blob: 022492df3fdccea0b87a011b70886151a4c5fa28 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview The API of Gerrit's diff viewer, gr-diff.
* This includes some types which are also defined as part of Gerrit's JSON API
* which are used as inputs to gr-diff.
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {CommentRange} from './core';
* Diff type in preferences
export enum DiffViewMode {
* The DiffInfo entity contains information about the diff of a file in a
* revision.
* If the weblinks-only parameter is specified, only the web_links field is set.
export declare interface DiffInfo {
/** Meta information about the file on side A as a DiffFileMetaInfo entity. */
meta_a: DiffFileMetaInfo;
/** Meta information about the file on side B as a DiffFileMetaInfo entity. */
meta_b: DiffFileMetaInfo;
change_type: ChangeType;
/** Intraline status (OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT). */
intraline_status: 'OK' | 'Error' | 'Timeout';
/** The content differences in the file as a list of DiffContent entities. */
content: DiffContent[];
/** Whether the file is binary. */
binary?: boolean;
* The DiffFileMetaInfo entity contains meta information about a file diff.
export declare interface DiffFileMetaInfo {
/** The name of the file. */
name: string;
/** The content type of the file. */
content_type: string;
/** The total number of lines in the file. */
lines: number;
// TODO: Not documented.
language?: string;
export declare type ChangeType =
* The DiffContent entity contains information about the content differences in
* a file.
export declare interface DiffContent {
/** Content only in the file on side A (deleted in B). */
a?: string[];
/** Content only in the file on side B (added in B). */
b?: string[];
/** Content in the file on both sides (unchanged). */
ab?: string[];
* Text sections deleted from side A as a DiffIntralineInfo entity.
* Only present during a replace, i.e. both a and b are present.
edit_a?: DiffIntralineInfo[];
* Text sections inserted in side B as a DiffIntralineInfo entity.
* Only present during a replace, i.e. both a and b are present.
edit_b?: DiffIntralineInfo[];
/** Indicates whether this entry was introduced by a rebase. */
due_to_rebase?: boolean;
* Provides info about a move operation the chunk.
* It's presence indicates the current chunk exists due to a move.
move_details?: MoveDetails;
* Count of lines skipped on both sides when the file is too large to include
* all common lines.
skip?: number;
* Set to true if the region is common according to the requested
* ignore-whitespace parameter, but a and b contain differing amounts of
* whitespace. When present and true a and b are used instead of ab.
common?: boolean;
* Details about move operation related to a specific chunk.
export declare interface MoveDetails {
/** Indicates whether the content of the chunk changes while moving code */
changed: boolean;
* Indicates the range (line numbers) on the other side of the comparison
* where the code related to the current chunk came from/went to.
range: {
start: number;
end: number;
* The DiffIntralineInfo entity contains information about intraline edits in a
* file.
* The information consists of a list of <skip length, mark length> pairs, where
* the skip length is the number of characters between the end of the previous
* edit and the start of this edit, and the mark length is the number of edited
* characters following the skip. The start of the edits is from the beginning
* of the related diff content lines.
* Note that the implied newline character at the end of each line is included
* in the length calculation, and thus it is possible for the edits to span
* newlines.
export declare type SkipLength = number;
export declare type MarkLength = number;
export declare type DiffIntralineInfo = [SkipLength, MarkLength];
* The DiffPreferencesInfo entity contains information about the diff
* preferences of a user.
export declare interface DiffPreferencesInfo {
context: number;
ignore_whitespace: IgnoreWhitespaceType;
line_length: number;
show_line_endings?: boolean;
show_tabs?: boolean;
show_whitespace_errors?: boolean;
syntax_highlighting?: boolean;
tab_size: number;
font_size: number;
// TODO: Missing documentation
show_file_comment_button?: boolean;
export declare interface RenderPreferences {
hide_left_side?: boolean;
disable_context_control_buttons?: boolean;
show_file_comment_button?: boolean;
hide_line_length_indicator?: boolean;
* Whether whitespace changes should be ignored and if yes, which whitespace
* changes should be ignored
export declare type IgnoreWhitespaceType =
export enum Side {
LEFT = 'left',
RIGHT = 'right',
export enum CoverageType {
* start_character and end_character of the range will be ignored for this
* type.
* start_character and end_character of the range will be ignored for this
* type.
* You don't have to use this. If there is no coverage information for a
* range, then it implicitly means NOT_INSTRUMENTED. start_character and
* end_character of the range will be ignored for this type.
export declare interface LineRange {
start_line: number;
end_line: number;
export declare interface CoverageRange {
type: CoverageType;
side: Side;
code_range: LineRange;
/** LOST LineNumber is for ported comments without a range, they have their own
* line number and are added on top of the FILE row in gr-diff
export declare type LineNumber = number | 'FILE' | 'LOST';
/** The detail of the 'create-comment' event dispatched by gr-diff. */
export declare interface CreateCommentEventDetail {
side: Side;
lineNum: LineNumber;
range: CommentRange | undefined;
export declare interface ContentLoadNeededEventDetail {
lineRange: {
left: LineRange;
right: LineRange;
export declare interface MovedLinkClickedEventDetail {
side: Side;
lineNum: LineNumber;
/** All types of button for expanding diff sections */
export enum ContextButtonType {
ABOVE = 'above',
BELOW = 'below',
ALL = 'all',
/** Details to be externally accessed when expanding diffs */
export declare interface DiffContextExpandedExternalDetail {
expandedLines: number;
buttonType: ContextButtonType;
export enum GrDiffLineType {
ADD = 'add',
BOTH = 'both',
BLANK = 'blank',
REMOVE = 'remove',
/** Describes a line to be rendered in a diff. */
export declare interface GrDiffLine {
readonly type: GrDiffLineType;
/** The line number on the left side of the diff - 0 means none. */
beforeNumber: LineNumber;
/** The line number on the right side of the diff - 0 means none. */
afterNumber: LineNumber;
* Interface to implemented to define a new layer in the diff.
* Layers can affect how the text of the diff or its line numbers
* are rendered.
export declare interface DiffLayer {
* Called during rendering and allows annotating the diff text or line number
* by mutating those elements.
* @param textElement The rendered text of one side of the diff.
* @param lineNumberElement The rendered line number of one side of the diff.
* @param line Describes the line that should be annotated.
textElement: HTMLElement,
lineNumberElement: HTMLElement,
line: GrDiffLine
): void;
/** Data used by GrAnnotation to generate elements. */
export declare interface ElementSpec {
tagName: string;
attributes?: {[key: string]: unknown};
/** Used to annotate segments of an HTMLElement with a class string. */
export declare interface GrAnnotation {
* Annotates the [offset, offset+length) text segment in the parent with the
* element definition provided as arguments.
* @param parent the node whose contents will be annotated.
* If parent is Text then parent.parentNode must not be null
* @param offset the 0-based offset from which the annotation will
* start.
* @param length of the annotated text.
* @param elementSpec the spec to create the
* annotating element.
el: HTMLElement,
start: number,
length: number,
elementSpec: ElementSpec
): void;
* Surrounds the element's text at specified range in an ANNOTATION_TAG
* element. If the element has child elements, the range is split and
* applied as deeply as possible.
el: HTMLElement,
start: number,
length: number,
className: string
): void;