| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2015 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import '../../../styles/gr-a11y-styles'; |
| import '../../../styles/shared-styles'; |
| import '../../../embed/diff/gr-diff-cursor/gr-diff-cursor'; |
| import '../../diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host'; |
| import '../../diff/gr-diff-preferences-dialog/gr-diff-preferences-dialog'; |
| import '../../edit/gr-edit-file-controls/gr-edit-file-controls'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-button/gr-button'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-cursor-manager/gr-cursor-manager'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-icon/gr-icon'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-select/gr-select'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-tooltip-content/gr-tooltip-content'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-copy-clipboard/gr-copy-clipboard'; |
| import '../../shared/gr-file-status/gr-file-status'; |
| import {assertIsDefined} from '../../../utils/common-util'; |
| import {asyncForeach} from '../../../utils/async-util'; |
| import {FilesExpandedState} from '../gr-file-list-constants'; |
| import {diffFilePaths, pluralize} from '../../../utils/string-util'; |
| import {navigationToken} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation'; |
| import {getPluginEndpoints} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-endpoints'; |
| import {getPluginLoader} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-loader'; |
| import {getAppContext} from '../../../services/app-context'; |
| import { |
| DiffViewMode, |
| FileInfoStatus, |
| ScrollMode, |
| SpecialFilePath, |
| } from '../../../constants/constants'; |
| import {descendedFromClass, Key, toggleClass} from '../../../utils/dom-util'; |
| import { |
| computeDisplayPath, |
| computeTruncatedPath, |
| isMagicPath, |
| } from '../../../utils/path-list-util'; |
| import {customElement, property, query, state} from 'lit/decorators.js'; |
| import { |
| BasePatchSetNum, |
| EDIT, |
| FileInfo, |
| NumericChangeId, |
| PatchRange, |
| } from '../../../types/common'; |
| import {DiffPreferencesInfo} from '../../../types/diff'; |
| import {GrDiffHost} from '../../diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host'; |
| import {GrDiffPreferencesDialog} from '../../diff/gr-diff-preferences-dialog/gr-diff-preferences-dialog'; |
| import {GrDiffCursor} from '../../../embed/diff/gr-diff-cursor/gr-diff-cursor'; |
| import {GrCursorManager} from '../../shared/gr-cursor-manager/gr-cursor-manager'; |
| import {ChangeComments} from '../../diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api'; |
| import {ParsedChangeInfo, PatchSetFile} from '../../../types/types'; |
| import {Interaction, Timing} from '../../../constants/reporting'; |
| import {RevisionInfo} from '../../shared/revision-info/revision-info'; |
| import {select} from '../../../utils/observable-util'; |
| import {resolve} from '../../../models/dependency'; |
| import {browserModelToken} from '../../../models/browser/browser-model'; |
| import {commentsModelToken} from '../../../models/comments/comments-model'; |
| import {changeModelToken} from '../../../models/change/change-model'; |
| import {filesModelToken} from '../../../models/change/files-model'; |
| import {ShortcutController} from '../../lit/shortcut-controller'; |
| import {css, html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues} from 'lit'; |
| import {Shortcut} from '../../../services/shortcuts/shortcuts-config'; |
| import {fire} from '../../../utils/event-util'; |
| import {a11yStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-a11y-styles'; |
| import {sharedStyles} from '../../../styles/shared-styles'; |
| import {ValueChangedEvent} from '../../../types/events'; |
| import {subscribe} from '../../lit/subscription-controller'; |
| import {when} from 'lit/directives/when.js'; |
| import {classMap} from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; |
| import {incrementalRepeat} from '../../lit/incremental-repeat'; |
| import {ifDefined} from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js'; |
| import {HtmlPatched} from '../../../utils/lit-util'; |
| import {createDiffUrl} from '../../../models/views/diff'; |
| import {createEditUrl} from '../../../models/views/edit'; |
| import {createChangeUrl} from '../../../models/views/change'; |
| |
| export const DEFAULT_NUM_FILES_SHOWN = 200; |
| |
| const WARN_SHOW_ALL_THRESHOLD = 1000; |
| |
| const SIZE_BAR_MAX_WIDTH = 61; |
| const SIZE_BAR_GAP_WIDTH = 1; |
| const SIZE_BAR_MIN_WIDTH = 1.5; |
| |
| const FILE_ROW_CLASS = 'file-row'; |
| |
| export interface NormalizedFileInfo extends FileInfo { |
| __path: string; |
| } |
| |
| interface PatchChange { |
| inserted: number; |
| deleted: number; |
| size_delta_inserted: number; |
| size_delta_deleted: number; |
| total_size: number; |
| } |
| |
| function createDefaultPatchChange(): PatchChange { |
| // Use function instead of const to prevent unexpected changes in the default |
| // values. |
| return { |
| inserted: 0, |
| deleted: 0, |
| size_delta_inserted: 0, |
| size_delta_deleted: 0, |
| total_size: 0, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| interface SizeBarLayout { |
| maxInserted: number; |
| maxDeleted: number; |
| maxAdditionWidth: number; |
| maxDeletionWidth: number; |
| deletionOffset: number; |
| } |
| |
| function createDefaultSizeBarLayout(): SizeBarLayout { |
| // Use function instead of const to prevent unexpected changes in the default |
| // values. |
| return { |
| maxInserted: 0, |
| maxDeleted: 0, |
| maxAdditionWidth: 0, |
| maxDeletionWidth: 0, |
| deletionOffset: 0, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| interface FileRow { |
| file: PatchSetFile; |
| element: HTMLElement; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Type for FileInfo |
| * |
| * This should match with the type returned from `files` API plus |
| * additional info like `__path`. |
| * |
| * @typedef {Object} FileInfo |
| * @property {string} __path |
| * @property {?string} old_path |
| * @property {number} size |
| * @property {number} size_delta - fallback to 0 if not present in api |
| * @property {number} lines_deleted - fallback to 0 if not present in api |
| * @property {number} lines_inserted - fallback to 0 if not present in api |
| */ |
| |
| declare global { |
| interface HTMLElementEventMap { |
| 'files-shown-changed': CustomEvent<{length: number}>; |
| 'files-expanded-changed': ValueChangedEvent<FilesExpandedState>; |
| 'diff-prefs-changed': ValueChangedEvent<DiffPreferencesInfo>; |
| } |
| interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { |
| 'gr-file-list': GrFileList; |
| } |
| } |
| @customElement('gr-file-list') |
| export class GrFileList extends LitElement { |
| /** |
| * @event files-expanded-changed |
| * @event files-shown-changed |
| * @event diff-prefs-changed |
| */ |
| @query('#diffPreferencesDialog') |
| diffPreferencesDialog?: GrDiffPreferencesDialog; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| patchRange?: PatchRange; |
| |
| @property({type: String}) |
| patchNum?: string; |
| |
| @property({type: Number}) |
| changeNum?: NumericChangeId; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| changeComments?: ChangeComments; |
| |
| @state() selectedIndex = 0; |
| |
| @property({type: Object}) |
| change?: ParsedChangeInfo; |
| |
| @state() |
| diffViewMode?: DiffViewMode; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| editMode?: boolean; |
| |
| private _filesExpanded = FilesExpandedState.NONE; |
| |
| get filesExpanded() { |
| return this._filesExpanded; |
| } |
| |
| set filesExpanded(filesExpanded: FilesExpandedState) { |
| if (this._filesExpanded === filesExpanded) return; |
| const oldFilesExpanded = this._filesExpanded; |
| this._filesExpanded = filesExpanded; |
| fire(this, 'files-expanded-changed', {value: this._filesExpanded}); |
| this.requestUpdate('filesExpanded', oldFilesExpanded); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| files: NormalizedFileInfo[] = []; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() filesLeftBase: NormalizedFileInfo[] = []; |
| |
| @state() private filesRightBase: NormalizedFileInfo[] = []; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| loggedIn = false; |
| |
| /** |
| * List of paths of files that are marked as reviewed. Direct model |
| * subscription. |
| */ |
| @state() |
| reviewed: string[] = []; |
| |
| @state() |
| diffPrefs?: DiffPreferencesInfo; |
| |
| @state() numFilesShown = DEFAULT_NUM_FILES_SHOWN; |
| |
| @state() |
| fileListIncrement: number = DEFAULT_NUM_FILES_SHOWN; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| shownFiles: NormalizedFileInfo[] = []; |
| |
| @state() |
| private reportinShownFilesIncrement = 0; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| expandedFiles: PatchSetFile[] = []; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| displayLine?: boolean; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| showSizeBars = true; |
| |
| // For merge commits vs Auto Merge, an extra file row is shown detailing the |
| // files that were merged without conflict. These files are also passed to any |
| // plugins. |
| @state() |
| private cleanlyMergedPaths: string[] = []; |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| @state() |
| cleanlyMergedOldPaths: string[] = []; |
| |
| private cancelForEachDiff?: () => void; |
| |
| @state() |
| private dynamicHeaderEndpoints?: string[]; |
| |
| @state() |
| private dynamicContentEndpoints?: string[]; |
| |
| @state() |
| private dynamicSummaryEndpoints?: string[]; |
| |
| @state() |
| private dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints?: string[]; |
| |
| @state() |
| private dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints?: string[]; |
| |
| private readonly reporting = getAppContext().reportingService; |
| |
| private readonly restApiService = getAppContext().restApiService; |
| |
| private readonly userModel = getAppContext().userModel; |
| |
| private readonly getChangeModel = resolve(this, changeModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly getFilesModel = resolve(this, filesModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly getCommentsModel = resolve(this, commentsModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly getBrowserModel = resolve(this, browserModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly patched = new HtmlPatched(key => { |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction(Interaction.AUTOCLOSE_HTML_PATCHED, { |
| component: this.tagName, |
| key: key.substring(0, 300), |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| shortcutsController = new ShortcutController(this); |
| |
| private readonly getNavigation = resolve(this, navigationToken); |
| |
| // private but used in test |
| fileCursor = new GrCursorManager(); |
| |
| // private but used in test |
| diffCursor?: GrDiffCursor; |
| |
| static override get styles() { |
| return [ |
| a11yStyles, |
| sharedStyles, |
| css` |
| :host { |
| display: block; |
| } |
| .row { |
| align-items: center; |
| border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| display: flex; |
| min-height: calc(var(--line-height-normal) + 2 * var(--spacing-s)); |
| padding: var(--spacing-xs) var(--spacing-l); |
| } |
| /* The class defines a content visible only to screen readers */ |
| .noCommentsScreenReaderText { |
| opacity: 0; |
| max-width: 1px; |
| overflow: hidden; |
| display: none; |
| vertical-align: top; |
| } |
| div[role='gridcell'] |
| > div.comments |
| > span:empty |
| + span:empty |
| + span.noCommentsScreenReaderText { |
| /* inline-block instead of block, such that it can control width */ |
| display: inline-block; |
| } |
| :host(.editMode) .hideOnEdit { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .showOnEdit { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| :host(.editMode) .showOnEdit { |
| display: initial; |
| } |
| .invisible { |
| visibility: hidden; |
| } |
| .header-row { |
| background-color: var(--background-color-secondary); |
| } |
| .controlRow { |
| align-items: center; |
| display: flex; |
| height: 2.25em; |
| justify-content: center; |
| } |
| .controlRow.invisible, |
| .show-hide.invisible { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .reviewed { |
| align-items: center; |
| display: inline-flex; |
| } |
| .reviewed { |
| display: inline-block; |
| text-align: left; |
| width: 1.5em; |
| } |
| .file-row { |
| cursor: pointer; |
| } |
| .file-row.expanded { |
| border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| position: -webkit-sticky; |
| position: sticky; |
| top: 0; |
| /* Has to visible above the diff view, and by default has a lower |
| z-index. setting to 1 places it directly above. */ |
| z-index: 1; |
| } |
| .file-row:hover { |
| background-color: var(--hover-background-color); |
| } |
| .file-row.selected { |
| background-color: var(--selection-background-color); |
| } |
| .file-row.expanded, |
| .file-row.expanded:hover { |
| background-color: var(--expanded-background-color); |
| } |
| .status { |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-m); |
| display: flex; |
| width: 20px; |
| justify-content: flex-end; |
| } |
| .status.extended { |
| width: 56px; |
| } |
| .status > * { |
| display: block; |
| } |
| .header-row .status .content { |
| width: 20px; |
| text-align: center; |
| } |
| .path { |
| cursor: pointer; |
| flex: 1; |
| /* Wrap it into multiple lines if too long. */ |
| white-space: normal; |
| word-break: break-word; |
| } |
| .oldPath { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| .header-stats { |
| text-align: center; |
| min-width: 7.5em; |
| } |
| .stats { |
| text-align: right; |
| min-width: 7.5em; |
| } |
| .comments { |
| padding-left: var(--spacing-l); |
| min-width: 7.5em; |
| white-space: nowrap; |
| } |
| .row:not(.header-row) .stats, |
| .total-stats { |
| font-family: var(--monospace-font-family); |
| font-size: var(--font-size-mono); |
| line-height: var(--line-height-mono); |
| display: flex; |
| } |
| .sizeBars { |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-m); |
| min-width: 7em; |
| text-align: center; |
| } |
| .sizeBars.hide { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .added, |
| .removed { |
| display: inline-block; |
| min-width: 3.5em; |
| } |
| .added { |
| color: var(--positive-green-text-color); |
| } |
| .removed { |
| color: var(--negative-red-text-color); |
| text-align: left; |
| min-width: 4em; |
| padding-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| .drafts { |
| color: var(--error-foreground); |
| font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); |
| } |
| .show-hide-icon:focus { |
| outline: none; |
| } |
| .show-hide { |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| width: 1.9em; |
| } |
| .fileListButton { |
| margin: var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| .totalChanges { |
| justify-content: flex-end; |
| text-align: right; |
| } |
| .warning { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| input.show-hide { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| label.show-hide { |
| cursor: pointer; |
| display: block; |
| min-width: 2em; |
| } |
| gr-diff { |
| display: block; |
| overflow-x: auto; |
| } |
| .matchingFilePath { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| .newFilePath { |
| color: var(--primary-text-color); |
| } |
| .fileName { |
| color: var(--link-color); |
| } |
| .truncatedFileName { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .mobile { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .reviewed { |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-xxl); |
| width: 15em; |
| } |
| .reviewedSwitch { |
| color: var(--link-color); |
| opacity: 0; |
| justify-content: flex-end; |
| width: 100%; |
| } |
| .reviewedSwitch:hover { |
| cursor: pointer; |
| opacity: 100; |
| } |
| .showParentButton { |
| line-height: var(--line-height-normal); |
| margin-bottom: calc(var(--spacing-s) * -1); |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-m); |
| margin-top: calc(var(--spacing-s) * -1); |
| } |
| .row:focus { |
| outline: none; |
| } |
| .row:hover .reviewedSwitch, |
| .row:focus-within .reviewedSwitch, |
| .row.expanded .reviewedSwitch { |
| opacity: 100; |
| } |
| .reviewedLabel { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-l); |
| opacity: 0; |
| } |
| .reviewedLabel.isReviewed { |
| display: initial; |
| opacity: 100; |
| } |
| .editFileControls { |
| width: 7em; |
| } |
| .markReviewed:focus { |
| outline: none; |
| } |
| .markReviewed, |
| .pathLink { |
| display: inline-block; |
| margin: -2px 0; |
| padding: var(--spacing-s) 0; |
| text-decoration: none; |
| } |
| .pathLink:hover span.fullFileName, |
| .pathLink:hover span.truncatedFileName { |
| text-decoration: underline; |
| } |
| |
| /** copy on file path **/ |
| .pathLink gr-copy-clipboard, |
| .oldPath gr-copy-clipboard { |
| display: inline-block; |
| visibility: hidden; |
| vertical-align: bottom; |
| --gr-button-padding: 0px; |
| } |
| .row:focus-within gr-copy-clipboard, |
| .row:hover gr-copy-clipboard { |
| visibility: visible; |
| } |
| |
| .file-status-arrow { |
| font-size: 16px; |
| position: relative; |
| top: 2px; |
| display: block; |
| } |
| |
| @media screen and (max-width: 1200px) { |
| gr-endpoint-decorator.extra-col { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @media screen and (max-width: 1000px) { |
| .reviewed { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { |
| .desktop { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .mobile { |
| display: block; |
| } |
| .row.selected { |
| background-color: var(--view-background-color); |
| } |
| .stats { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .reviewed, |
| .status { |
| justify-content: flex-start; |
| } |
| .comments { |
| min-width: initial; |
| } |
| .expanded .fullFileName, |
| .truncatedFileName { |
| display: inline; |
| } |
| .expanded .truncatedFileName, |
| .fullFileName { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| } |
| :host(.hideComments) { |
| --gr-comment-thread-display: none; |
| } |
| `, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| this.fileCursor.scrollMode = ScrollMode.KEEP_VISIBLE; |
| this.fileCursor.cursorTargetClass = 'selected'; |
| this.fileCursor.focusOnMove = true; |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.LEFT_PANE, _ => |
| this.handleLeftPane() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.RIGHT_PANE, _ => |
| this.handleRightPane() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.TOGGLE_INLINE_DIFF, _ => |
| this.handleToggleInlineDiff() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.TOGGLE_ALL_INLINE_DIFFS, _ => |
| this.toggleInlineDiffs() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract( |
| _ => toggleClass(this, 'hideComments') |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract( |
| Shortcut.CURSOR_NEXT_FILE, |
| e => this.handleCursorNext(e), |
| {preventDefault: false} |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract( |
| Shortcut.CURSOR_PREV_FILE, |
| e => this.handleCursorPrev(e), |
| {preventDefault: false} |
| ); |
| // This is already been taken care of by CURSOR_NEXT_FILE above. The two |
| // shortcuts share the same bindings. It depends on whether all files |
| // are expanded whether the cursor moves to the next file or line. |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.NEXT_LINE, _ => {}, { |
| preventDefault: false, |
| }); // docOnly |
| // This is already been taken care of by CURSOR_PREV_FILE above. The two |
| // shortcuts share the same bindings. It depends on whether all files |
| // are expanded whether the cursor moves to the previous file or line. |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.PREV_LINE, _ => {}, { |
| preventDefault: false, |
| }); // docOnly |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.NEW_COMMENT, _ => |
| this.handleNewComment() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.OPEN_LAST_FILE, _ => |
| this.openSelectedFile(this.files.length - 1) |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.OPEN_FIRST_FILE, _ => |
| this.openSelectedFile(0) |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.OPEN_FILE, _ => |
| this.handleOpenFile() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.NEXT_CHUNK, _ => |
| this.handleNextChunk() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.PREV_CHUNK, _ => |
| this.handlePrevChunk() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.NEXT_COMMENT_THREAD, _ => |
| this.handleNextComment() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.PREV_COMMENT_THREAD, _ => |
| this.handlePrevComment() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.TOGGLE_FILE_REVIEWED, _ => |
| this.handleToggleFileReviewed() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract(Shortcut.TOGGLE_LEFT_PANE, _ => |
| this.handleToggleLeftPane() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addGlobal({key: Key.ESC}, _ => |
| this.handleEscKey() |
| ); |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract( |
| _ => {} |
| ); // docOnly |
| this.shortcutsController.addAbstract( |
| _ => {} |
| ); // docOnly |
| this.shortcutsController.addLocal( |
| {key: Key.ENTER}, |
| _ => this.handleOpenFile(), |
| { |
| shouldSuppress: true, |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getCommentsModel().changeComments$, |
| changeComments => { |
| this.changeComments = changeComments; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getFilesModel().filesWithUnmodified$, |
| files => { |
| this.files = [...files]; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getFilesModel().filesLeftBase$, |
| files => { |
| this.filesLeftBase = [...files]; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getFilesModel().filesRightBase$, |
| files => { |
| this.filesRightBase = [...files]; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getBrowserModel().diffViewMode$, |
| diffView => { |
| this.diffViewMode = diffView; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.userModel.diffPreferences$, |
| diffPreferences => { |
| this.diffPrefs = diffPreferences; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => |
| select( |
| this.userModel.preferences$, |
| prefs => !!prefs?.size_bar_in_change_table |
| ), |
| sizeBarInChangeTable => { |
| this.showSizeBars = sizeBarInChangeTable; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.userModel.loggedIn$, |
| loggedIn => { |
| this.loggedIn = loggedIn; |
| } |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChangeModel().reviewedFiles$, |
| reviewedFiles => { |
| this.reviewed = reviewedFiles ?? []; |
| } |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues): void { |
| if ( |
| changedProperties.has('diffPrefs') || |
| changedProperties.has('diffViewMode') |
| ) { |
| this.updateDiffPreferences(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('files')) { |
| this.filesChanged(); |
| } |
| if ( |
| changedProperties.has('files') || |
| changedProperties.has('numFilesShown') |
| ) { |
| this.shownFiles = this.computeFilesShown(); |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('expandedFiles')) { |
| this.expandedFilesChanged(changedProperties.get('expandedFiles')); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override connectedCallback() { |
| super.connectedCallback(); |
| |
| getPluginLoader() |
| .awaitPluginsLoaded() |
| .then(() => { |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints = getPluginEndpoints().getDynamicEndpoints( |
| 'change-view-file-list-header' |
| ); |
| this.dynamicContentEndpoints = getPluginEndpoints().getDynamicEndpoints( |
| 'change-view-file-list-content' |
| ); |
| this.dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints = |
| getPluginEndpoints().getDynamicEndpoints( |
| 'change-view-file-list-header-prepend' |
| ); |
| this.dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints = |
| getPluginEndpoints().getDynamicEndpoints( |
| 'change-view-file-list-content-prepend' |
| ); |
| this.dynamicSummaryEndpoints = getPluginEndpoints().getDynamicEndpoints( |
| 'change-view-file-list-summary' |
| ); |
| |
| if ( |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints.length !== |
| this.dynamicContentEndpoints.length |
| ) { |
| this.reporting.error( |
| 'Plugin change-view-file-list', |
| new Error('dynamic header/content mismatch') |
| ); |
| } |
| if ( |
| this.dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints.length !== |
| this.dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints.length |
| ) { |
| this.reporting.error( |
| 'Plugin change-view-file-list', |
| new Error('dynamic prepend header/content mismatch') |
| ); |
| } |
| if ( |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints.length !== |
| this.dynamicSummaryEndpoints.length |
| ) { |
| this.reporting.error( |
| 'Plugin change-view-file-list', |
| new Error('dynamic header/summary mismatch') |
| ); |
| } |
| }); |
| this.diffCursor = new GrDiffCursor(); |
| this.diffCursor.replaceDiffs(this.diffs); |
| } |
| |
| override disconnectedCallback() { |
| this.diffCursor?.dispose(); |
| this.fileCursor.unsetCursor(); |
| this.cancelDiffs(); |
| super.disconnectedCallback(); |
| } |
| |
| protected override async getUpdateComplete(): Promise<boolean> { |
| const result = await super.getUpdateComplete(); |
| await Promise.all(this.diffs.map(d => d.updateComplete)); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| override render() { |
| this.classList.toggle('editMode', this.editMode); |
| const patchChange = this.calculatePatchChange(); |
| return html` |
| <h3 class="assistive-tech-only">File list</h3> |
| ${this.renderContainer()} ${this.renderChangeTotals(patchChange)} |
| ${this.renderBinaryTotals(patchChange)} ${this.renderControlRow()} |
| <gr-diff-preferences-dialog |
| id="diffPreferencesDialog" |
| @reload-diff-preference=${this.handleReloadingDiffPreference} |
| > |
| </gr-diff-preferences-dialog> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderContainer() { |
| return html` |
| <div |
| id="container" |
| @click=${(e: MouseEvent) => this.handleFileListClick(e)} |
| role="grid" |
| aria-label="Files list" |
| > |
| ${this.renderHeaderRow()} ${this.renderShownFiles()} |
| ${when(this.computeShowNumCleanlyMerged(), () => |
| this.renderCleanlyMerged() |
| )} |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderHeaderRow() { |
| const showPrependedDynamicColumns = |
| this.computeShowPrependedDynamicColumns(); |
| const showDynamicColumns = this.computeShowDynamicColumns(); |
| return html` <div class="header-row row" role="row"> |
| <!-- endpoint: change-view-file-list-header-prepend --> |
| ${when(showPrependedDynamicColumns, () => |
| this.renderPrependedHeaderEndpoints() |
| )} |
| ${this.renderFileStatus()} |
| <div class="path" role="columnheader">File</div> |
| <div class="comments desktop" role="columnheader">Comments</div> |
| <div class="comments mobile" role="columnheader" title="Comments">C</div> |
| <div class="sizeBars desktop" role="columnheader">Size</div> |
| <div class="header-stats" role="columnheader">Delta</div> |
| <!-- endpoint: change-view-file-list-header --> |
| ${when(showDynamicColumns, () => this.renderDynamicHeaderEndpoints())} |
| <!-- Empty div here exists to keep spacing in sync with file rows. --> |
| <div |
| class="reviewed hideOnEdit" |
| ?hidden=${!this.loggedIn} |
| aria-hidden="true" |
| ></div> |
| <div class="editFileControls showOnEdit" aria-hidden="true"></div> |
| <div class="show-hide" aria-hidden="true"></div> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderPrependedHeaderEndpoints() { |
| return this.dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints?.map( |
| headerEndpoint => html` |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator |
| class="prepended-col" |
| .name=${headerEndpoint} |
| role="columnheader" |
| > |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="change" .value=${this.change}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="patchRange" .value=${this.patchRange}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="files" .value=${this.files}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| </gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| ` |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderDynamicHeaderEndpoints() { |
| return this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints?.map( |
| headerEndpoint => html` |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator |
| class="extra-col" |
| .name=${headerEndpoint} |
| role="columnheader" |
| ></gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| ` |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| // for DIFF_AUTOCLOSE logging purposes only |
| private shownFilesOld: NormalizedFileInfo[] = this.shownFiles; |
| |
| private renderShownFiles() { |
| const showDynamicColumns = this.computeShowDynamicColumns(); |
| const showPrependedDynamicColumns = |
| this.computeShowPrependedDynamicColumns(); |
| const sizeBarLayout = this.computeSizeBarLayout(); |
| |
| // for DIFF_AUTOCLOSE logging purposes only |
| if ( |
| this.shownFilesOld.length > 0 && |
| this.shownFiles !== this.shownFilesOld |
| ) { |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction( |
| ); |
| } |
| this.shownFilesOld = this.shownFiles; |
| return incrementalRepeat({ |
| values: this.shownFiles, |
| mapFn: (f, i) => |
| this.renderFileRow( |
| f as NormalizedFileInfo, |
| i, |
| sizeBarLayout, |
| showDynamicColumns, |
| showPrependedDynamicColumns |
| ), |
| initialCount: this.fileListIncrement, |
| targetFrameRate: 1, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileRow( |
| file: NormalizedFileInfo, |
| index: number, |
| sizeBarLayout: SizeBarLayout, |
| showDynamicColumns: boolean, |
| showPrependedDynamicColumns: boolean |
| ) { |
| this.reportRenderedRow(index); |
| const previousFileName = this.shownFiles[index - 1]?.__path; |
| const patchSetFile = this.computePatchSetFile(file); |
| return html` <div class="stickyArea"> |
| <div |
| class=${`file-row row ${this.computePathClass(file.__path)}`} |
| data-file=${JSON.stringify(patchSetFile)} |
| tabindex="-1" |
| role="row" |
| > |
| <!-- endpoint: change-view-file-list-content-prepend --> |
| ${when(showPrependedDynamicColumns, () => |
| this.renderPrependedContentEndpointsForFile(file) |
| )} |
| ${this.renderFileStatus(file)} |
| ${this.renderFilePath(file, previousFileName)} |
| ${this.renderFileComments(file)} |
| ${this.renderSizeBar(file, sizeBarLayout)} ${this.renderFileStats(file)} |
| ${when(showDynamicColumns, () => |
| this.renderDynamicContentEndpointsForFile(file) |
| )} |
| <!-- endpoint: change-view-file-list-content --> |
| ${this.renderReviewed(file)} ${this.renderFileControls(file)} |
| ${this.renderShowHide(file)} |
| </div> |
| ${when( |
| this.isFileExpanded(file.__path), |
| () => this.patched.html` |
| <gr-diff-host |
| ?noAutoRender=${true} |
| ?showLoadFailure=${true} |
| .displayLine=${this.displayLine} |
| .changeNum=${this.changeNum} |
| .change=${this.change} |
| .patchRange=${this.patchRange} |
| .file=${patchSetFile} |
| .path=${file.__path} |
| .projectName=${this.change?.project} |
| ?noRenderOnPrefsChange=${true} |
| ></gr-diff-host> |
| ` |
| )} |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderPrependedContentEndpointsForFile(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| return this.dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints?.map( |
| contentEndpoint => html` |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator |
| class="prepended-col" |
| .name=${contentEndpoint} |
| role="gridcell" |
| > |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="change" .value=${this.change}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="changeNum" .value=${this.changeNum}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="patchRange" .value=${this.patchRange}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="path" .value=${file.__path}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="oldPath" .value=${this.getOldPath(file)}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| </gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| ` |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileStatus(file?: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| const hasExtendedStatus = this.filesLeftBase.length > 0; |
| const leftStatus = this.renderFileStatusLeft(file?.__path); |
| const rightStatus = this.renderFileStatusRight(file); |
| return html`<div |
| class=${classMap({status: true, extended: hasExtendedStatus})} |
| role="gridcell" |
| > |
| ${leftStatus}${rightStatus} |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderDivWithTooltip(content: string, tooltip: string) { |
| return html` |
| <gr-tooltip-content title=${tooltip} has-tooltip> |
| <div class="content">${content}</div> |
| </gr-tooltip-content> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileStatusRight(file?: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| const hasExtendedStatus = this.filesLeftBase.length > 0; |
| // no file means "header row" |
| if (!file) { |
| const psNum = this.patchRange?.patchNum; |
| return hasExtendedStatus |
| ? this.renderDivWithTooltip(`${psNum}`, `Patchset ${psNum}`) |
| : nothing; |
| } |
| if (isMagicPath(file.__path)) return nothing; |
| |
| const fileWasAlreadyChanged = this.filesLeftBase.some( |
| info => info.__path === file?.__path |
| ); |
| const fileIsReverted = |
| fileWasAlreadyChanged && |
| !this.filesRightBase.some(info => info.__path === file?.__path); |
| const newlyChanged = hasExtendedStatus && !fileWasAlreadyChanged; |
| |
| const status = fileIsReverted |
| ? FileInfoStatus.REVERTED |
| : file?.status ?? FileInfoStatus.MODIFIED; |
| const left = `patchset ${this.patchRange?.basePatchNum}`; |
| const right = `patchset ${this.patchRange?.patchNum}`; |
| const postfix = ` between ${left} and ${right}`; |
| |
| return html`<gr-file-status |
| .status=${status} |
| .labelPostfix=${postfix} |
| ?newlyChanged=${newlyChanged} |
| ></gr-file-status>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileStatusLeft(path?: string) { |
| if (this.filesLeftBase.length === 0) return nothing; |
| // no path means "header row" |
| const psNum = this.patchRange?.basePatchNum; |
| if (!path) { |
| return html` |
| ${this.renderDivWithTooltip(`${psNum}`, `Patchset ${psNum}`)} |
| <gr-icon icon="arrow_right_alt" class="file-status-arrow"></gr-icon> |
| `; |
| } |
| if (isMagicPath(path)) return nothing; |
| const file = this.filesLeftBase.find(info => info.__path === path); |
| if (!file) return nothing; |
| |
| const status = file.status ?? FileInfoStatus.MODIFIED; |
| const left = 'base'; |
| const right = `patchset ${this.patchRange?.basePatchNum}`; |
| const postfix = ` between ${left} and ${right}`; |
| |
| return html` |
| <gr-file-status |
| .status=${status} |
| .labelPostfix=${postfix} |
| ></gr-file-status> |
| <gr-icon icon="arrow_right_alt" class="file-status-arrow"></gr-icon> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFilePath(file: NormalizedFileInfo, previousFilePath?: string) { |
| return html` |
| <span class="path" role="gridcell"> |
| <a class="pathLink" href=${ifDefined(this.computeDiffURL(file.__path))}> |
| <span title=${computeDisplayPath(file.__path)} class="fullFileName"> |
| ${this.renderStyledPath(file.__path, previousFilePath)} |
| </span> |
| <span |
| title=${computeDisplayPath(file.__path)} |
| class="truncatedFileName" |
| > |
| ${computeTruncatedPath(file.__path)} |
| </span> |
| <gr-copy-clipboard |
| ?hideInput=${true} |
| .text=${file.__path} |
| ></gr-copy-clipboard> |
| </a> |
| ${when( |
| file.old_path, |
| () => html` |
| <div class="oldPath" title=${ifDefined(file.old_path)}> |
| ${file.old_path} |
| <gr-copy-clipboard |
| ?hideInput=${true} |
| .text=${file.old_path} |
| ></gr-copy-clipboard> |
| </div> |
| ` |
| )} |
| </span> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderStyledPath(filePath: string, previousFilePath?: string) { |
| const {matchingFolders, newFolders, fileName} = diffFilePaths( |
| filePath, |
| previousFilePath |
| ); |
| return [ |
| matchingFolders.length > 0 |
| ? html`<span class="matchingFilePath">${matchingFolders}</span>` |
| : nothing, |
| newFolders.length > 0 |
| ? html`<span class="newFilePath">${newFolders}</span>` |
| : nothing, |
| html`<span class="fileName">${fileName}</span>`, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileComments(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| return html` <div role="gridcell"> |
| <div class="comments desktop"> |
| <span class="drafts">${this.computeDraftsString(file)}</span> |
| <span>${this.computeCommentsString(file)}</span> |
| <span class="noCommentsScreenReaderText"> |
| <!-- Screen readers read the following content only if 2 other |
| spans in the parent div is empty. The content is not visible on |
| the page. |
| Without this span, screen readers don't navigate correctly inside |
| table, because empty div doesn't rendered. For example, VoiceOver |
| jumps back to the whole table. |
| We can use   instead, but it sounds worse. |
| --> |
| No comments |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| <div class="comments mobile"> |
| <span class="drafts">${this.computeDraftsStringMobile(file)}</span> |
| <span>${this.computeCommentsStringMobile(file)}</span> |
| <span class="noCommentsScreenReaderText"> |
| <!-- The same as for desktop comments --> |
| No comments |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderSizeBar( |
| file: NormalizedFileInfo, |
| sizeBarLayout: SizeBarLayout |
| ) { |
| return html` <div class="desktop" role="gridcell"> |
| <!-- The content must be in a separate div. It guarantees, that |
| gridcell always visible for screen readers. |
| For example, without a nested div screen readers pronounce the |
| "Commit message" row content with incorrect column headers. |
| --> |
| <div |
| class=${this.computeSizeBarsClass(file.__path)} |
| aria-label="A bar that represents the addition and deletion ratio for the current file" |
| > |
| <svg width="61" height="8"> |
| <rect |
| x=${this.computeBarAdditionX(file, sizeBarLayout)} |
| y="0" |
| height="8" |
| fill="var(--positive-green-text-color)" |
| width=${this.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, sizeBarLayout)} |
| ></rect> |
| <rect |
| x=${this.computeBarDeletionX(sizeBarLayout)} |
| y="0" |
| height="8" |
| fill="var(--negative-red-text-color)" |
| width=${this.computeBarDeletionWidth(file, sizeBarLayout)} |
| ></rect> |
| </svg> |
| </div> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileStats(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| return html` <div class="stats" role="gridcell"> |
| <!-- The content must be in a separate div. It guarantees, that |
| gridcell always visible for screen readers. |
| For example, without a nested div screen readers pronounce the |
| "Commit message" row content with incorrect column headers. |
| --> |
| <div class=${this.computeClass('', file.__path)}> |
| <span |
| class="added" |
| tabindex="0" |
| aria-label=${`${file.lines_inserted} lines added`} |
| ?hidden=${file.binary} |
| > |
| +${file.lines_inserted} |
| </span> |
| <span |
| class="removed" |
| tabindex="0" |
| aria-label=${`${file.lines_deleted} lines removed`} |
| ?hidden=${file.binary} |
| > |
| -${file.lines_deleted} |
| </span> |
| <span |
| class=${ifDefined(this.computeBinaryClass(file.size_delta))} |
| ?hidden=${!file.binary} |
| > |
| ${this.formatBytes(file.size_delta)} |
| ${this.formatPercentage(file.size, file.size_delta)} |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderDynamicContentEndpointsForFile(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| return this.dynamicContentEndpoints?.map( |
| contentEndpoint => html` <div |
| class=${this.computeClass('', file.__path)} |
| role="gridcell" |
| > |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator class="extra-col" .name=${contentEndpoint}> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="change" .value=${this.change}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="changeNum" .value=${this.changeNum}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="patchRange" .value=${this.patchRange}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="path" .value=${file.__path}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| </gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| </div>` |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderReviewed(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| if (!this.loggedIn) return nothing; |
| const isReviewed = this.reviewed.includes(file.__path); |
| const reviewedTitle = `Mark as ${ |
| isReviewed ? 'not ' : '' |
| }reviewed (shortcut: r)`; |
| const reviewedText = isReviewed ? 'MARK UNREVIEWED' : 'MARK REVIEWED'; |
| return html` <div class="reviewed hideOnEdit" role="gridcell"> |
| <span |
| class=${`reviewedLabel ${isReviewed ? 'isReviewed' : ''}`} |
| aria-hidden=${this.booleanToString(!isReviewed)} |
| >Reviewed</span |
| > |
| <!-- Do not use input type="checkbox" with hidden input and |
| visible label here. Screen readers don't read/interract |
| correctly with such input. |
| --> |
| <span |
| class="reviewedSwitch" |
| role="switch" |
| tabindex="0" |
| @click=${(e: MouseEvent) => this.reviewedClick(e)} |
| @keydown=${(e: KeyboardEvent) => this.reviewedClick(e)} |
| aria-label="Reviewed" |
| aria-checked=${this.booleanToString(isReviewed)} |
| > |
| <!-- Trick with tabindex to avoid outline on mouse focus, but |
| preserve focus outline for keyboard navigation --> |
| <span tabindex="-1" class="markReviewed" title=${reviewedTitle} |
| >${reviewedText}</span |
| > |
| </span> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFileControls(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| return html` <div |
| class="editFileControls showOnEdit" |
| role="gridcell" |
| aria-hidden=${this.booleanToString(!this.editMode)} |
| > |
| ${when( |
| this.editMode, |
| () => html` |
| <gr-edit-file-controls |
| class=${this.computeClass('', file.__path)} |
| .filePath=${file.__path} |
| ></gr-edit-file-controls> |
| ` |
| )} |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderShowHide(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| return html` <div class="show-hide" role="gridcell"> |
| <!-- Do not use input type="checkbox" with hidden input and |
| visible label here. Screen readers don't read/interract |
| correctly with such input. |
| --> |
| <span |
| class="show-hide" |
| data-path=${file.__path} |
| data-expand="true" |
| role="switch" |
| tabindex="0" |
| aria-checked=${this.isFileExpandedStr(file.__path)} |
| aria-label="Expand file" |
| @click=${this.expandedClick} |
| @keydown=${this.expandedClick} |
| > |
| <!-- Trick with tabindex to avoid outline on mouse focus, but |
| preserve focus outline for keyboard navigation --> |
| <gr-icon |
| class="show-hide-icon" |
| tabindex="-1" |
| id="icon" |
| icon=${this.computeShowHideIcon(file.__path)} |
| ></gr-icon> |
| </span> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderCleanlyMerged() { |
| const showPrependedDynamicColumns = |
| this.computeShowPrependedDynamicColumns(); |
| return html` <div class="row"> |
| <!-- endpoint: change-view-file-list-content-prepend --> |
| ${when(showPrependedDynamicColumns, () => |
| this.renderPrependedContentEndpoints() |
| )} |
| <div role="gridcell"> |
| <div> |
| <span class="cleanlyMergedText"> |
| ${this.computeCleanlyMergedText()} |
| </span> |
| <gr-button |
| link |
| class="showParentButton" |
| @click=${this.handleShowParent1} |
| > |
| Show Parent 1 |
| </gr-button> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderPrependedContentEndpoints() { |
| return this.dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints?.map( |
| contentEndpoint => html` |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator |
| class="prepended-col" |
| .name=${contentEndpoint} |
| role="gridcell" |
| > |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="change" .value=${this.change}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="changeNum" .value=${this.changeNum}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="patchRange" .value=${this.patchRange}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param |
| name="cleanlyMergedPaths" |
| .value=${this.cleanlyMergedPaths} |
| > |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param |
| name="cleanlyMergedOldPaths" |
| .value=${this.cleanlyMergedOldPaths} |
| > |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| </gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| ` |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderChangeTotals(patchChange: PatchChange) { |
| const showDynamicColumns = this.computeShowDynamicColumns(); |
| if (this.shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange)) return nothing; |
| return html` |
| <div class="row totalChanges"> |
| <div class="total-stats"> |
| <div> |
| <span |
| class="added" |
| tabindex="0" |
| aria-label="Total ${patchChange.inserted} lines added" |
| > |
| +${patchChange.inserted} |
| </span> |
| <span |
| class="removed" |
| tabindex="0" |
| aria-label="Total ${patchChange.deleted} lines removed" |
| > |
| -${patchChange.deleted} |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| ${when(showDynamicColumns, () => |
| this.dynamicSummaryEndpoints?.map( |
| summaryEndpoint => html` |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator class="extra-col" name=${summaryEndpoint}> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="change" .value=${this.change}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="patchRange" .value=${this.patchRange}> |
| </gr-endpoint-param> |
| </gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| ` |
| ) |
| )} |
| |
| <!-- Empty div here exists to keep spacing in sync with file rows. --> |
| <div class="reviewed hideOnEdit" ?hidden=${!this.loggedIn}></div> |
| <div class="editFileControls showOnEdit"></div> |
| <div class="show-hide"></div> |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderBinaryTotals(patchChange: PatchChange) { |
| if (this.shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange)) return nothing; |
| const deltaInserted = this.formatBytes(patchChange.size_delta_inserted); |
| const deltaDeleted = this.formatBytes(patchChange.size_delta_deleted); |
| return html` |
| <div class="row totalChanges"> |
| <div class="total-stats"> |
| <span |
| class="added" |
| aria-label="Total bytes inserted: ${deltaInserted}" |
| > |
| ${deltaInserted} |
| ${this.formatPercentage( |
| patchChange.total_size, |
| patchChange.size_delta_inserted |
| )} |
| </span> |
| <span |
| class="removed" |
| aria-label="Total bytes removed: ${deltaDeleted}" |
| > |
| ${deltaDeleted} |
| ${this.formatPercentage( |
| patchChange.total_size, |
| patchChange.size_delta_deleted |
| )} |
| </span> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderControlRow() { |
| return html`<div |
| class=${`row controlRow ${this.computeFileListControlClass()}`} |
| > |
| <gr-button |
| class="fileListButton" |
| id="incrementButton" |
| link="" |
| @click=${this.incrementNumFilesShown} |
| > |
| ${this.computeIncrementText()} |
| </gr-button> |
| <gr-tooltip-content |
| ?has-tooltip=${this.computeWarnShowAll()} |
| ?show-icon=${this.computeWarnShowAll()} |
| .title=${this.computeShowAllWarning()} |
| > |
| <gr-button |
| class="fileListButton" |
| id="showAllButton" |
| link="" |
| @click=${this.showAllFiles} |
| > |
| ${this.computeShowAllText()} |
| </gr-button> |
| </gr-tooltip-content> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| protected override firstUpdated(): void { |
| this.detectChromiteButler(); |
| this.reporting.fileListDisplayed(); |
| } |
| |
| protected override updated(): void { |
| // for DIFF_AUTOCLOSE logging purposes only |
| const ids = this.diffs.map(d => d.uid); |
| if (ids.length > 0) { |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction( |
| {l: ids.length, ids: ids.slice(0, 10)} |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: Move into files-model. |
| // visible for testing |
| async updateCleanlyMergedPaths() { |
| // When viewing Auto Merge base vs a patchset, add an additional row that |
| // knows how many files were cleanly merged. This requires an additional RPC |
| // for the diffs between target parent and the patch set. The cleanly merged |
| // files are all the files in the target RPC that weren't in the Auto Merge |
| // RPC. |
| if ( |
| this.change && |
| this.changeNum && |
| this.patchRange?.patchNum && |
| new RevisionInfo(this.change).isMergeCommit(this.patchRange.patchNum) && |
| this.patchRange.basePatchNum === PARENT && |
| this.patchRange.patchNum !== EDIT |
| ) { |
| const allFilesByPath = await this.restApiService.getChangeOrEditFiles( |
| this.changeNum, |
| { |
| basePatchNum: -1 as BasePatchSetNum, // -1 is first (target) parent |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| } |
| ); |
| if (!allFilesByPath) return; |
| const conflictingPaths = this.files.map(f => f.__path); |
| this.cleanlyMergedPaths = Object.keys(allFilesByPath).filter( |
| path => !conflictingPaths.includes(path) |
| ); |
| this.cleanlyMergedOldPaths = this.cleanlyMergedPaths |
| .map(path => allFilesByPath[path].old_path) |
| .filter((oldPath): oldPath is string => !!oldPath); |
| } else { |
| this.cleanlyMergedPaths = []; |
| this.cleanlyMergedOldPaths = []; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private detectChromiteButler() { |
| const hasButler = !!document.getElementById('butler-suggested-owners'); |
| if (hasButler) { |
| this.reporting.reportExtension('butler'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| get diffs(): GrDiffHost[] { |
| const diffs = this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('gr-diff-host'); |
| // It is possible that a bogus diff element is hanging around invisibly |
| // from earlier with a different patch set choice and associated with a |
| // different entry in the files array. So filter on visible items only. |
| return Array.from(diffs).filter( |
| el => !!el && !!el.style && el.style.display !== 'none' |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| resetFileState() { |
| this.numFilesShown = DEFAULT_NUM_FILES_SHOWN; |
| this.selectedIndex = 0; |
| this.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(this.selectedIndex, true); |
| } |
| |
| openDiffPrefs() { |
| this.diffPreferencesDialog?.open(); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| calculatePatchChange(): PatchChange { |
| const magicFilesExcluded = this.files.filter( |
| file => !isMagicPath(file.__path) |
| ); |
| |
| return magicFilesExcluded.reduce((acc, obj) => { |
| const inserted = obj.lines_inserted ? obj.lines_inserted : 0; |
| const deleted = obj.lines_deleted ? obj.lines_deleted : 0; |
| const total_size = obj.size && obj.binary ? obj.size : 0; |
| const size_delta_inserted = |
| obj.binary && obj.size_delta && obj.size_delta > 0 ? obj.size_delta : 0; |
| const size_delta_deleted = |
| obj.binary && obj.size_delta && obj.size_delta < 0 ? obj.size_delta : 0; |
| |
| return { |
| inserted: acc.inserted + inserted, |
| deleted: acc.deleted + deleted, |
| size_delta_inserted: acc.size_delta_inserted + size_delta_inserted, |
| size_delta_deleted: acc.size_delta_deleted + size_delta_deleted, |
| total_size: acc.total_size + total_size, |
| }; |
| }, createDefaultPatchChange()); |
| } |
| |
| // private but used in test |
| toggleFileExpanded(file: PatchSetFile) { |
| // Is the path in the list of expanded diffs? If so, remove it, otherwise |
| // add it to the list. |
| const indexInExpanded = this.expandedFiles.findIndex( |
| f => f.path === file.path |
| ); |
| if (indexInExpanded === -1) { |
| this.expandedFiles = this.expandedFiles.concat([file]); |
| } else { |
| this.expandedFiles = this.expandedFiles.filter( |
| (_val, idx) => idx !== indexInExpanded |
| ); |
| } |
| const indexInAll = this.files.findIndex(f => f.__path === file.path); |
| this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll(`.${FILE_ROW_CLASS}`)[ |
| indexInAll |
| ].scrollIntoView({block: 'nearest'}); |
| } |
| |
| private toggleFileExpandedByIndex(index: number) { |
| this.toggleFileExpanded(this.computePatchSetFile(this.files[index])); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| updateDiffPreferences() { |
| if (!this.diffs.length) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction( |
| ); |
| |
| // Re-render all expanded diffs sequentially. |
| this.renderInOrder(this.expandedFiles, this.diffs); |
| } |
| |
| private forEachDiff(fn: (host: GrDiffHost) => void) { |
| const diffs = this.diffs; |
| for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) { |
| fn(diffs[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| expandAllDiffs() { |
| // Find the list of paths that are in the file list, but not in the |
| // expanded list. |
| const newFiles: PatchSetFile[] = []; |
| let path: string; |
| for (let i = 0; i < this.shownFiles.length; i++) { |
| path = this.shownFiles[i].__path; |
| if (!this.expandedFiles.some(f => f.path === path)) { |
| newFiles.push(this.computePatchSetFile(this.shownFiles[i])); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| this.expandedFiles = newFiles.concat(this.expandedFiles); |
| } |
| |
| collapseAllDiffs() { |
| this.expandedFiles = []; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Computes a string with the number of comments and unresolved comments. |
| */ |
| computeCommentsString(file?: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| if ( |
| this.changeComments === undefined || |
| this.patchRange === undefined || |
| file?.__path === undefined |
| ) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| return this.changeComments.computeCommentsString( |
| this.patchRange, |
| file.__path, |
| file |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Computes a string with the number of drafts. |
| */ |
| computeDraftsString(file?: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| if (this.changeComments === undefined) return ''; |
| const draftCount = this.changeComments.computeDraftCountForFile( |
| this.patchRange, |
| file |
| ); |
| if (draftCount === 0) return ''; |
| return pluralize(Number(draftCount), 'draft'); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Computes a shortened string with the number of drafts. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| computeDraftsStringMobile(file?: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| if (this.changeComments === undefined) return ''; |
| const draftCount = this.changeComments.computeDraftCountForFile( |
| this.patchRange, |
| file |
| ); |
| return draftCount === 0 ? '' : `${draftCount}d`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Computes a shortened string with the number of comments. |
| */ |
| computeCommentsStringMobile(file?: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| if ( |
| this.changeComments === undefined || |
| this.patchRange === undefined || |
| file === undefined |
| ) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| const commentThreadCount = |
| this.changeComments.computeCommentThreadCount({ |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.basePatchNum, |
| path: file.__path, |
| }) + |
| this.changeComments.computeCommentThreadCount({ |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| path: file.__path, |
| }); |
| return commentThreadCount === 0 ? '' : `${commentThreadCount}c`; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| reviewFile(path: string, reviewed?: boolean) { |
| if (this.editMode) return Promise.resolve(); |
| reviewed = reviewed ?? !this.reviewed.includes(path); |
| return this._saveReviewedState(path, reviewed); |
| } |
| |
| _saveReviewedState(path: string, reviewed: boolean) { |
| assertIsDefined(this.changeNum, 'changeNum'); |
| assertIsDefined(this.patchRange, 'patchRange'); |
| |
| return this.getChangeModel().setReviewedFilesStatus( |
| this.changeNum, |
| this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| path, |
| reviewed |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns true if the event e is a click on an element. |
| * |
| * The click is: mouse click or pressing Enter or Space key |
| * P.S> Screen readers sends click event as well |
| */ |
| private isClickEvent(e: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) { |
| if (e.type === 'click') { |
| return true; |
| } |
| const ke = e as KeyboardEvent; |
| const isSpaceOrEnter = ke.key === 'Enter' || ke.key === ' '; |
| return ke.type === 'keydown' && isSpaceOrEnter; |
| } |
| |
| private fileActionClick( |
| e: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent, |
| fileAction: (file: PatchSetFile) => void |
| ) { |
| if (this.isClickEvent(e)) { |
| const fileRow = this.getFileRowFromEvent(e); |
| if (!fileRow) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Prevent default actions (e.g. scrolling for space key) |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| // Prevent handleFileListClick handler call |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| this.fileCursor.setCursor(fileRow.element); |
| fileAction(fileRow.file); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| reviewedClick(e: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) { |
| this.fileActionClick(e, file => this.reviewFile(file.path)); |
| } |
| |
| private expandedClick(e: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) { |
| this.fileActionClick(e, file => this.toggleFileExpanded(file)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle all events from the file list dom-repeat so event handlers don't |
| * have to get registered for potentially very long lists. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| handleFileListClick(e: MouseEvent) { |
| if (!e.target) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const fileRow = this.getFileRowFromEvent(e); |
| if (!fileRow) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const file = fileRow.file; |
| const path = file.path; |
| // If a path cannot be interpreted from the click target (meaning it's not |
| // somewhere in the row, e.g. diff content) or if the user clicked the |
| // link, defer to the native behavior. |
| if (!path || descendedFromClass(e.target as Element, 'pathLink')) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Disregard the event if the click target is in the edit controls. |
| if (descendedFromClass(e.target as Element, 'editFileControls')) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| this.fileCursor.setCursor(fileRow.element); |
| this.toggleFileExpanded(file); |
| } |
| |
| private getFileRowFromEvent(e: Event): FileRow | null { |
| // Traverse upwards to find the row element if the target is not the row. |
| let row = e.target as HTMLElement; |
| while (!row.classList.contains(FILE_ROW_CLASS) && row.parentElement) { |
| row = row.parentElement; |
| } |
| |
| // No action needed for item without a valid file |
| if (!row.dataset['file']) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| return { |
| file: JSON.parse(row.dataset['file']) as PatchSetFile, |
| element: row, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Generates file range from file info object. |
| */ |
| private computePatchSetFile(file: NormalizedFileInfo): PatchSetFile { |
| const fileData: PatchSetFile = { |
| path: file.__path, |
| }; |
| if (file.old_path) { |
| fileData.basePath = file.old_path; |
| } |
| return fileData; |
| } |
| |
| private handleLeftPane() { |
| if (this.noDiffsExpanded()) return; |
| this.diffCursor?.moveLeft(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleRightPane() { |
| if (this.noDiffsExpanded()) return; |
| this.diffCursor?.moveRight(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleToggleInlineDiff() { |
| if (this.fileCursor.index === -1) return; |
| this.toggleFileExpandedByIndex(this.fileCursor.index); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| handleCursorNext(e: KeyboardEvent) { |
| // We want to allow users to use arrow keys for standard browser scrolling |
| // when files are not expanded. That is also why we use the `preventDefault` |
| // option when registering the shortcut. |
| if (this.filesExpanded !== FilesExpandedState.ALL && e.key === Key.DOWN) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| if (this.filesExpanded === FilesExpandedState.ALL) { |
| this.diffCursor?.moveDown(); |
| this.displayLine = true; |
| } else { |
| this.fileCursor.next({circular: true}); |
| this.selectedIndex = this.fileCursor.index; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| handleCursorPrev(e: KeyboardEvent) { |
| // We want to allow users to use arrow keys for standard browser scrolling |
| // when files are not expanded. That is also why we use the `preventDefault` |
| // option when registering the shortcut. |
| if (this.filesExpanded !== FilesExpandedState.ALL && e.key === Key.UP) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| if (this.filesExpanded === FilesExpandedState.ALL) { |
| this.diffCursor?.moveUp(); |
| this.displayLine = true; |
| } else { |
| this.fileCursor.previous({circular: true}); |
| this.selectedIndex = this.fileCursor.index; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private handleNewComment() { |
| this.classList.remove('hideComments'); |
| this.diffCursor?.createCommentInPlace(); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| handleOpenFile() { |
| if (this.filesExpanded === FilesExpandedState.ALL) { |
| this.openCursorFile(); |
| return; |
| } |
| this.openSelectedFile(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleNextChunk() { |
| if (this.noDiffsExpanded()) return; |
| this.diffCursor?.moveToNextChunk(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleNextComment() { |
| if (this.noDiffsExpanded()) return; |
| this.diffCursor?.moveToNextCommentThread(); |
| } |
| |
| private handlePrevChunk() { |
| if (this.noDiffsExpanded()) return; |
| this.diffCursor?.moveToPreviousChunk(); |
| } |
| |
| private handlePrevComment() { |
| if (this.noDiffsExpanded()) return; |
| this.diffCursor?.moveToPreviousCommentThread(); |
| } |
| |
| private handleToggleFileReviewed() { |
| if (!this.files[this.fileCursor.index]) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.reviewFile(this.files[this.fileCursor.index].__path); |
| } |
| |
| private handleToggleLeftPane() { |
| this.forEachDiff(diff => { |
| diff.toggleLeftDiff(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| private toggleInlineDiffs() { |
| if (this.filesExpanded === FilesExpandedState.ALL) { |
| this.collapseAllDiffs(); |
| } else { |
| this.expandAllDiffs(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| openCursorFile() { |
| const diff = this.diffCursor?.getTargetDiffElement(); |
| if (!this.change || !diff || !this.patchRange || !diff.path) { |
| throw new Error('change, diff and patchRange must be all set and valid'); |
| } |
| this.getNavigation().setUrl( |
| createDiffUrl({ |
| change: this.change, |
| path: diff.path, |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| basePatchNum: this.patchRange.basePatchNum, |
| }) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| openSelectedFile(index?: number) { |
| if (index !== undefined) { |
| this.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(index); |
| } |
| if (!this.files[this.fileCursor.index]) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!this.change || !this.patchRange) { |
| throw new Error('change and patchRange must be set'); |
| } |
| this.getNavigation().setUrl( |
| createDiffUrl({ |
| change: this.change, |
| path: this.files[this.fileCursor.index].__path, |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| basePatchNum: this.patchRange.basePatchNum, |
| }) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| shouldHideChangeTotals(patchChange: PatchChange): boolean { |
| return patchChange.inserted === 0 && patchChange.deleted === 0; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| shouldHideBinaryChangeTotals(patchChange: PatchChange) { |
| return ( |
| patchChange.size_delta_inserted === 0 && |
| patchChange.size_delta_deleted === 0 |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests |
| computeDiffURL(path?: string) { |
| if ( |
| this.change === undefined || |
| this.patchRange?.patchNum === undefined || |
| path === undefined || |
| this.editMode === undefined |
| ) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (this.editMode && path !== SpecialFilePath.MERGE_LIST) { |
| return createEditUrl({ |
| changeNum: this.change._number, |
| repo: this.change.project, |
| path, |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| }); |
| } |
| return createDiffUrl({ |
| changeNum: this.change._number, |
| repo: this.change.project, |
| path, |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| basePatchNum: this.patchRange.basePatchNum, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| formatBytes(bytes?: number) { |
| if (!bytes) return '+/-0 B'; |
| const bits = 1024; |
| const decimals = 1; |
| const sizes = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']; |
| const exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(bytes)) / Math.log(bits)); |
| const prepend = bytes > 0 ? '+' : ''; |
| const value = parseFloat( |
| (bytes / Math.pow(bits, exponent)).toFixed(decimals) |
| ); |
| return `${prepend}${value} ${sizes[exponent]}`; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| formatPercentage(size?: number, delta?: number) { |
| if (size === undefined || delta === undefined) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| const oldSize = size - delta; |
| |
| if (oldSize === 0) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| |
| const percentage = Math.round(Math.abs((delta * 100) / oldSize)); |
| return `(${delta > 0 ? '+' : '-'}${percentage}%)`; |
| } |
| |
| private computeBinaryClass(delta?: number) { |
| if (!delta) { |
| return; |
| } |
| return delta > 0 ? 'added' : 'removed'; |
| } |
| |
| private computeClass(baseClass?: string, path?: string) { |
| const classes = []; |
| if (baseClass) classes.push(baseClass); |
| if (isMagicPath(path)) classes.push('invisible'); |
| return classes.join(' '); |
| } |
| |
| private computePathClass(path: string | undefined) { |
| return this.isFileExpanded(path) ? 'expanded' : ''; |
| } |
| |
| private computeShowHideIcon(path: string | undefined) { |
| return this.isFileExpanded(path) ? 'expand_less' : 'expand_more'; |
| } |
| |
| private computeShowNumCleanlyMerged(): boolean { |
| return this.cleanlyMergedPaths.length > 0; |
| } |
| |
| private computeCleanlyMergedText(): string { |
| const fileCount = pluralize(this.cleanlyMergedPaths.length, 'file'); |
| return `${fileCount} merged cleanly in Parent 1`; |
| } |
| |
| private handleShowParent1(): void { |
| if (!this.change || !this.patchRange) return; |
| this.getNavigation().setUrl( |
| createChangeUrl({ |
| change: this.change, |
| patchNum: this.patchRange.patchNum, |
| basePatchNum: -1 as BasePatchSetNum, // Parent 1 |
| }) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private computeFilesShown(): NormalizedFileInfo[] { |
| const previousNumFilesShown = this.shownFiles ? this.shownFiles.length : 0; |
| |
| const filesShown = this.files.slice(0, this.numFilesShown); |
| this.dispatchEvent( |
| new CustomEvent('files-shown-changed', { |
| detail: {length: filesShown.length}, |
| composed: true, |
| bubbles: true, |
| }) |
| ); |
| |
| // Start the timer for the rendering work here because this is where the |
| // shownFiles property is being set, and shownFiles is used in the |
| // dom-repeat binding. |
| this.reporting.time(Timing.FILE_RENDER); |
| |
| // How many more files are being shown (if it's an increase). |
| this.reportinShownFilesIncrement = Math.max( |
| 0, |
| filesShown.length - previousNumFilesShown |
| ); |
| |
| return filesShown; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| updateDiffCursor() { |
| // Overwrite the cursor's list of diffs: |
| this.diffCursor?.replaceDiffs(this.diffs); |
| } |
| |
| async filesChanged() { |
| if (this.expandedFiles.length > 0) this.expandedFiles = []; |
| await this.updateCleanlyMergedPaths(); |
| if (!this.files || this.files.length === 0) return; |
| await this.updateComplete; |
| this.fileCursor.stops = Array.from( |
| this.shadowRoot?.querySelectorAll(`.${FILE_ROW_CLASS}`) ?? [] |
| ); |
| this.fileCursor.setCursorAtIndex(this.selectedIndex, true); |
| } |
| |
| private incrementNumFilesShown() { |
| this.numFilesShown += this.fileListIncrement; |
| } |
| |
| private computeFileListControlClass() { |
| return this.numFilesShown >= this.files.length ? 'invisible' : ''; |
| } |
| |
| private computeIncrementText() { |
| const text = Math.min( |
| this.fileListIncrement, |
| this.files.length - this.numFilesShown |
| ); |
| return `Show ${text} more`; |
| } |
| |
| private computeShowAllText() { |
| return `Show all ${this.files.length} files`; |
| } |
| |
| private computeWarnShowAll() { |
| return this.files.length > WARN_SHOW_ALL_THRESHOLD; |
| } |
| |
| private computeShowAllWarning() { |
| if (!this.computeWarnShowAll()) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| return `Warning: showing all ${this.files.length} files may take several seconds.`; |
| } |
| |
| private showAllFiles() { |
| this.numFilesShown = this.files.length; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Converts any boolean-like variable to the string 'true' or 'false' |
| * |
| * This method is useful when you bind aria-checked attribute to a boolean |
| * value. The aria-checked attribute is string attribute. Binding directly |
| * to boolean variable causes problem on gerrit-CI. |
| * |
| * @return 'true' if val is true-like, otherwise false |
| */ |
| private booleanToString(val?: unknown) { |
| return val ? 'true' : 'false'; |
| } |
| |
| private isFileExpanded(path: string | undefined) { |
| return this.expandedFiles.some(f => f.path === path); |
| } |
| |
| private isFileExpandedStr(path: string | undefined) { |
| return this.booleanToString(this.isFileExpanded(path)); |
| } |
| |
| private computeExpandedFiles(): FilesExpandedState { |
| if (this.expandedFiles.length === 0) { |
| return FilesExpandedState.NONE; |
| } else if (this.expandedFiles.length === this.files.length) { |
| return FilesExpandedState.ALL; |
| } |
| return FilesExpandedState.SOME; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Handle splices to the list of expanded file paths. If there are any new |
| * entries in the expanded list, then render each diff corresponding in |
| * order by waiting for the previous diff to finish before starting the next |
| * one. |
| * |
| * @param newFiles The new files that have been added. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| async expandedFilesChanged(oldFiles: Array<PatchSetFile>) { |
| // Clear content for any diffs that are not open so if they get re-opened |
| // the stale content does not flash before it is cleared and reloaded. |
| const collapsedDiffs = this.diffs.filter( |
| diff => this.expandedFiles.findIndex(f => f.path === diff.path) === -1 |
| ); |
| this.clearCollapsedDiffs(collapsedDiffs); |
| |
| this.filesExpanded = this.computeExpandedFiles(); |
| |
| const newFiles = this.expandedFiles.filter( |
| file => (oldFiles ?? []).findIndex(f => f.path === file.path) === -1 |
| ); |
| |
| // Required so that the newly created diff view is included in this.diffs. |
| await this.updateComplete; |
| |
| if (newFiles.length) { |
| await this.renderInOrder(newFiles, this.diffs); |
| } |
| this.updateDiffCursor(); |
| this.diffCursor?.reInitAndUpdateStops(); |
| } |
| |
| // private but used in test |
| clearCollapsedDiffs(collapsedDiffs: GrDiffHost[]) { |
| for (const diff of collapsedDiffs) { |
| diff.cancel(); |
| diff.clearDiffContent(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Given an array of paths and a NodeList of diff elements, render the diff |
| * for each path in order, awaiting the previous render to complete before |
| * continuing. |
| * |
| * private but used in test |
| * |
| * @param initialCount The total number of paths in the pass. |
| */ |
| async renderInOrder(files: PatchSetFile[], diffElements: GrDiffHost[]) { |
| this.reporting.time(Timing.FILE_EXPAND_ALL); |
| |
| for (const file of files) { |
| const path = file.path; |
| const diffElem = this.findDiffByPath(path, diffElements); |
| if (!diffElem) { |
| this.reporting.error( |
| 'GrFileList', |
| new Error(`Did not find <gr-diff-host> element for ${path}`) |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| diffElem.prefetchDiff(); |
| } |
| |
| await asyncForeach(files, async (file, cancel) => { |
| const path = file.path; |
| this.cancelForEachDiff = cancel; |
| |
| const diffElem = this.findDiffByPath(path, diffElements); |
| if (!diffElem) { |
| this.reporting.error( |
| 'GrFileList', |
| new Error(`Did not find <gr-diff-host> element for ${path}`) |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!this.diffPrefs) { |
| throw new Error('diffPrefs must be set'); |
| } |
| |
| // When one file is expanded individually then automatically mark as |
| // reviewed, if the user's diff prefs request it. Doing this for |
| // "Expand All" would not be what the user wants, because there is no |
| // control over which diffs were actually seen. And for lots of diffs |
| // that would even be a problem for write QPS quota. |
| if ( |
| this.loggedIn && |
| !this.diffPrefs.manual_review && |
| files.length === 1 |
| ) { |
| await this.reviewFile(path, true); |
| } |
| await diffElem.reload(); |
| }); |
| |
| this.cancelForEachDiff = undefined; |
| this.reporting.timeEnd(Timing.FILE_EXPAND_ALL, { |
| count: files.length, |
| height: this.clientHeight, |
| }); |
| /* |
| * Block diff cursor from auto scrolling after files are done rendering. |
| * This prevents the bug where the screen jumps to the first diff chunk |
| * after files are done being rendered after the user has already begun |
| * scrolling. |
| * This also however results in the fact that the cursor does not auto |
| * focus on the first diff chunk on a small screen. This is however, a use |
| * case we are willing to not support for now. |
| |
| * Using reInit resulted in diffCursor.row being set which |
| * prevented the issue of scrolling to top when we expand the second |
| * file individually. |
| */ |
| this.diffCursor?.reInitAndUpdateStops(); |
| } |
| |
| /** Cancel the rendering work of every diff in the list */ |
| private cancelDiffs() { |
| if (this.cancelForEachDiff) { |
| this.cancelForEachDiff(); |
| } |
| this.forEachDiff(d => d.cancel()); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * In the given NodeList of diff elements, find the diff for the given path. |
| */ |
| private findDiffByPath(path: string, diffElements: GrDiffHost[]) { |
| for (let i = 0; i < diffElements.length; i++) { |
| if (diffElements[i].path === path) { |
| return diffElements[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| handleEscKey() { |
| this.displayLine = false; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Compute size bar layout values from the file list. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| computeSizeBarLayout() { |
| const stats: SizeBarLayout = createDefaultSizeBarLayout(); |
| this.shownFiles |
| .filter(f => !isMagicPath(f.__path)) |
| .forEach(f => { |
| if (f.lines_inserted) { |
| stats.maxInserted = Math.max(stats.maxInserted, f.lines_inserted); |
| } |
| if (f.lines_deleted) { |
| stats.maxDeleted = Math.max(stats.maxDeleted, f.lines_deleted); |
| } |
| }); |
| const ratio = stats.maxInserted / (stats.maxInserted + stats.maxDeleted); |
| if (!isNaN(ratio)) { |
| stats.maxAdditionWidth = |
| stats.maxDeletionWidth = |
| SIZE_BAR_MAX_WIDTH - SIZE_BAR_GAP_WIDTH - stats.maxAdditionWidth; |
| stats.deletionOffset = stats.maxAdditionWidth + SIZE_BAR_GAP_WIDTH; |
| } |
| return stats; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get the width of the addition bar for a file. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| computeBarAdditionWidth(file?: NormalizedFileInfo, stats?: SizeBarLayout) { |
| if ( |
| !file || |
| !stats || |
| stats.maxInserted === 0 || |
| !file.lines_inserted || |
| !!isMagicPath(file.__path) |
| ) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| const width = |
| (stats.maxAdditionWidth * file.lines_inserted) / stats.maxInserted; |
| return width === 0 ? 0 : Math.max(SIZE_BAR_MIN_WIDTH, width); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get the x-offset of the addition bar for a file. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| computeBarAdditionX(file?: NormalizedFileInfo, stats?: SizeBarLayout) { |
| if (!file || !stats) return; |
| return stats.maxAdditionWidth - this.computeBarAdditionWidth(file, stats); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get the width of the deletion bar for a file. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| computeBarDeletionWidth(file?: NormalizedFileInfo, stats?: SizeBarLayout) { |
| if ( |
| !file || |
| !stats || |
| stats.maxDeleted === 0 || |
| !file.lines_deleted || |
| !!isMagicPath(file.__path) |
| ) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| const width = |
| (stats.maxDeletionWidth * file.lines_deleted) / stats.maxDeleted; |
| return width === 0 ? 0 : Math.max(SIZE_BAR_MIN_WIDTH, width); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get the x-offset of the deletion bar for a file. |
| */ |
| private computeBarDeletionX(stats: SizeBarLayout) { |
| return stats.deletionOffset; |
| } |
| |
| // Private but used in tests. |
| computeSizeBarsClass(path?: string) { |
| let hideClass = ''; |
| if (!this.showSizeBars) { |
| hideClass = 'hide'; |
| } else if (isMagicPath(path)) { |
| hideClass = 'invisible'; |
| } |
| return `sizeBars ${hideClass}`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Shows registered dynamic columns iff the 'header', 'content' and |
| * 'summary' endpoints are registered the exact same number of times. |
| * Ideally, there should be a better way to enforce the expectation of the |
| * dependencies between dynamic endpoints. |
| */ |
| private computeShowDynamicColumns() { |
| return !!( |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints && |
| this.dynamicContentEndpoints && |
| this.dynamicSummaryEndpoints && |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints.length && |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints.length === |
| this.dynamicContentEndpoints.length && |
| this.dynamicHeaderEndpoints.length === this.dynamicSummaryEndpoints.length |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Shows registered dynamic prepended columns iff the 'header', 'content' |
| * endpoints are registered the exact same number of times. |
| */ |
| private computeShowPrependedDynamicColumns() { |
| return !!( |
| this.dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints && |
| this.dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints && |
| this.dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints.length && |
| this.dynamicPrependedHeaderEndpoints.length === |
| this.dynamicPrependedContentEndpoints.length |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns true if none of the inline diffs have been expanded. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| noDiffsExpanded() { |
| return this.filesExpanded === FilesExpandedState.NONE; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Method to call via binding when each file list row is rendered. This |
| * allows approximate detection of when the dom-repeat has completed |
| * rendering. |
| * |
| * @param index The index of the row being rendered. |
| * Private but used in tests. |
| */ |
| reportRenderedRow(index: number) { |
| if (index === this.shownFiles.length - 1) { |
| setTimeout(() => { |
| this.reporting.timeEnd(Timing.FILE_RENDER, { |
| count: this.reportinShownFilesIncrement, |
| }); |
| }, 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private handleReloadingDiffPreference() { |
| this.userModel.getDiffPreferences(); |
| } |
| |
| private getOldPath(file: NormalizedFileInfo) { |
| // The gr-endpoint-decorator is waiting until all gr-endpoint-param |
| // values are updated. |
| // The old_path property is undefined for added files, and the |
| // gr-endpoint-param value bound to file.old_path is never updates. |
| // As a results, the gr-endpoint-decorator doesn't work for added files. |
| // As a workaround, this method returns null instead of undefined. |
| return file.old_path ?? null; |
| } |
| } |