blob: e00aefed31587ab5469f32c4060301719809b28b [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {
} from '../../types/common';
import {DefaultBase} from '../../constants/constants';
import {combineLatest, from, fromEvent, Observable, forkJoin, of} from 'rxjs';
import {
} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {RouterModel} from '../../services/router/router-model';
import {
} from '../../utils/patch-set-util';
import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../../types/types';
import {fireAlert} from '../../utils/event-util';
import {ChangeInfo} from '../../types/common';
import {RestApiService} from '../../services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api';
import {Finalizable} from '../../services/registry';
import {select} from '../../utils/observable-util';
import {assertIsDefined} from '../../utils/common-util';
import {Model} from '../model';
import {UserModel} from '../user/user-model';
import {define} from '../dependency';
import {isOwner} from '../../utils/change-util';
export enum LoadingStatus {
const ERR_REVIEW_STATUS = 'Couldn’t change file review status.';
export interface ChangeState {
* If `change` is undefined, this must be either NOT_LOADED or LOADING.
* If `change` is defined, this must be either LOADED or RELOADING.
loadingStatus: LoadingStatus;
change?: ParsedChangeInfo;
* The name of the file user is viewing in the diff view mode. File path is
* specified in the url or derived from the commentId.
* Does not apply to change-view or edit-view.
diffPath?: string;
* The list of reviewed files, kept in the model because we want changes made
* in one view to reflect on other views without re-rendering the other views.
* Undefined means it's still loading and empty set means no files reviewed.
reviewedFiles?: string[];
* Updates the change object with information from the saved `edit` patchset.
// visible for testing
export function updateChangeWithEdit(
change?: ParsedChangeInfo,
edit?: EditInfo,
routerPatchNum?: PatchSetNum
): ParsedChangeInfo | undefined {
if (!change || !edit) return change;
assertIsDefined(edit.commit.commit, 'edit.commit.commit');
if (!change.revisions) change.revisions = {};
change.revisions[edit.commit.commit] = {
_number: EDIT,
basePatchNum: edit.base_patch_set_number,
commit: edit.commit,
fetch: edit.fetch,
// If the change was loaded without a specific patchset, then this normally
// means that the *latest* patchset should be loaded. But if there is an
// active edit, then automatically switch to that edit as the current
// patchset.
// TODO: This goes together with `_patchRange.patchNum' being set to `edit`,
// which is still done in change-view. `_patchRange.patchNum` should
// eventually also be model managed, so we can reconcile these two code
// snippets into one location.
if (routerPatchNum === undefined) {
change.current_revision = edit.commit.commit;
return change;
* Derives the base patchset number from all the data that can potentially
* influence it. Mostly just returns `routerBasePatchNum` or PARENT, but has
* some special logic when looking at merge commits.
* NOTE: At the moment this returns just `routerBasePatchNum ?? PARENT`, see
* TODO below.
function computeBase(
routerBasePatchNum: BasePatchSetNum | undefined,
patchNum: RevisionPatchSetNum | undefined,
change: ParsedChangeInfo | undefined,
preferences: PreferencesInfo
): BasePatchSetNum {
if (routerBasePatchNum && routerBasePatchNum !== PARENT) {
return routerBasePatchNum;
if (!change || !patchNum) return PARENT;
const preferFirst =
preferences.default_base_for_merges === DefaultBase.FIRST_PARENT;
if (!preferFirst) return PARENT;
// TODO: Re-enable respecting the default_base_for_merges preference.
// For the Polygerrit UI this was originally implemented in change 214432,
// but we are not sure whether this was ever 100% working correctly. A
// major challenge is being able to select PARENT explicitly even if your
// preference for the default choice is FIRST_PARENT. <gr-file-list-header>
// just uses `navigation.setUrl()` and the router does not have any
// way of forcing the basePatchSetNum to stick to PARENT without being
// altered back to FIRST_PARENT here.
// See also corresponding TODO in gr-settings-view.
return PARENT;
// const revisionInfo = new RevisionInfo(change);
// const isMergeCommit = revisionInfo.isMergeCommit(patchNum);
// return isMergeCommit ? (-1 as PatchSetNumber) : PARENT;
// TODO: Figure out how to best enforce immutability of all states. Use Immer?
// Use DeepReadOnly?
const initialState: ChangeState = {
loadingStatus: LoadingStatus.NOT_LOADED,
export const changeModelToken = define<ChangeModel>('change-model');
export class ChangeModel extends Model<ChangeState> implements Finalizable {
private change?: ParsedChangeInfo;
private patchNum?: PatchSetNum;
public readonly change$ = select(
changeState => changeState.change
public readonly changeLoadingStatus$ = select(
changeState => changeState.loadingStatus
public readonly diffPath$ = select(
changeState => changeState?.diffPath
public readonly reviewedFiles$ = select(
changeState => changeState?.reviewedFiles
public readonly changeNum$ = select(this.change$, change => change?._number);
public readonly repo$ = select(this.change$, change => change?.project);
public readonly labels$ = select(this.change$, change => change?.labels);
public readonly revisions$ = select(
change => change?.revisions
public readonly patchsets$ = select(this.change$, change =>
public readonly latestPatchNum$ = select(this.patchsets$, patchsets =>
public readonly latestPatchNumWithEdit$ = select(this.patchsets$, patchsets =>
* Emits the current patchset number. If the route does not define the current
* patchset num, then this selector waits for the change to be defined and
* returns the number of the latest patchset.
* Note that this selector can emit without the change being available!
public readonly patchNum$: Observable<RevisionPatchSetNum | undefined> =
* If you depend on both, router and change state, then you want to
* filter out inconsistent state, e.g. router changeNum already updated,
* change not yet reset to undefined.
filter(([routerState, changeState, _latestPatchN]) => {
const changeNum = changeState.change?._number;
const routerChangeNum = routerState.changeNum;
return changeNum === undefined || changeNum === routerChangeNum;
([routerState, _changeState, latestPatchN]) =>
routerState?.patchNum || latestPatchN
* Emits the base patchset number. This is identical to the
* `routerBasePatchNum$`, but has some special logic for merges.
* Note that this selector can emit without the change being available!
public readonly basePatchNum$: Observable<BasePatchSetNum> =
* If you depend on both, router and change state, then you want to filter
* out inconsistent state, e.g. router changeNum already updated, change not
* yet reset to undefined.
filter(([routerState, changeState, _]) => {
const changeNum = changeState.change?._number;
const routerChangeNum = routerState.changeNum;
return changeNum === undefined || changeNum === routerChangeNum;
([_, routerBasePatchNum, patchNum, change, preferences]) =>
computeBase(routerBasePatchNum, patchNum, change, preferences)
public readonly isOwner$: Observable<boolean> = select(
combineLatest([this.change$, this.userModel.account$]),
([change, account]) => isOwner(change, account)
// For usage in `combineLatest` we need `startWith` such that reload$ has an
// initial value.
readonly reload$: Observable<unknown> = fromEvent(document, 'reload').pipe(
readonly routerModel: RouterModel,
readonly restApiService: RestApiService,
readonly userModel: UserModel
) {
this.subscriptions = [
combineLatest([this.routerModel.routerChangeNum$, this.reload$])
map(([changeNum, _]) => changeNum),
switchMap(changeNum => {
if (changeNum !== undefined) this.updateStateLoading(changeNum);
const change = from(this.restApiService.getChangeDetail(changeNum));
const edit = from(this.restApiService.getChangeEdit(changeNum));
return forkJoin([change, edit]);
map(([[change, edit], patchNum]) =>
updateChangeWithEdit(change, edit, patchNum)
.subscribe(change => {
// The change service is currently a singleton, so we have to be
// careful to avoid situations where the application state is
// partially set for the old change where the user is coming from,
// and partially for the new change where the user is navigating to.
// So setting the change explicitly to undefined when the user
// moves away from diff and change pages (changeNum === undefined)
// helps with that.
this.updateStateChange(change ?? undefined);
this.change$.subscribe(change => (this.change = change)),
this.patchNum$.subscribe(patchNum => (this.patchNum = patchNum)),
combineLatest([this.patchNum$, this.changeNum$, this.userModel.loggedIn$])
switchMap(([patchNum, changeNum, loggedIn]) => {
if (!changeNum || !patchNum || !loggedIn) {
return of(undefined);
return from(this.fetchReviewedFiles(patchNum, changeNum));
// Temporary workaround until path is derived in the model itself.
updatePath(diffPath?: string) {
updateStateReviewedFiles(reviewedFiles: string[]) {
updateStateFileReviewed(file: string, reviewed: boolean) {
const current = this.getState();
if (current.reviewedFiles === undefined) {
// Reviewed files haven't loaded yet.
// TODO(dhruvsri): disable updating status if reviewed files are not loaded.
'Updating status failed. Reviewed files not loaded yet.'
const reviewedFiles = [...current.reviewedFiles];
// File is already reviewed and is being marked reviewed
if (reviewedFiles.includes(file) && reviewed) return;
// File is not reviewed and is being marked not reviewed
if (!reviewedFiles.includes(file) && !reviewed) return;
if (reviewed) reviewedFiles.push(file);
else reviewedFiles.splice(reviewedFiles.indexOf(file), 1);
fetchReviewedFiles(patchNum: PatchSetNum, changeNum: NumericChangeId) {
return this.restApiService
.getReviewedFiles(changeNum, patchNum)
.then(files => {
if (changeNum !== this.change?._number || patchNum !== this.patchNum)
this.updateStateReviewedFiles(files ?? []);
changeNum: NumericChangeId,
patchNum: PatchSetNum,
file: string,
reviewed: boolean
) {
return this.restApiService
.saveFileReviewed(changeNum, patchNum, file, reviewed)
.then(() => {
if (changeNum !== this.change?._number || patchNum !== this.patchNum)
this.updateStateFileReviewed(file, reviewed);
.catch(() => {
fireAlert(document, ERR_REVIEW_STATUS);
* Typically you would just subscribe to change$ yourself to get updates. But
* sometimes it is nice to also be able to get the current ChangeInfo on
* demand. So here it is for your convenience.
getChange() {
return this.getState().change;
* Check whether there is no newer patch than the latest patch that was
* available when this change was loaded.
* @return A promise that yields true if the latest patch
* has been loaded, and false if a newer patch has been uploaded in the
* meantime. The promise is rejected on network error.
fetchChangeUpdates(change: ChangeInfo | ParsedChangeInfo) {
const knownLatest = computeLatestPatchNum(computeAllPatchSets(change));
return this.restApiService.getChangeDetail(change._number).then(detail => {
if (!detail) {
const error = new Error('Change detail not found.');
return Promise.reject(error);
const actualLatest = computeLatestPatchNum(computeAllPatchSets(detail));
if (!actualLatest || !knownLatest) {
const error = new Error('Unable to check for latest patchset.');
return Promise.reject(error);
return {
isLatest: actualLatest <= knownLatest,
newStatus: change.status !== detail.status ? detail.status : null,
(change.messages || []).length < (detail.messages || []).length
? detail.messages![detail.messages!.length - 1]
: undefined,
* Called when change detail loading is initiated.
* If the change number matches the current change in the state, then
* this is a reload. If not, then we not just want to set the state to
* LOADING instead of RELOADING, but we also want to set the change to
* undefined right away. Otherwise components could see inconsistent state:
* a new change number, but an old change.
private updateStateLoading(changeNum: NumericChangeId) {
const current = this.getState();
const reloading = current.change?._number === changeNum;
change: reloading ? current.change : undefined,
loadingStatus: reloading
? LoadingStatus.RELOADING
: LoadingStatus.LOADING,
// Private but used in tests.
updateStateChange(change?: ParsedChangeInfo) {
change === undefined ? LoadingStatus.NOT_LOADED : LoadingStatus.LOADED,