| [[createdb]] |
| == Database Setup |
| |
| During the init phase of Gerrit you will need to specify which database to use. |
| |
| [[createdb_h2]] |
| === H2 |
| |
| If you choose H2, Gerrit will automatically set up the embedded H2 database as |
| backend so no set up or configuration is necessary. |
| |
| Using the embedded H2 database is the easiest way to get a Gerrit |
| site up and running, making it ideal for proof of concepts or small team |
| servers. On the flip side, H2 is not the recommended option for large |
| corporate installations. This is because there is no easy way to interact |
| with the database while Gerrit is offline, it's not easy to backup the data, |
| and it's not possible to set up H2 in a load balanced/hotswap configuration. |
| |
| If this option interests you, you might want to consider link:install-quick.html[the quick guide]. |
| |
| [[createdb_postgres]] |
| === PostgreSQL |
| |
| This option is more complicated than the H2 option but is recommended |
| for larger installations. It's the database backend with the largest userbase |
| in the Gerrit community. |
| |
| Create a user for the web application within Postgres, assign it a |
| password, create a database to store the metadata, and grant the user |
| full rights on the newly created database: |
| |
| ---- |
| $ createuser --username=postgres -RDIElPS gerrit2 |
| $ createdb --username=postgres -E UTF-8 -O gerrit2 reviewdb |
| ---- |
| |
| Visit PostgreSQL's link:http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/interactive/index.html[documentation] for further information regarding |
| using PostgreSQL. |
| |
| [[createdb_mysql]] |
| === MySQL |
| |
| This option is also more complicated than the H2 option. Just as with |
| PostgreSQL it's also recommended for larger installations. |
| |
| Create a user for the web application within the database, assign it a |
| password, create a database, and give the newly created user full |
| rights on it: |
| |
| ---- |
| mysql |
| |
| CREATE USER 'gerrit2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret'; |
| CREATE DATABASE reviewdb; |
| GRANT ALL ON reviewdb.* TO 'gerrit2'@'localhost'; |
| ---- |
| |
| If you are using the MyISAM engine, you need to set latin1 as charset: |
| |
| ---- |
| mysql |
| |
| ALTER DATABASE reviewdb charset=latin1; |
| ---- |
| |
| Visit MySQL's link:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/[documentation] for further |
| information regarding using MySQL. |
| |
| [[createdb_oracle]] |
| === Oracle |
| |
| PostgreSQL or H2 is the recommended database for Gerrit Code Review. |
| Oracle is supported for environments where running on an existing Oracle |
| installation simplifies administrative overheads, such as database backups. |
| |
| Create a user for the web application within sqlplus, assign it a |
| password, and grant the user full rights on the newly created database: |
| |
| ---- |
| SQL> create user gerrit2 identified by secret_password default tablespace users; |
| SQL> grant connect, resources to gerrit2; |
| ---- |
| |
| JDBC driver ojdbc6.jar must be obtained from your Oracle distribution. Gerrit |
| initialization process tries to copy it from a known location: |
| |
| ---- |
| /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar |
| ---- |
| |
| If this file can not be located at this place, then the alternative location |
| can be provided. |
| |
| Instance name is the Oracle SID. Sample database section in |
| $site_path/etc/gerrit.config: |
| |
| ---- |
| [database] |
| type = oracle |
| instance = xe |
| hostname = localhost |
| username = gerrit2 |
| port = 1521 |
| ---- |
| |
| Sample database section in $site_path/etc/secure.config: |
| |
| ---- |
| [database] |
| password = secret_pasword |
| ---- |
| |
| [[createdb_maxdb]] |
| === SAP MaxDB |
| |
| SAP MaxDB is a supported database for running Gerrit Code Review. However it is |
| recommended only for environments where you intend to run Gerrit on an existing |
| MaxDB installation to reduce administrative overhead. |
| |
| In the MaxDB studio or using the SQLCLI command line interface create a user |
| 'gerrit2' with the user class 'RESOURCE' and a password <secret password>. This |
| will also create an associated schema on the database. |
| |
| To run Gerrit on MaxDB, you need to obtain the MaxDB JDBC driver. It can be |
| found in your MaxDB installation at the following location: |
| |
| - on Windows 64bit at "C:\Program Files\sdb\MaxDB\runtime\jar\sapdbc.jar" |
| - on Linux at "/opt/sdb/MaxDB/runtime/jar/sapdbc.jar" |
| |
| It needs to be stored in the 'lib' folder of the review site. |
| |
| In the following sample database section it is assumed that the database name is |
| 'reviewdb' and the database is installed on localhost: |
| |
| In $site_path/etc/gerrit.config: |
| |
| ---- |
| [database] |
| type = maxdb |
| database = reviewdb |
| hostname = localhost |
| username = gerrit2 |
| |
| ---- |
| |
| In $site_path/etc/secure.config: |
| |
| ---- |
| [database] |
| password = <secret password> |
| ---- |
| |
| Visit SAP MaxDB's link:http://maxdb.sap.com/documentation/[documentation] for further |
| information regarding using SAP MaxDB. |
| |
| |
| ------ |
| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |
| |
| --------- |