Merge changes from topic "gr-change-metadata-test-to-ts"

* changes:
  Tests gr-change-metadata to ts
  Rename gr-change-metadata_test to ts
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata.ts
index d192060..9910fb6 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata.ts
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 const NOT_CURRENT_MESSAGE = 'Not current - rebase possible';
-interface PushCertifacteValidationInfo {
+interface PushCertificateValidationInfo {
   class: string;
   icon: string;
   message: string;
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
 export interface GrChangeMetadata {
   $: {
     restAPI: RestApiService & Element;
+    webLinks: HTMLElement;
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@
     type: Object,
     computed: '_computePushCertificateValidation(serverConfig, change)',
-  _pushCertificateValidation?: PushCertifacteValidationInfo;
+  _pushCertificateValidation?: PushCertificateValidationInfo;
   @property({type: Boolean, computed: '_computeShowRequirements(change)'})
   _showRequirements = false;
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@
-    changeRecord: ElementPropertyDeepChange<GrChangeMetadata, 'change'>,
+    changeRecord?: ElementPropertyDeepChange<GrChangeMetadata, 'change'>,
     settingTopic?: boolean
   ) {
     const hasTopic = !!changeRecord?.base?.topic;
@@ -331,7 +332,7 @@
-    changeRecord: ElementPropertyDeepChange<GrChangeMetadata, 'change'>,
+    changeRecord?: ElementPropertyDeepChange<GrChangeMetadata, 'change'>,
     settingTopic?: boolean
   ) {
     const hasTopic = !!changeRecord?.base?.topic;
@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@
-    changeRecord: ElementPropertyDeepChange<GrChangeMetadata, 'change'>
+    changeRecord?: ElementPropertyDeepChange<GrChangeMetadata, 'change'>
   ) {
     const hasCherryPickOf =
       !!changeRecord?.base?.cherry_pick_of_change &&
@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@
     serverConfig?: ServerInfo,
     change?: ParsedChangeInfo
-  ): PushCertifacteValidationInfo | undefined {
+  ): PushCertificateValidationInfo | undefined {
     if (!change || !serverConfig?.receive?.enable_signed_push) return undefined;
     const rev = change.revisions[change.current_revision];
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata_test.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed7dd4..0000000
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
- * @license
- * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import '../../../test/common-test-setup-karma.js';
-import '../../core/gr-router/gr-router.js';
-import './gr-change-metadata.js';
-import {GerritNav} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation.js';
-import {getPluginLoader} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-loader.js';
-import {_testOnly_initGerritPluginApi} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-gerrit.js';
-const basicFixture = fixtureFromElement('gr-change-metadata');
-const pluginApi = _testOnly_initGerritPluginApi();
-suite('gr-change-metadata tests', () => {
-  let element;
-  setup(() => {
-    stub('gr-rest-api-interface', {
-      getConfig() { return Promise.resolve({}); },
-      getLoggedIn() { return Promise.resolve(false); },
-    });
-    element = basicFixture.instantiate();
-  });
-  test('computed fields', () => {
-    assert.isFalse(element._computeHideStrategy({status: 'NEW'}));
-    assert.isTrue(element._computeHideStrategy({status: 'MERGED'}));
-    assert.isTrue(element._computeHideStrategy({status: 'ABANDONED'}));
-    assert.equal(element._computeStrategy({submit_type: 'CHERRY_PICK'}),
-        'Cherry Pick');
-    assert.equal(element._computeStrategy({submit_type: 'REBASE_ALWAYS'}),
-        'Rebase Always');
-  });
-  test('computed fields requirements', () => {
-    assert.isFalse(element._computeShowRequirements({status: 'MERGED'}));
-    assert.isFalse(element._computeShowRequirements({status: 'ABANDONED'}));
-    // No labels and no requirements: submit status is useless
-    assert.isFalse(element._computeShowRequirements({
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {},
-    }));
-    // Work in Progress: submit status should be present
-    assert.isTrue(element._computeShowRequirements({
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {},
-      work_in_progress: true,
-    }));
-    // We have at least one reason to display Submit Status
-    assert.isTrue(element._computeShowRequirements({
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {
-        Verified: {
-          approved: false,
-        },
-      },
-      requirements: [],
-    }));
-    assert.isTrue(element._computeShowRequirements({
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {},
-      requirements: [{
-        fallback_text: 'Resolve all comments',
-        status: 'OK',
-      }],
-    }));
-  });
-  test('show strategy for open change', () => {
-    element.change = {status: 'NEW', submit_type: 'CHERRY_PICK', labels: {}};
-    flush();
-    const strategy = element.shadowRoot
-        .querySelector('.strategy');
-    assert.ok(strategy);
-    assert.isFalse(strategy.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    assert.equal(strategy.children[1].innerHTML, 'Cherry Pick');
-  });
-  test('hide strategy for closed change', () => {
-    element.change = {status: 'MERGED', labels: {}};
-    flush();
-    assert.isTrue(element.shadowRoot
-        .querySelector('.strategy').hasAttribute('hidden'));
-  });
-  test('weblinks use GerritNav interface', () => {
-    const weblinksStub = sinon.stub(GerritNav, '_generateWeblinks')
-        .returns([{name: 'stubb', url: '#s'}]);
-    element.commitInfo = {};
-    element.serverConfig = {};
-    flush();
-    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
-    assert.isTrue(weblinksStub.called);
-    assert.isFalse(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo).length, 1);
-  });
-  test('weblinks hidden when no weblinks', () => {
-    element.commitInfo = {};
-    element.serverConfig = {};
-    flush();
-    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
-    assert.isTrue(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-  });
-  test('weblinks hidden when only gitiles weblink', () => {
-    element.commitInfo = {web_links: [{name: 'gitiles', url: '#'}]};
-    element.serverConfig = {};
-    flush();
-    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
-    assert.isTrue(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo), null);
-  });
-  test('weblinks hidden when sole weblink is set as primary', () => {
-    const browser = 'browser';
-    element.commitInfo = {web_links: [{name: browser, url: '#'}]};
-    element.serverConfig = {
-      gerrit: {
-        primary_weblink_name: browser,
-      },
-    };
-    flush();
-    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
-    assert.isTrue(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-  });
-  test('weblinks are visible when other weblinks', () => {
-    const router = document.createElement('gr-router');
-    sinon.stub(GerritNav, '_generateWeblinks').callsFake(
-        router._generateWeblinks.bind(router));
-    element.commitInfo = {web_links: [{name: 'test', url: '#'}]};
-    flush();
-    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
-    assert.isFalse(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo).length, 1);
-    // With two non-gitiles weblinks, there are two returned.
-    element.commitInfo = {
-      web_links: [{name: 'test', url: '#'}, {name: 'test2', url: '#'}]};
-    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo).length, 2);
-  });
-  test('weblinks are visible when gitiles and other weblinks', () => {
-    const router = document.createElement('gr-router');
-    sinon.stub(GerritNav, '_generateWeblinks').callsFake(
-        router._generateWeblinks.bind(router));
-    element.commitInfo = {
-      web_links: [{name: 'test', url: '#'}, {name: 'gitiles', url: '#'}]};
-    flush();
-    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
-    assert.isFalse(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    // Only the non-gitiles weblink is returned.
-    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo).length, 1);
-  });
-  suite('_getNonOwnerRole', () => {
-    let change;
-    setup(() => {
-      change = {
-        owner: {
-          email: 'abc@def',
-          _account_id: 1019328,
-        },
-        revisions: {
-          rev1: {
-            _number: 1,
-            uploader: {
-              email: 'ghi@def',
-              _account_id: 1011123,
-            },
-            commit: {
-              author: {email: 'jkl@def'},
-              committer: {email: 'ghi@def'},
-            },
-          },
-        },
-        current_revision: 'rev1',
-      };
-    });
-    suite('role=uploader', () => {
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole for uploader', () => {
-        assert.deepEqual(
-            element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER),
-            {email: 'ghi@def', _account_id: 1011123});
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole that it does not return uploader', () => {
-        // Set the uploader email to be the same as the owner.
-        change.revisions.rev1.uploader._account_id = 1019328;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for uploader with no current rev', () => {
-        delete change.current_revision;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER));
-      });
-      test('_computeShowRoleClass show uploader', () => {
-        assert.equal(element._computeShowRoleClass(
-            change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER), '');
-      });
-      test('_computeShowRoleClass hide uploader', () => {
-        // Set the uploader email to be the same as the owner.
-        change.revisions.rev1.uploader._account_id = 1019328;
-        assert.equal(element._computeShowRoleClass(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER), 'hideDisplay');
-      });
-    });
-    suite('role=committer', () => {
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole for committer', () => {
- = 'ghh@def';
-        assert.deepEqual(
-            element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER),
-            {email: 'ghi@def'});
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole is null if committer is same as uploader', () => {
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole that it does not return committer', () => {
-        // Set the committer email to be the same as the owner.
- = 'abc@def';
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for committer with no current rev', () => {
-        delete change.current_revision;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for committer with no commit', () => {
-        delete change.revisions.rev1.commit;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for committer with no committer', () => {
-        delete change.revisions.rev1.commit.committer;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER));
-      });
-    });
-    suite('role=author', () => {
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole for author', () => {
-        assert.deepEqual(
-            element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR),
-            {email: 'jkl@def'});
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole that it does not return author', () => {
-        // Set the author email to be the same as the owner.
- = 'abc@def';
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for author with no current rev', () => {
-        delete change.current_revision;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for author with no commit', () => {
-        delete change.revisions.rev1.commit;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR));
-      });
-      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for author with no author', () => {
-        delete;
-        assert.isNotOk(element._getNonOwnerRole(change,
-            element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR));
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  test('Push Certificate Validation test BAD', () => {
-    const serverConfig = {
-      receive: {
-        enable_signed_push: true,
-      },
-    };
-    const change = {
-      change_id: 'Iad9dc96274af6946f3632be53b106ef80f7ba6ca',
-      owner: {
-        _account_id: 1019328,
-      },
-      revisions: {
-        rev1: {
-          _number: 1,
-          push_certificate: {
-            key: {
-              status: 'BAD',
-              problems: [
-                'No public keys found for key ID E5E20E52',
-              ],
-            },
-          },
-        },
-      },
-      current_revision: 'rev1',
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {},
-      mergeable: true,
-    };
-    const result =
-        element._computePushCertificateValidation(serverConfig, change);
-    assert.equal(result.message,
-        'Push certificate is invalid:\n' +
-        'No public keys found for key ID E5E20E52');
-    assert.equal(result.icon, 'gr-icons:close');
-    assert.equal(result.class, 'invalid');
-  });
-  test('Push Certificate Validation test TRUSTED', () => {
-    const serverConfig = {
-      receive: {
-        enable_signed_push: true,
-      },
-    };
-    const change = {
-      change_id: 'Iad9dc96274af6946f3632be53b106ef80f7ba6ca',
-      owner: {
-        _account_id: 1019328,
-      },
-      revisions: {
-        rev1: {
-          _number: 1,
-          push_certificate: {
-            key: {
-              status: 'TRUSTED',
-            },
-          },
-        },
-      },
-      current_revision: 'rev1',
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {},
-      mergeable: true,
-    };
-    const result =
-        element._computePushCertificateValidation(serverConfig, change);
-    assert.equal(result.message,
-        'Push certificate is valid and key is trusted');
-    assert.equal(result.icon, 'gr-icons:check');
-    assert.equal(result.class, 'trusted');
-  });
-  test('Push Certificate Validation is missing test', () => {
-    const serverConfig = {
-      receive: {
-        enable_signed_push: true,
-      },
-    };
-    const change = {
-      change_id: 'Iad9dc96274af6946f3632be53b106ef80f7ba6ca',
-      owner: {
-        _account_id: 1019328,
-      },
-      revisions: {
-        rev1: {
-          _number: 1,
-        },
-      },
-      current_revision: 'rev1',
-      status: 'NEW',
-      labels: {},
-      mergeable: true,
-    };
-    const result =
-        element._computePushCertificateValidation(serverConfig, change);
-    assert.equal(result.message,
-        'This patch set was created without a push certificate');
-    assert.equal(result.icon, 'gr-icons:help');
-    assert.equal(result.class, 'help');
-  });
-  test('_computeParents', () => {
-    const parents = [{commit: '123', subject: 'abc'}];
-    const revision = {commit: {parents}};
-    assert.deepEqual(element._computeParents({}, {}), []);
-    assert.equal(element._computeParents(null, revision), parents);
-    const change = current_revision => {
-      return {current_revision, revisions: {456: revision}};
-    };
-    assert.deepEqual(element._computeParents(change(null), null), []);
-    const change_bad_revision = change('789');
-    assert.deepEqual(element._computeParents(change_bad_revision, {}), []);
-    const change_no_commit = {current_revision: '456', revisions: {456: {}}};
-    assert.deepEqual(element._computeParents(change_no_commit, null), []);
-    const change_good = change('456');
-    assert.equal(element._computeParents(change_good, null), parents);
-  });
-  test('_currentParents', () => {
-    const revision = parent => {
-      return {commit: {parents: [{commit: parent, subject: 'abc'}]}};
-    };
-    element.change = {
-      current_revision: '456',
-      revisions: {456: revision('111')},
-      owner: {},
-    };
-    element.revision = revision('222');
-    assert.equal(element._currentParents[0].commit, '222');
-    element.revision = revision('333');
-    assert.equal(element._currentParents[0].commit, '333');
-    element.revision = null;
-    assert.equal(element._currentParents[0].commit, '111');
-    element.change = {current_revision: null};
-    assert.deepEqual(element._currentParents, []);
-  });
-  test('_computeParentsLabel', () => {
-    const parent = {commit: 'abc123', subject: 'My parent commit'};
-    assert.equal(element._computeParentsLabel([parent]), 'Parent');
-    assert.equal(element._computeParentsLabel([parent, parent]),
-        'Parents');
-  });
-  test('_computeParentListClass', () => {
-    const parent = {commit: 'abc123', subject: 'My parent commit'};
-    assert.equal(element._computeParentListClass([parent], true),
-        'parentList nonMerge current');
-    assert.equal(element._computeParentListClass([parent], false),
-        'parentList nonMerge notCurrent');
-    assert.equal(element._computeParentListClass([parent, parent], false),
-        'parentList merge notCurrent');
-    assert.equal(element._computeParentListClass([parent, parent], true),
-        'parentList merge current');
-  });
-  test('_showAddTopic', () => {
-    assert.isTrue(element._showAddTopic(null, false));
-    assert.isTrue(element._showAddTopic({base: {topic: null}}, false));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showAddTopic({base: {topic: null}}, true));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showAddTopic({base: {topic: 'foo'}}, true));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showAddTopic({base: {topic: 'foo'}}, false));
-  });
-  test('_showTopicChip', () => {
-    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip(null, false));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip({base: {topic: null}}, false));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip({base: {topic: null}}, true));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip({base: {topic: 'foo'}}, true));
-    assert.isTrue(element._showTopicChip({base: {topic: 'foo'}}, false));
-  });
-  test('_showCherryPickOf', () => {
-    assert.isFalse(element._showCherryPickOf(null));
-    assert.isFalse(element._showCherryPickOf({
-      base: {
-        cherry_pick_of_change: null,
-        cherry_pick_of_patch_set: null,
-      },
-    }));
-    assert.isTrue(element._showCherryPickOf({
-      base: {
-        cherry_pick_of_change: 123,
-        cherry_pick_of_patch_set: 1,
-      },
-    }));
-  });
-  suite('Topic removal', () => {
-    let change;
-    setup(() => {
-      change = {
-        _number: 'the number',
-        actions: {
-          topic: {enabled: false},
-        },
-        change_id: 'the id',
-        topic: 'the topic',
-        status: 'NEW',
-        submit_type: 'CHERRY_PICK',
-        labels: {
-          test: {
-            all: [{_account_id: 1, name: 'bojack', value: 1}],
-            default_value: 0,
-            values: [],
-          },
-        },
-        removable_reviewers: [],
-      };
-    });
-    test('_computeTopicReadOnly', () => {
-      let mutable = false;
-      assert.isTrue(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      mutable = true;
-      assert.isTrue(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      change.actions.topic.enabled = true;
-      assert.isFalse(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      mutable = false;
-      assert.isTrue(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
-    });
-    test('topic read only hides delete button', () => {
-      element.account = {};
-      element.change = change;
-      flush();
-      const button = element.shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-linked-chip').shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-button');
-      assert.isTrue(button.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    });
-    test('topic not read only does not hide delete button', () => {
-      element.account = {test: true};
-      change.actions.topic.enabled = true;
-      element.change = change;
-      flush();
-      const button = element.shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-linked-chip').shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-button');
-      assert.isFalse(button.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    });
-  });
-  suite('Hashtag removal', () => {
-    let change;
-    setup(() => {
-      change = {
-        _number: 'the number',
-        actions: {
-          hashtags: {enabled: false},
-        },
-        change_id: 'the id',
-        hashtags: ['test-hashtag'],
-        status: 'NEW',
-        submit_type: 'CHERRY_PICK',
-        labels: {
-          test: {
-            all: [{_account_id: 1, name: 'bojack', value: 1}],
-            default_value: 0,
-            values: [],
-          },
-        },
-        removable_reviewers: [],
-      };
-    });
-    test('_computeHashtagReadOnly', () => {
-      flush();
-      let mutable = false;
-      assert.isTrue(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      mutable = true;
-      assert.isTrue(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      change.actions.hashtags.enabled = true;
-      assert.isFalse(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      mutable = false;
-      assert.isTrue(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
-    });
-    test('hashtag read only hides delete button', () => {
-      flush();
-      element.account = {};
-      element.change = change;
-      flush();
-      const button = element.shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-linked-chip').shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-button');
-      assert.isTrue(button.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    });
-    test('hashtag not read only does not hide delete button', () => {
-      flush();
-      element.account = {test: true};
-      change.actions.hashtags.enabled = true;
-      element.change = change;
-      flush();
-      const button = element.shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-linked-chip').shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-button');
-      assert.isFalse(button.hasAttribute('hidden'));
-    });
-  });
-  suite('remove reviewer votes', () => {
-    setup(() => {
-      sinon.stub(element, '_computeTopicReadOnly').returns(true);
-      element.change = {
-        _number: 42,
-        change_id: 'the id',
-        actions: [],
-        topic: 'the topic',
-        status: 'NEW',
-        submit_type: 'CHERRY_PICK',
-        labels: {
-          test: {
-            all: [{_account_id: 1, name: 'bojack', value: 1}],
-            default_value: 0,
-            values: [],
-          },
-        },
-        removable_reviewers: [],
-      };
-      flush();
-    });
-    suite('assignee field', () => {
-      const dummyAccount = {
-        _account_id: 1,
-        name: 'bojack',
-      };
-      const change = {
-        actions: {
-          assignee: {enabled: false},
-        },
-        assignee: dummyAccount,
-      };
-      let deleteStub;
-      let setStub;
-      setup(() => {
-        deleteStub = sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'deleteAssignee');
-        setStub = sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setAssignee');
-        element.serverConfig = {
-          change: {
-            enable_assignee: true,
-          },
-        };
-      });
-      test('changing change recomputes _assignee', () => {
-        assert.isFalse(!!element._assignee.length);
-        const change = element.change;
-        change.assignee = dummyAccount;
-        element._changeChanged(change);
-        assert.deepEqual(element._assignee[0], dummyAccount);
-      });
-      test('modifying _assignee calls API', () => {
-        assert.isFalse(!!element._assignee.length);
-        element.set('_assignee', [dummyAccount]);
-        assert.isTrue(setStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.deepEqual(element.change.assignee, dummyAccount);
-        element.set('_assignee', [dummyAccount]);
-        assert.isTrue(setStub.calledOnce);
-        element.set('_assignee', []);
-        assert.isTrue(deleteStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.equal(element.change.assignee, undefined);
-        element.set('_assignee', []);
-        assert.isTrue(deleteStub.calledOnce);
-      });
-      test('_computeAssigneeReadOnly', () => {
-        let mutable = false;
-        assert.isTrue(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
-        mutable = true;
-        assert.isTrue(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
-        change.actions.assignee.enabled = true;
-        assert.isFalse(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
-        mutable = false;
-        assert.isTrue(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
-      });
-    });
-    test('changing topic', () => {
-      const newTopic = 'the new topic';
-      sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setChangeTopic').returns(
-          Promise.resolve(newTopic));
-      element._handleTopicChanged({detail: newTopic});
-      const topicChangedSpy = sinon.spy();
-      element.addEventListener('topic-changed', topicChangedSpy);
-      assert.isTrue(element.$.restAPI.setChangeTopic.calledWith(
-          42, newTopic));
-      return element.$.restAPI.setChangeTopic.lastCall.returnValue
-          .then(() => {
-            assert.equal(element.change.topic, newTopic);
-            assert.isTrue(topicChangedSpy.called);
-          });
-    });
-    test('topic removal', () => {
-      sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setChangeTopic').returns(
-          Promise.resolve());
-      const chip = element.shadowRoot
-          .querySelector('gr-linked-chip');
-      const remove = chip.$.remove;
-      const topicChangedSpy = sinon.spy();
-      element.addEventListener('topic-changed', topicChangedSpy);
-      MockInteractions.tap(remove);
-      assert.isTrue(chip.disabled);
-      assert.isTrue(element.$.restAPI.setChangeTopic.calledWith(
-          42));
-      return element.$.restAPI.setChangeTopic.lastCall.returnValue
-          .then(() => {
-            assert.isFalse(chip.disabled);
-            assert.equal(element.change.topic, '');
-            assert.isTrue(topicChangedSpy.called);
-          });
-    });
-    test('changing hashtag', () => {
-      flush();
-      element._newHashtag = 'new hashtag';
-      const newHashtag = ['new hashtag'];
-      sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setChangeHashtag').returns(
-          Promise.resolve(newHashtag));
-      element._handleHashtagChanged({}, 'new hashtag');
-      assert.isTrue(element.$.restAPI.setChangeHashtag.calledWith(
-          42, {add: ['new hashtag']}));
-      return element.$.restAPI.setChangeHashtag.lastCall.returnValue
-          .then(() => {
-            assert.equal(element.change.hashtags, newHashtag);
-          });
-    });
-  });
-  test('editTopic', () => {
-    element.account = {test: true};
-    element.change = {actions: {topic: {enabled: true}}};
-    flush();
-    const label = element.shadowRoot
-        .querySelector('.topicEditableLabel');
-    assert.ok(label);
-    sinon.stub(label, 'open');
-    element.editTopic();
-    flush();
-    assert.isTrue(;
-  });
-  suite('plugin endpoints', () => {
-    test('endpoint params', done => {
-      element.change = {labels: {}};
-      element.revision = {};
-      let hookEl;
-      let plugin;
-      pluginApi.install(
-          p => {
-            plugin = p;
-            plugin.hook('change-metadata-item').getLastAttached()
-                .then(el => hookEl = el);
-          },
-          '0.1',
-          'http://some/plugins/url.html');
-      getPluginLoader().loadPlugins([]);
-      flush(() => {
-        assert.strictEqual(hookEl.plugin, plugin);
-        assert.strictEqual(hookEl.change, element.change);
-        assert.strictEqual(hookEl.revision, element.revision);
-        done();
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata_test.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95e3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import '../../../test/common-test-setup-karma';
+import '../../core/gr-router/gr-router';
+import './gr-change-metadata';
+import {GerritNav} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation';
+import {getPluginLoader} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-loader';
+import {_testOnly_initGerritPluginApi} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-gerrit';
+import {GrChangeMetadata} from './gr-change-metadata';
+import {
+  createServerInfo,
+  createUserConfig,
+  createParsedChange,
+  createAccountWithId,
+  createRequirement,
+  createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit,
+  createWebLinkInfo,
+  createGerritInfo,
+  createGitPerson,
+  createCommit,
+  createRevision,
+  createAccountDetailWithId,
+  createChangeConfig,
+} from '../../../test/test-data-generators';
+import {
+  ChangeStatus,
+  SubmitType,
+  RequirementStatus,
+  GpgKeyInfoStatus,
+} from '../../../constants/constants';
+import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../../shared/gr-rest-api-interface/gr-reviewer-updates-parser';
+import {
+  EmailAddress,
+  AccountId,
+  CommitId,
+  ServerInfo,
+  RevisionInfo,
+  ParentCommitInfo,
+  TopicName,
+  ElementPropertyDeepChange,
+  PatchSetNum,
+  NumericChangeId,
+  LabelValueToDescriptionMap,
+  Hashtag,
+} from '../../../types/common';
+import {SinonStubbedMember} from 'sinon/pkg/sinon-esm';
+import {RestApiService} from '../../../services/services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api';
+import {tap} from '@polymer/iron-test-helpers/mock-interactions';
+import {GrEditableLabel} from '../../shared/gr-editable-label/gr-editable-label';
+import {PluginApi} from '../../plugins/gr-plugin-types';
+import {GrEndpointDecorator} from '../../plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator';
+const basicFixture = fixtureFromElement('gr-change-metadata');
+const pluginApi = _testOnly_initGerritPluginApi();
+suite('gr-change-metadata tests', () => {
+  let element: GrChangeMetadata;
+  setup(() => {
+    stub('gr-rest-api-interface', {
+      getConfig() {
+        return Promise.resolve({
+          ...createServerInfo(),
+          user: {
+            ...createUserConfig(),
+            anonymous_coward_name: 'test coward name',
+          },
+        });
+      },
+      getLoggedIn() {
+        return Promise.resolve(false);
+      },
+    });
+    element = basicFixture.instantiate();
+  });
+  test('computed fields', () => {
+    assert.isFalse(
+      element._computeHideStrategy({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+      })
+    );
+    assert.isTrue(
+      element._computeHideStrategy({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.MERGED,
+      })
+    );
+    assert.isTrue(
+      element._computeHideStrategy({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.ABANDONED,
+      })
+    );
+    assert.equal(
+      element._computeStrategy({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        submit_type: SubmitType.CHERRY_PICK,
+      }),
+      'Cherry Pick'
+    );
+    assert.equal(
+      element._computeStrategy({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        submit_type: SubmitType.REBASE_ALWAYS,
+      }),
+      'Rebase Always'
+    );
+  });
+  test('computed fields requirements', () => {
+    assert.isFalse(
+      element._computeShowRequirements({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.MERGED,
+      })
+    );
+    assert.isFalse(
+      element._computeShowRequirements({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.ABANDONED,
+      })
+    );
+    // No labels and no requirements: submit status is useless
+    assert.isFalse(
+      element._computeShowRequirements({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+        labels: {},
+      })
+    );
+    // Work in Progress: submit status should be present
+    assert.isTrue(
+      element._computeShowRequirements({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+        labels: {},
+        work_in_progress: true,
+      })
+    );
+    // We have at least one reason to display Submit Status
+    assert.isTrue(
+      element._computeShowRequirements({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+        labels: {
+          Verified: {
+            approved: createAccountWithId(),
+          },
+        },
+        requirements: [],
+      })
+    );
+    assert.isTrue(
+      element._computeShowRequirements({
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+        labels: {},
+        requirements: [
+          {
+            ...createRequirement(),
+            fallbackText: 'Resolve all comments',
+            status: RequirementStatus.OK,
+          },
+        ],
+      })
+    );
+  });
+  test('show strategy for open change', () => {
+    element.change = {
+      ...createParsedChange(),
+      status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+      submit_type: SubmitType.CHERRY_PICK,
+      labels: {},
+    };
+    flush();
+    const strategy = element.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.strategy');
+    assert.ok(strategy);
+    assert.isFalse(strategy?.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    assert.equal(strategy?.children[1].innerHTML, 'Cherry Pick');
+  });
+  test('hide strategy for closed change', () => {
+    element.change = {
+      ...createParsedChange(),
+      status: ChangeStatus.MERGED,
+      labels: {},
+    };
+    flush();
+    assert.isTrue(
+      element.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.strategy')?.hasAttribute('hidden')
+    );
+  });
+  test('weblinks use GerritNav interface', () => {
+    const weblinksStub = sinon
+      .stub(GerritNav, '_generateWeblinks')
+      .returns([{name: 'stubb', url: '#s'}]);
+    element.commitInfo = createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit();
+    element.serverConfig = createServerInfo();
+    flush();
+    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
+    assert.isTrue(weblinksStub.called);
+    assert.isFalse(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo)?.length, 1);
+  });
+  test('weblinks hidden when no weblinks', () => {
+    element.commitInfo = createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit();
+    element.serverConfig = createServerInfo();
+    flush();
+    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
+    assert.isTrue(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+  });
+  test('weblinks hidden when only gitiles weblink', () => {
+    element.commitInfo = {
+      ...createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(),
+      web_links: [{...createWebLinkInfo(), name: 'gitiles', url: '#'}],
+    };
+    element.serverConfig = createServerInfo();
+    flush();
+    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
+    assert.isTrue(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo), null);
+  });
+  test('weblinks hidden when sole weblink is set as primary', () => {
+    const browser = 'browser';
+    element.commitInfo = {
+      ...createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(),
+      web_links: [{...createWebLinkInfo(), name: browser, url: '#'}],
+    };
+    element.serverConfig = {
+      ...createServerInfo(),
+      gerrit: {
+        ...createGerritInfo(),
+        primary_weblink_name: browser,
+      },
+    };
+    flush();
+    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
+    assert.isTrue(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+  });
+  test('weblinks are visible when other weblinks', () => {
+    const router = document.createElement('gr-router');
+    sinon
+      .stub(GerritNav, '_generateWeblinks')
+      .callsFake(router._generateWeblinks.bind(router));
+    element.commitInfo = {
+      ...createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(),
+      web_links: [{...createWebLinkInfo(), name: 'test', url: '#'}],
+    };
+    flush();
+    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
+    assert.isFalse(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo)?.length, 1);
+    // With two non-gitiles weblinks, there are two returned.
+    element.commitInfo = {
+      ...createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(),
+      web_links: [
+        {...createWebLinkInfo(), name: 'test', url: '#'},
+        {...createWebLinkInfo(), name: 'test2', url: '#'},
+      ],
+    };
+    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo)?.length, 2);
+  });
+  test('weblinks are visible when gitiles and other weblinks', () => {
+    const router = document.createElement('gr-router');
+    sinon
+      .stub(GerritNav, '_generateWeblinks')
+      .callsFake(router._generateWeblinks.bind(router));
+    element.commitInfo = {
+      ...createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(),
+      web_links: [
+        {...createWebLinkInfo(), name: 'test', url: '#'},
+        {...createWebLinkInfo(), name: 'gitiles', url: '#'},
+      ],
+    };
+    flush();
+    const webLinks = element.$.webLinks;
+    assert.isFalse(webLinks.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    // Only the non-gitiles weblink is returned.
+    assert.equal(element._computeWebLinks(element.commitInfo)?.length, 1);
+  });
+  suite('_getNonOwnerRole', () => {
+    let change: ParsedChangeInfo | undefined;
+    setup(() => {
+      change = {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        owner: {
+          ...createAccountWithId(),
+          email: 'abc@def' as EmailAddress,
+          _account_id: 1019328 as AccountId,
+        },
+        revisions: {
+          rev1: {
+            ...createRevision(),
+            uploader: {
+              ...createAccountWithId(),
+              email: 'ghi@def' as EmailAddress,
+              _account_id: 1011123 as AccountId,
+            },
+            commit: {
+              ...createCommit(),
+              author: {...createGitPerson(), email: 'jkl@def'},
+              committer: {...createGitPerson(), email: 'ghi@def'},
+            },
+          },
+        },
+        current_revision: 'rev1' as CommitId,
+      };
+    });
+    suite('role=uploader', () => {
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole for uploader', () => {
+        assert.deepEqual(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER),
+          {
+            ...createAccountWithId(),
+            email: 'ghi@def' as EmailAddress,
+            _account_id: 1011123 as AccountId,
+          }
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole that it does not return uploader', () => {
+        // Set the uploader email to be the same as the owner.
+        change!.revisions.rev1.uploader!._account_id = 1019328 as AccountId;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for uploader with no current rev', () => {
+        delete change!.current_revision;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_computeShowRoleClass show uploader', () => {
+        assert.equal(
+          element._computeShowRoleClass(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER),
+          ''
+        );
+      });
+      test('_computeShowRoleClass hide uploader', () => {
+        // Set the uploader email to be the same as the owner.
+        change!.revisions.rev1.uploader!._account_id = 1019328 as AccountId;
+        assert.equal(
+          element._computeShowRoleClass(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.UPLOADER),
+          'hideDisplay'
+        );
+      });
+    });
+    suite('role=committer', () => {
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole for committer', () => {
+        change!.revisions.rev1.uploader!.email = 'ghh@def' as EmailAddress;
+        assert.deepEqual(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER),
+          {...createGitPerson(), email: 'ghi@def'}
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole is null if committer is same as uploader', () => {
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole that it does not return committer', () => {
+        // Set the committer email to be the same as the owner.
+        change!.revisions.rev1.commit! = 'abc@def';
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for committer with no current rev', () => {
+        delete change!.current_revision;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for committer with no commit', () => {
+        delete change!.revisions.rev1.commit;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for committer with no committer', () => {
+        delete change!.revisions.rev1.commit!.committer;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.COMMITTER)
+        );
+      });
+    });
+    suite('role=author', () => {
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole for author', () => {
+        assert.deepEqual(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR),
+          {...createGitPerson(), email: 'jkl@def'}
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole that it does not return author', () => {
+        // Set the author email to be the same as the owner.
+        change!.revisions.rev1.commit! = 'abc@def';
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for author with no current rev', () => {
+        delete change!.current_revision;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for author with no commit', () => {
+        delete change!.revisions.rev1.commit;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR)
+        );
+      });
+      test('_getNonOwnerRole null for author with no author', () => {
+        delete change!.revisions.rev1.commit!.author;
+        assert.isNotOk(
+          element._getNonOwnerRole(change, element._CHANGE_ROLE.AUTHOR)
+        );
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  suite('Push Certificate Validation', () => {
+    let serverConfig: ServerInfo | undefined;
+    let change: ParsedChangeInfo | undefined;
+    setup(() => {
+      serverConfig = {
+        ...createServerInfo(),
+        receive: {
+          enable_signed_push: 'true',
+        },
+      };
+      change = {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        revisions: {
+          rev1: {
+            ...createRevision(1),
+            push_certificate: {
+              certificate: 'Push certificate',
+              key: {
+                status: GpgKeyInfoStatus.BAD,
+                problems: ['No public keys found for key ID E5E20E52'],
+              },
+            },
+          },
+        },
+        current_revision: 'rev1' as CommitId,
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+        labels: {},
+        mergeable: true,
+      };
+    });
+    test('Push Certificate Validation test BAD', () => {
+      change!.revisions.rev1!.push_certificate = {
+        certificate: 'Push certificate',
+        key: {
+          status: GpgKeyInfoStatus.BAD,
+          problems: ['No public keys found for key ID E5E20E52'],
+        },
+      };
+      const result = element._computePushCertificateValidation(
+        serverConfig,
+        change
+      );
+      assert.equal(
+        result?.message,
+        'Push certificate is invalid:\n' +
+          'No public keys found for key ID E5E20E52'
+      );
+      assert.equal(result?.icon, 'gr-icons:close');
+      assert.equal(result?.class, 'invalid');
+    });
+    test('Push Certificate Validation test TRUSTED', () => {
+      change!.revisions.rev1!.push_certificate = {
+        certificate: 'Push certificate',
+        key: {
+          status: GpgKeyInfoStatus.TRUSTED,
+        },
+      };
+      const result = element._computePushCertificateValidation(
+        serverConfig,
+        change
+      );
+      assert.equal(
+        result?.message,
+        'Push certificate is valid and key is trusted'
+      );
+      assert.equal(result?.icon, 'gr-icons:check');
+      assert.equal(result?.class, 'trusted');
+    });
+    test('Push Certificate Validation is missing test', () => {
+      change!.revisions.rev1! = createRevision(1);
+      const result = element._computePushCertificateValidation(
+        serverConfig,
+        change
+      );
+      assert.equal(
+        result?.message,
+        'This patch set was created without a push certificate'
+      );
+      assert.equal(result?.icon, 'gr-icons:help');
+      assert.equal(result?.class, 'help');
+    });
+  });
+  test('_computeParents', () => {
+    const parents: ParentCommitInfo[] = [
+      {...createCommit(), commit: '123' as CommitId, subject: 'abc'},
+    ];
+    const revision: RevisionInfo = {
+      ...createRevision(1),
+      commit: {...createCommit(), parents},
+    };
+    assert.equal(element._computeParents(undefined, revision), parents);
+    const change = (current_revision: CommitId): ParsedChangeInfo => {
+      return {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        current_revision,
+        revisions: {456: revision},
+      };
+    };
+    const change_bad_revision = change('789' as CommitId);
+    assert.deepEqual(
+      element._computeParents(change_bad_revision, createRevision()),
+      []
+    );
+    const change_no_commit: ParsedChangeInfo = {
+      ...createParsedChange(),
+      current_revision: '456' as CommitId,
+      revisions: {456: createRevision()},
+    };
+    assert.deepEqual(element._computeParents(change_no_commit, undefined), []);
+    const change_good = change('456' as CommitId);
+    assert.equal(element._computeParents(change_good, undefined), parents);
+  });
+  test('_currentParents', () => {
+    const revision = (parent: CommitId): RevisionInfo => {
+      return {
+        ...createRevision(),
+        commit: {
+          ...createCommit(),
+          parents: [{...createCommit(), commit: parent, subject: 'abc'}],
+        },
+      };
+    };
+    element.change = {
+      ...createParsedChange(),
+      current_revision: '456' as CommitId,
+      revisions: {456: revision('111' as CommitId)},
+      owner: {},
+    };
+    element.revision = revision('222' as CommitId);
+    assert.equal(element._currentParents[0].commit, '222');
+    element.revision = revision('333' as CommitId);
+    assert.equal(element._currentParents[0].commit, '333');
+    element.revision = undefined;
+    assert.equal(element._currentParents[0].commit, '111');
+    element.change = createParsedChange();
+    delete element.change.current_revision;
+    assert.deepEqual(element._currentParents, []);
+  });
+  test('_computeParentsLabel', () => {
+    const parent: ParentCommitInfo = {
+      ...createCommit(),
+      commit: 'abc123' as CommitId,
+      subject: 'My parent commit',
+    };
+    assert.equal(element._computeParentsLabel([parent]), 'Parent');
+    assert.equal(element._computeParentsLabel([parent, parent]), 'Parents');
+  });
+  test('_computeParentListClass', () => {
+    const parent: ParentCommitInfo = {
+      ...createCommit(),
+      commit: 'abc123' as CommitId,
+      subject: 'My parent commit',
+    };
+    assert.equal(
+      element._computeParentListClass([parent], true),
+      'parentList nonMerge current'
+    );
+    assert.equal(
+      element._computeParentListClass([parent], false),
+      'parentList nonMerge notCurrent'
+    );
+    assert.equal(
+      element._computeParentListClass([parent, parent], false),
+      'parentList merge notCurrent'
+    );
+    assert.equal(
+      element._computeParentListClass([parent, parent], true),
+      'parentList merge current'
+    );
+  });
+  test('_showAddTopic', () => {
+    const changeRecord: ElementPropertyDeepChange<
+      GrChangeMetadata,
+      'change'
+    > = {
+      base: {...createParsedChange()},
+      path: '',
+      value: undefined,
+    };
+    assert.isTrue(element._showAddTopic(undefined, false));
+    assert.isTrue(element._showAddTopic(changeRecord, false));
+    assert.isFalse(element._showAddTopic(changeRecord, true));
+    changeRecord.base!.topic = 'foo' as TopicName;
+    assert.isFalse(element._showAddTopic(changeRecord, true));
+    assert.isFalse(element._showAddTopic(changeRecord, false));
+  });
+  test('_showTopicChip', () => {
+    const changeRecord: ElementPropertyDeepChange<
+      GrChangeMetadata,
+      'change'
+    > = {
+      base: {...createParsedChange()},
+      path: '',
+      value: undefined,
+    };
+    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip(undefined, false));
+    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip(changeRecord, false));
+    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip(changeRecord, true));
+    changeRecord.base!.topic = 'foo' as TopicName;
+    assert.isFalse(element._showTopicChip(changeRecord, true));
+    assert.isTrue(element._showTopicChip(changeRecord, false));
+  });
+  test('_showCherryPickOf', () => {
+    const changeRecord: ElementPropertyDeepChange<
+      GrChangeMetadata,
+      'change'
+    > = {
+      base: {...createParsedChange()},
+      path: '',
+      value: undefined,
+    };
+    assert.isFalse(element._showCherryPickOf(undefined));
+    assert.isFalse(element._showCherryPickOf(changeRecord));
+    changeRecord.base!.cherry_pick_of_change = 123 as NumericChangeId;
+    changeRecord.base!.cherry_pick_of_patch_set = 1 as PatchSetNum;
+    assert.isTrue(element._showCherryPickOf(changeRecord));
+  });
+  suite('Topic removal', () => {
+    let change: ParsedChangeInfo;
+    setup(() => {
+      change = {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        actions: {
+          topic: {enabled: false},
+        },
+        topic: 'the topic' as TopicName,
+        status: ChangeStatus.NEW,
+        submit_type: SubmitType.CHERRY_PICK,
+        labels: {
+          test: {
+            all: [{_account_id: 1 as AccountId, name: 'bojack', value: 1}],
+            default_value: 0,
+            values: ([] as unknown) as LabelValueToDescriptionMap,
+          },
+        },
+        removable_reviewers: [],
+      };
+    });
+    test('_computeTopicReadOnly', () => {
+      let mutable = false;
+      assert.isTrue(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      mutable = true;
+      assert.isTrue(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      change!.actions!.topic!.enabled = true;
+      assert.isFalse(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      mutable = false;
+      assert.isTrue(element._computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change));
+    });
+    test('topic read only hides delete button', () => {
+      element.account = createAccountDetailWithId();
+      element.change = change;
+      flush();
+      const button = element!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-linked-chip')!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-button');
+      assert.isTrue(button?.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    });
+    test('topic not read only does not hide delete button', () => {
+      element.account = createAccountDetailWithId();
+      change.actions!.topic!.enabled = true;
+      element.change = change;
+      flush();
+      const button = element!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-linked-chip')!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-button');
+      assert.isFalse(button?.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    });
+  });
+  suite('Hashtag removal', () => {
+    let change: ParsedChangeInfo;
+    setup(() => {
+      change = {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        actions: {
+          hashtags: {enabled: false},
+        },
+        hashtags: ['test-hashtag' as Hashtag],
+        labels: {
+          test: {
+            all: [{_account_id: 1 as AccountId, name: 'bojack', value: 1}],
+            default_value: 0,
+            values: ([] as unknown) as LabelValueToDescriptionMap,
+          },
+        },
+        removable_reviewers: [],
+      };
+    });
+    test('_computeHashtagReadOnly', () => {
+      flush();
+      let mutable = false;
+      assert.isTrue(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      mutable = true;
+      assert.isTrue(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      change!.actions!.hashtags!.enabled = true;
+      assert.isFalse(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      mutable = false;
+      assert.isTrue(element._computeHashtagReadOnly(mutable, change));
+    });
+    test('hashtag read only hides delete button', () => {
+      flush();
+      element.account = createAccountDetailWithId();
+      element.change = change;
+      flush();
+      const button = element!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-linked-chip')!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-button');
+      assert.isTrue(button?.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    });
+    test('hashtag not read only does not hide delete button', () => {
+      flush();
+      element.account = createAccountDetailWithId();
+      change!.actions!.hashtags!.enabled = true;
+      element.change = change;
+      flush();
+      const button = element!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-linked-chip')!
+        .shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-button');
+      assert.isFalse(button?.hasAttribute('hidden'));
+    });
+  });
+  suite('remove reviewer votes', () => {
+    setup(() => {
+      sinon.stub(element, '_computeTopicReadOnly').returns(true);
+      element.change = {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        topic: 'the topic' as TopicName,
+        labels: {
+          test: {
+            all: [{_account_id: 1 as AccountId, name: 'bojack', value: 1}],
+            default_value: 0,
+            values: ([] as unknown) as LabelValueToDescriptionMap,
+          },
+        },
+        removable_reviewers: [],
+      };
+      flush();
+    });
+    suite('assignee field', () => {
+      const dummyAccount = createAccountWithId();
+      const change: ParsedChangeInfo = {
+        ...createParsedChange(),
+        actions: {
+          assignee: {enabled: false},
+        },
+        assignee: dummyAccount,
+      };
+      let deleteStub: SinonStubbedMember<RestApiService['deleteAssignee']>;
+      let setStub: SinonStubbedMember<RestApiService['setAssignee']>;
+      setup(() => {
+        deleteStub = sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'deleteAssignee');
+        setStub = sinon.stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setAssignee');
+        element.serverConfig = {
+          ...createServerInfo(),
+          change: {
+            ...createChangeConfig(),
+            enable_assignee: true,
+          },
+        };
+      });
+      test('changing change recomputes _assignee', () => {
+        assert.isFalse(!!element._assignee?.length);
+        const change = element.change;
+        change!.assignee = dummyAccount;
+        element._changeChanged(change);
+        assert.deepEqual(element?._assignee?.[0], dummyAccount);
+      });
+      test('modifying _assignee calls API', () => {
+        assert.isFalse(!!element._assignee?.length);
+        element.set('_assignee', [dummyAccount]);
+        assert.isTrue(setStub.calledOnce);
+        assert.deepEqual(element.change!.assignee, dummyAccount);
+        element.set('_assignee', [dummyAccount]);
+        assert.isTrue(setStub.calledOnce);
+        element.set('_assignee', []);
+        assert.isTrue(deleteStub.calledOnce);
+        assert.equal(element.change!.assignee, undefined);
+        element.set('_assignee', []);
+        assert.isTrue(deleteStub.calledOnce);
+      });
+      test('_computeAssigneeReadOnly', () => {
+        let mutable = false;
+        assert.isTrue(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
+        mutable = true;
+        assert.isTrue(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
+        change.actions!.assignee!.enabled = true;
+        assert.isFalse(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
+        mutable = false;
+        assert.isTrue(element._computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change));
+      });
+    });
+    test('changing topic', () => {
+      const newTopic = 'the new topic' as TopicName;
+      const setChangeTopicStub = sinon
+        .stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setChangeTopic')
+        .returns(Promise.resolve(newTopic));
+      element._handleTopicChanged(new CustomEvent('test', {detail: newTopic}));
+      const topicChangedSpy = sinon.spy();
+      element.addEventListener('topic-changed', topicChangedSpy);
+      assert.isTrue(
+        setChangeTopicStub.calledWith(42 as NumericChangeId, newTopic)
+      );
+      return setChangeTopicStub.lastCall.returnValue.then(() => {
+        assert.equal(element.change!.topic, newTopic);
+        assert.isTrue(topicChangedSpy.called);
+      });
+    });
+    test('topic removal', () => {
+      const newTopic = 'the new topic' as TopicName;
+      const setChangeTopicStub = sinon
+        .stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setChangeTopic')
+        .returns(Promise.resolve(newTopic));
+      const chip = element.shadowRoot!.querySelector('gr-linked-chip');
+      const remove = chip!.$.remove;
+      const topicChangedSpy = sinon.spy();
+      element.addEventListener('topic-changed', topicChangedSpy);
+      tap(remove);
+      assert.isTrue(chip?.disabled);
+      assert.isTrue(setChangeTopicStub.calledWith(42 as NumericChangeId));
+      return setChangeTopicStub.lastCall.returnValue.then(() => {
+        assert.isFalse(chip?.disabled);
+        assert.equal(element.change!.topic, '' as TopicName);
+        assert.isTrue(topicChangedSpy.called);
+      });
+    });
+    test('changing hashtag', () => {
+      flush();
+      element._newHashtag = 'new hashtag' as Hashtag;
+      const newHashtag: Hashtag[] = ['new hashtag' as Hashtag];
+      const setChangeHashtagStub = sinon
+        .stub(element.$.restAPI, 'setChangeHashtag')
+        .returns(Promise.resolve(newHashtag));
+      element._handleHashtagChanged();
+      assert.isTrue(
+        setChangeHashtagStub.calledWith(42 as NumericChangeId, {
+          add: ['new hashtag' as Hashtag],
+        })
+      );
+      return setChangeHashtagStub.lastCall.returnValue.then(() => {
+        assert.equal(element.change!.hashtags, newHashtag);
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  test('editTopic', () => {
+    element.account = createAccountDetailWithId();
+    element.change = {
+      ...createParsedChange(),
+      actions: {topic: {enabled: true}},
+    };
+    flush();
+    const label = element.shadowRoot!.querySelector(
+      '.topicEditableLabel'
+    ) as GrEditableLabel;
+    assert.ok(label);
+    const openStub = sinon.stub(label, 'open');
+    element.editTopic();
+    flush();
+    assert.isTrue(openStub.called);
+  });
+  suite('plugin endpoints', () => {
+    test('endpoint params', done => {
+      element.change = createParsedChange();
+      element.revision = createRevision();
+      interface MetadataGrEndpointDecorator extends GrEndpointDecorator {
+        plugin: PluginApi;
+        change: ParsedChangeInfo;
+        revision: RevisionInfo;
+      }
+      let hookEl: MetadataGrEndpointDecorator;
+      let plugin: PluginApi;
+      pluginApi.install(
+        p => {
+          plugin = p;
+          plugin
+            .hook('change-metadata-item')
+            .getLastAttached()
+            .then(el => (hookEl = el as MetadataGrEndpointDecorator));
+        },
+        '0.1',
+        'http://some/plugins/url.html'
+      );
+      getPluginLoader().loadPlugins([]);
+      flush(() => {
+        assert.strictEqual(hookEl!.plugin, plugin);
+        assert.strictEqual(hookEl!.change, element.change);
+        assert.strictEqual(hookEl!.revision, element.revision);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator.ts
index 4fd7337..716cd67 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator.ts
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-class GrEndpointDecorator extends GestureEventListeners(
+export class GrEndpointDecorator extends GestureEventListeners(
 ) {
   static get template() {
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/test/test-data-generators.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/test/test-data-generators.ts
index 3b464a5..248e937 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/test/test-data-generators.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/test/test-data-generators.ts
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
+  Requirement,
+  RequirementType,
 } from '../types/common';
 import {
@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@
+  RequirementStatus,
 } from '../constants/constants';
 import {formatDate} from '../utils/date-util';
 import {GetDiffCommentsOutput} from '../services/services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api';
@@ -83,6 +86,8 @@
 } from '../elements/shared/gr-rest-api-interface/gr-reviewer-updates-parser';
+import {CommitInfoWithRequiredCommit} from '../elements/change/gr-change-metadata/gr-change-metadata';
+import {WebLinkInfo} from '../types/diff';
 export function dateToTimestamp(date: Date): Timestamp {
   const nanosecondSuffix = '.000000000';
@@ -194,6 +199,13 @@
+export function createCommitInfoWithRequiredCommit(): CommitInfoWithRequiredCommit {
+  return {
+    ...createCommit(),
+    commit: 'commit' as CommitId,
+  };
 export function createRevision(patchSetNum = 1): RevisionInfo {
   return {
     _number: patchSetNum as PatchSetNum,
@@ -413,3 +425,19 @@
     project: TEST_PROJECT_NAME,
+export function createRequirement(): Requirement {
+  return {
+    status: RequirementStatus.OK,
+    fallbackText: '',
+    type: 'wip' as RequirementType,
+  };
+export function createWebLinkInfo(): WebLinkInfo {
+  return {
+    name: 'gitiles',
+    url: '#',
+    image_url: 'gitiles.jpg',
+  };