blob: 4dd7531c510250f29b06d49aede7b2d49a954d46 [file] [log] [blame]
Gerrit Code Review - Hooks
Gerrit does not run any of the standard git hooks in the
repositories it works with, but it does have its own hook mechanism
included. Gerrit looks in `'$site_path'/hooks` for executables with
names listed below.
The environment will have GIT_DIR set to the full path of the
affected git repository so that git commands can be easily run.
Make sure your hook scripts are executable if running on *nix.
Hooks are run in the background after the relevent change has
taken place so are unable to affect the outcome of any given
change. Because of the fact the hooks are run in the background
after the activity, a hook might not be notified about an event if
the server is shutdown before the hook can be invoked.
Supported Hooks
This is called whenever a patchset is created (this includes new
patchset-created --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --uploader <uploader> --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>
This is called whenever a comment is added to a change.
comment-added --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --author <comment author> --commit <commit> --comment <comment> [--<approval category id> <score> --<approval category id> <score> ...]
Called whenever a change has been merged.
change-merged --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --submitter <submitter> --commit <sha1>
Called whenever a change has been abandoned.
change-abandoned --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --abandoner <abandoner> --reason <reason>
Configuration Settings
It is possible to change where gerrit looks for hooks, and what
filenames it looks for by adding a [hooks] section to gerrit.config.
Gerrit will use the value of hooks.path for the hooks directory, and
the values of hooks.patchsetCreatedHook, hooks.commentAddedHook,
hooks.changeMergedHook and hooks.changeAbandonedHook for the
filenames for the hooks.
See Also
* link:config-gerrit.html#hooks[Section hooks]
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]