blob: 8a87791a5cdbc35d9cab5ac627bf626a3bba49ca [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {DiffLayer, DiffLayerListener} from '../../../types/types';
import {GrDiffLine, Side} from '../../../api/diff';
import {GrAnnotation} from '../gr-diff-highlight/gr-annotation';
import {debounce, DelayedTask} from '../../../utils/async-util';
import {
} from '../gr-diff/gr-diff-utils';
const tokenMatcher = new RegExp(/[\w]+/g);
/** CSS class for all tokens. */
const CSS_TOKEN = 'token';
/** CSS class for the currently hovered token. */
const CSS_HIGHLIGHT = 'token-highlight';
const HOVER_DELAY_MS = 200;
const LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT = 500;
const TOKEN_COUNT_LIMIT = 10000;
* Token highlighting is only useful for code on-screen, so don't bother
* highlighting tokens that are further away than this threshold from where the
* user is hovering.
* When a user hovers over a token in the diff, then this layer makes sure that
* all occurrences of this token are annotated with the 'token-highlight' css
* class. And removes that class when the user moves the mouse away from the
* token.
* The layer does not react to mouse events directly by adding a css class to
* the appropriate elements, but instead it just sets the currently highlighted
* token and notifies the diff renderer that certain lines must be re-rendered.
* And when that re-rendering happens the appropriate css class is added.
export class TokenHighlightLayer implements DiffLayer {
/** The only listener is typically the renderer of gr-diff. */
private listeners: DiffLayerListener[] = [];
/** The currently highlighted token. */
private currentHighlight?: string;
* The line of the currently highlighted token. We store this in order to
* re-render only relevant lines of the diff. Only lines visible on the screen
* need a highlight. For example in a file with 10,000 lines it is sufficient
* to just re-render the ~100 lines that are visible to the user.
* It is a known issue that we are only storing the line number on the side of
* where the user is hovering and we use that also to determine which line
* numbers to re-render on the other side, but it is non-trivial to look up or
* store a reliable mapping of line numbers, so we just accept this
* shortcoming with the reasoning that the user is mostly interested in the
* tokens on the side where they are hovering anyway.
* Another known issue is that we are not able to see past collapsed lines
* with the current implementation.
private currentHighlightLineNumber = 0;
* Keeps track of where tokens occur in a file during rendering, so that it is
* easy to look up when processing mouse events.
private tokenToLinesLeft = new Map<string, Set<number>>();
private tokenToLinesRight = new Map<string, Set<number>>();
private updateTokenTask?: DelayedTask;
constructor() {
window.addEventListener('click', _ => this.handleWindowClick());
el: HTMLElement,
_: HTMLElement,
line: GrDiffLine,
side: Side
): void {
const text = el.textContent;
if (!text) return;
// Binary files encoded as text for example can have super long lines
// with super long tokens. Let's guard against against this scenario.
if (text.length > LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT) return;
let match;
let atLeastOneTokenMatched = false;
while ((match = tokenMatcher.exec(text))) {
const token = match[0];
const index = match.index;
const length = token.length;
// Binary files encoded as text for example can have super long lines
// with super long tokens. Let's guard against this scenario.
if (length > TOKEN_LENGTH_LIMIT) continue;
atLeastOneTokenMatched = true;
const css = token === this.currentHighlight ? CSS_HIGHLIGHT : CSS_TOKEN;
// We add the tk-* class so that we can look up the token later easily
// even if the token element was split up into multiple smaller nodes.
GrAnnotation.annotateElement(el, index, length, `tk-${token} ${css}`);
// We could try to detect whether we are re-rendering instead of initially
// rendering the line. Then we would not have to call storeLineForToken()
// again. But since the Set swallows the duplicates we don't care.
this.storeLineForToken(token, line, side);
if (atLeastOneTokenMatched) {
// These listeners do not have to be cleaned, because listeners are
// garbage collected along with the element itself once it is not attached
// to the DOM anymore and no references exist anymore.
el.addEventListener('mouseover', e => this.handleMouseOver(e));
private storeLineForToken(token: string, line: GrDiffLine, side: Side) {
const tokenToLines =
side === Side.LEFT ? this.tokenToLinesLeft : this.tokenToLinesRight;
// Just to make sure that we don't break down on large files.
if (tokenToLines.size > TOKEN_COUNT_LIMIT) return;
let numbers = tokenToLines.get(token);
if (!numbers) {
numbers = new Set<number>();
tokenToLines.set(token, numbers);
// Just to make sure that we don't break down on large files.
if (numbers.size > TOKEN_OCCURRENCES_LIMIT) return;
const lineNumber =
side === Side.LEFT ? line.beforeNumber : line.afterNumber;
private handleMouseOver(e: MouseEvent) {
if (this.interferesWithSelection(e)) return;
const {line, token} = this.findTokenAncestor(e?.target);
if (!token) return;
const oldHighlight = this.currentHighlight;
const newHighlight = token;
if (!newHighlight || newHighlight === oldHighlight) return;
if (this.countOccurrences(newHighlight) <= 1) return;
this.updateTokenTask = debounce(
() => this._updateTokenHighlight(line, newHighlight),
private interferesWithSelection(e: MouseEvent) {
if (e.buttons > 0) return true;
if (window.getSelection()?.type === 'Range') return true;
return false;
private handleWindowClick() {
this._updateTokenHighlight(undefined, undefined);
private _updateTokenHighlight(
newLineNumber: number | undefined,
newHighlight: string | undefined
) {
const oldHighlight = this.currentHighlight;
const oldLineNumber = this.currentHighlightLineNumber;
this.currentHighlight = newHighlight;
this.currentHighlightLineNumber = newLineNumber ?? 0;
this.notifyForToken(oldHighlight, oldLineNumber);
this.notifyForToken(newHighlight, newLineNumber ?? 0);
findTokenAncestor(el?: EventTarget | Element | null): {
token?: string;
line: number;
} {
if (!(el instanceof Element)) return {line: 0, token: undefined};
if (
el.classList.contains(CSS_TOKEN) ||
) {
const tkClass = [...el.classList].find(c => c.startsWith('tk-'));
const line = lineNumberToNumber(getLineNumberByChild(el));
if (!line || !tkClass) return {line: 0, token: undefined};
return {line, token: tkClass.substring(3)};
if (el.tagName === 'TD') return {line: 0, token: undefined};
return this.findTokenAncestor(el.parentElement);
countOccurrences(token: string | undefined) {
if (!token) return 0;
const linesLeft = this.tokenToLinesLeft.get(token);
const linesRight = this.tokenToLinesRight.get(token);
return (linesLeft?.size ?? 0) + (linesRight?.size ?? 0);
notifyForToken(token: string | undefined, lineNumber: number) {
if (!token) return;
const linesLeft = this.tokenToLinesLeft.get(token);
linesLeft?.forEach(line => {
if (Math.abs(line - lineNumber) < LINE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
this.notifyListeners(line, Side.LEFT);
const linesRight = this.tokenToLinesRight.get(token);
linesRight?.forEach(line => {
if (Math.abs(line - lineNumber) < LINE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
this.notifyListeners(line, Side.RIGHT);
addListener(listener: DiffLayerListener) {
removeListener(listener: DiffLayerListener) {
this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(f => f !== listener);
notifyListeners(line: number, side: Side) {
for (const listener of this.listeners) {
listener(line, line, side);