blob: caaf3bf24e01e75d4bddc2d7eb80f6f908efb303 [file] [log] [blame]
# Changes to this file should also be made in
# gerrit-server/src/main/resources/com/google/gerrit/server/change/
accountDashboardTitle = Code Review Dashboard for {0}
changesOpenInProject = Open Changes In {0}
changesMergedInProject = Merged Changes In {0}
changesAbandonedInProject = Abandoned Changes In {0}
revertChangeDefaultMessage = Revert \"{0}\"\n\nThis reverts commit {1}.
changeScreenTitleId = Change {0}
outdatedHeader = Change depends on {0} outdated change(s) and should be rebased on the latest patch sets.
patchSetHeader = Patch Set {0}
loadingPatchSet = Loading Patch Set {0} ...
submitPatchSet = Submit Patch Set {0}
patchTableComments = {0} comments
patchTableDrafts = {0} drafts
patchTableSize_Modify = +{0}, -{1}
patchTableSize_Lines = {0} lines
removeReviewer = Remove reviewer {0}
messageWrittenOn = on {0}
renamedFrom = renamed from {0}
copiedFrom = copied from {0}
otherFrom = from {0}
needApproval = Need {0}
publishComments = Change {0} - Patch Set {1}: Publish Comments
lineHeader = Line {0}:
changeQueryWindowTitle = {0}
changeQueryPageTitle = Search for {0}
reviewerNotFound = {0} is neither a registered user nor a group.
accountInactive = {0} is not an active user.
changeNotVisibleTo = {0} cannot access the change.
groupIsEmpty = The group {0} does not have any members to add as reviewers.
groupIsNotAllowed = The group {0} cannot be added as reviewer.
groupHasTooManyMembers = The group {0} has too many members to add them all as reviewers.
groupManyMembersConfirmation = The group {0} has {1} members. Do you want to add them all as reviewers?