blob: aabe2fef054f086cd9c941934d489aeefb5599bb [file] [log] [blame]
= Gerrit Code Review - Building with Bazel
Bazel build is experimental. Major missing parts:
* Custom plugins
* Eclipse project generation.
* Test suites for SSH, acceptance, etc.
* tag tests as slow, flaky, etc.
Nice to have:
* JGit build from local tree.
* proxy config.
* coverage
== Installation
You need to use Java 8 and Node.js for building gerrit.
You can install Bazel from the
== Building on the Command Line
=== Gerrit Development WAR File
To build the Gerrit web application that includes GWT UI and PolyGerrit UI:
bazel build gerrit
The output executable WAR will be placed in:
to run,
$(bazel info output_base)/external/local_jdk/bin/java \
-jar bazel-bin/release.war daemon -d ../gerrit_testsite
=== Headless Mode
To build Gerrit in headless mode, i.e. without the GWT Web UI:
bazel build headless
The output executable WAR will be placed in:
=== Extension and Plugin API JAR Files
To build the extension, plugin and GWT API JAR files:
bazel build gerrit-plugin-api:plugin-api_deploy.jar
bazel build gerrit-extension-api:extension-api_deploy.jar
Java binaries, Java sources and Java docs are generated into corresponding
project directories, here as example for plugin API:
Install {extension,plugin,gwt}-api to the local maven repository:
tools/maven/ install bazel
Install gerrit.war to the local maven repository:
tools/maven/ war_install bazel
=== Plugins
bazel build plugins:core
The output JAR files for individual plugins will be placed in:
The JAR files will also be packaged in:
To build a specific plugin:
bazel build plugins/<name>:<name>_deploy.jar
The output JAR file will be be placed in:
Note that when building an individual plugin, the `` package
is not regenerated.
== Using an IDE.
=== IntelliJ
The Gerrit build works with Bazel's [IntelliJ
plugin]( Do the following:
* Install the plugin (requires IJ 2016.2 or newer)
* Select "File > Import Bazel project".
* Select "Workspace": (directory holding gerrit source)
* Select "project view: generate from BUILD": (enter top level BUILD file)
=== Documentation
To build only the documentation for testing or static hosting:
bazel build Documentation:searchfree
The html files will be bundled into `` in this location:
To build the executable WAR with the documentation included:
bazel build withdocs
The WAR file will be placed in:
=== Gerrit Release WAR File
bazel build release
== Running Unit Tests
bazel test --build_tests_only //...
Debugging tests:
bazel test --test_output=streamed --test_filter=com.gerrit.TestClass.testMethod //...
To run a specific test group, e.g. the rest-account test group:
bazel test //gerrit-acceptance-tests/src/test/java/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/rest/account:rest-account
== Dependencies
Dependency JARs are normally downloaded as needed, but you can
download everything upfront. This is useful to enable
subsequent builds to run without network access:
bazel fetch //...
When downloading from behind a proxy (which is common in some corporate
environments), it might be necessary to explicitly specify the proxy that
is then used by `curl`:
export http_proxy=http://<proxy_user_id>:<proxy_password>@<proxy_server>:<proxy_port>
== Building against unpublished Maven JARs
To build against unpublished Maven JARs, like gwtorm or PrologCafe, the custom
JARs must be installed in the local Maven repository (`mvn clean install`) and
`maven_jar()` must be updated to point to the `MAVEN_LOCAL` Maven repository for
that artifact:
name = 'gwtorm',
id = 'gwtorm:gwtorm:42',
license = 'Apache2.0',
repository = MAVEN_LOCAL,
== Building against artifacts from custom Maven repositories
To build against custom Maven repositories, two modes of operations are
supported: with rewrite in and without.
Without rewrite the URL of custom Maven repository can be directly passed
to the maven_jar() function:
name = 'gitblit',
id = 'com.gitblit:gitblit:1.4.0',
sha1 = '1b130dbf5578ace37507430a4a523f6594bf34fa',
license = 'Apache2.0',
repository = GERRIT_FORGE,
When the custom URL has to be rewritten, then the same logic as with Gerrit
known Maven repository is used: Repo name must be defined that matches an entry
in file:
download.GERRIT_FORGE =
And corresponding WORKSPACE excerpt:
name = 'gitblit',
id = 'com.gitblit:gitblit:1.4.0',
sha1 = '1b130dbf5578ace37507430a4a523f6594bf34fa',
license = 'Apache2.0',
repository = GERRIT_FORGE,
=== Cleaning The download cache
The cache for the Gerrit Code Review project is located in
If you really do need to clean the cache manually, then:
rm -rf ~/.gerritcodereview/buck-cache/locally-built-artifacts
Note that the root `buck-cache` folder should not be deleted as it also contains
the `downloaded-artifacts` directory, which holds the artifacts that got
downloaded (not built locally).
== Known issues and bugs
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]