| include_defs('//lib/maven.defs') |
| include_defs('//lib/GUAVA_VERSION') |
| |
| define_license(name = 'antlr') |
| define_license(name = 'Apache1.1') |
| define_license(name = 'Apache2.0') |
| define_license(name = 'args4j') |
| define_license(name = 'asciidoctor') |
| define_license(name = 'automaton') |
| define_license(name = 'bouncycastle') |
| define_license(name = 'CC-BY3.0-unported') |
| define_license(name = 'clippy') |
| define_license(name = 'codemirror-minified') |
| define_license(name = 'codemirror-original') |
| define_license(name = 'diffy') |
| define_license(name = 'es6-promise') |
| define_license(name = 'fetch') |
| define_license(name = 'h2') |
| define_license(name = 'highlightjs') |
| define_license(name = 'icu4j') |
| define_license(name = 'jgit') |
| define_license(name = 'jsch') |
| define_license(name = 'MPL1.1') |
| define_license(name = 'moment') |
| define_license(name = 'OFL1.1') |
| define_license(name = 'ow2') |
| define_license(name = 'page.js') |
| define_license(name = 'polymer') |
| define_license(name = 'postgresql') |
| define_license(name = 'prologcafe') |
| define_license(name = 'promise-polyfill') |
| define_license(name = 'protobuf') |
| define_license(name = 'PublicDomain') |
| define_license(name = 'silk_icons') |
| define_license(name = 'slf4j') |
| define_license(name = 'xz') |
| |
| define_license(name = 'DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE') |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'gwtorm_client', |
| id = 'com.google.gerrit:gwtorm:1.16', |
| bin_sha1 = '3e41b6d7bb352fa0539ce23b9bce97cf8c26c3bf', |
| src_sha1 = 'f45b7bacc79a0e5a7f6cf799a2dba23cc5bca19b', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| ) |
| |
| java_library( |
| name = 'gwtorm', |
| exported_deps = [':gwtorm_client'], |
| deps = [':protobuf'], |
| visibility = ['PUBLIC'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'gwtjsonrpc', |
| id = 'com.google.gerrit:gwtjsonrpc:1.11', |
| bin_sha1 = '0990e7eec9eec3a15661edcf9232acbac4aeacec', |
| src_sha1 = 'a682afc46284fb58197a173cb5818770a1e7834a', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'gson', |
| id = 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.7', |
| sha1 = '751f548c85fa49f330cecbb1875893f971b33c4e', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'guava', |
| id = 'com.google.guava:guava:' + GUAVA_VERSION, |
| sha1 = '6ce200f6b23222af3d8abb6b6459e6c44f4bb0e9', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'guava-retrying', |
| id = 'com.github.rholder:guava-retrying:2.0.0', |
| sha1 = '974bc0a04a11cc4806f7c20a34703bd23c34e7f4', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| deps = [':jsr305'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'jsr305', |
| id = 'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:3.0.1', |
| sha1 = 'f7be08ec23c21485b9b5a1cf1654c2ec8c58168d', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| attach_source = False, |
| # Whitelist lib targets that have jsr305 as a dependency. Generally speaking |
| # Gerrit core should not depend on these annotations, and instead use |
| # equivalent annotations in com.google.gerrit.common. |
| visibility = [ |
| '//gerrit-plugin-api:lib', |
| '//lib:guava-retrying', |
| '//lib:soy', |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'velocity', |
| id = 'org.apache.velocity:velocity:1.7', |
| sha1 = '2ceb567b8f3f21118ecdec129fe1271dbc09aa7a', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| deps = [ |
| '//lib/commons:collections', |
| '//lib/commons:lang', |
| '//lib/commons:oro', |
| ], |
| exclude = ['META-INF/LICENSE', 'META-INF/NOTICE'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'jsch', |
| id = 'com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.53', |
| sha1 = '658b682d5c817b27ae795637dfec047c63d29935', |
| license = 'jsch', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'servlet-api-3_1', |
| id = 'org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:8.0.24', |
| sha1 = '5d9e2e895e3111622720157d0aa540066d5fce3a', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| exclude = ['META-INF/NOTICE', 'META-INF/LICENSE'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'args4j', |
| id = 'args4j:args4j:2.0.26', |
| sha1 = '01ebb18ebb3b379a74207d5af4ea7c8338ebd78b', |
| license = 'args4j', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'mime-util', |
| id = 'eu.medsea.mimeutil:mime-util:2.1.3', |
| sha1 = '0c9cfae15c74f62491d4f28def0dff1dabe52a47', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| exclude = ['LICENSE.txt', 'README.txt'], |
| attach_source = False, |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'juniversalchardet', |
| id = 'com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet:1.0.3', |
| sha1 = 'cd49678784c46aa8789c060538e0154013bb421b', |
| license = 'MPL1.1', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'automaton', |
| id = 'dk.brics.automaton:automaton:1.11-8', |
| sha1 = '6ebfa65eb431ff4b715a23be7a750cbc4cc96d0f', |
| license = 'automaton', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'pegdown', |
| id = 'org.pegdown:pegdown:1.4.2', |
| sha1 = 'd96db502ed832df867ff5d918f05b51ba3879ea7', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| deps = [':grappa'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'grappa', |
| id = 'com.github.parboiled1:grappa:1.0.4', |
| sha1 = 'ad4b44b9c305dad7aa1e680d4b5c8eec9c4fd6f5', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| deps = [ |
| ':jitescript', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-analysis', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-tree', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-util', |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'jitescript', |
| id = 'me.qmx.jitescript:jitescript:0.4.0', |
| sha1 = '2e35862b0435c1b027a21f3d6eecbe50e6e08d54', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| visibility = ['//lib:grappa'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'derby', |
| id = 'org.apache.derby:derby:', |
| sha1 = 'df4b50061e8e4c348ce243b921f53ee63ba9bbe1', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| attach_source = False, |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'h2', |
| id = 'com.h2database:h2:1.3.176', |
| sha1 = 'fd369423346b2f1525c413e33f8cf95b09c92cbd', |
| license = 'h2', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'postgresql', |
| id = 'postgresql:postgresql:9.1-901-1.jdbc4', |
| sha1 = '9bfabe48876ec38f6cbaa6931bad05c64a9ea942', |
| license = 'postgresql', |
| attach_source = False, |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'protobuf', |
| # Must match version in gwtorm/pom.xml. |
| id = 'com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:2.5.0', |
| bin_sha1 = 'a10732c76bfacdbd633a7eb0f7968b1059a65dfa', |
| src_sha1 = '7a27a7fc815e481b367ead5df19b4a71ace4a419', |
| license = 'protobuf', |
| ) |
| |
| # Test-only dependencies below. |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'jimfs', |
| id = 'com.google.jimfs:jimfs:1.1', |
| sha1 = '8fbd0579dc68aba6186935cc1bee21d2f3e7ec1c', |
| license = 'DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE', |
| deps = [':guava'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'junit', |
| id = 'junit:junit:4.11', |
| sha1 = '4e031bb61df09069aeb2bffb4019e7a5034a4ee0', |
| license = 'DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE', |
| exported_deps = [':hamcrest-core'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'hamcrest-core', |
| id = 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3', |
| sha1 = '42a25dc3219429f0e5d060061f71acb49bf010a0', |
| license = 'DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE', |
| visibility = ['//lib:junit'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'truth', |
| id = 'com.google.truth:truth:0.30', |
| sha1 = '9d591b5a66eda81f0b88cf1c748ab8853d99b18b', |
| license = 'DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE', |
| exported_deps = [ |
| ':guava', |
| ':junit', |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'tukaani-xz', |
| id = 'org.tukaani:xz:1.4', |
| sha1 = '18a9a2ce6abf32ea1b5fd31dae5210ad93f4e5e3', |
| license = 'xz', |
| attach_source = False, |
| visibility = ['//gerrit-server:server'], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'javassist', |
| id = 'org.javassist:javassist:3.20.0-GA', |
| sha1 = 'a9cbcdfb7e9f86fbc74d3afae65f2248bfbf82a0', |
| license = 'DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE', |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'blame-cache', |
| id = 'com/google/gitiles:blame-cache:0.1-9', |
| sha1 = '51d35e6f8bbc2412265066cea9653dd758c95826', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| repository = GERRIT, |
| ) |
| |
| # Keep this version of Soy synchronized with the version used in Gitiles. |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'soy', |
| id = 'com.google.template:soy:2016-08-09', |
| sha1 = '43d33651e95480d515fe26c10a662faafe3ad1e4', |
| license = 'Apache2.0', |
| deps = [ |
| ':args4j', |
| ':guava', |
| ':gson', |
| ':icu4j', |
| ':jsr305', |
| ':protobuf', |
| '//lib/guice:guice', |
| '//lib/guice:guice-assistedinject', |
| '//lib/guice:multibindings', |
| '//lib/guice:javax-inject', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-analysis', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-commons', |
| '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-util', |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| maven_jar( |
| name = 'icu4j', |
| id = 'com.ibm.icu:icu4j:57.1', |
| sha1 = '198ea005f41219f038f4291f0b0e9f3259730e92', |
| license = 'icu4j', |
| ) |