| load("@npm//@bazel/terser:index.bzl", "terser_minified") |
| load("//lib/js:npm.bzl", "NPM_SHA1S", "NPM_VERSIONS") |
| |
| |
| |
| def _npm_tarball(name): |
| return "%s@%s.npm_binary.tgz" % (name, NPM_VERSIONS[name]) |
| |
| def _npm_binary_impl(ctx): |
| """rule to download a NPM archive.""" |
| name = ctx.name |
| version = NPM_VERSIONS[name] |
| sha1 = NPM_SHA1S[name] |
| |
| dir = "%s-%s" % (name, version) |
| filename = "%s.tgz" % dir |
| base = "%s@%s.npm_binary.tgz" % (name, version) |
| dest = ctx.path(base) |
| repository = ctx.attr.repository |
| if repository == GERRIT: |
| url = "https://gerrit-maven.storage.googleapis.com/npm-packages/%s" % filename |
| elif repository == NPMJS: |
| url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/%s/-/%s" % (name, filename) |
| else: |
| fail("repository %s not in {%s,%s}" % (repository, GERRIT, NPMJS)) |
| |
| python = ctx.which("python") |
| script = ctx.path(ctx.attr._download_script) |
| |
| args = [python, script, "-o", dest, "-u", url, "-v", sha1] |
| out = ctx.execute(args) |
| if out.return_code: |
| fail("failed %s: %s" % (args, out.stderr)) |
| ctx.file("BUILD", "package(default_visibility=['//visibility:public'])\nfilegroup(name='tarball', srcs=['%s'])" % base, False) |
| |
| npm_binary = repository_rule( |
| attrs = { |
| "repository": attr.string(default = NPMJS), |
| # Label resolves within repo of the .bzl file. |
| "_download_script": attr.label(default = Label("//tools:download_file.py")), |
| }, |
| local = True, |
| implementation = _npm_binary_impl, |
| ) |
| |
| ComponentInfo = provider() |
| |
| # for use in repo rules. |
| def _run_npm_binary_str(ctx, tarball, args): |
| python_bin = ctx.which("python") |
| return " ".join([ |
| str(python_bin), |
| str(ctx.path(ctx.attr._run_npm)), |
| str(ctx.path(tarball)), |
| ] + args) |
| |
| def _bower_archive(ctx): |
| """Download a bower package.""" |
| download_name = "%s__download_bower.zip" % ctx.name |
| renamed_name = "%s__renamed.zip" % ctx.name |
| version_name = "%s__version.json" % ctx.name |
| |
| cmd = [ |
| ctx.which("python"), |
| ctx.path(ctx.attr._download_bower), |
| "-b", |
| "%s" % _run_npm_binary_str(ctx, ctx.attr._bower_archive, []), |
| "-n", |
| ctx.name, |
| "-p", |
| ctx.attr.package, |
| "-v", |
| ctx.attr.version, |
| "-s", |
| ctx.attr.sha1, |
| "-o", |
| download_name, |
| ] |
| |
| out = ctx.execute(cmd) |
| if out.return_code: |
| fail("failed %s: %s" % (cmd, out.stderr)) |
| |
| _bash(ctx, " && ".join([ |
| "TMP=$(mktemp -d || mktemp -d -t bazel-tmp)", |
| "TZ=UTC", |
| "export UTC", |
| "cd $TMP", |
| "mkdir bower_components", |
| "cd bower_components", |
| "unzip %s" % ctx.path(download_name), |
| "cd ..", |
| "find . -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'", |
| "zip -Xr %s bower_components" % renamed_name, |
| "cd ..", |
| "rm -rf ${TMP}", |
| ])) |
| |
| dep_version = ctx.attr.semver if ctx.attr.semver else ctx.attr.version |
| ctx.file( |
| version_name, |
| '"%s":"%s#%s"' % (ctx.name, ctx.attr.package, dep_version), |
| ) |
| ctx.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "\n".join([ |
| "package(default_visibility=['//visibility:public'])", |
| "filegroup(name = 'zipfile', srcs = ['%s'], )" % download_name, |
| "filegroup(name = 'version_json', srcs = ['%s'], visibility=['//visibility:public'])" % version_name, |
| ]), |
| False, |
| ) |
| |
| def _bash(ctx, cmd): |
| cmd_list = ["bash", "-c", cmd] |
| out = ctx.execute(cmd_list) |
| if out.return_code: |
| fail("failed %s: %s" % (cmd_list, out.stderr)) |
| |
| bower_archive = repository_rule( |
| _bower_archive, |
| attrs = { |
| "package": attr.string(mandatory = True), |
| "semver": attr.string(), |
| "sha1": attr.string(mandatory = True), |
| "version": attr.string(mandatory = True), |
| "_bower_archive": attr.label(default = Label("@bower//:%s" % _npm_tarball("bower"))), |
| "_download_bower": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/js:download_bower.py")), |
| "_run_npm": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/js:run_npm_binary.py")), |
| }, |
| ) |
| |
| def _bower_component_impl(ctx): |
| transitive_zipfiles = depset( |
| direct = [ctx.file.zipfile], |
| transitive = [d[ComponentInfo].transitive_zipfiles for d in ctx.attr.deps], |
| ) |
| |
| transitive_licenses = depset( |
| direct = [ctx.file.license], |
| transitive = [d[ComponentInfo].transitive_licenses for d in ctx.attr.deps], |
| ) |
| |
| transitive_versions = depset( |
| direct = ctx.files.version_json, |
| transitive = [d[ComponentInfo].transitive_versions for d in ctx.attr.deps], |
| ) |
| |
| return [ |
| ComponentInfo( |
| transitive_licenses = transitive_licenses, |
| transitive_versions = transitive_versions, |
| transitive_zipfiles = transitive_zipfiles, |
| ), |
| ] |
| |
| _common_attrs = { |
| "deps": attr.label_list(providers = [ComponentInfo]), |
| } |
| |
| def _js_component(ctx): |
| dir = ctx.outputs.zip.path + ".dir" |
| name = ctx.outputs.zip.basename |
| if name.endswith(".zip"): |
| name = name[:-4] |
| dest = "%s/%s" % (dir, name) |
| cmd = " && ".join([ |
| "TZ=UTC", |
| "export TZ", |
| "mkdir -p %s" % dest, |
| "cp %s %s/" % (" ".join([s.path for s in ctx.files.srcs]), dest), |
| "cd %s" % dir, |
| "find . -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'", |
| "zip -Xqr ../%s *" % ctx.outputs.zip.basename, |
| ]) |
| |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| inputs = ctx.files.srcs, |
| outputs = [ctx.outputs.zip], |
| command = cmd, |
| mnemonic = "GenBowerZip", |
| ) |
| |
| licenses = [] |
| if ctx.file.license: |
| licenses.append(ctx.file.license) |
| |
| return [ |
| ComponentInfo( |
| transitive_licenses = depset(licenses), |
| transitive_versions = depset(), |
| transitive_zipfiles = list([ctx.outputs.zip]), |
| ), |
| ] |
| |
| js_component = rule( |
| _js_component, |
| attrs = dict(_common_attrs.items() + { |
| "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = [".js"]), |
| "license": attr.label(allow_single_file = True), |
| }.items()), |
| outputs = { |
| "zip": "%{name}.zip", |
| }, |
| ) |
| |
| _bower_component = rule( |
| _bower_component_impl, |
| attrs = dict(_common_attrs.items() + { |
| "license": attr.label(allow_single_file = True), |
| |
| # If set, define by hand, and don't regenerate this entry in bower2bazel. |
| "seed": attr.bool(default = False), |
| "version_json": attr.label(allow_files = [".json"]), |
| "zipfile": attr.label(allow_single_file = [".zip"]), |
| }.items()), |
| ) |
| |
| # TODO(hanwen): make license mandatory. |
| def bower_component(name, license = None, **kwargs): |
| prefix = "//lib:LICENSE-" |
| if license and not license.startswith(prefix): |
| license = prefix + license |
| _bower_component( |
| name = name, |
| license = license, |
| zipfile = "@%s//:zipfile" % name, |
| version_json = "@%s//:version_json" % name, |
| **kwargs |
| ) |
| |
| def _bower_component_bundle_impl(ctx): |
| """A bunch of bower components zipped up.""" |
| zips = depset() |
| for d in ctx.attr.deps: |
| files = d[ComponentInfo].transitive_zipfiles |
| |
| # TODO(davido): Make sure the field always contains a depset |
| if type(files) == "list": |
| files = depset(files) |
| zips = depset(transitive = [zips, files]) |
| |
| versions = depset(transitive = [d[ComponentInfo].transitive_versions for d in ctx.attr.deps]) |
| |
| licenses = depset(transitive = [d[ComponentInfo].transitive_versions for d in ctx.attr.deps]) |
| |
| out_zip = ctx.outputs.zip |
| out_versions = ctx.outputs.version_json |
| |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| inputs = zips.to_list(), |
| outputs = [out_zip], |
| command = " && ".join([ |
| "p=$PWD", |
| "TZ=UTC", |
| "export TZ", |
| "rm -rf %s.dir" % out_zip.path, |
| "mkdir -p %s.dir/bower_components" % out_zip.path, |
| "cd %s.dir/bower_components" % out_zip.path, |
| "for z in %s; do unzip -q $p/$z ; done" % " ".join(sorted([z.path for z in zips.to_list()])), |
| "cd ..", |
| "find . -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'", |
| "zip -Xqr $p/%s bower_components/*" % out_zip.path, |
| ]), |
| mnemonic = "BowerCombine", |
| ) |
| |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| inputs = versions.to_list(), |
| outputs = [out_versions], |
| mnemonic = "BowerVersions", |
| command = "(echo '{' ; for j in %s ; do cat $j; echo ',' ; done ; echo \\\"\\\":\\\"\\\"; echo '}') > %s" % (" ".join([v.path for v in versions.to_list()]), out_versions.path), |
| ) |
| |
| return [ |
| ComponentInfo( |
| transitive_licenses = licenses, |
| transitive_versions = versions, |
| transitive_zipfiles = zips, |
| ), |
| ] |
| |
| bower_component_bundle = rule( |
| _bower_component_bundle_impl, |
| attrs = _common_attrs, |
| outputs = { |
| "version_json": "%{name}-versions.json", |
| "zip": "%{name}.zip", |
| }, |
| ) |
| |
| def _bundle_impl(ctx): |
| """Groups a set of .html and .js together in a zip file. |
| |
| Outputs: |
| NAME-versions.json: |
| a JSON file containing a PKG-NAME => PKG-NAME#VERSION mapping for the |
| transitive dependencies. |
| NAME.zip: |
| a zip file containing the transitive dependencies for this bundle. |
| """ |
| |
| # intermediate artifact if split is wanted. |
| if ctx.attr.split: |
| bundled = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.outputs.html.path + ".bundled.html") |
| else: |
| bundled = ctx.outputs.html |
| destdir = ctx.outputs.html.path + ".dir" |
| zips = [z for d in ctx.attr.deps for z in d[ComponentInfo].transitive_zipfiles.to_list()] |
| |
| # We are splitting off the package dir from the app.path such that |
| # we can set the package dir as the root for the bundler, which means |
| # that absolute imports are interpreted relative to that root. |
| pkg_dir = ctx.attr.pkg.lstrip("/") |
| app_path = ctx.file.app.path |
| app_path = app_path[app_path.index(pkg_dir) + len(pkg_dir):] |
| |
| hermetic_npm_binary = " ".join([ |
| "python", |
| "$p/" + ctx.file._run_npm.path, |
| "$p/" + ctx.file._bundler_archive.path, |
| "--inline-scripts", |
| "--inline-css", |
| "--sourcemaps", |
| "--strip-comments", |
| "--out-file", |
| "$p/" + bundled.path, |
| "--root", |
| pkg_dir, |
| app_path, |
| ]) |
| |
| cmd = " && ".join([ |
| # unpack dependencies. |
| "export PATH", |
| "p=$PWD", |
| "rm -rf %s" % destdir, |
| "mkdir -p %s/%s/bower_components" % (destdir, pkg_dir), |
| "for z in %s; do unzip -qd %s/%s/bower_components/ $z; done" % ( |
| " ".join([z.path for z in zips]), |
| destdir, |
| pkg_dir, |
| ), |
| "tar -cf - %s | tar -C %s -xf -" % (" ".join([s.path for s in ctx.files.srcs]), destdir), |
| "cd %s" % destdir, |
| hermetic_npm_binary, |
| ]) |
| |
| # Node/NPM is not (yet) hermeticized, so we have to get the binary |
| # from the environment, and it may be under $HOME, so we can't run |
| # in the sandbox. |
| node_tweaks = dict( |
| execution_requirements = {"local": "1"}, |
| use_default_shell_env = True, |
| ) |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| mnemonic = "Bundle", |
| inputs = [ |
| ctx.file._run_npm, |
| ctx.file.app, |
| ctx.file._bundler_archive, |
| ] + list(zips) + ctx.files.srcs, |
| outputs = [bundled], |
| command = cmd, |
| **node_tweaks |
| ) |
| |
| if ctx.attr.split: |
| hermetic_npm_command = "export PATH && " + " ".join([ |
| "python", |
| ctx.file._run_npm.path, |
| ctx.file._crisper_archive.path, |
| "--script-in-head=false", |
| "--always-write-script", |
| "--source", |
| bundled.path, |
| "--html", |
| ctx.outputs.html.path, |
| "--js", |
| ctx.outputs.js.path, |
| ]) |
| |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| mnemonic = "Crisper", |
| inputs = [ |
| ctx.file._run_npm, |
| ctx.file.app, |
| ctx.file._crisper_archive, |
| bundled, |
| ], |
| outputs = [ctx.outputs.js, ctx.outputs.html], |
| command = hermetic_npm_command, |
| **node_tweaks |
| ) |
| |
| def _bundle_output_func(name, split): |
| _ignore = [name] # unused. |
| out = {"html": "%{name}.html"} |
| if split: |
| out["js"] = "%{name}.js" |
| return out |
| |
| _bundle_rule = rule( |
| _bundle_impl, |
| attrs = { |
| "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = [ |
| ".js", |
| ".html", |
| ".txt", |
| ".css", |
| ".ico", |
| ]), |
| "app": attr.label( |
| mandatory = True, |
| allow_single_file = True, |
| ), |
| "pkg": attr.string(mandatory = True), |
| "split": attr.bool(default = True), |
| "deps": attr.label_list(providers = [ComponentInfo]), |
| "_bundler_archive": attr.label( |
| default = Label("@polymer-bundler//:%s" % _npm_tarball("polymer-bundler")), |
| allow_single_file = True, |
| ), |
| "_crisper_archive": attr.label( |
| default = Label("@crisper//:%s" % _npm_tarball("crisper")), |
| allow_single_file = True, |
| ), |
| "_run_npm": attr.label( |
| default = Label("//tools/js:run_npm_binary.py"), |
| allow_single_file = True, |
| ), |
| }, |
| outputs = _bundle_output_func, |
| ) |
| |
| def bundle_assets(*args, **kwargs): |
| """Combine html, js, css files and optionally split into js and html bundles.""" |
| _bundle_rule(pkg = native.package_name(), *args, **kwargs) |
| |
| def polygerrit_plugin(name, app, srcs = [], deps = [], assets = None, plugin_name = None, **kwargs): |
| """Bundles plugin dependencies for deployment. |
| |
| This rule bundles all Polymer elements and JS dependencies into .html and .js files. |
| Run-time dependencies (e.g. JS libraries loaded after plugin starts) should be provided using "assets" property. |
| Output of this rule is a FileSet with "${name}_fs", with deploy artifacts in "plugins/${name}/static". |
| |
| Args: |
| name: String, rule name. |
| app: String, the main or root source file. |
| assets: Fileset, additional files to be used by plugin in runtime, exported to "plugins/${name}/static". |
| plugin_name: String, plugin name. ${name} is used if not provided. |
| """ |
| if not plugin_name: |
| plugin_name = name |
| |
| srcs = srcs if app in srcs else srcs + [app] |
| js_srcs = srcs |
| |
| native.filegroup( |
| name = name + "-src-fg", |
| srcs = js_srcs, |
| ) |
| |
| terser_minified( |
| name = name + ".min", |
| sourcemap = False, |
| src = name + "-src-fg", |
| ) |
| |
| native.genrule( |
| name = name + "_rename_js", |
| srcs = [name + ".min"], |
| outs = [plugin_name + ".js"], |
| cmd = "cp $< $@", |
| output_to_bindir = True, |
| ) |
| |
| static_files = [plugin_name + ".js"] |
| |
| if assets: |
| nested, direct = [], [] |
| for x in assets: |
| target = nested if "/" in x else direct |
| target.append(x) |
| |
| static_files += direct |
| |
| if nested: |
| native.genrule( |
| name = name + "_copy_assets", |
| srcs = assets, |
| outs = [f.split("/")[-1] for f in nested], |
| cmd = "cp $(SRCS) $(@D)", |
| output_to_bindir = True, |
| ) |
| static_files.append(":" + name + "_copy_assets") |
| |
| native.filegroup( |
| name = name, |
| srcs = static_files, |
| ) |