blob: 33d6f746186398254b9425a2aac7a0f22d2bcd7d [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {PolymerElement} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element';
import {
} from '../gr-diff/gr-diff-line';
import {
} from '../gr-diff/gr-diff-group';
import {CancelablePromise, util} from '../../../scripts/util';
import {customElement, property} from '@polymer/decorators';
import {DiffContent} from '../../../types/diff';
import {Side} from '../../../constants/constants';
import {debounce, DelayedTask} from '../../../utils/async-util';
import {RenderPreferences} from '../../../api/diff';
const WHOLE_FILE = -1;
interface State {
lineNums: {
left: number;
right: number;
chunkIndex: number;
interface ChunkEnd {
offset: number;
keyLocation: boolean;
export interface KeyLocations {
left: {[key: string]: boolean};
right: {[key: string]: boolean};
* The maximum size for an addition or removal chunk before it is broken down
* into a series of chunks that are this size at most.
* Note: The value of 120 is chosen so that it is larger than the default
* _asyncThreshold of 64, but feel free to tune this constant to your
* performance needs.
function calcMaxGroupSize(asyncThreshold?: number): number {
if (!asyncThreshold) return 120;
return asyncThreshold * 2;
* Converts the API's `DiffContent`s to `GrDiffGroup`s for rendering.
* Glossary:
* - "chunk": A single `DiffContent` as returned by the API.
* - "group": A single `GrDiffGroup` as used for rendering.
* - "common" chunk/group: A chunk/group that should be considered unchanged
* for diffing purposes. This can mean its either actually unchanged, or it
* has only whitespace changes.
* - "key location": A line number and side of the diff that should not be
* collapsed e.g. because a comment is attached to it, or because it was
* provided in the URL and thus should be visible
* - "uncollapsible" chunk/group: A chunk/group that is either not "common",
* or cannot be collapsed because it contains a key location
* Here a a number of tasks this processor performs:
* - splitting large chunks to allow more granular async rendering
* - adding a group for the "File" pseudo line that file-level comments can
* be attached to
* - replacing common parts of the diff that are outside the user's
* context setting and do not have comments with a group representing the
* "expand context" widget. This may require splitting a chunk/group so
* that the part that is within the context or has comments is shown, while
* the rest is not.
export class GrDiffProcessor extends PolymerElement {
@property({type: Number})
context = 3;
@property({type: Array, notify: true})
groups: GrDiffGroup[] = [];
@property({type: Object})
keyLocations: KeyLocations = {left: {}, right: {}};
@property({type: Number})
_asyncThreshold = 64;
@property({type: Number})
_nextStepHandle: number | null = null;
@property({type: Object})
_processPromise: CancelablePromise<void> | null = null;
@property({type: Boolean})
_isScrolling?: boolean;
private resetIsScrollingTask?: DelayedTask;
/** @override */
connectedCallback() {
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleWindowScroll);
/** @override */
disconnectedCallback() {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleWindowScroll);
private readonly handleWindowScroll = () => {
this._isScrolling = true;
this.resetIsScrollingTask = debounce(
() => (this._isScrolling = false),
* Asynchronously process the diff chunks into groups. As it processes, it
* will splice groups into the `groups` property of the component.
* @return A promise that resolves with an
* array of GrDiffGroups when the diff is completely processed.
process(chunks: DiffContent[], isBinary: boolean) {
// Cancel any still running process() calls, because they append to the
// same groups field.
this.groups = [];
this.push('groups', this._makeGroup('LOST'));
this.push('groups', this._makeGroup(FILE));
// If it's a binary diff, we won't be rendering hunks of text differences
// so finish processing.
if (isBinary) {
return Promise.resolve();
this._processPromise = util.makeCancelable(
new Promise(resolve => {
const state = {
lineNums: {left: 0, right: 0},
chunkIndex: 0,
chunks = this._splitLargeChunks(chunks);
chunks = this._splitCommonChunksWithKeyLocations(chunks);
let currentBatch = 0;
const nextStep = () => {
if (this._isScrolling) {
this._nextStepHandle = window.setTimeout(nextStep, 100);
// If we are done, resolve the promise.
if (state.chunkIndex >= chunks.length) {
this._nextStepHandle = null;
// Process the next chunk and incorporate the result.
const stateUpdate = this._processNext(state, chunks);
for (const group of stateUpdate.groups) {
this.push('groups', group);
currentBatch += group.lines.length;
state.lineNums.left += stateUpdate.lineDelta.left;
state.lineNums.right += stateUpdate.lineDelta.right;
// Increment the index and recurse.
state.chunkIndex = stateUpdate.newChunkIndex;
if (currentBatch >= this._asyncThreshold) {
currentBatch = 0;
this._nextStepHandle = window.setTimeout(nextStep, 1);
} else {;
return this._processPromise.finally(() => {
this._processPromise = null;
* Cancel any jobs that are running.
cancel() {
if (this._nextStepHandle !== null) {
this._nextStepHandle = null;
if (this._processPromise) {
* Process the next uncollapsible chunk, or the next collapsible chunks.
_processNext(state: State, chunks: DiffContent[]) {
const firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex = this._firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex(
if (firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex === state.chunkIndex) {
const chunk = chunks[state.chunkIndex];
return {
lineDelta: {
left: this._linesLeft(chunk).length,
right: this._linesRight(chunk).length,
groups: [
state.lineNums.left + 1,
state.lineNums.right + 1
newChunkIndex: state.chunkIndex + 1,
return this._processCollapsibleChunks(
_linesLeft(chunk: DiffContent) {
return chunk.ab || chunk.a || [];
_linesRight(chunk: DiffContent) {
return chunk.ab || chunk.b || [];
_firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex(chunks: DiffContent[], offset: number) {
let chunkIndex = offset;
while (
chunkIndex < chunks.length &&
) {
return chunkIndex;
_isCollapsibleChunk(chunk: DiffContent) {
return (chunk.ab || chunk.common || chunk.skip) && !chunk.keyLocation;
* Process a stretch of collapsible chunks.
* Outputs up to three groups:
* 1) Visible context before the hidden common code, unless it's the
* very beginning of the file.
* 2) Context hidden behind a context bar, unless empty.
* 3) Visible context after the hidden common code, unless it's the very
* end of the file.
state: State,
chunks: DiffContent[],
firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex: number
) {
const collapsibleChunks = chunks.slice(
const lineCount = collapsibleChunks.reduce(
(sum, chunk) => sum + this._commonChunkLength(chunk),
let groups = this._chunksToGroups(
state.lineNums.left + 1,
state.lineNums.right + 1
const hasSkippedGroup = !!groups.find(g => g.skip);
if (this.context !== WHOLE_FILE || hasSkippedGroup) {
const contextNumLines = this.context > 0 ? this.context : 0;
const hiddenStart = state.chunkIndex === 0 ? 0 : contextNumLines;
const hiddenEnd =
lineCount -
(firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex === chunks.length ? 0 : this.context);
groups = hideInContextControl(groups, hiddenStart, hiddenEnd);
return {
lineDelta: {
left: lineCount,
right: lineCount,
newChunkIndex: firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex,
_commonChunkLength(chunk: DiffContent) {
if (chunk.skip) {
return chunk.skip;
console.assert(!!chunk.ab || !!chunk.common);
!chunk.a || (!!chunk.b && chunk.a.length === chunk.b.length),
'common chunk needs same number of a and b lines: ',
return this._linesLeft(chunk).length;
chunks: DiffContent[],
offsetLeft: number,
offsetRight: number
): GrDiffGroup[] {
return => {
const group = this._chunkToGroup(chunk, offsetLeft, offsetRight);
const chunkLength = this._commonChunkLength(chunk);
offsetLeft += chunkLength;
offsetRight += chunkLength;
return group;
chunk: DiffContent,
offsetLeft: number,
offsetRight: number
): GrDiffGroup {
const type =
chunk.ab || chunk.skip ? GrDiffGroupType.BOTH : GrDiffGroupType.DELTA;
const lines = this._linesFromChunk(chunk, offsetLeft, offsetRight);
const group = new GrDiffGroup(type, lines);
group.keyLocation = !!chunk.keyLocation;
group.dueToRebase = !!chunk.due_to_rebase;
group.moveDetails = chunk.move_details;
group.skip = chunk.skip;
group.ignoredWhitespaceOnly = !!chunk.common;
if (chunk.skip) {
group.lineRange = {
left: {start_line: offsetLeft, end_line: offsetLeft + chunk.skip - 1},
right: {
start_line: offsetRight,
end_line: offsetRight + chunk.skip - 1,
return group;
_linesFromChunk(chunk: DiffContent, offsetLeft: number, offsetRight: number) {
if (chunk.ab) {
return, i) =>
this._lineFromRow(GrDiffLineType.BOTH, offsetLeft, offsetRight, row, i)
let lines: GrDiffLine[] = [];
if (chunk.a) {
// Avoiding a.push(...b) because that causes callstack overflows for
// large b, which can occur when large files are added removed.
lines = lines.concat(
if (chunk.b) {
// Avoiding a.push(...b) because that causes callstack overflows for
// large b, which can occur when large files are added removed.
lines = lines.concat(
return lines;
lineType: GrDiffLineType,
rows: string[],
offset: number,
intralineInfos?: number[][]
): GrDiffLine[] {
const grDiffHighlights = intralineInfos
? this._convertIntralineInfos(rows, intralineInfos)
: undefined;
return, i) =>
this._lineFromRow(lineType, offset, offset, row, i, grDiffHighlights)
type: GrDiffLineType,
offsetLeft: number,
offsetRight: number,
row: string,
i: number,
highlights?: Highlights[]
): GrDiffLine {
const line = new GrDiffLine(type);
line.text = row;
if (type !== GrDiffLineType.ADD) line.beforeNumber = offsetLeft + i;
if (type !== GrDiffLineType.REMOVE) line.afterNumber = offsetRight + i;
if (highlights) {
line.hasIntralineInfo = true;
line.highlights = highlights.filter(hl => hl.contentIndex === i);
} else {
line.hasIntralineInfo = false;
return line;
_makeGroup(number: LineNumber) {
const line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLineType.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = number;
line.afterNumber = number;
return new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroupType.BOTH, [line]);
* Split chunks into smaller chunks of the same kind.
* This is done to prevent doing too much work on the main thread in one
* uninterrupted rendering step, which would make the browser unresponsive.
* Note that in the case of unmodified chunks, we only split chunks if the
* context is set to file (because otherwise they are split up further down
* the processing into the visible and hidden context), and only split it
* into 2 chunks, one max sized one and the rest (for reasons that are
* unclear to me).
* @param chunks Chunks as returned from the server
* @return Finer grained chunks.
_splitLargeChunks(chunks: DiffContent[]): DiffContent[] {
const newChunks = [];
for (const chunk of chunks) {
if (!chunk.ab) {
for (const subChunk of this._breakdownChunk(chunk)) {
// If the context is set to "whole file", then break down the shared
// chunks so they can be rendered incrementally. Note: this is not
// enabled for any other context preference because manipulating the
// chunks in this way violates assumptions by the context grouper logic.
const MAX_GROUP_SIZE = calcMaxGroupSize(this._asyncThreshold);
if (this.context === -1 && chunk.ab.length > MAX_GROUP_SIZE * 2) {
// Split large shared chunks in two, where the first is the maximum
// group size.
newChunks.push({ab: chunk.ab.slice(0, MAX_GROUP_SIZE)});
newChunks.push({ab: chunk.ab.slice(MAX_GROUP_SIZE)});
} else {
return newChunks;
* In order to show key locations, such as comments, out of the bounds of
* the selected context, treat them as separate chunks within the model so
* that the content (and context surrounding it) renders correctly.
* @param chunks DiffContents as returned from server.
* @return Finer grained DiffContents.
_splitCommonChunksWithKeyLocations(chunks: DiffContent[]): DiffContent[] {
const result = [];
let leftLineNum = 1;
let rightLineNum = 1;
for (const chunk of chunks) {
// If it isn't a common chunk, append it as-is and update line numbers.
if (!chunk.ab && !chunk.skip && !chunk.common) {
if (chunk.a) {
leftLineNum += chunk.a.length;
if (chunk.b) {
rightLineNum += chunk.b.length;
if (chunk.common && chunk.a!.length !== chunk.b!.length) {
throw new Error(
'DiffContent with common=true must always have equal length'
const numLines = this._commonChunkLength(chunk);
const chunkEnds = this._findChunkEndsAtKeyLocations(
leftLineNum += numLines;
rightLineNum += numLines;
if (chunk.skip) {
skip: chunk.skip,
keyLocation: false,
} else if (chunk.ab) {
...this._splitAtChunkEnds(chunk.ab, chunkEnds).map(
({lines, keyLocation}) => {
return {
ab: lines,
} else if (chunk.common) {
const aChunks = this._splitAtChunkEnds(chunk.a!, chunkEnds);
const bChunks = this._splitAtChunkEnds(chunk.b!, chunkEnds);
result.push({lines, keyLocation}, i) => {
return {
a: lines,
b: bChunks[i].lines,
return result;
* @return Offsets of the new chunk ends, including whether it's a key
* location.
numLines: number,
leftOffset: number,
rightOffset: number
): ChunkEnd[] {
const result = [];
let lastChunkEnd = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
// If this line should not be collapsed.
if (
this.keyLocations[Side.LEFT][leftOffset + i] ||
this.keyLocations[Side.RIGHT][rightOffset + i]
) {
// If any lines have been accumulated into the chunk leading up to
// this non-collapse line, then add them as a chunk and start a new
// one.
if (i > lastChunkEnd) {
result.push({offset: i, keyLocation: false});
lastChunkEnd = i;
// Add the non-collapse line as its own chunk.
result.push({offset: i + 1, keyLocation: true});
if (numLines > lastChunkEnd) {
result.push({offset: numLines, keyLocation: false});
return result;
_splitAtChunkEnds(lines: string[], chunkEnds: ChunkEnd[]) {
const result = [];
let lastChunkEndOffset = 0;
for (const {offset, keyLocation} of chunkEnds) {
lines: lines.slice(lastChunkEndOffset, offset),
lastChunkEndOffset = offset;
return result;
* Converts `IntralineInfo`s return by the API to `GrLineHighlights` used
* for rendering.
rows: string[],
intralineInfos: number[][]
): Highlights[] {
let rowIndex = 0;
let idx = 0;
const normalized = [];
for (const [skipLength, markLength] of intralineInfos) {
let line = rows[rowIndex] + '\n';
let j = 0;
while (j < skipLength) {
if (idx === line.length) {
idx = 0;
line = rows[++rowIndex] + '\n';
let lineHighlight: Highlights = {
contentIndex: rowIndex,
startIndex: idx,
j = 0;
while (line && j < markLength) {
if (idx === line.length) {
idx = 0;
line = rows[++rowIndex] + '\n';
lineHighlight = {
contentIndex: rowIndex,
startIndex: idx,
lineHighlight.endIndex = idx;
return normalized;
* If a group is an addition or a removal, break it down into smaller groups
* of that type using the MAX_GROUP_SIZE. If the group is a shared chunk
* or a delta it is returned as the single element of the result array.
_breakdownChunk(chunk: DiffContent): DiffContent[] {
let key: 'a' | 'b' | 'ab' | null = null;
const {a, b, ab, move_details} = chunk;
if (a?.length && !b?.length) {
key = 'a';
} else if (b?.length && !a?.length) {
key = 'b';
} else if (ab?.length) {
key = 'ab';
// Move chunks should not be divided because of move label
// positioned in the top of the chunk
if (!key || move_details) {
return [chunk];
const MAX_GROUP_SIZE = calcMaxGroupSize(this._asyncThreshold);
return this._breakdown(chunk[key]!, MAX_GROUP_SIZE).map(subChunkLines => {
const subChunk: DiffContent = {};
subChunk[key!] = subChunkLines;
if (chunk.due_to_rebase) {
subChunk.due_to_rebase = true;
if (chunk.move_details) {
subChunk.move_details = chunk.move_details;
return subChunk;
* Given an array and a size, return an array of arrays where no inner array
* is larger than that size, preserving the original order.
_breakdown<T>(array: T[], size: number): T[][] {
if (!array.length) {
return [];
if (array.length < size) {
return [array];
const head = array.slice(0, array.length - size);
const tail = array.slice(array.length - size);
return this._breakdown(head, size).concat([tail]);
updateRenderPrefs(renderPrefs: RenderPreferences) {
if (renderPrefs.num_lines_rendered_at_once) {
this._asyncThreshold = renderPrefs.num_lines_rendered_at_once;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-diff-processor': GrDiffProcessor;