blob: d14449d2b5600fdab7dcc09a3dc30e99ad980fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
Release notes for Gerrit 2.8
Gerrit 2.8 is now available:
Schema Change
There is no schema change from link:ReleaseNotes-2.7.html[Gerrit 2.7].
Release Highlights
* Lots of new link:[
REST API endpoints].
* New build system using link:[Facebook Buck].
New Features
Web UI
* The change status is shown in a separate column on dashboards and search results.
Change Screens
* New button to cherry-pick the change to another branch.
* When issuing a rebase via the Web UI, the committer is now the logged in
user, rather than "Gerrit Code Review".
If the user has more than one email address, the preferred email address will
be used.
Several new link:[
REST API endpoints] are added.
* link:[
Create account]
* link:[
Get account full name]
* link:[
Set account full name]
* link:[
Delete account full name]
* link:[
List account email addresses]
* link:[
Get account email address]
* link:[
Set account preferred email address]
* link:[
Create account email]
* link:[
Delete account email]
* link:[
Get account state]
* link:[
Set account state to active]
* link:[
Set account state to inactive]
* link:[
Get account HTTP password]
* link:[
Set or generate account HTTP password]
* link:[
Delete account HTTP password]
* link:[
List account SSH keys]
* link:[
Get account SSH key]
* link:[
Add account SSH key]
* link:[
Delete account SSH key]
* link:[
Get account username]
* link:[
Rebase change]
* link:[
Cherry-pick revision]
* link:[
Get content of a file in a revision]
* link:[
Get revision as a formatted patch]
* link:[
Get diff of a file in a revision]
* link:[
List branches]
* link:[
Get branch]
* link:[
Create branch]
* link:[
Delete branch]
* link:[
List child projects]
* link:[
Get child project]
* The commit message length checker plugin can be configured to reject
commits whose subject or body length exceeds the limit.
* Plugins may now contribute buttons to various parts of the UI.
* The `commit-msg` hook installation command is now
* link:[
New `ls-members` command].
* Add `--init` option to Daemon to initialize site on daemon start.
The `--init` option will also upgrade an already existing site and is processed in
non-interactive (batch) mode.
Bug Fixes
Web UI
* Default review comment visibility is changed to expand all recent.
By default all comments within the last week are expanded, rather than
only the most recent.
* The preferred email address field is shown as empty if the user has no
preferred email address.
* link:[Issue 1574]:
Correctly highlight matches of text in escaped HTML entities in suggestion results.
* link:[Issue 1814]:
Sort labels alphabetically by name in the approval table.
* Support raw input also in POST requests.
* Show granted date for labels/all when using `/changes/`.
* Return all revisions when `o=ALL_REVISIONS` is set on `/changes/`.
* The `--force-message` option is removed from the `review` command.
* link:[Issue 1908]:
Provide more informative error messages when rejecting updates.
* return non-zero on errors
* The link:[
documentation index page] is rewritten in a hierarchical structure.