blob: 60c4f08d9908396df0a4ea2184215a551e28d781 [file] [log] [blame]
Release notes for Gerrit 2.5
Gerrit 2.5 is now available:
Upgrade Warnings
Gerrit 2.5 no longer includes replication support out of the box.
Servers that reply upon `replication.config` to copy Git repository
data to other locations must also install the replication plugin.
Cache Configuration
Disk caches are now backed by individual H2 databases, rather than
Ehcache's own private format. Administrators are encouraged to clear
the `'$site_path'/cache` directory before starting the new server.
The `cache.NAME.diskLimit` configuration variable is now expressed in
bytes of disk used. This is a change from previous versions of Gerrit,
which expressed the limit as the number of entries rather than bytes.
Bytes of disk is a more accurate way to size what is held. Admins that
set this variable must update their configurations, as the old values
are too small. For example a setting of `diskLimit = 65535` will only
store 64 KiB worth of data on disk and can no longer hold 65,000 patch
sets. It is recommended to delete the diskLimit variable (if set) and
rely on the built-in default of `128m`.
The `cache.diff.memoryLimit` and `cache.diff_intraline.memoryLimit`
configuration variables are now expressed in bytes of memory used,
rather than number of entries in the cache. This is a change from
previous versions of Gerrit and gives administrators more control over
how memory is partioned within a server. Admins that set this variable
must update their configurations, as the old values are too small.
For example a setting of `memoryLimit = 1024` now means only 1 KiB of
data (which may not even hold 1 patch set), not 1024 patch sets. It
is recommended to set these to `10m` for 10 MiB of memory, and
increase as necessary.
The `cache.NAME.maxAge` variable now means the maximum amount of time
that can elapse between reads of the source data into the cache, no
matter how often it is being accessed. In prior versions it meant how
long an item could be held without being requested by a client before
it was discarded. The new meaning of elapsed time before consulting
the source data is more useful, as it enables a strict bound on how
stale the cached data can be. This is especially useful for slave
servers account and permission data, or the `ldap_groups` cache, where
updates are often made to the source without telling Gerrit to reload
the cache.