| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2016 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import { |
| page, |
| PageContext, |
| PageNextCallback, |
| } from '../../../utils/page-wrapper-utils'; |
| import {NavigationService} from '../gr-navigation/gr-navigation'; |
| import {getAppContext} from '../../../services/app-context'; |
| import {convertToPatchSetNum} from '../../../utils/patch-set-util'; |
| import {assertIsDefined} from '../../../utils/common-util'; |
| import { |
| BasePatchSetNum, |
| DashboardId, |
| GroupId, |
| NumericChangeId, |
| RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| RepoName, |
| UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| PatchSetNumber, |
| } from '../../../types/common'; |
| import {AppElement, AppElementParams} from '../../gr-app-types'; |
| import {LocationChangeEventDetail} from '../../../types/events'; |
| import {GerritView, RouterModel} from '../../../services/router/router-model'; |
| import {firePageError} from '../../../utils/event-util'; |
| import {windowLocationReload} from '../../../utils/dom-util'; |
| import { |
| getBaseUrl, |
| PatchRangeParams, |
| toPath, |
| toPathname, |
| toSearchParams, |
| } from '../../../utils/url-util'; |
| import {LifeCycle, Timing} from '../../../constants/reporting'; |
| import { |
| stringToAttemptChoice, |
| } from '../../../models/checks/checks-util'; |
| import { |
| AdminChildView, |
| AdminViewModel, |
| AdminViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/admin'; |
| import { |
| AgreementViewModel, |
| AgreementViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/agreement'; |
| import { |
| RepoDetailView, |
| RepoViewModel, |
| RepoViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/repo'; |
| import { |
| GroupDetailView, |
| GroupViewModel, |
| GroupViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/group'; |
| import {DiffViewModel, DiffViewState} from '../../../models/views/diff'; |
| import { |
| ChangeViewModel, |
| ChangeViewState, |
| createChangeUrl, |
| } from '../../../models/views/change'; |
| import {EditViewModel, EditViewState} from '../../../models/views/edit'; |
| import { |
| DashboardViewModel, |
| DashboardViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/dashboard'; |
| import { |
| SettingsViewModel, |
| SettingsViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/settings'; |
| import {define} from '../../../models/dependency'; |
| import {Finalizable} from '../../../services/registry'; |
| import {ReportingService} from '../../../services/gr-reporting/gr-reporting'; |
| import {RestApiService} from '../../../services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api'; |
| import { |
| DocumentationViewModel, |
| DocumentationViewState, |
| } from '../../../models/views/documentation'; |
| import {PluginViewModel, PluginViewState} from '../../../models/views/plugin'; |
| import {SearchViewModel, SearchViewState} from '../../../models/views/search'; |
| import {DashboardSection} from '../../../utils/dashboard-util'; |
| import {Subscription} from 'rxjs'; |
| |
| const RoutePattern = { |
| ROOT: '/', |
| |
| DASHBOARD: /^\/dashboard\/(.+)$/, |
| CUSTOM_DASHBOARD: /^\/dashboard\/?$/, |
| PROJECT_DASHBOARD: /^\/p\/(.+)\/\+\/dashboard\/(.+)/, |
| LEGACY_PROJECT_DASHBOARD: /^\/projects\/(.+),dashboards\/(.+)/, |
| |
| AGREEMENTS: /^\/settings\/agreements\/?/, |
| NEW_AGREEMENTS: /^\/settings\/new-agreement\/?/, |
| REGISTER: /^\/register(\/.*)?$/, |
| |
| // Pattern for login and logout URLs intended to be passed-through. May |
| // include a return URL. |
| LOG_IN_OR_OUT: /\/log(in|out)(\/(.+))?$/, |
| |
| // Pattern for a catchall route when no other pattern is matched. |
| DEFAULT: /.*/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/groups/[uuid-]<group> |
| GROUP: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?([^,]+)$/, |
| |
| // Redirects /groups/self to /settings/#Groups for GWT compatibility |
| GROUP_SELF: /^\/groups\/self/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/groups/[uuid-]<group>,info (backwards compat with gwtui) |
| // Redirects to /admin/groups/[uuid-]<group> |
| GROUP_INFO: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),info$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/groups/<group>,audit-log |
| GROUP_AUDIT_LOG: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),audit-log$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/groups/[uuid-]<group>,members |
| GROUP_MEMBERS: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),members$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/groups[,<offset>][/]. |
| GROUP_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/groups(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/, |
| GROUP_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/groups/q/filter::filter', |
| GROUP_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/groups/q/filter::filter,:offset', |
| |
| // Matches /admin/create-project |
| LEGACY_CREATE_PROJECT: /^\/admin\/create-project\/?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/create-project |
| LEGACY_CREATE_GROUP: /^\/admin\/create-group\/?$/, |
| |
| PROJECT_OLD: /^\/admin\/(projects)\/?(.+)?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos/<repo> |
| REPO: /^\/admin\/repos\/([^,]+)$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos/<repo>,commands. |
| REPO_COMMANDS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),commands$/, |
| |
| REPO_GENERAL: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),general$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos/<repos>,access. |
| REPO_ACCESS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),access$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos/<repos>,access. |
| REPO_DASHBOARDS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),dashboards$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos[,<offset>][/]. |
| REPO_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/repos(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/, |
| REPO_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/repos/q/filter::filter', |
| REPO_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/repos/q/filter::filter,:offset', |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos/<repo>,branches[,<offset>]. |
| BRANCH_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),branches(,(.+))?$/, |
| BRANCH_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/repos/:repo,branches/q/filter::filter', |
| '/admin/repos/:repo,branches/q/filter::filter,:offset', |
| |
| // Matches /admin/repos/<repo>,tags[,<offset>]. |
| TAG_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),tags(,(.+))?$/, |
| TAG_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/repos/:repo,tags/q/filter::filter', |
| TAG_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/repos/:repo,tags/q/filter::filter,:offset', |
| |
| PLUGINS: /^\/plugins\/(.+)$/, |
| |
| PLUGIN_LIST: /^\/admin\/plugins(\/)?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /admin/plugins[,<offset>][/]. |
| PLUGIN_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/plugins(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/, |
| PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/plugins/q/filter::filter', |
| PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/plugins/q/filter::filter,:offset', |
| |
| QUERY: /^\/q\/([^,]+)(,(\d+))?$/, |
| |
| /** |
| * Support vestigial params from GWT UI. |
| * |
| * @see Issue 7673. |
| * @type {!RegExp} |
| */ |
| QUERY_LEGACY_SUFFIX: /^\/q\/.+,n,z$/, |
| |
| CHANGE_ID_QUERY: /^\/id\/(I[0-9a-f]{40})$/, |
| |
| // Matches /c/<changeNum>/[*][/]. |
| CHANGE_LEGACY: /^\/c\/(\d+)\/?(.*)$/, |
| CHANGE_NUMBER_LEGACY: /^\/(\d+)\/?/, |
| |
| // Matches |
| // /c/<project>/+/<changeNum>/[<basePatchNum|edit>..][<patchNum|edit>]. |
| // TODO(kaspern): Migrate completely to project based URLs, with backwards |
| // compatibility for change-only. |
| CHANGE: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/?((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?))?\/?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /c/<project>/+/<changeNum>/[<patchNum|edit>],edit |
| CHANGE_EDIT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/(\d+))?,edit\/?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /c/<project>/+/<changeNum>/comment/<commentId>/ |
| // Navigates to the diff view |
| // This route is needed to resolve to patchNum vs latestPatchNum used in the |
| // links generated in the emails. |
| COMMENT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/comment\/(\w+)\/?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /c/<project>/+/<changeNum>/comments/<commentId>/ |
| // Navigates to the commentId inside the Comments Tab |
| COMMENTS_TAB: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/comments(?:\/)?(\w+)?\/?$/, |
| |
| // Matches |
| // /c/<project>/+/<changeNum>/[<basePatchNum|edit>..]<patchNum|edit>/<path>. |
| // TODO(kaspern): Migrate completely to project based URLs, with backwards |
| // compatibility for change-only. |
| // eslint-disable-next-line max-len |
| DIFF: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?(\/(.+))))\/?$/, |
| |
| // Matches /c/<project>/+/<changeNum>/[<patchNum|edit>]/<path>,edit[#lineNum] |
| DIFF_EDIT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/(\d+|edit)\/(.+),edit(#\d+)?$/, |
| |
| // Matches diff routes using @\d+ to specify a file name (whether or not |
| // the project name is included). |
| // eslint-disable-next-line max-len |
| /^\/c\/((.+)\/\+\/)?(\d+)(\/?((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?\/(.+))?)@[ab]?\d+$/, |
| |
| SETTINGS: /^\/settings\/?/, |
| SETTINGS_LEGACY: /^\/settings\/VE\/(\S+)/, |
| |
| // Matches /c/<changeNum>/ /<URL tail> |
| // Catches improperly encoded URLs (context: Issue 7100) |
| IMPROPERLY_ENCODED_PLUS: /^\/c\/(.+)\/ \/(.+)$/, |
| |
| PLUGIN_SCREEN: /^\/x\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)\/?/, |
| |
| DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_FILTER: '/Documentation/q/filter::filter', |
| DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH: /^\/Documentation\/q\/(.*)$/, |
| DOCUMENTATION: /^\/Documentation(\/)?(.+)?/, |
| }; |
| |
| export const _testOnly_RoutePattern = RoutePattern; |
| |
| /** |
| * Pattern to recognize and parse the diff line locations as they appear in |
| * the hash of diff URLs. In this format, a number on its own indicates that |
| * line number in the revision of the diff. A number prefixed by either an 'a' |
| * or a 'b' indicates that line number of the base of the diff. |
| * |
| * @type {RegExp} |
| */ |
| const LINE_ADDRESS_PATTERN = /^([ab]?)(\d+)$/; |
| |
| /** |
| * GWT UI would use @\d+ at the end of a path to indicate linenum. |
| */ |
| const LEGACY_LINENUM_PATTERN = /@([ab]?\d+)$/; |
| |
| const LEGACY_QUERY_SUFFIX_PATTERN = /,n,z$/; |
| |
| // Polymer makes `app` intrinsically defined on the window by virtue of the |
| // custom element having the id "pg-app", but it is made explicit here. |
| // If you move this code to other place, please update comment about |
| // gr-router and gr-app in the PolyGerritIndexHtml.soy file if needed |
| const app = document.querySelector('gr-app'); |
| if (!app) { |
| console.info('No gr-app found (running tests)'); |
| } |
| |
| // Setup listeners outside of the router component initialization. |
| (function () { |
| window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', () => { |
| getAppContext().reportingService.timeEnd(Timing.WEB_COMPONENTS_READY); |
| }); |
| })(); |
| |
| export const routerToken = define<GrRouter>('router'); |
| |
| export class GrRouter implements Finalizable, NavigationService { |
| readonly _app = app; |
| |
| _isRedirecting?: boolean; |
| |
| // This variable is to differentiate between internal navigation (false) |
| // and for first navigation in app after loaded from server (true). |
| _isInitialLoad = true; |
| |
| private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []; |
| |
| private view?: GerritView; |
| |
| constructor( |
| private readonly reporting: ReportingService, |
| private readonly routerModel: RouterModel, |
| private readonly restApiService: RestApiService, |
| private readonly adminViewModel: AdminViewModel, |
| private readonly agreementViewModel: AgreementViewModel, |
| private readonly changeViewModel: ChangeViewModel, |
| private readonly dashboardViewModel: DashboardViewModel, |
| private readonly diffViewModel: DiffViewModel, |
| private readonly documentationViewModel: DocumentationViewModel, |
| private readonly editViewModel: EditViewModel, |
| private readonly groupViewModel: GroupViewModel, |
| private readonly pluginViewModel: PluginViewModel, |
| private readonly repoViewModel: RepoViewModel, |
| private readonly searchViewModel: SearchViewModel, |
| private readonly settingsViewModel: SettingsViewModel |
| ) { |
| this.subscriptions = [ |
| // TODO: Do the same for other view models. |
| // We want to make sure that the current view model state is always |
| // reflected back into the URL bar. |
| this.changeViewModel.state$.subscribe(state => { |
| if (!state) return; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view model state. |
| // So this check is slightly fragile, but should work. |
| if (this.view !== GerritView.CHANGE) return; |
| const browserUrl = new URL(window.location.toString()); |
| const stateUrl = new URL(createChangeUrl(state), browserUrl); |
| |
| // Keeping the hash and certain parameters are stop-gap solution. We |
| // should find better ways of maintaining an overall consistent URL |
| // state. |
| stateUrl.hash = browserUrl.hash; |
| for (const p of browserUrl.searchParams.entries()) { |
| if (p[0] === 'experiment') stateUrl.searchParams.append(p[0], p[1]); |
| } |
| |
| if (browserUrl.toString() !== stateUrl.toString()) { |
| page.replace( |
| stateUrl.toString(), |
| null, |
| /* init: */ false, |
| /* dispatch: */ false |
| ); |
| } |
| }), |
| this.routerModel.routerView$.subscribe(view => (this.view = view)), |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| finalize(): void { |
| for (const subscription of this.subscriptions) { |
| subscription.unsubscribe(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| start() { |
| if (!this._app) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.startRouter(); |
| } |
| |
| setState(state: AppElementParams) { |
| this.routerModel.setState({ |
| view: state.view, |
| changeNum: 'changeNum' in state ? state.changeNum : undefined, |
| patchNum: 'patchNum' in state ? state.patchNum ?? undefined : undefined, |
| basePatchNum: |
| 'basePatchNum' in state ? state.basePatchNum ?? undefined : undefined, |
| }); |
| this.appElement().params = state; |
| } |
| |
| private appElement(): AppElement { |
| // In Polymer2 you have to reach through the shadow root of the app |
| // element. This obviously breaks encapsulation. |
| // TODO(brohlfs): Make this more elegant, e.g. by exposing app-element |
| // explicitly in app, or by delegating to it. |
| |
| // It is expected that application has a GrAppElement(id=='app-element') |
| // at the document level or inside the shadow root of the GrApp ('gr-app') |
| // element. |
| return (document.getElementById('app-element') || |
| document |
| .querySelector('gr-app')! |
| .shadowRoot!.getElementById('app-element')!) as AppElement; |
| } |
| |
| redirect(url: string) { |
| this._isRedirecting = true; |
| page.redirect(url); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Normalizes the patchset numbers of the params object. |
| */ |
| normalizePatchRangeParams(params: PatchRangeParams) { |
| if (params.basePatchNum === undefined) return; |
| |
| // Diffing a patch against itself is invalid, so if the base and revision |
| // patches are equal clear the base. |
| if (params.patchNum && params.basePatchNum === params.patchNum) { |
| params.basePatchNum = PARENT; |
| return; |
| } |
| // Regexes set basePatchNum instead of patchNum when only one is |
| // specified. |
| if (params.patchNum === undefined) { |
| params.patchNum = params.basePatchNum as RevisionPatchSetNum; |
| params.basePatchNum = PARENT; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Redirect the user to login using the given return-URL for redirection |
| * after authentication success. |
| */ |
| redirectToLogin(returnUrl: string) { |
| const basePath = getBaseUrl() || ''; |
| page('/login/' + encodeURIComponent(returnUrl.substring(basePath.length))); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Hashes parsed by page.js exclude "inner" hashes, so a URL like "/a#b#c" |
| * is parsed to have a hash of "b" rather than "b#c". Instead, this method |
| * parses hashes correctly. Will return an empty string if there is no hash. |
| * |
| * @return Everything after the first '#' ("a#b#c" -> "b#c"). |
| */ |
| getHashFromCanonicalPath(canonicalPath: string) { |
| return canonicalPath.split('#').slice(1).join('#'); |
| } |
| |
| parseLineAddress(hash: string) { |
| const match = hash.match(LINE_ADDRESS_PATTERN); |
| if (!match) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| return { |
| leftSide: !!match[1], |
| lineNum: Number(match[2]), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Check to see if the user is logged in and return a promise that only |
| * resolves if the user is logged in. If the user us not logged in, the |
| * promise is rejected and the page is redirected to the login flow. |
| * |
| * @return A promise yielding the original route ctx |
| * (if it resolves). |
| */ |
| redirectIfNotLoggedIn(ctx: PageContext) { |
| return this.restApiService.getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => { |
| if (loggedIn) { |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| } else { |
| this.redirectToLogin(ctx.canonicalPath); |
| return Promise.reject(new Error()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** Page.js middleware that warms the REST API's logged-in cache line. */ |
| private loadUserMiddleware(_: PageContext, next: PageNextCallback) { |
| this.restApiService.getLoggedIn().then(() => { |
| next(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Map a route to a method on the router. |
| * |
| * @param pattern The page.js pattern for the route. |
| * @param handlerName The method name for the handler. If the |
| * route is matched, the handler will be executed with `this` referring |
| * to the component. Its return value will be discarded so that it does |
| * not interfere with page.js. |
| * @param authRedirect If true, then auth is checked before |
| * executing the handler. If the user is not logged in, it will redirect |
| * to the login flow and the handler will not be executed. The login |
| * redirect specifies the matched URL to be used after successful auth. |
| */ |
| mapRoute( |
| pattern: string | RegExp, |
| handlerName: string, |
| handler: (ctx: PageContext) => void, |
| authRedirect?: boolean |
| ) { |
| page( |
| pattern, |
| (ctx, next) => this.loadUserMiddleware(ctx, next), |
| ctx => { |
| this.reporting.locationChanged(handlerName); |
| const promise = authRedirect |
| ? this.redirectIfNotLoggedIn(ctx) |
| : Promise.resolve(); |
| promise.then(() => { |
| handler(ctx); |
| }); |
| } |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This is similar to letting the browser navigate to this URL when the user |
| * clicks it, or to just setting `window.location.href` directly. |
| * |
| * This adds a new entry to the browser location history. Consier using |
| * `replaceUrl()`, if you want to avoid that. |
| * |
| * page.show() eventually just calls `window.history.pushState()`. |
| */ |
| setUrl(url: string) { |
| page.show(url); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Navigate to this URL, but replace the current URL in the history instead of |
| * adding a new one (which is what `setUrl()` would do). |
| * |
| * page.redirect() eventually just calls `window.history.replaceState()`. |
| */ |
| replaceUrl(url: string) { |
| this.redirect(url); |
| } |
| |
| startRouter() { |
| const base = getBaseUrl(); |
| if (base) { |
| page.base(base); |
| } |
| |
| page.exit('*', (_, next) => { |
| if (!this._isRedirecting) { |
| this.reporting.beforeLocationChanged(); |
| } |
| this._isRedirecting = false; |
| this._isInitialLoad = false; |
| next(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Remove the tracking param 'usp' (User Source Parameter) from the URL, |
| // just to have users look at cleaner URLs. |
| page((ctx, next) => { |
| if (window.URLSearchParams) { |
| const pathname = toPathname(ctx.canonicalPath); |
| const searchParams = toSearchParams(ctx.canonicalPath); |
| if (searchParams.has('usp')) { |
| const usp = searchParams.get('usp'); |
| this.reporting.reportLifeCycle(LifeCycle.USER_REFERRED_FROM, {usp}); |
| searchParams.delete('usp'); |
| this.redirect(toPath(pathname, searchParams)); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| next(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Middleware |
| page((ctx, next) => { |
| document.body.scrollTop = 0; |
| |
| if (ctx.hash.match(RoutePattern.PLUGIN_SCREEN)) { |
| // Redirect all urls using hash #/x/plugin/screen to /x/plugin/screen |
| // This is needed to allow plugins to add basic #/x/ screen links to |
| // any location. |
| this.redirect(ctx.hash); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Fire asynchronously so that the URL is changed by the time the event |
| // is processed. |
| setTimeout(() => { |
| const detail: LocationChangeEventDetail = { |
| hash: window.location.hash, |
| pathname: window.location.pathname, |
| }; |
| document.dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('location-change', { |
| detail, |
| composed: true, |
| bubbles: true, |
| }) |
| ); |
| }, 1); |
| next(); |
| }); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.ROOT, 'handleRootRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleRootRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.DASHBOARD, 'handleDashboardRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleDashboardRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.CUSTOM_DASHBOARD, |
| 'handleCustomDashboardRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleCustomDashboardRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleProjectDashboardRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleProjectDashboardRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleLegacyProjectDashboardRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleLegacyProjectDashboardRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP_INFO, |
| 'handleGroupInfoRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupInfoRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP_AUDIT_LOG, |
| 'handleGroupAuditLogRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupAuditLogRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP_MEMBERS, |
| 'handleGroupMembersRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupMembersRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP_LIST_OFFSET, |
| 'handleGroupListOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupListOffsetRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleGroupListFilterOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP_LIST_FILTER, |
| 'handleGroupListFilterRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupListFilterRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP_SELF, |
| 'handleGroupSelfRedirectRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupSelfRedirectRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.GROUP, |
| 'handleGroupRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleGroupRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.PROJECT_OLD, 'handleProjectsOldRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleProjectsOldRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.REPO_COMMANDS, |
| 'handleRepoCommandsRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleRepoCommandsRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.REPO_GENERAL, 'handleRepoGeneralRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleRepoGeneralRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.REPO_ACCESS, 'handleRepoAccessRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleRepoAccessRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.REPO_DASHBOARDS, |
| 'handleRepoDashboardsRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleRepoDashboardsRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.BRANCH_LIST_OFFSET, |
| 'handleBranchListOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleBranchListOffsetRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleBranchListFilterOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleBranchListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.BRANCH_LIST_FILTER, |
| 'handleBranchListFilterRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleBranchListFilterRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.TAG_LIST_OFFSET, |
| 'handleTagListOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleTagListOffsetRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleTagListFilterOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleTagListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.TAG_LIST_FILTER, |
| 'handleTagListFilterRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleTagListFilterRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleCreateGroupRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleCreateGroupRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleCreateProjectRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleCreateProjectRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.REPO_LIST_OFFSET, |
| 'handleRepoListOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleRepoListOffsetRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleRepoListFilterOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleRepoListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.REPO_LIST_FILTER, |
| 'handleRepoListFilterRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleRepoListFilterRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.REPO, 'handleRepoRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleRepoRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.PLUGINS, 'handlePassThroughRoute', () => |
| this.handlePassThroughRoute() |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.PLUGIN_LIST_OFFSET, |
| 'handlePluginListOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handlePluginListOffsetRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handlePluginListFilterOffsetRoute', |
| ctx => this.handlePluginListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER, |
| 'handlePluginListFilterRoute', |
| ctx => this.handlePluginListFilterRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.PLUGIN_LIST, |
| 'handlePluginListRoute', |
| ctx => this.handlePluginListRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleQueryLegacySuffixRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleQueryLegacySuffixRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.QUERY, 'handleQueryRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleQueryRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.CHANGE_ID_QUERY, |
| 'handleChangeIdQueryRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleChangeIdQueryRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleLegacyLinenum', |
| ctx => this.handleLegacyLinenum(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleChangeNumberLegacyRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleChangeNumberLegacyRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.DIFF_EDIT, |
| 'handleDiffEditRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleDiffEditRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.CHANGE_EDIT, |
| 'handleChangeEditRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleChangeEditRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.COMMENT, 'handleCommentRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleCommentRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.COMMENTS_TAB, 'handleCommentsRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleCommentsRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.DIFF, 'handleDiffRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleDiffRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.CHANGE, 'handleChangeRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleChangeRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.CHANGE_LEGACY, 'handleChangeLegacyRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleChangeLegacyRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.AGREEMENTS, |
| 'handleAgreementsRoute', |
| () => this.handleAgreementsRoute(), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.NEW_AGREEMENTS, |
| 'handleNewAgreementsRoute', |
| () => this.handleNewAgreementsRoute(), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.SETTINGS_LEGACY, |
| 'handleSettingsLegacyRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleSettingsLegacyRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.SETTINGS, |
| 'handleSettingsRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleSettingsRoute(ctx), |
| true |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.REGISTER, 'handleRegisterRoute', ctx => |
| this.handleRegisterRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.LOG_IN_OR_OUT, 'handlePassThroughRoute', () => |
| this.handlePassThroughRoute() |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.PLUGIN_SCREEN, 'handlePluginScreen', ctx => |
| this.handlePluginScreen(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleDocumentationSearchRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleDocumentationSearchRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| // redirects /Documentation/q/* to /Documentation/q/filter:* |
| this.mapRoute( |
| 'handleDocumentationSearchRedirectRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleDocumentationSearchRedirectRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| // Makes sure /Documentation/* links work (don't return 404) |
| this.mapRoute( |
| RoutePattern.DOCUMENTATION, |
| 'handleDocumentationRedirectRoute', |
| ctx => this.handleDocumentationRedirectRoute(ctx) |
| ); |
| |
| // Note: this route should appear last so it only catches URLs unmatched |
| // by other patterns. |
| this.mapRoute(RoutePattern.DEFAULT, 'handleDefaultRoute', () => |
| this.handleDefaultRoute() |
| ); |
| |
| page.start(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return if handling the route involves asynchrony, then a |
| * promise is returned. Otherwise, synchronous handling returns null. |
| */ |
| handleRootRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| if (ctx.querystring.match(/^closeAfterLogin/)) { |
| // Close child window on redirect after login. |
| window.close(); |
| return null; |
| } |
| let hash = this.getHashFromCanonicalPath(ctx.canonicalPath); |
| // For backward compatibility with GWT links. |
| if (hash) { |
| // In certain login flows the server may redirect to a hash without |
| // a leading slash, which page.js doesn't handle correctly. |
| if (hash[0] !== '/') { |
| hash = '/' + hash; |
| } |
| if (hash.includes('/ /') && ctx.canonicalPath.includes('/+/')) { |
| // Path decodes all '+' to ' ' -- this breaks project-based URLs. |
| // See Issue 6888. |
| hash = hash.replace('/ /', '/+/'); |
| } |
| const base = getBaseUrl(); |
| let newUrl = base + hash; |
| if (hash.startsWith('/VE/')) { |
| newUrl = base + '/settings' + hash; |
| } |
| this.redirect(newUrl); |
| return null; |
| } |
| return this.restApiService.getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => { |
| if (loggedIn) { |
| this.redirect('/dashboard/self'); |
| } else { |
| this.redirect('/q/status:open+-is:wip'); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle dashboard routes. These may be user, or project dashboards. |
| */ |
| handleDashboardRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| // User dashboard. We require viewing user to be logged in, else we |
| // redirect to login for self dashboard or simple owner search for |
| // other user dashboard. |
| return this.restApiService.getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => { |
| if (!loggedIn) { |
| if (ctx.params[0].toLowerCase() === 'self') { |
| this.redirectToLogin(ctx.canonicalPath); |
| } else { |
| this.redirect('/q/owner:' + encodeURIComponent(ctx.params[0])); |
| } |
| } else { |
| const state: DashboardViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.DASHBOARD, |
| user: ctx.params[0], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.dashboardViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| handleCustomDashboardRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(ctx.querystring); |
| |
| let title = 'Custom Dashboard'; |
| const titleParam = queryParams.get('title'); |
| if (titleParam) title = titleParam; |
| queryParams.delete('title'); |
| |
| let forEachQuery = ''; |
| const forEachParam = queryParams.get('foreach'); |
| if (forEachParam) forEachQuery = forEachParam + ' '; |
| queryParams.delete('foreach'); |
| |
| const sections: DashboardSection[] = []; |
| for (const [name, query] of queryParams) { |
| if (!name || !query) continue; |
| sections.push({name, query: `${forEachQuery}${query}`}); |
| } |
| |
| if (sections.length === 0) { |
| this.redirect('/dashboard/self'); |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| } |
| |
| const state: DashboardViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.DASHBOARD, |
| user: 'self', |
| sections, |
| title, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.dashboardViewModel.setState(state); |
| return Promise.resolve(); |
| } |
| |
| handleProjectDashboardRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const project = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const state: DashboardViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.DASHBOARD, |
| project, |
| dashboard: decodeURIComponent(ctx.params[1]) as DashboardId, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.dashboardViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(project); |
| } |
| |
| handleLegacyProjectDashboardRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect('/p/' + ctx.params[0] + '/+/dashboard/' + ctx.params[1]); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupInfoRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect('/admin/groups/' + encodeURIComponent(ctx.params[0])); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupSelfRedirectRoute(_: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect('/settings/#Groups'); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: GroupViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.GROUP, |
| groupId: ctx.params[0] as GroupId, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.groupViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupAuditLogRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: GroupViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.GROUP, |
| detail: GroupDetailView.LOG, |
| groupId: ctx.params[0] as GroupId, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.groupViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupMembersRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: GroupViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.GROUP, |
| detail: GroupDetailView.MEMBERS, |
| groupId: ctx.params[0] as GroupId, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.groupViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupListOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.GROUPS, |
| offset: ctx.params[1] || 0, |
| filter: null, |
| openCreateModal: ctx.hash === 'create', |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.GROUPS, |
| offset: ctx.params['offset'], |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleGroupListFilterRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.GROUPS, |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'] || null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleProjectsOldRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| let params = ''; |
| if (ctx.params[1]) { |
| params = encodeURIComponent(ctx.params[1]); |
| if (ctx.params[1].includes(',')) { |
| params = encodeURIComponent(ctx.params[1]).replace('%2C', ','); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| this.redirect(`/admin/repos/${params}`); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoCommandsRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const repo = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.COMMANDS, |
| repo, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(repo); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoGeneralRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const repo = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.GENERAL, |
| repo, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(repo); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoAccessRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const repo = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.ACCESS, |
| repo, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(repo); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoDashboardsRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const repo = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.DASHBOARDS, |
| repo, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(repo); |
| } |
| |
| handleBranchListOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES, |
| repo: ctx.params[0] as RepoName, |
| offset: ctx.params[2] || 0, |
| filter: null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleBranchListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES, |
| repo: ctx.params['repo'] as RepoName, |
| offset: ctx.params['offset'], |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleBranchListFilterRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES, |
| repo: ctx.params['repo'] as RepoName, |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'] || null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleTagListOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS, |
| repo: ctx.params[0] as RepoName, |
| offset: ctx.params[2] || 0, |
| filter: null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleTagListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS, |
| repo: ctx.params['repo'] as RepoName, |
| offset: ctx.params['offset'], |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleTagListFilterRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: RepoViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.REPO, |
| detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS, |
| repo: ctx.params['repo'] as RepoName, |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'] || null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.repoViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoListOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS, |
| offset: ctx.params[1] || 0, |
| filter: null, |
| openCreateModal: ctx.hash === 'create', |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS, |
| offset: ctx.params['offset'], |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoListFilterRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS, |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'] || null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleCreateProjectRoute(_: PageContext) { |
| // Redirects the legacy route to the new route, which displays the project |
| // list with a hash 'create'. |
| this.redirect('/admin/repos#create'); |
| } |
| |
| handleCreateGroupRoute(_: PageContext) { |
| // Redirects the legacy route to the new route, which displays the group |
| // list with a hash 'create'. |
| this.redirect('/admin/groups#create'); |
| } |
| |
| handleRepoRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect(ctx.path + ',general'); |
| } |
| |
| handlePluginListOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS, |
| offset: ctx.params[1] || 0, |
| filter: null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handlePluginListFilterOffsetRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS, |
| offset: ctx.params['offset'], |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handlePluginListFilterRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS, |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'] || null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handlePluginListRoute(_: PageContext) { |
| const state: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.adminViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleQueryRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: Partial<SearchViewState> = { |
| view: GerritView.SEARCH, |
| query: ctx.params[0], |
| offset: ctx.params[2], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state as AppElementParams); |
| this.searchViewModel.updateState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleChangeIdQueryRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| // TODO(pcc): This will need to indicate that this was a change ID query if |
| // standard queries gain the ability to search places like commit messages |
| // for change IDs. |
| const state: Partial<SearchViewState> = { |
| view: GerritView.SEARCH, |
| query: ctx.params[0], |
| offset: undefined, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state as AppElementParams); |
| this.searchViewModel.updateState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleQueryLegacySuffixRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect(ctx.path.replace(LEGACY_QUERY_SUFFIX_PATTERN, '')); |
| } |
| |
| handleChangeNumberLegacyRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect('/c/' + encodeURIComponent(ctx.params[0])); |
| } |
| |
| handleChangeRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| // Parameter order is based on the regex group number matched. |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[1]) as NumericChangeId; |
| const state: ChangeViewState = { |
| project: ctx.params[0] as RepoName, |
| changeNum, |
| basePatchNum: convertToPatchSetNum(ctx.params[4]) as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: convertToPatchSetNum(ctx.params[6]) as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| }; |
| |
| const queryMap = new URLSearchParams(ctx.querystring); |
| if (queryMap.has('forceReload')) state.forceReload = true; |
| if (queryMap.has('openReplyDialog')) state.openReplyDialog = true; |
| |
| const tab = queryMap.get('tab'); |
| if (tab) state.tab = tab; |
| const checksPatchset = Number(queryMap.get('checksPatchset')); |
| if (Number.isInteger(checksPatchset) && checksPatchset > 0) { |
| state.checksPatchset = checksPatchset as PatchSetNumber; |
| } |
| const filter = queryMap.get('filter'); |
| if (filter) state.filter = filter; |
| const checksResultsFilter = queryMap.get('checksResultsFilter'); |
| if (checksResultsFilter) state.checksResultsFilter = checksResultsFilter; |
| const attempt = stringToAttemptChoice(queryMap.get('attempt')); |
| if (attempt && attempt !== LATEST_ATTEMPT) state.attempt = attempt; |
| const selected = queryMap.get('checksRunsSelected'); |
| if (selected) state.checksRunsSelected = new Set(selected.split(',')); |
| |
| assertIsDefined(state.project, 'project'); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(state.project); |
| this.reporting.setChangeId(changeNum); |
| this.normalizePatchRangeParams(state); |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.changeViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleCommentRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[1]) as NumericChangeId; |
| const state: DiffViewState = { |
| project: ctx.params[0] as RepoName, |
| changeNum, |
| commentId: ctx.params[2] as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| view: GerritView.DIFF, |
| commentLink: true, |
| }; |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(state.project ?? ''); |
| this.reporting.setChangeId(changeNum); |
| this.normalizePatchRangeParams(state); |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.diffViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleCommentsRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[1]) as NumericChangeId; |
| const state: ChangeViewState = { |
| project: ctx.params[0] as RepoName, |
| changeNum, |
| commentId: ctx.params[2] as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| }; |
| assertIsDefined(state.project); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(state.project); |
| this.reporting.setChangeId(changeNum); |
| this.normalizePatchRangeParams(state); |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.changeViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleDiffRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[1]) as NumericChangeId; |
| // Parameter order is based on the regex group number matched. |
| const state: DiffViewState = { |
| project: ctx.params[0] as RepoName, |
| changeNum, |
| basePatchNum: convertToPatchSetNum(ctx.params[4]) as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: convertToPatchSetNum(ctx.params[6]) as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| path: ctx.params[8], |
| view: GerritView.DIFF, |
| }; |
| const address = this.parseLineAddress(ctx.hash); |
| if (address) { |
| state.leftSide = address.leftSide; |
| state.lineNum = address.lineNum; |
| } |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(state.project ?? ''); |
| this.reporting.setChangeId(changeNum); |
| this.normalizePatchRangeParams(state); |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.diffViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleChangeLegacyRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[0]) as NumericChangeId; |
| if (!changeNum) { |
| this.show404(); |
| return; |
| } |
| this.restApiService.getFromProjectLookup(changeNum).then(project => { |
| // Show a 404 and terminate if the lookup request failed. Attempting |
| // to redirect after failing to get the project loops infinitely. |
| if (!project) { |
| this.show404(); |
| return; |
| } |
| this.redirect(`/c/${project}/+/${changeNum}/${ctx.params[1]}`); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| handleLegacyLinenum(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect(ctx.path.replace(LEGACY_LINENUM_PATTERN, '#$1')); |
| } |
| |
| handleDiffEditRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| // Parameter order is based on the regex group number matched. |
| const project = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[1]) as NumericChangeId; |
| const state: EditViewState = { |
| project, |
| changeNum, |
| // for edit view params, patchNum cannot be undefined |
| patchNum: convertToPatchSetNum(ctx.params[2]) as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| path: ctx.params[3], |
| lineNum: Number(ctx.hash), |
| view: GerritView.EDIT, |
| }; |
| this.normalizePatchRangeParams(state); |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.editViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(project); |
| this.reporting.setChangeId(changeNum); |
| } |
| |
| handleChangeEditRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| // Parameter order is based on the regex group number matched. |
| const project = ctx.params[0] as RepoName; |
| const changeNum = Number(ctx.params[1]) as NumericChangeId; |
| const queryMap = new URLSearchParams(ctx.querystring); |
| const state: ChangeViewState = { |
| project, |
| changeNum, |
| patchNum: convertToPatchSetNum(ctx.params[3]) as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| edit: true, |
| }; |
| const tab = queryMap.get('tab'); |
| if (tab) state.tab = tab; |
| if (queryMap.has('forceReload')) { |
| state.forceReload = true; |
| history.replaceState( |
| null, |
| '', |
| location.href.replace(/[?&]forceReload=true/, '') |
| ); |
| } |
| this.normalizePatchRangeParams(state); |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.changeViewModel.setState(state); |
| this.reporting.setRepoName(project); |
| this.reporting.setChangeId(changeNum); |
| } |
| |
| handleAgreementsRoute() { |
| this.redirect('/settings/#Agreements'); |
| } |
| |
| handleNewAgreementsRoute() { |
| const state: AgreementViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.AGREEMENTS, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.agreementViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleSettingsLegacyRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| // email tokens may contain '+' but no space. |
| // The parameter parsing replaces all '+' with a space, |
| // undo that to have valid tokens. |
| const token = ctx.params[0].replace(/ /g, '+'); |
| const state: SettingsViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.SETTINGS, |
| emailToken: token, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.settingsViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleSettingsRoute(_: PageContext) { |
| const state: SettingsViewState = {view: GerritView.SETTINGS}; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.settingsViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleRegisterRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.setState({justRegistered: true}); |
| let path = ctx.params[0] || '/'; |
| |
| // Prevent redirect looping. |
| if (path.startsWith('/register')) { |
| path = '/'; |
| } |
| |
| if (path[0] !== '/') { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.redirect(getBaseUrl() + path); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handler for routes that should pass through the router and not be caught |
| * by the catchall _handleDefaultRoute handler. |
| */ |
| handlePassThroughRoute() { |
| windowLocationReload(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * URL may sometimes have /+/ encoded to / /. |
| * Context: Issue 6888, Issue 7100 |
| */ |
| handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| let hash = this.getHashFromCanonicalPath(ctx.canonicalPath); |
| if (hash.length) { |
| hash = '#' + hash; |
| } |
| this.redirect(`/c/${ctx.params[0]}/+/${ctx.params[1]}${hash}`); |
| } |
| |
| handlePluginScreen(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: PluginViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.PLUGIN_SCREEN, |
| plugin: ctx.params[0], |
| screen: ctx.params[1], |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.pluginViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleDocumentationSearchRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| const state: DocumentationViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH, |
| filter: ctx.params['filter'] || null, |
| }; |
| // Note that router model view must be updated before view models. |
| this.setState(state); |
| this.documentationViewModel.setState(state); |
| } |
| |
| handleDocumentationSearchRedirectRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| this.redirect( |
| '/Documentation/q/filter:' + encodeURIComponent(ctx.params[0]) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| handleDocumentationRedirectRoute(ctx: PageContext) { |
| if (ctx.params[1]) { |
| windowLocationReload(); |
| } else { |
| // Redirect /Documentation to /Documentation/index.html |
| this.redirect('/Documentation/index.html'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Catchall route for when no other route is matched. |
| */ |
| handleDefaultRoute() { |
| if (this._isInitialLoad) { |
| // Server recognized this route as polygerrit, so we show 404. |
| this.show404(); |
| } else { |
| // Route can be recognized by server, so we pass it to server. |
| this.handlePassThroughRoute(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private show404() { |
| // Note: the app's 404 display is tightly-coupled with catching 404 |
| // network responses, so we simulate a 404 response status to display it. |
| // TODO: Decouple the gr-app error view from network responses. |
| firePageError(new Response('', {status: 404})); |
| } |
| } |