| Gerrit Code Review - Searching Changes |
| ====================================== |
| |
| Default Searches |
| ---------------- |
| |
| Most basic searches can be viewed by clicking on a link along the top |
| menu bar. The link will prefill the search box with a common search |
| query, execute it, and present the results. If exactly one change |
| matches the search, the change will be presented instead of a list. |
| |
| |
| [options="header"] |
| |================================================= |
| |Description | Default Query |
| |All > Open | status:open '(or is:open)' |
| |All > Merged | status:merged |
| |All > Abandoned | status:abandoned |
| |My > Drafts | is:draft |
| |My > Watched Changes | status:open is:watched |
| |My > Starred Changes | is:starred |
| |My > Draft Comments | has:draft |
| |Open changes in Foo | status:open project:Foo |
| |================================================= |
| |
| Basic Change Search |
| ------------------- |
| |
| Similar to many popular search engines on the web, just enter some |
| text and let Gerrit figure out the meaning: |
| |
| [options="header"] |
| |============================================================= |
| |Description | Examples |
| |Legacy numerical id | 15183 |
| |Full or abbreviated Change-Id | Ic0ff33 |
| |Full or abbreviated commit SHA-1 | d81b32ef |
| |Email address | user@example.com |
| |Approval requirement | CodeReview>=+2, Verified=1 |
| |============================================================= |
| |
| |
| Search Operators |
| ---------------- |
| |
| Operators act as restrictions on the search. As more operators |
| are added to the same query string, they further restrict the |
| returned results. Search can also be performed by typing only a |
| text with no operator. It will try to match a project name by |
| substring. |
| |
| E.g. Searching for just "gerrit is:starred" will try to match a |
| project name by "gerrit" as substring. |
| |
| [[age]] |
| age:'AGE':: |
| + |
| Amount of time that has expired since the change was last updated |
| with a review comment or new patch set. The age must be specified |
| to include a unit suffix, for example `age:2d`: |
| + |
| * s, sec, second, seconds |
| * m, min, minute, minutes |
| * h, hr, hour, hours |
| * d, day, days |
| * w, week, weeks (`1 week` is treated as `7 days`) |
| * mon, month, months (`1 month` is treated as `30 days`) |
| * y, year, years (`1 year` is treated as `365 days`) |
| |
| [[change]] |
| change:'ID':: |
| + |
| Either a legacy numerical 'ID' such as 15183, or a newer style |
| Change-Id that was scraped out of the commit message. |
| |
| [[owner]] |
| owner:'USER':: |
| + |
| Changes originally submitted by 'USER'. The special case of |
| `owner:self` will find changes owned by the caller. |
| |
| [[ownerin]] |
| ownerin:'GROUP':: |
| + |
| Changes originally submitted by a user in 'GROUP'. |
| |
| [[reviewer]] |
| reviewer:'USER':: |
| + |
| Changes that have been, or need to be, reviewed by 'USER'. The |
| special case of `reviewer:self` will find changes where the caller |
| has been added as a reviewer. |
| |
| [[reviewerin]] |
| reviewerin:'GROUP':: |
| + |
| Changes that have been, or need to be, reviewed by a user in 'GROUP'. |
| |
| [[commit]] |
| commit:'SHA1':: |
| + |
| Changes where 'SHA1' is one of the patch sets of the change. |
| |
| [[project]] |
| project:'PROJECT':: |
| + |
| Changes occurring in 'PROJECT'. If 'PROJECT' starts with `^` it |
| matches project names by regular expression. The |
| link:http://www.brics.dk/automaton/[dk.brics.automaton |
| library] is used for evaluation of such patterns. |
| |
| |
| [[branch]] |
| branch:'BRANCH':: |
| + |
| Changes for 'BRANCH'. The branch name is either the short name shown |
| in the web interface or the full name of the destination branch with |
| the traditional 'refs/heads/' prefix. |
| + |
| If 'BRANCH' starts with `^` it matches branch names by regular |
| expression patterns. The |
| link:http://www.brics.dk/automaton/[dk.brics.automaton |
| library] is used for evaluation of such patterns. |
| |
| [[topic]] |
| topic:'TOPIC':: |
| + |
| Changes whose designated topic at upload was 'TOPIC'. This is |
| often combined with 'branch:' and 'project:' operators to select |
| all related changes in a series. |
| + |
| If 'TOPIC' starts with `^` it matches topic names by regular |
| expression patterns. The |
| link:http://www.brics.dk/automaton/[dk.brics.automaton |
| library] is used for evaluation of such patterns. |
| |
| [[ref]] |
| ref:'REF':: |
| + |
| Changes where the destination branch is exactly the given 'REF' |
| name. Since 'REF' is absolute from the top of the repository it |
| must start with 'refs/'. |
| + |
| If 'REF' starts with `^` it matches reference names by regular |
| expression patterns. The |
| link:http://www.brics.dk/automaton/[dk.brics.automaton |
| library] is used for evaluation of such patterns. |
| |
| [[tr,bug]] |
| tr:'ID', bug:'ID':: |
| + |
| Search for changes whose commit message contains 'ID' and matched |
| one or more of the |
| link:config-gerrit.html#trackingid[trackingid sections] |
| in the server's configuration file. This is typically used to |
| search for changes that fix a bug or defect by the issue tracking |
| system's issue identifier. |
| |
| [[label]] |
| label:'VALUE':: |
| + |
| Matches changes where the approval score 'VALUE' has been set during |
| a review. See <<labels,labels>> below for more detail on the format |
| of the argument. |
| |
| [[message]] |
| message:'MESSAGE':: |
| + |
| Changes that matches 'MESSAGE' arbitrary string in body commit messages. |
| |
| [[file]] |
| file:^'REGEX':: |
| + |
| Matches any change where REGEX matches a file that was affected |
| by the change. The regular expression pattern must start with |
| `^`. For example, to match all XML files use `file:^.*\.xml$`. |
| The link:http://www.brics.dk/automaton/[dk.brics.automaton |
| library] is used for the evaluation of such patterns. |
| + |
| The `^` required at the beginning of the regular expression not only |
| denotes a regular expression, but it also has the usual meaning of |
| anchoring the match to the start of the string. To match all Java |
| files, use `file:^.*\.java`. |
| + |
| The entire regular expression pattern, including the `^` character, |
| should be double quoted when using more complex construction (like |
| ones using a bracket expression). For example, to match all XML |
| files named like 'name1.xml', 'name2.xml', and 'name3.xml' use |
| `file:"^name[1-3].xml"`. |
| + |
| Currently this operator is only available on a watched project |
| and may not be used in the search bar. |
| |
| [[has]] |
| has:draft:: |
| + |
| True if there is a draft comment saved by the current user. |
| |
| has:star:: |
| + |
| Same as 'is:starred', true if the change has been starred by the |
| current user. |
| |
| [[is]] |
| is:starred:: |
| + |
| Same as 'has:star', true if the change has been starred by the |
| current user. |
| |
| is:watched:: |
| + |
| True if this change matches one of the current user's watch filters, |
| and thus is likely to notify the user when it updates. |
| |
| is:reviewed:: |
| + |
| True if there is at least one non-zero score on the change, in any |
| approval category, by any user. |
| |
| is:owner:: |
| + |
| True on any change where the current user is the change owner. |
| Same as `owner:self`. |
| |
| is:reviewer:: |
| + |
| True on any change where the current user is a reviewer. |
| Same as `reviewer:self`. |
| |
| is:open:: |
| + |
| True if the change is other open or submitted, merge pending. |
| |
| is:draft:: |
| + |
| True if the change is a draft. |
| |
| is:closed:: |
| + |
| True if the change is either merged or abandoned. |
| |
| is:submitted, is:merged, is:abandoned:: |
| + |
| Same as <<status,status:'STATE'>>. |
| |
| [[status]] |
| status:open:: |
| + |
| True if the change state is other 'review in progress' or 'submitted, |
| merge pending'. |
| |
| status:reviewed:: |
| + |
| Same as 'is:reviewed', matches if there is at least one non-zero |
| score on the change, in any approval category, by any user. |
| |
| status:submitted:: |
| + |
| Change has been submitted, but is waiting for a dependency. |
| |
| status:closed:: |
| + |
| True if the change is either 'merged' or 'abandoned'. |
| |
| status:merged:: |
| + |
| Change has been merged into the branch. |
| |
| status:abandoned:: |
| + |
| Change has been abandoned by the change owner, or administrator. |
| |
| |
| Boolean Operators |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Unless otherwise specified, operators are joined using the `AND` |
| boolean operator, thereby restricting the search results. |
| |
| Parentheses can be used to force a particular precendence on complex |
| operator expressions, otherwise OR has higher precendence than AND. |
| |
| Negation |
| ~~~~~~~~ |
| Any operator can be negated by prefixing it with `-`, for example |
| `-is:starred` is the exact opposite of `is:starred` and will |
| therefore return changes that are *not* starred by the current user. |
| |
| The operator `NOT` (in all caps) is a synonym. |
| |
| AND |
| ~~~ |
| The boolean operator `AND` (in all caps) can be used to join two |
| other operators together. This results in a restriction of the |
| results, returning only changes that match both operators. |
| |
| OR |
| ~~ |
| The boolean operator `OR` (in all caps) can be used to find changes |
| that match either operator. This increases the nubmer of results |
| that are returned, as more changes are considered. |
| |
| |
| [[labels]] |
| Labels |
| ------ |
| Label operators can be used to match approval score given during |
| a code review. The specific set of supported labels depends on |
| the server configuration, however `CodeReview` and `Verified` |
| are the default labels provided out of the box. |
| |
| A label name is any of the following: |
| |
| * The category name. If the category name contains spaces, |
| it must be wrapped in double quotes. Example: `label:"Code Review"`. |
| |
| * The name, without spaces. This avoids needing to use double quotes |
| for the common category Code Review. Example: `label:CodeReview`. |
| |
| * The internal short name. Example: `label:CRVW`, or `label:VRIF`. |
| |
| * The one or two character abbreviation shown in the column header |
| of change list pages. Example: `label:R` or `label:V`. |
| |
| A label name must be followed by a score, or an operator and a score. |
| The easiest way to explain these are by example. |
| |
| `label:CodeReview=2`:: |
| `label:CodeReview=+2`:: |
| `label:CodeReview+2`:: |
| + |
| Matches changes where there is at least one +2 score for Code Review. |
| The + prefix is optional for positive score values. If the + is used, |
| the = operator is optional. |
| |
| `label:CodeReview=-2`:: |
| `label:CodeReview-2`:: |
| + |
| Matches changes where there is at least one -2 score for Code Review. |
| Because the negative sign is required, the = operator is optional. |
| |
| `label:CodeReview=1`:: |
| + |
| Matches changes where there is at least one +1 score for Code Review. |
| Scores of +2 are not matched, even though they are higher. |
| |
| `label:CodeReview>=1`:: |
| + |
| Matches changes with either a +1, +2, or any higher score. |
| |
| `label:CodeReview<=-1`:: |
| + |
| Matches changes with either a -1, -2, or any lower score. |
| |
| `is:open CodeReview+2 Verified+1 -Verified-1 -CodeReview-2`:: |
| + |
| Matches changes that are ready to be submitted. |
| |
| `is:open (Verified-1 OR CodeReview-2)`:: |
| + |
| Changes that are blocked from submission due to a blocking score. |
| |
| |
| Magical Operators |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Most of these operators exist to support features of Gerrit Code |
| Review, and are not meant to be accessed by the average end-user. |
| However, they are recognized by the query parser, and may prove |
| useful in limited contexts to administrators or power-users. |
| |
| visibleto:'USER-or-GROUP':: |
| + |
| Matches changes that are visible to 'USER' or to anyone who is a |
| member of 'GROUP'. Here group names may be specified as either |
| an internal group name, or if LDAP is being used, an external LDAP |
| group name. The value may be wrapped in double quotes to include |
| spaces or other special characters. For example, to match an LDAP |
| group: `visibleto:"CN=Developers, DC=example, DC=com"`. |
| + |
| This operator may be useful to test access control rules, however a |
| change can only be matched if both the current user and the supplied |
| user or group can see it. This is due to the implicit 'is:visible' |
| clause that is always added by the server. |
| |
| is:visible:: |
| + |
| Magical internal flag to prove the current user has access to read |
| the change. This flag is always added to any query. |
| |
| starredby:'USER':: |
| + |
| Matches changes that have been starred by 'USER'. |
| The special case `starredby:self` applies to the caller. |
| |
| watchedby:'USER':: |
| + |
| Matches changes that 'USER' has configured watch filters for. |
| The special case `watchedby:self` applies to the caller. |
| |
| draftby:'USER':: |
| + |
| Matches changes that 'USER' has left unpublished drafts on. |
| Since the drafts are unpublished, it is not possible to see the |
| draft text, or even how many drafts there are. The special case |
| of `draftby:self` will find changes where the caller has created |
| a draft comment. |
| |
| limit:'CNT':: |
| + |
| Limit the returned results to no more than 'CNT' records. This is |
| automatically set to the page size configured in the current user's |
| preferences. Including it in a web query may lead to unpredictable |
| results with regards to pagination. |
| |
| resume_sortkey:'KEY':: |
| + |
| Positions the low level scan routine to start from 'KEY' and |
| continue through changes from this point. This is most often used |
| for paginating result sets. Including this in a web query may lead |
| to unpredictable results. |
| |
| sortkey_after:'KEY', sortkey_before:'KEY':: |
| + |
| Restart the low level scan routine from 'KEY'. This is automatically |
| set by the pagination system as the user navigates through results |
| of a query. Including either value in a web query may lead to |
| unpredictable results. |
| |
| ------ |
| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |