| // Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package com.google.gerrit.client; |
| |
| import com.google.gwt.resources.client.CssResource; |
| |
| public interface GerritCss extends CssResource { |
| String accountContactOnFile(); |
| String accountContactPrivacyDetails(); |
| String accountDashboard(); |
| String accountInfoBlock(); |
| String accountLinkPanel(); |
| String accountPassword(); |
| String accountUsername(); |
| String activeRow(); |
| String addBranch(); |
| String addMemberTextBox(); |
| String addSshKeyPanel(); |
| String addWatchPanel(); |
| String avatarInfoPanel(); |
| String bottomheader(); |
| String cAPPROVAL(); |
| String cLastUpdate(); |
| String cOWNER(); |
| String cSIZE(); |
| String cSUBJECT(); |
| String cSTATUS(); |
| String cellsNextToFileComment(); |
| String changeScreenDescription(); |
| String changeScreenStarIcon(); |
| String changeSize(); |
| String changeTable(); |
| String changeTablePrevNextLinks(); |
| String changeTypeCell(); |
| String commentCell(); |
| String commentEditorPanel(); |
| String commentHolder(); |
| String commentHolderLeftmost(); |
| String commentPanel(); |
| String commentPanelAuthorCell(); |
| String commentPanelButtons(); |
| String commentPanelContent(); |
| String commentPanelDateCell(); |
| String commentPanelHeader(); |
| String commentPanelLast(); |
| String commentPanelMessage(); |
| String commentPanelSummary(); |
| String commentPanelSummaryCell(); |
| String commentedActionDialog(); |
| String commentedActionMessage(); |
| String contributorAgreementAlreadySubmitted(); |
| String contributorAgreementButton(); |
| String contributorAgreementLegal(); |
| String contributorAgreementShortDescription(); |
| String createProjectPanel(); |
| String dataCell(); |
| String dataCellHidden(); |
| String dataHeader(); |
| String dataHeaderHidden(); |
| String diffLinkCell(); |
| String diffText(); |
| String diffTextCONTEXT(); |
| String diffTextDELETE(); |
| String diffTextFileHeader(); |
| String diffTextHunkHeader(); |
| String diffTextINSERT(); |
| String diffTextNoLF(); |
| String downloadBox(); |
| String downloadBoxTable(); |
| String downloadBoxTableCommandColumn(); |
| String downloadBoxSpacer(); |
| String downloadBoxScheme(); |
| String downloadBoxCopyLabel(); |
| String downloadLink(); |
| String downloadLinkCopyLabel(); |
| String downloadLinkHeader(); |
| String downloadLinkHeaderGap(); |
| String downloadLinkList(); |
| String downloadLink_Active(); |
| String drafts(); |
| String editHeadButton(); |
| String emptySection(); |
| String errorDialog(); |
| String errorDialogButtons(); |
| String errorDialogErrorType(); |
| String errorDialogGlass(); |
| String errorDialogTitle(); |
| String loadingPluginsDialog(); |
| String fileColumnHeader(); |
| String fileCommentBorder(); |
| String fileLine(); |
| String fileLineDELETE(); |
| String fileLineINSERT(); |
| String filePathCell(); |
| String gerritBody(); |
| String gerritTopMenu(); |
| String greenCheckClass(); |
| String groupDescriptionPanel(); |
| String groupIncludesTable(); |
| String groupMembersTable(); |
| String groupName(); |
| String groupNamePanel(); |
| String groupNameTextBox(); |
| String groupOptionsPanel(); |
| String groupOwnerPanel(); |
| String groupOwnerTextBox(); |
| String groupUUIDPanel(); |
| String header(); |
| String iconCell(); |
| String iconCellOfFileCommentRow(); |
| String iconHeader(); |
| String identityUntrustedExternalId(); |
| String infoBlock(); |
| String inputFieldTypeHint(); |
| String labelNotApplicable(); |
| String leftMostCell(); |
| String lineNumber(); |
| String link(); |
| String linkMenuBar(); |
| String linkMenuItemNotLast(); |
| String linkPanel(); |
| String maxObjectSizeLimitEffectiveLabel(); |
| String menuBarUserName(); |
| String menuBarUserNameAvatar(); |
| String menuBarUserNameFocusPanel(); |
| String menuBarUserNamePanel(); |
| String menuItem(); |
| String menuScreenMenuBar(); |
| String needsReview(); |
| String negscore(); |
| String noborder(); |
| String patchBrowserPopup(); |
| String patchBrowserPopupBody(); |
| String patchCellReverseDiff(); |
| String patchContentTable(); |
| String patchHistoryTable(); |
| String patchHistoryTablePatchSetHeader(); |
| String patchNoDifference(); |
| String patchSetActions(); |
| String patchSizeCell(); |
| String pluginProjectConfigInheritedValue(); |
| String pluginsTable(); |
| String posscore(); |
| String projectActions(); |
| String projectFilterLabel(); |
| String projectFilterPanel(); |
| String projectNameColumn(); |
| String registerScreenExplain(); |
| String registerScreenNextLinks(); |
| String registerScreenSection(); |
| String reviewedPanelBottom(); |
| String rightBorder(); |
| String rpcStatus(); |
| String screen(); |
| String screenHeader(); |
| String searchPanel(); |
| String suggestBoxPopup(); |
| String sectionHeader(); |
| String sideBySideScreenLinkTable(); |
| String singleLine(); |
| String smallHeading(); |
| String sourceFilePath(); |
| String specialBranchDataCell(); |
| String specialBranchIconCell(); |
| String sshHostKeyPanel(); |
| String sshHostKeyPanelFingerprintData(); |
| String sshHostKeyPanelHeading(); |
| String sshHostKeyPanelKnownHostEntry(); |
| String sshKeyPanelEncodedKey(); |
| String sshKeyPanelInvalid(); |
| String stringListPanelButtons(); |
| String topMostCell(); |
| String topmenu(); |
| String topmenuMenuLeft(); |
| String topmenuMenuRight(); |
| String topmenuTDglue(); |
| String topmenuTDmenu(); |
| String topmost(); |
| String unifiedTable(); |
| String unifiedTableHeader(); |
| String userInfoPopup(); |
| String usernameField(); |
| String watchedProjectFilter(); |
| } |