blob: b9d059723eb7791b396d35db46df2e5a9f736940 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {
} from '../types/syntax-worker-api';
* Utilities related to working with the HighlightJS syntax highlighting lib.
* Note that this utility is mostly used by the syntax-worker, which is a Web
* Worker and can thus not depend on document, the DOM or any related
* functionality.
* With these expressions you can match exactly what HighlightJS produces. It
* is really that simple:
const openingSpan = new RegExp('<span class="([^"]*?)">');
const closingSpan = new RegExp('</span>');
* Reverse what HighlightJS does in `escapeHTML()`, see:
function unescapeHTML(value: string) {
return value
.replace(/&#x27;/g, "'")
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
* HighlightJS produces one long HTML string with HTML elements spanning
* multiple lines. <gr-diff> is line based, needs all elements closed at the end
* of the line, and is not interested in the HTML that HighlightJS produces.
* So we are splitting the HTML string up into lines and process them one by
* one. Each <span> is detected, converted into a SyntaxLayerRange and removed.
* Unclosed spans will be carried over to the next line.
export function highlightedStringToRanges(
highlightedCode: string
): SyntaxLayerLine[] {
// What the function eventually returns.
const rangesPerLine: SyntaxLayerLine[] = [];
// The unclosed ranges that are carried over from one line to the next.
let carryOverRanges: SyntaxLayerRange[] = [];
for (let line of highlightedCode.split('\n')) {
const ranges: SyntaxLayerRange[] = [...carryOverRanges];
carryOverRanges = [];
// Remove all span tags one after another from left to right.
// For each opening <span ...> push a new (unclosed) range.
// For each closing </span> close the latest unclosed range.
let removal: SpanRemoval | undefined;
while ((removal = removeFirstSpan(line)) !== undefined) {
if (removal.type === SpanType.OPENING) {
start: removal.offset,
length: UNCLOSED,
className: removal.class ?? '',
} else {
const unclosed = lastUnclosed(ranges);
unclosed.length = removal.offset - unclosed.start;
line = removal.lineAfter;
// All unclosed spans need to have the length set such that they extend to
// the end of the line. And they have to be carried over to the next line
// as cloned objects with start:0.
const lineLength = line.length;
for (const range of ranges) {
if (isUnclosed(range)) {
carryOverRanges.push({...range, start: 0});
range.length = lineLength - range.start;
rangesPerLine.push({ranges: ranges.filter(r => r.length > 0)});
if (carryOverRanges.length > 0) {
throw new Error('unclosed <span>s in highlighted code');
return rangesPerLine;
function isUnclosed(range: SyntaxLayerRange) {
return range.length === UNCLOSED;
function lastUnclosed(ranges: SyntaxLayerRange[]) {
const unclosed = [...ranges].reverse().find(isUnclosed);
if (!unclosed) throw new Error(`no unclosed range found ${ranges.length}`);
return unclosed;
/** Used for `type` in SpanRemoval. */
export enum SpanType {
/** Return type for removeFirstSpan(). */
export interface SpanRemoval {
type: SpanType;
/** The line string after removing the matched span tag. */
lineAfter: string;
/** The matched css class for OPENING spans. undefined for CLOSING. */
class?: string;
/** At which char in the line did the removed span tag start? */
offset: number;
* Finds the first <span ...> or </span>, removes it from the line and returns
* details about the removal. Returns `undefined`, if neither is found.
export function removeFirstSpan(line: string): SpanRemoval | undefined {
const openingMatch = openingSpan.exec(line);
const openingIndex = openingMatch?.index ?? Number.MAX_VALUE;
const closingMatch = closingSpan.exec(line);
const closingIndex = closingMatch?.index ?? Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (openingIndex === Number.MAX_VALUE && closingIndex === Number.MAX_VALUE) {
return undefined;
const type =
openingIndex < closingIndex ? SpanType.OPENING : SpanType.CLOSING;
const match = type === SpanType.OPENING ? openingMatch : closingMatch;
if (match === null) return undefined;
const length = match[0].length;
const offsetEscaped = type === SpanType.OPENING ? openingIndex : closingIndex;
const lineUpToMatch = line.slice(0, offsetEscaped);
const lineAfterMatch = line.slice(offsetEscaped + length);
// We are parsing HTML, so escaped characters must only count as one char.
const offsetUnescaped = unescapeHTML(lineUpToMatch).length;
const removal: SpanRemoval = {
lineAfter: lineUpToMatch + lineAfterMatch,
offset: offsetUnescaped,
class: type === SpanType.OPENING ? match[1] : undefined,
return removal;