blob: 191886ed278242ec507b4cb22427268608532155 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {fixture, html, assert} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {KnownExperimentId} from '../../../services/flags/flags';
import '../../../test/common-test-setup';
import {stubFlags} from '../../../test/test-utils';
import './gr-formatted-text';
import {
} from './gr-formatted-text';
suite('gr-formatted-text tests', () => {
let element: GrFormattedText;
let markdownFlagStub: sinon.SinonStub<[experiment_id: string], boolean>;
function assertSpan(actual: InlineItem, expected: InlineItem) {
assert.equal(actual.type, expected.type);
assert.equal(actual.text, expected.text);
switch (actual.type) {
case 'link':
assert.equal(actual.url, (expected as LinkSpan).url);
function assertTextBlock(block: Block, spans: InlineItem[]) {
assert.equal(block.type, 'paragraph');
const paragraph = block as Paragraph;
assert.equal(paragraph.spans.length, spans.length);
for (let i = 0; i < paragraph.spans.length; ++i) {
assertSpan(paragraph.spans[i], spans[i]);
function assertPreBlock(block: Block, text: string) {
assert.equal(block.type, 'pre');
const preBlock = block as PreBlock;
assert.equal(preBlock.text, text);
function assertCodeBlock(block: Block, text: string) {
assert.equal(block.type, 'code');
const preBlock = block as CodeBlock;
assert.equal(preBlock.text, text);
function assertSimpleTextBlock(block: Block, text: string) {
assertTextBlock(block, [{type: 'text', text}]);
function assertListBlock(block: Block, items: ListItem[]) {
assert.equal(block.type, 'list');
const listBlock = block as ListBlock;
assert.deepEqual(listBlock.items, items);
function assertQuoteBlock(block: Block): QuoteBlock {
assert.equal(block.type, 'quote');
return block as QuoteBlock;
setup(async () => {
markdownFlagStub = stubFlags('isEnabled')
element = await fixture(html`<gr-formatted-text></gr-formatted-text>`);
test('uses gr-markdown when flag is enabled', async () => {
const elementUsingMarkdown = await fixture(
html`<gr-formatted-text .content=${'# heading'}></gr-formatted-text>`
/* HTML */ '<gr-markdown></gr-markdown>'
test('parse empty', () => {
assert.lengthOf(element._computeBlocks(''), 0);
test('render', async () => {
element.content = 'text `code`';
await element.updateComplete;
/* HTML */ `
<gr-linked-text content="text " inline="" pre="">
<span id="output" slot="insert"> text </span>
<span class="inline-code"> code </span>
for (const text of [
'Para 1\nStill para 1',
'Para 1\n\nPara 2\n\nPara 3',
]) {
test('parse simple', () => {
const comment = {type: 'text', text} as TextSpan;
const result = element._computeBlocks(text);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertTextBlock(result[0], [comment]);
test('parse link', () => {
const comment = '[text](url)';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertTextBlock(result[0], [{type: 'link', text: 'text', url: 'url'}]);
test('parse inline code', () => {
const comment = 'text `code`';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertTextBlock(result[0], [
{type: 'text', text: 'text '},
{type: 'code', text: 'code'},
test('parse quote', () => {
const comment = '> Quote text';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[0]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(quoteBlock.blocks[0], 'Quote text');
test('parse quote lead space', () => {
const comment = ' > Quote text';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[0]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(quoteBlock.blocks[0], 'Quote text');
test('parse multiline quote', () => {
const comment = '> Quote line 1\n> Quote line 2\n > Quote line 3\n';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[0]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
'Quote line 1\nQuote line 2\nQuote line 3'
test('parse pre', () => {
const comment = ' Four space indent.';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertPreBlock(result[0], comment);
test('one space is not a pre', () => {
const comment = ' One space indent.\n Another line.';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], comment);
test('parse multi-line space pre', () => {
const comment = ' One space indent.\n Another line.';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertPreBlock(result[0], comment);
test('parse tab pre', () => {
const comment = '\tOne tab indent.\n\tAnother line.\n Yet another!';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertPreBlock(result[0], comment);
test('parse star list', () => {
const comment = '* Item 1\n* Item 2\n* Item 3';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result[0], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 2'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 3'}]},
test('parse dash list', () => {
const comment = '- Item 1\n- Item 2\n- Item 3';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result[0], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 2'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 3'}]},
test('parse mixed list', () => {
const comment = '- Item 1\n* Item 2\n- Item 3\n* Item 4';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result[0], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 2'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 3'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Item 4'}]},
test('parse mixed block types', () => {
const comment =
'Paragraph\nacross\na\nfew\nlines.' +
'\n\n' +
'> Quote\n> across\n> not many lines.' +
'\n\n' +
'Another paragraph' +
'\n\n' +
'* Series\n* of\n* list\n* items' +
'\n\n' +
'Yet another paragraph' +
'\n\n' +
'\tPreformatted text.' +
'\n\n' +
'Parting words.';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 7);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'Paragraph\nacross\na\nfew\nlines.\n');
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[1]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
'Quote\nacross\nnot many lines.'
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'Another paragraph\n');
assertListBlock(result[3], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Series'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'of'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'list'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'items'}]},
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[4], 'Yet another paragraph\n');
assertPreBlock(result[5], '\tPreformatted text.');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[6], 'Parting words.');
test('bullet list 1', () => {
const comment = 'A\n\n* line 1';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A\n');
assertListBlock(result[1], [{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]}]);
test('bullet list 2', () => {
const comment = 'A\n\n* line 1\n* 2nd line';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A\n');
assertListBlock(result[1], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
test('bullet list 3', () => {
const comment = 'A\n* line 1\n* 2nd line\n\nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A');
assertListBlock(result[1], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'B');
test('bullet list 4', () => {
const comment = '* line 1\n* 2nd line\n\nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertListBlock(result[0], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[1], 'B');
test('bullet list 5', () => {
const comment =
'To see this bug, you have to:\n' +
'* Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)\n' +
'* Be very unlucky\n';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'To see this bug, you have to:');
assertListBlock(result[1], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Be very unlucky'}]},
test('bullet list 6', () => {
const comment =
'To see this bug,\n' +
'you have to:\n' +
'* Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)\n' +
'* Be very unlucky\n';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'To see this bug,\nyou have to:');
assertListBlock(result[1], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'Be very unlucky'}]},
test('dash list 1', () => {
const comment = 'A\n- line 1\n- 2nd line';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A');
assertListBlock(result[1], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
test('dash list 2', () => {
const comment = 'A\n- line 1\n- 2nd line\n\nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A');
assertListBlock(result[1], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'B');
test('dash list 3', () => {
const comment = '- line 1\n- 2nd line\n\nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertListBlock(result[0], [
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]},
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[1], 'B');
test('list with links', () => {
const comment = '- [text](http://url)\n- 2nd line';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result[0], [
spans: [{type: 'link', text: 'text', url: 'http://url'}],
{spans: [{type: 'text', text: '2nd line'}]},
test('nested list will NOT be recognized', () => {
// will be rendered as two separate lists
const comment = '- line 1\n - line with indentation\n- line 2';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertListBlock(result[0], [{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 1'}]}]);
assertPreBlock(result[1], ' - line with indentation');
assertListBlock(result[2], [{spans: [{type: 'text', text: 'line 2'}]}]);
test('pre format 1', () => {
const comment = 'A\n This is pre\n formatted';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A');
assertPreBlock(result[1], ' This is pre\n formatted');
test('pre format 2', () => {
const comment = 'A\n This is pre\n formatted\n\nbut this is not';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A');
assertPreBlock(result[1], ' This is pre\n formatted');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'but this is not');
test('pre format 3', () => {
const comment = 'A\n Q\n <R>\n S\n\nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'A');
assertPreBlock(result[1], ' Q\n <R>\n S');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'B');
test('pre format 4', () => {
const comment = ' Q\n <R>\n S\n\nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertPreBlock(result[0], ' Q\n <R>\n S');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[1], 'B');
test('pre format 5', () => {
const comment = ' Q\n <R>\n S\n \nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertPreBlock(result[0], ' Q\n <R>\n S');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[1], ' \nB');
test('pre format 6', () => {
const comment = ' Q\n <R>\n\n S\n \nB';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertPreBlock(result[0], ' Q\n <R>\n\n S');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[1], ' \nB');
test('quote 1', () => {
const comment = "> I'm happy with quotes!!";
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[0]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(quoteBlock.blocks[0], "I'm happy with quotes!!");
test('quote 2', () => {
const comment = "> I'm happy\n > with quotes!\n\nSee above.";
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[0]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(quoteBlock.blocks[0], "I'm happy\nwith quotes!");
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[1], 'See above.');
test('quote 3', () => {
const comment = 'See this said:\n > a quoted\n > string block\n\nOK?';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'See this said:');
const quoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[1]);
assert.lengthOf(quoteBlock.blocks, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(quoteBlock.blocks[0], 'a quoted\nstring block');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'OK?');
test('nested quotes', () => {
const comment = ' > > prior\n > \n > next\n';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
const outerQuoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(result[0]);
assert.lengthOf(outerQuoteBlock.blocks, 2);
const nestedQuoteBlock = assertQuoteBlock(outerQuoteBlock.blocks[0]);
assert.lengthOf(nestedQuoteBlock.blocks, 1);
assertSimpleTextBlock(nestedQuoteBlock.blocks[0], 'prior');
assertSimpleTextBlock(outerQuoteBlock.blocks[1], 'next');
test('code entire text', () => {
const comment = '```\n// test code\n```';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertCodeBlock(result[0], '// test code');
test('code first line is descriptor not part of code', () => {
const comment = 'test code\n```descr\n// test code\n```\nsomething else';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'test code');
// 'descr' is omitted.
assertCodeBlock(result[1], '// test code');
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[2], 'something else');
test('code open without close eats everything', () => {
const comment = 'test code\n```\n// test code\n// more code';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertSimpleTextBlock(result[0], 'test code');
assertCodeBlock(result[1], '// test code\n// more code');
test('backticks inside line not code', () => {
const comment = 'test code\nwords ```\n// test code```';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
// We don't care how paragraph itself is parsed for this test.
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'paragraph');
test('mix all 1', () => {
const comment =
' bullets:\n- bullet 1\n- bullet 2\n\ncode example:\n' +
'```\n// test code\n```\n\n> reference is here';
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 5);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'pre');
assert.equal(result[1].type, 'list');
assert.equal(result[2].type, 'paragraph');
assert.equal(result[3].type, 'code');
assert.equal(result[4].type, 'quote');
test('text with \\t is paragraph', () => {
const comment =
"Changes to NoteDb or entities packages require careful consideration. Make sure your change is forward compatible and add the footer 'Forward-Compatible: checked' to your commit message";
const result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'paragraph');