |
| }); |
| |
| test('expandedFilesChanged', async () => { |
| sinon.stub(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| const path = 'path/to/my/file.txt'; |
| const promise = mockPromise(); |
| const diffs = [ |
| { |
| path, |
| style: {}, |
| reload() { |
| promise.resolve(); |
| }, |
| prefetchDiff() {}, |
| cancel() {}, |
| getCursorStops() { |
| return []; |
| }, |
| addEventListener(eventName: string, callback: Function) { |
| if ( |
| ['render-start', 'render-content', 'scroll'].indexOf(eventName) >= |
| 0 |
| ) { |
| callback(new Event(eventName)); |
| } |
| }, |
| }, |
| ]; |
| sinon.stub(element, 'diffs').get(() => diffs); |
| element.expandedFiles = element.expandedFiles.concat([{path}]); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| await promise; |
| }); |
| |
| test('clearCollapsedDiffs', () => { |
| // Have to type as any because the type is 'GrDiffHost' |
| // which would require stubbing so many different |
| // methods / properties that it isn't worth it. |
| const diff = { |
| cancel: sinon.stub(), |
| clearDiffContent: sinon.stub(), |
| } as any; |
| element.clearCollapsedDiffs([diff]); |
| assert.isTrue(diff.cancel.calledOnce); |
| assert.isTrue(diff.clearDiffContent.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| |
| test('filesExpanded value updates to correct enum', async () => { |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| 'foo.bar': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'baz.bar': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.NONE); |
| element.expandedFiles.push({path: 'baz.bar'}); |
| element.expandedFilesChanged([{path: 'baz.bar'}]); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.SOME); |
| element.expandedFiles.push({path: 'foo.bar'}); |
| element.expandedFilesChanged([{path: 'foo.bar'}]); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.ALL); |
| element.collapseAllDiffs(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.NONE); |
| element.expandAllDiffs(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.ALL); |
| }); |
| |
| test('renderInOrder', async () => { |
| const reviewStub = sinon.stub(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| let callCount = 0; |
| // Have to type as any because the type is 'GrDiffHost' |
| // which would require stubbing so many different |
| // methods / properties that it isn't worth it. |
| const diffs = [ |
| { |
| path: 'p0', |
| style: {}, |
| prefetchDiff() {}, |
| reload() { |
| assert.equal(callCount++, 2); |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| }, |
| }, |
| { |
| path: 'p1', |
| style: {}, |
| prefetchDiff() {}, |
| reload() { |
| assert.equal(callCount++, 1); |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| }, |
| }, |
| { |
| path: 'p2', |
| style: {}, |
| prefetchDiff() {}, |
| reload() { |
| assert.equal(callCount++, 0); |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| }, |
| }, |
| ] as any; |
| element.renderInOrder([{path: 'p2'}, {path: 'p1'}, {path: 'p0'}], diffs); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isFalse(reviewStub.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('renderInOrder logged in', async () => { |
| const reviewStub = sinon.stub(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| let callCount = 0; |
| // Have to type as any because the type is 'GrDiffHost' |
| // which would require stubbing so many different |
| // methods / properties that it isn't worth it. |
| const diffs = [ |
| { |
| path: 'p2', |
| style: {}, |
| prefetchDiff() {}, |
| reload() { |
| assert.equal(reviewStub.callCount, 0); |
| assert.equal(callCount++, 0); |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| }, |
| }, |
| ] as any; |
| element.renderInOrder([{path: 'p2'}], diffs); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(reviewStub.callCount, 1); |
| }); |
| |
| test('renderInOrder respects diffPrefs.manual_review', async () => { |
| element.diffPrefs = { |
| context: 10, |
| tab_size: 8, |
| font_size: 12, |
| line_length: 100, |
| cursor_blink_rate: 0, |
| line_wrapping: false, |
| show_line_endings: true, |
| show_tabs: true, |
| show_whitespace_errors: true, |
| syntax_highlighting: true, |
| ignore_whitespace: 'IGNORE_NONE', |
| manual_review: true, |
| }; |
| const reviewStub = sinon.stub(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| // Have to type as any because the type is 'GrDiffHost' |
| // which would require stubbing so many different |
| // methods / properties that it isn't worth it. |
| const diffs = [ |
| { |
| path: 'p', |
| style: {}, |
| prefetchDiff() {}, |
| reload() { |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| }, |
| }, |
| ] as any; |
| |
| element.renderInOrder([{path: 'p'}], diffs); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isFalse(reviewStub.called); |
| delete element.diffPrefs.manual_review; |
| element.renderInOrder([{path: 'p'}], diffs); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Wait for renderInOrder to finish |
| await flush(); |
| assert.isTrue(reviewStub.called); |
| assert.isTrue(reviewStub.calledWithExactly('p', true)); |
| }); |
| |
| test('loadingChanged fired from reload in debouncer', async () => { |
| const reloadBlocker = mockPromise<FileNameToFileInfoMap | undefined>(); |
| stubRestApi('getChangeOrEditFiles').returns( |
| reloadBlocker.then(() => { |
| return {'foo.bar': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}; |
| }) |
| ); |
| stubRestApi('getReviewedFiles').resolves(undefined); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffPreferences').resolves(createDefaultDiffPrefs()); |
| |
| element.changeNum = 123 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = {patchNum: 12 as RevisionPatchSetNum} as PatchRange; |
| element.filesByPath = {'foo.bar': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}; |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 123 as NumericChangeId, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| |
| const reloaded = element.reload(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue(element.loading); |
| assert.isFalse(element.classList.contains('loading')); |
| element.loadingTask!.flush(); |
| assert.isTrue(element.classList.contains('loading')); |
| |
| reloadBlocker.resolve(); |
| await reloaded; |
| |
| assert.isFalse(element.loading); |
| element.loadingTask!.flush(); |
| assert.isFalse(element.classList.contains('loading')); |
| }); |
| |
| test('loadingChanged does not set class when there are no files', () => { |
| element.changeNum = 123 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = {patchNum: 12 as RevisionPatchSetNum} as PatchRange; |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 123 as NumericChangeId, |
| }; |
| element.reload(); |
| |
| assert.isTrue(element.loading); |
| |
| element.loadingTask!.flush(); |
| |
| assert.isFalse(element.classList.contains('loading')); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('for merge commits', () => { |
| let filesStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| |
| setup(async () => { |
| filesStub = stubRestApi('getChangeOrEditFiles') |
| .onFirstCall() |
| .resolves({'conflictingFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}) |
| .onSecondCall() |
| .resolves({ |
| 'conflictingFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'cleanlyMergedFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }); |
| stubRestApi('getReviewedFiles').resolves([]); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffPreferences').resolves(createDefaultDiffPrefs()); |
| const changeWithMultipleParents = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| revisions: { |
| r1: { |
| ...createRevision(), |
| commit: { |
| ...createCommit(), |
| parents: [ |
| {commit: 'p1' as CommitId, subject: 'subject1'}, |
| {commit: 'p2' as CommitId, subject: 'subject2'}, |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }; |
| element.changeNum = changeWithMultipleParents._number; |
| element.change = changeWithMultipleParents; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| await flush(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('displays cleanly merged file count', async () => { |
| await element.reload(); |
| await waitUntil(() => !!query(element, '.cleanlyMergedText')); |
| |
| const message = queryAndAssert<HTMLSpanElement>( |
| element, |
| '.cleanlyMergedText' |
| ).textContent!.trim(); |
| assert.equal(message, '1 file merged cleanly in Parent 1'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('displays plural cleanly merged file count', async () => { |
| filesStub.restore(); |
| stubRestApi('getChangeOrEditFiles') |
| .onFirstCall() |
| .resolves({'conflictingFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}) |
| .onSecondCall() |
| .resolves({ |
| 'conflictingFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'cleanlyMergedFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'anotherCleanlyMergedFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| }); |
| await element.reload(); |
| await waitUntil(() => !!query(element, '.cleanlyMergedText')); |
| |
| const message = queryAndAssert( |
| element, |
| '.cleanlyMergedText' |
| ).textContent!.trim(); |
| assert.equal(message, '2 files merged cleanly in Parent 1'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('displays button for navigating to parent 1 base', async () => { |
| await element.reload(); |
| await waitUntil(() => !!query(element, '.showParentButton')); |
| |
| queryAndAssert(element, '.showParentButton'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('computes old paths for cleanly merged files', async () => { |
| filesStub.restore(); |
| stubRestApi('getChangeOrEditFiles') |
| .onFirstCall() |
| .resolves({'conflictingFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}}) |
| .onSecondCall() |
| .resolves({ |
| 'conflictingFile.js': {size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'cleanlyMergedFile.js': { |
| old_path: 'cleanlyMergedFileOldName.js', |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }, |
| }); |
| await element.reload(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.deepEqual(element.cleanlyMergedOldPaths, [ |
| 'cleanlyMergedFileOldName.js', |
| ]); |
| }); |
| |
| test('not shown for non-Auto Merge base parents', async () => { |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: 1 as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| await element.reload(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.notOk(query(element, '.cleanlyMergedText')); |
| assert.notOk(query(element, '.showParentButton')); |
| }); |
| |
| test('not shown in edit mode', async () => { |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: 1 as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: EDIT, |
| }; |
| await element.reload(); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| assert.notOk(query(element, '.cleanlyMergedText')); |
| assert.notOk(query(element, '.showParentButton')); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('diff url file list', () => { |
| test('diff url', () => { |
| const diffStub = sinon |
| .stub(GerritNav, 'getUrlForDiff') |
| .returns('/c/gerrit/+/1/1/index.php'); |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 1 as NumericChangeId, |
| project: 'gerrit' as RepoName, |
| }; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| const path = 'index.php'; |
| element.editMode = false; |
| assert.equal(element.computeDiffURL(path), '/c/gerrit/+/1/1/index.php'); |
| diffStub.restore(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('diff url commit msg', () => { |
| const diffStub = sinon |
| .stub(GerritNav, 'getUrlForDiff') |
| .returns('/c/gerrit/+/1/1//COMMIT_MSG'); |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 1 as NumericChangeId, |
| project: 'gerrit' as RepoName, |
| }; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.editMode = false; |
| const path = '/COMMIT_MSG'; |
| assert.equal(element.computeDiffURL(path), '/c/gerrit/+/1/1//COMMIT_MSG'); |
| diffStub.restore(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('edit url', () => { |
| const editStub = sinon |
| .stub(GerritNav, 'getEditUrlForDiff') |
| .returns('/c/gerrit/+/1/edit/index.php,edit'); |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 1 as NumericChangeId, |
| project: 'gerrit' as RepoName, |
| }; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.editMode = true; |
| const path = 'index.php'; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDiffURL(path), |
| '/c/gerrit/+/1/edit/index.php,edit' |
| ); |
| editStub.restore(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('edit url commit msg', () => { |
| const editStub = sinon |
| .stub(GerritNav, 'getEditUrlForDiff') |
| .returns('/c/gerrit/+/1/edit//COMMIT_MSG,edit'); |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 1 as NumericChangeId, |
| project: 'gerrit' as RepoName, |
| }; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| element.editMode = true; |
| const path = '/COMMIT_MSG'; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeDiffURL(path), |
| '/c/gerrit/+/1/edit//COMMIT_MSG,edit' |
| ); |
| editStub.restore(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('size bars', () => { |
| test('computeSizeBarLayout', async () => { |
| const defaultSizeBarLayout = { |
| maxInserted: 0, |
| maxDeleted: 0, |
| maxAdditionWidth: 0, |
| maxDeletionWidth: 0, |
| deletionOffset: 0, |
| }; |
| |
| element.files = []; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.deepEqual(element.computeSizeBarLayout(), defaultSizeBarLayout); |
| |
| element.files = [ |
| { |
| __path: '/COMMIT_MSG', |
| lines_inserted: 10000, |
| size_delta: 10000, |
| size: 10000, |
| }, |
| { |
| __path: 'foo', |
| lines_inserted: 4, |
| lines_deleted: 10, |
| size_delta: 14, |
| size: 20, |
| }, |
| { |
| __path: 'bar', |
| lines_inserted: 5, |
| lines_deleted: 8, |
| size_delta: 13, |
| size: 21, |
| }, |
| ]; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| const layout = element.computeSizeBarLayout(); |
| assert.equal(layout.maxInserted, 5); |
| assert.equal(layout.maxDeleted, 10); |
| }); |
| |
| test('computeBarAdditionWidth', () => { |
| const file = { |
| __path: 'foo/bar.baz', |
| lines_inserted: 5, |
| lines_deleted: 0, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }; |
| const stats = { |
| maxInserted: 10, |
| maxDeleted: 0, |
| maxAdditionWidth: 60, |
| maxDeletionWidth: 0, |
| deletionOffset: 60, |
| }; |
| |
| // Uses half the space when file is half the largest addition and there |
| // are no deletions. |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, stats), 30); |
| |
| // If there are no insertions, there is no width. |
| stats.maxInserted = 0; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, stats), 0); |
| |
| // If the insertions is not present on the file, there is no width. |
| stats.maxInserted = 10; |
| file.lines_inserted = 0; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, stats), 0); |
| |
| // If the file is a commit message, returns zero. |
| file.lines_inserted = 5; |
| file.__path = '/COMMIT_MSG'; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, stats), 0); |
| |
| // Width bottoms-out at the minimum width. |
| file.__path = 'stuff.txt'; |
| file.lines_inserted = 1; |
| stats.maxInserted = 1000000; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, stats), 1.5); |
| }); |
| |
| test('_computeBarAdditionX', () => { |
| const file = { |
| __path: 'foo/bar.baz', |
| lines_inserted: 5, |
| lines_deleted: 0, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }; |
| const stats = { |
| maxInserted: 10, |
| maxDeleted: 0, |
| maxAdditionWidth: 60, |
| maxDeletionWidth: 0, |
| deletionOffset: 60, |
| }; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarAdditionX(file, stats), 30); |
| }); |
| |
| test('computeBarDeletionWidth', () => { |
| const file = { |
| __path: 'foo/bar.baz', |
| lines_inserted: 0, |
| lines_deleted: 5, |
| size: 0, |
| size_delta: 0, |
| }; |
| const stats = { |
| maxInserted: 10, |
| maxDeleted: 10, |
| maxAdditionWidth: 30, |
| maxDeletionWidth: 30, |
| deletionOffset: 31, |
| }; |
| |
| // Uses a quarter the space when file is half the largest deletions and |
| // there are equal additions. |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarDeletionWidth(file, stats), 15); |
| |
| // If there are no deletions, there is no width. |
| stats.maxDeleted = 0; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarDeletionWidth(file, stats), 0); |
| |
| // If the deletions is not present on the file, there is no width. |
| stats.maxDeleted = 10; |
| file.lines_deleted = 0; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarDeletionWidth(file, stats), 0); |
| |
| // If the file is a commit message, returns zero. |
| file.lines_deleted = 5; |
| file.__path = '/COMMIT_MSG'; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarDeletionWidth(file, stats), 0); |
| |
| // Width bottoms-out at the minimum width. |
| file.__path = 'stuff.txt'; |
| file.lines_deleted = 1; |
| stats.maxDeleted = 1000000; |
| assert.equal(element.computeBarDeletionWidth(file, stats), 1.5); |
| }); |
| |
| test('_computeSizeBarsClass', () => { |
| element.showSizeBars = false; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeSizeBarsClass('foo/bar.baz'), |
| 'sizeBars hide' |
| ); |
| element.showSizeBars = true; |
| assert.equal( |
| element.computeSizeBarsClass('/COMMIT_MSG'), |
| 'sizeBars invisible' |
| ); |
| assert.equal(element.computeSizeBarsClass('foo/bar.baz'), 'sizeBars '); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('gr-file-list inline diff tests', () => { |
| let element: GrFileList; |
| let reviewFileStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| |
| const commitMsgComments = [ |
| { |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| path: '/p', |
| id: 'ecf0b9fa_fe1a5f62' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| line: 20, |
| updated: '2018-02-08 18:49:18.000000000' as Timestamp, |
| message: 'another comment', |
| unresolved: true, |
| }, |
| { |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| path: '/p', |
| id: '503008e2_0ab203ee' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| line: 10, |
| updated: '2018-02-14 22:07:43.000000000' as Timestamp, |
| message: 'a comment', |
| unresolved: true, |
| }, |
| { |
| patch_set: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| path: '/p', |
| id: 'cc788d2c_cb1d728c' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| line: 20, |
| in_reply_to: 'ecf0b9fa_fe1a5f62' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| updated: '2018-02-13 22:07:43.000000000' as Timestamp, |
| message: 'response', |
| unresolved: true, |
| }, |
| ]; |
| |
| async function setupDiff(diff: GrDiffHost) { |
| diff.threads = |
| diff.path === '/COMMIT_MSG' |
| ? createCommentThreads(commitMsgComments) |
| : []; |
| diff.prefs = { |
| context: 10, |
| tab_size: 8, |
| font_size: 12, |
| line_length: 100, |
| cursor_blink_rate: 0, |
| line_wrapping: false, |
| show_line_endings: true, |
| show_tabs: true, |
| show_whitespace_errors: true, |
| syntax_highlighting: true, |
| ignore_whitespace: 'IGNORE_NONE', |
| }; |
| diff.diff = createDiff(); |
| await listenOnce(diff, 'render'); |
| } |
| |
| async function renderAndGetNewDiffs(index: number) { |
| const diffs = queryAll<GrDiffHost>(element, 'gr-diff-host'); |
| |
| for (let i = index; i < diffs.length; i++) { |
| await setupDiff(diffs[i]); |
| } |
| |
| element.updateDiffCursor(); |
| element.diffCursor.handleDiffUpdate(); |
| return diffs; |
| } |
| |
| setup(async () => { |
| stubRestApi('getPreferences').returns(Promise.resolve(undefined)); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffComments').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffRobotComments').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffDrafts').returns(Promise.resolve({})); |
| stub('gr-date-formatter', '_loadTimeFormat').callsFake(() => |
| Promise.resolve() |
| ); |
| stub('gr-diff-host', 'reload').callsFake(() => Promise.resolve()); |
| stub('gr-diff-host', 'prefetchDiff').callsFake(() => {}); |
| |
| element = basicFixture.instantiate(); |
| element.diffPrefs = { |
| context: 10, |
| tab_size: 8, |
| font_size: 12, |
| line_length: 100, |
| cursor_blink_rate: 0, |
| line_wrapping: false, |
| show_line_endings: true, |
| show_tabs: true, |
| show_whitespace_errors: true, |
| syntax_highlighting: true, |
| ignore_whitespace: 'IGNORE_NONE', |
| }; |
| element.change = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| _number: 42 as NumericChangeId, |
| project: 'testRepo' as RepoName, |
| }; |
| reviewFileStub = sinon.stub(element, 'reviewFile'); |
| |
| element.loading = false; |
| element.numFilesShown = 75; |
| element.selectedIndex = 0; |
| element.filesByPath = { |
| '/COMMIT_MSG': {lines_inserted: 9, size: 0, size_delta: 0}, |
| 'file_added_in_rev2.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size_delta: 10, |
| size: 100, |
| }, |
| 'myfile.txt': { |
| lines_inserted: 1, |
| lines_deleted: 1, |
| size_delta: 10, |
| size: 100, |
| }, |
| }; |
| element.reviewed = ['/COMMIT_MSG', 'myfile.txt']; |
| element.changeNum = 42 as NumericChangeId; |
| element.patchRange = { |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| sinon |
| .stub(window, 'fetch') |
| .callsFake(() => Promise.resolve(new Response())); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| }); |
| |
| test('cursor with individually opened files', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| let diffs = await renderAndGetNewDiffs(0); |
| const diffStops = diffs[0].getCursorStops(); |
| |
| // 1 diff should be rendered. |
| assert.equal(diffs.length, 1); |
| |
| // No line number is selected. |
| assert.isFalse( |
| (diffStops[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| |
| // Tapping content on a line selects the line number. |
| MockInteractions.tap( |
| queryAll(diffStops[10] as HTMLElement, '.contentText')[0] |
| ); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue( |
| (diffStops[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| |
| // Keyboard shortcuts are still moving the file cursor, not the diff |
| // cursor. |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 74, null, 'j'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue( |
| (diffStops[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| assert.isFalse( |
| (diffStops[11] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| |
| // The file cursor is now at 1. |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 1); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| diffs = await renderAndGetNewDiffs(1); |
| |
| // Two diffs should be rendered. |
| assert.equal(diffs.length, 2); |
| const diffStopsFirst = diffs[0].getCursorStops(); |
| const diffStopsSecond = diffs[1].getCursorStops(); |
| |
| // The line on the first diff is still selected |
| assert.isTrue( |
| (diffStopsFirst[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| assert.isFalse( |
| (diffStopsSecond[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('cursor with toggle all files', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 73, null, 'I'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| const diffs = await renderAndGetNewDiffs(0); |
| const diffStops = diffs[0].getCursorStops(); |
| |
| // 1 diff should be rendered. |
| assert.equal(diffs.length, 3); |
| |
| // No line number is selected. |
| assert.isFalse( |
| (diffStops[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| |
| // Tapping content on a line selects the line number. |
| MockInteractions.tap( |
| queryAll(diffStops[10] as HTMLElement, '.contentText')[0] |
| ); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue( |
| (diffStops[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| |
| // Keyboard shortcuts are still moving the file cursor, not the diff |
| // cursor. |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 74, null, 'j'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isFalse( |
| (diffStops[10] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| assert.isTrue( |
| (diffStops[11] as HTMLElement).classList.contains('target-row') |
| ); |
| |
| // The file cursor is still at 0. |
| assert.equal(element.fileCursor.index, 0); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('n key presses', () => { |
| let nextCommentStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let nextChunkStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let fileRows: NodeListOf<HTMLDivElement>; |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| sinon.stub(element, 'renderInOrder').returns(Promise.resolve()); |
| nextCommentStub = sinon.stub( |
| element.diffCursor, |
| 'moveToNextCommentThread' |
| ); |
| nextChunkStub = sinon.stub(element.diffCursor, 'moveToNextChunk'); |
| fileRows = queryAll<HTMLDivElement>(element, '.row:not(.header-row)'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('correct number of files expanded', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(fileRows[0], 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.SOME); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 78, null, 'n'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue(nextChunkStub.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| |
| test('N key with some files expanded', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(fileRows[0], 73, null, 'i'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.SOME); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 78, null, 'N'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue(nextCommentStub.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| |
| test('n key with all files expanded', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(fileRows[0], 73, null, 'I'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.ALL); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 78, null, 'n'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue(nextChunkStub.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| |
| test('N key with all files expanded', async () => { |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(fileRows[0], 73, null, 'I'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.equal(element.filesExpanded, FilesExpandedState.ALL); |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 78, null, 'N'); |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| assert.isTrue(nextCommentStub.called); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openSelectedFile behavior', async () => { |
| const filesByPath = element.filesByPath; |
| element.filesByPath = {}; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| const navStub = sinon.stub(GerritNav, 'navigateToDiff'); |
| // Noop when there are no files. |
| element.openSelectedFile(); |
| assert.isFalse(navStub.called); |
| |
| element.filesByPath = filesByPath; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| // Navigates when a file is selected. |
| element.openSelectedFile(); |
| assert.isTrue(navStub.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('displayLine', () => { |
| element.filesExpanded = FilesExpandedState.ALL; |
| |
| element.displayLine = false; |
| element.handleCursorNext(new KeyboardEvent('keydown')); |
| assert.isTrue(element.displayLine); |
| |
| element.displayLine = false; |
| element.handleCursorPrev(new KeyboardEvent('keydown')); |
| assert.isTrue(element.displayLine); |
| |
| element.displayLine = true; |
| element.handleEscKey(); |
| assert.isFalse(element.displayLine); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('editMode behavior', () => { |
| test('reviewed checkbox', async () => { |
| reviewFileStub.restore(); |
| const saveReviewStub = sinon.stub(element, '_saveReviewedState'); |
| |
| element.editMode = false; |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 82, null, 'r'); |
| assert.isTrue(saveReviewStub.calledOnce); |
| |
| element.editMode = true; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element, 82, null, 'r'); |
| assert.isTrue(saveReviewStub.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('editing actions', async () => { |
| // Edit controls are guarded behind a dom-if initially and not rendered. |
| assert.isNotOk( |
| query<GrEditFileControls>(element, 'gr-edit-file-controls') |
| ); |
| |
| element.editMode = true; |
| await element.updateComplete; |
| |
| // Commit message should not have edit controls. |
| const editControls = Array.from( |
| queryAll(element, '.row:not(.header-row)') |
| ).map(row => row.querySelector('gr-edit-file-controls')); |
| assert.isTrue(editControls[0]!.classList.contains('invisible')); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |