blob: 12b691137117e1ba702fda4699482d21deef71fa [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tools/bzl:genrule2.bzl", "genrule2")
load("//tools/node_tools/polygerrit_app_preprocessor:index.bzl", "prepare_for_bundling", "update_links")
load("//tools/node_tools/legacy:index.bzl", "polymer_bundler_tool")
load("@npm_bazel_rollup//:index.bzl", "rollup_bundle")
def polygerrit_bundle(name, srcs, outs, entry_point, redirects):
"""Build .zip bundle from source code
name: rule name
srcs: source files
outs: array with a single item - the output file name
entry_point: application entry-point
redirects: .json file with redirects
app_name = entry_point.split(".html")[0].split("/").pop() # eg: gr-app
# Update links in all .html files according to rules in redirects.json file. All other files
# remain unchanged. After the update, all references to bower_components have been replaced with
# correct references to node_modules.
# The output of this rule is a directory, which mirrors the directory layout of srcs files.
name = app_name + "-updated-links",
srcs = srcs,
redirects = redirects,
# Note: prepare_for_bundling and polymer_bundler_tool will be removed after switch to
# ES6 modules.
# Polymer 3 uses ES modules; gerrit still use HTML imports and polymer-bridges. In such
# conditions, polymer-bundler/crisper and polymer-cli tools crash without an error or complains
# about non-existing syntax error in .js code. But even if they works with some config, the
# output result is not correct. At the same time, polymer-bundler/crisper work well if input
# files are HTML and js without javascript modules.
# Polygerrit's code follows simple rules, so it is quite easy to preprocess code in a way, that
# it can be consumed by polymer-bundler/crisper tool. Rules do the following:
# 1) prepare_for_bundling - update srcs by moving all scripts out of HTML files.
# For each HTML file it creates file.html_gen.js file in the same directory and put all
# scripts there in the same order, as script tags appear in HTML file.
# - Inline javascript is copied as is;
# - <script src = "path/to/file.js" > adds to .js file as
# import 'path/to/file.js'
# statement. Such import statement run all side-effects in file.js (i.e. it run all global
# code).
# - <link rel="import" href = "path/to/file.html"> adds to .js file as
# import 'path/to/file.html.js' - i.e. instead of html, the .js script imports another
# generated js file ('path/to/file.html_gen.js').
# Because output JS keeps the order of imports, all global variables are initialized in a
# correct order (this is important for gerrit; it is impossible to use AMD modules here).
# Then, all scripts are removed from HTML file.
# Output of this rule - directory with updated HTML and JS files; all other files are copied
# to the output directory without changes.
# 2) rollup_bundle - combines all .js files from the previous step into one bundle.
# 3) polymer_bundler_tool -
# a) run polymer-bundle tool on HTML files (i.e. on output from the first step). Because
# these files don't contain scripts anymore, it just combine all HTML/CSS files in one file
# (by following HTML imports).
# b) run crisper to add script tag at the end of generated HTML
# Output of the rule is 2 file: HTML bundle and JS bundle and HTML file loads JS file with
# <script src="..."> tag.
name = app_name + "-prebundling-srcs",
srcs = [
app_name + "-updated-links",
additional_node_modules_to_preprocess = [
entry_point = entry_point,
node_modules = [
root_path = "polygerrit-ui/app/" + app_name + "-updated-links/polygerrit-ui/app",
name = app_name + "-prebundling-srcs-js",
srcs = [app_name + "-prebundling-srcs"],
output_group = "js",
name = app_name + "-prebundling-srcs-html",
srcs = [app_name + "-prebundling-srcs"],
output_group = "html",
name = app_name + "-bundle-js",
srcs = [app_name + "-prebundling-srcs-js"],
config_file = ":rollup.config.js",
entry_point = app_name + "-prebundling-srcs/entry.js",
rollup_bin = "//tools/node_tools:rollup-bin",
sourcemap = "hidden",
deps = [
name = app_name + "-bundle-html",
srcs = [app_name + "-prebundling-srcs-html"],
entry_point = app_name + "-prebundling-srcs/entry.html",
script_src_value = app_name + ".js",
name = name + "_app_sources",
srcs = [
app_name + "-bundle-js.js",
app_name + "-bundle-html.html",
name = name + "_css_sources",
srcs = native.glob(["styles/**/*.css"]),
name = name + "_theme_sources",
srcs = native.glob(
# app-theme.html already included via an import in gr-app.html.
exclude = ["styles/themes/app-theme.html"],
name = name + "_top_sources",
srcs = [
# Preserve bower_components directory in the final directory layout to
# avoid plugins break
name = name,
srcs = [
name + "_app_sources",
name + "_css_sources",
name + "_theme_sources",
name + "_top_sources",
outs = outs,
cmd = " && ".join([
"FONT_DIR=$$(dirname $(location @ui_npm//:node_modules/@polymer/font-roboto-local/package.json))/fonts",
"mkdir -p $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/{styles/themes,fonts/{roboto,robotomono},bower_components/{highlightjs,webcomponentsjs},elements}",
"for f in $(locations " + name + "_app_sources); do ext=$${f##*.}; cp -p $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/elements/" + app_name + ".$$ext; done",
"cp $(locations //lib/fonts:robotofonts) $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/fonts/",
"for f in $(locations " + name + "_top_sources); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/; done",
"for f in $(locations " + name + "_css_sources); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/styles; done",
"for f in $(locations " + name + "_theme_sources); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/styles/themes; done",
"for f in $(locations //lib/js:highlightjs__files); do cp $$f $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/bower_components/highlightjs/ ; done",
"cp $(location @ui_npm//:node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js) $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js",
"cp $$FONT_DIR/roboto/*.ttf $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/fonts/roboto/",
"cp $$FONT_DIR/robotomono/*.ttf $$TMP/polygerrit_ui/fonts/robotomono/",
"cd $$TMP",
"find . -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'",
"zip -qr $$ROOT/$@ *",