| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2017 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import '../../../test/common-test-setup'; |
| import './gr-router'; |
| import {Page, PageContext} from './gr-page'; |
| import { |
| stubBaseUrl, |
| stubRestApi, |
| addListenerForTest, |
| waitUntilCalled, |
| mockPromise, |
| MockPromise, |
| } from '../../../test/test-utils'; |
| import {GrRouter, routerToken} from './gr-router'; |
| import {GerritView} from '../../../services/router/router-model'; |
| import { |
| BasePatchSetNum, |
| NumericChangeId, |
| RepoName, |
| RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| } from '../../../types/common'; |
| import {AppElementJustRegisteredParams} from '../../gr-app-types'; |
| import {assert} from '@open-wc/testing'; |
| import {AdminChildView, AdminViewState} from '../../../models/views/admin'; |
| import {RepoDetailView} from '../../../models/views/repo'; |
| import {GroupDetailView} from '../../../models/views/group'; |
| import {ChangeChildView} from '../../../models/views/change'; |
| import {PatchRangeParams} from '../../../utils/url-util'; |
| import {testResolver} from '../../../test/common-test-setup'; |
| import { |
| createAdminPluginsViewState, |
| createAdminReposViewState, |
| createChangeViewState, |
| createComment, |
| createDashboardViewState, |
| createDiff, |
| createDiffViewState, |
| createEditViewState, |
| createGroupViewState, |
| createParsedChange, |
| createRepoBranchesViewState, |
| createRepoTagsViewState, |
| createRepoViewState, |
| createRevision, |
| createSearchViewState, |
| } from '../../../test/test-data-generators'; |
| import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../../../types/types'; |
| import {ViewState} from '../../../models/views/base'; |
| |
| suite('gr-router tests', () => { |
| let router: GrRouter; |
| let page: Page; |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| router = testResolver(routerToken); |
| page = router.page; |
| }); |
| |
| teardown(async () => { |
| router.finalize(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getHashFromCanonicalPath', () => { |
| let url = '/foo/bar'; |
| let hash = router.getHashFromCanonicalPath(url); |
| assert.equal(hash, ''); |
| |
| url = ''; |
| hash = router.getHashFromCanonicalPath(url); |
| assert.equal(hash, ''); |
| |
| url = '/foo#bar'; |
| hash = router.getHashFromCanonicalPath(url); |
| assert.equal(hash, 'bar'); |
| |
| url = '/foo#bar#baz'; |
| hash = router.getHashFromCanonicalPath(url); |
| assert.equal(hash, 'bar#baz'); |
| |
| url = '#foo#bar#baz'; |
| hash = router.getHashFromCanonicalPath(url); |
| assert.equal(hash, 'foo#bar#baz'); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('parseLineAddress', () => { |
| test('returns null for empty and invalid hashes', () => { |
| let actual = router.parseLineAddress(''); |
| assert.isNull(actual); |
| |
| actual = router.parseLineAddress('foobar'); |
| assert.isNull(actual); |
| |
| actual = router.parseLineAddress('foo123'); |
| assert.isNull(actual); |
| |
| actual = router.parseLineAddress('123bar'); |
| assert.isNull(actual); |
| }); |
| |
| test('parses correctly', () => { |
| let actual = router.parseLineAddress('1234'); |
| assert.isOk(actual); |
| assert.equal(actual!.lineNum, 1234); |
| assert.isFalse(actual!.leftSide); |
| |
| actual = router.parseLineAddress('a4'); |
| assert.isOk(actual); |
| assert.equal(actual!.lineNum, 4); |
| assert.isTrue(actual!.leftSide); |
| |
| actual = router.parseLineAddress('b77'); |
| assert.isOk(actual); |
| assert.equal(actual!.lineNum, 77); |
| assert.isTrue(actual!.leftSide); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('startRouterForTesting requires auth for the right handlers', () => { |
| // This test encodes the lists of route handler methods that gr-router |
| // automatically checks for authentication before triggering. |
| |
| const requiresAuth: any = {}; |
| const doesNotRequireAuth: any = {}; |
| sinon.stub(page, 'start'); |
| sinon |
| .stub(router, 'mapRoute') |
| .callsFake((_pattern, methodName, _method, usesAuth) => { |
| if (usesAuth) { |
| requiresAuth[methodName] = true; |
| } else { |
| doesNotRequireAuth[methodName] = true; |
| } |
| }); |
| router._testOnly_startRouter(); |
| |
| const actualRequiresAuth = Object.keys(requiresAuth); |
| actualRequiresAuth.sort(); |
| const actualDoesNotRequireAuth = Object.keys(doesNotRequireAuth); |
| actualDoesNotRequireAuth.sort(); |
| |
| const shouldRequireAutoAuth = [ |
| 'handleAgreementsRoute', |
| 'handleChangeEditRoute', |
| 'handleCreateGroupRoute', |
| 'handleCreateProjectRoute', |
| 'handleDiffEditRoute', |
| 'handleGroupAuditLogRoute', |
| 'handleGroupInfoRoute', |
| 'handleGroupListRoute', |
| 'handleGroupMembersRoute', |
| 'handleGroupRoute', |
| 'handleGroupSelfRedirectRoute', |
| 'handleNewAgreementsRoute', |
| 'handlePluginListFilterRoute', |
| 'handlePluginListRoute', |
| 'handleRepoCommandsRoute', |
| 'handleRepoEditFileRoute', |
| 'handleSettingsLegacyRoute', |
| 'handleSettingsRoute', |
| ]; |
| assert.deepEqual(actualRequiresAuth, shouldRequireAutoAuth); |
| |
| const unauthenticatedHandlers = [ |
| 'handleBranchListRoute', |
| 'handleChangeIdQueryRoute', |
| 'handleChangeRoute', |
| 'handleCommentRoute', |
| 'handleCommentsRoute', |
| 'handleDiffRoute', |
| 'handleDefaultRoute', |
| 'handleDocumentationRedirectRoute', |
| 'handleDocumentationSearchRoute', |
| 'handleDocumentationSearchRedirectRoute', |
| 'handleLegacyLinenum', |
| 'handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute', |
| 'handlePassThroughRoute', |
| 'handleProjectDashboardRoute', |
| 'handleLegacyProjectDashboardRoute', |
| 'handleProjectsOldRoute', |
| 'handleRepoAccessRoute', |
| 'handleRepoDashboardsRoute', |
| 'handleRepoGeneralRoute', |
| 'handleRepoListRoute', |
| 'handleRepoRoute', |
| 'handleQueryLegacySuffixRoute', |
| 'handleQueryRoute', |
| 'handleRegisterRoute', |
| 'handleTagListRoute', |
| 'handlePluginScreen', |
| ]; |
| |
| // Handler names that check authentication themselves, and thus don't need |
| // it performed for them. |
| const selfAuthenticatingHandlers = [ |
| 'handleDashboardRoute', |
| 'handleCustomDashboardRoute', |
| 'handleRootRoute', |
| ]; |
| |
| const shouldNotRequireAuth = unauthenticatedHandlers.concat( |
| selfAuthenticatingHandlers |
| ); |
| shouldNotRequireAuth.sort(); |
| assert.deepEqual(actualDoesNotRequireAuth, shouldNotRequireAuth); |
| }); |
| |
| test('redirectIfNotLoggedIn while logged in', () => { |
| stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').returns(Promise.resolve(true)); |
| const redirectStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirectToLogin'); |
| return router.redirectIfNotLoggedIn('somepath').then(() => { |
| assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('redirectIfNotLoggedIn while logged out', () => { |
| stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').returns(Promise.resolve(false)); |
| const redirectStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirectToLogin'); |
| return new Promise(resolve => { |
| router |
| .redirectIfNotLoggedIn('somepath') |
| .then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(false, 'Should never execute'); |
| }) |
| .catch(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce); |
| resolve(Promise.resolve()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('param normalization', () => { |
| suite('normalizePatchRangeParams', () => { |
| test('range n..n normalizes to n', () => { |
| const params: PatchRangeParams = { |
| basePatchNum: 4 as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: 4 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| }; |
| router.normalizePatchRangeParams(params); |
| assert.equal(params.basePatchNum, PARENT); |
| assert.equal(params.patchNum, 4 as RevisionPatchSetNum); |
| }); |
| |
| test('range n.. normalizes to n', () => { |
| const params: PatchRangeParams = {basePatchNum: 4 as BasePatchSetNum}; |
| router.normalizePatchRangeParams(params); |
| assert.equal(params.basePatchNum, PARENT); |
| assert.equal(params.patchNum, 4 as RevisionPatchSetNum); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('navigation blockers', () => { |
| let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers; |
| let redirectStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let urlPromise: MockPromise<string>; |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup'); |
| urlPromise = mockPromise<string>(); |
| redirectStub = sinon |
| .stub(router, 'redirect') |
| .callsFake(urlPromise.resolve); |
| router._testOnly_startRouter(); |
| clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('no blockers: normal redirect', async () => { |
| router.page.show('/settings/agreements'); |
| const url = await urlPromise; |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce); |
| assert.equal(url, '/settings/#Agreements'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('redirect blocked', async () => { |
| const firstAlertPromise = mockPromise<Event>(); |
| addListenerForTest(document, 'show-alert', firstAlertPromise.resolve); |
| |
| router.blockNavigation('a good reason'); |
| router.page.show('/settings/agreements'); |
| |
| const firstAlert = (await firstAlertPromise) as CustomEvent; |
| assert.equal( |
| firstAlert.detail.message, |
| 'Waiting 1 second for navigation blockers to resolve ...' |
| ); |
| |
| const secondAlertPromise = mockPromise<Event>(); |
| addListenerForTest(document, 'show-alert', secondAlertPromise.resolve); |
| |
| clock.tick(2000); |
| |
| const secondAlert = (await secondAlertPromise) as CustomEvent; |
| assert.equal( |
| secondAlert.detail.message, |
| 'Navigation is blocked by: a good reason' |
| ); |
| |
| assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('redirect blocked, but resolved within one second', async () => { |
| const firstAlertPromise = mockPromise<Event>(); |
| addListenerForTest(document, 'show-alert', firstAlertPromise.resolve); |
| |
| router.blockNavigation('a good reason'); |
| router.page.show('/settings/agreements'); |
| |
| const firstAlert = (await firstAlertPromise) as CustomEvent; |
| assert.equal( |
| firstAlert.detail.message, |
| 'Waiting 1 second for navigation blockers to resolve ...' |
| ); |
| |
| const secondAlertPromise = mockPromise<Event>(); |
| addListenerForTest(document, 'show-alert', secondAlertPromise.resolve); |
| |
| clock.tick(500); |
| router.releaseNavigation('a good reason'); |
| clock.tick(2000); |
| |
| await urlPromise; |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('route handlers', () => { |
| let redirectStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let setStateStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let handlePassThroughRoute: sinon.SinonStub; |
| let redirectToLoginStub: sinon.SinonStub; |
| |
| async function checkUrlToState<T extends ViewState>( |
| url: string, |
| state: T | AppElementJustRegisteredParams |
| ) { |
| setStateStub.reset(); |
| router.page.show(url); |
| await waitUntilCalled(setStateStub, 'setState'); |
| assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce); |
| assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.firstArg, state); |
| } |
| |
| async function checkRedirect(fromUrl: string, toUrl: string) { |
| redirectStub.reset(); |
| router.page.show(fromUrl); |
| await waitUntilCalled(redirectStub, 'redirect'); |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce); |
| assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called); |
| assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.firstArg, toUrl); |
| } |
| |
| async function checkRedirectToLogin(fromUrl: string, toUrl: string) { |
| redirectToLoginStub.reset(); |
| router.page.show(fromUrl); |
| await waitUntilCalled(redirectToLoginStub, 'redirectToLogin'); |
| assert.isTrue(redirectToLoginStub.calledOnce); |
| assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called); |
| assert.equal(redirectToLoginStub.lastCall.firstArg, toUrl); |
| } |
| |
| async function checkUrlNotMatched(url: string) { |
| handlePassThroughRoute.reset(); |
| router.page.show(url); |
| await waitUntilCalled(handlePassThroughRoute, 'handlePassThroughRoute'); |
| } |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup'); |
| redirectStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirect'); |
| redirectToLoginStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirectToLogin'); |
| setStateStub = sinon.stub(router, 'setState'); |
| handlePassThroughRoute = sinon.stub(router, 'handlePassThroughRoute'); |
| router._testOnly_startRouter(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('LEGACY_PROJECT_DASHBOARD', async () => { |
| // LEGACY_PROJECT_DASHBOARD: /^\/projects\/(.+),dashboards\/(.+)/, |
| await checkRedirect( |
| '/projects/gerrit/project,dashboards/dashboard:main', |
| '/p/gerrit/project/+/dashboard/dashboard:main' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('AGREEMENTS', async () => { |
| // AGREEMENTS: /^\/settings\/agreements\/?/, |
| await checkRedirect('/settings/agreements', '/settings/#Agreements'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('NEW_AGREEMENTS', async () => { |
| // NEW_AGREEMENTS: /^\/settings\/new-agreement\/?/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/settings/new-agreement', { |
| view: GerritView.AGREEMENTS, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/settings/new-agreement/', { |
| view: GerritView.AGREEMENTS, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('SETTINGS', async () => { |
| // SETTINGS: /^\/settings\/?/, |
| // SETTINGS_LEGACY: /^\/settings\/VE\/(\S+)/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/settings', {view: GerritView.SETTINGS}); |
| await checkUrlToState('/settings/', {view: GerritView.SETTINGS}); |
| await checkUrlToState('/settings/VE/asdf', { |
| view: GerritView.SETTINGS, |
| emailToken: 'asdf', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/settings/VE/asdf%40qwer', { |
| view: GerritView.SETTINGS, |
| emailToken: 'asdf@qwer', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('handleDefaultRoute on first load', () => { |
| const spy = sinon.spy(); |
| addListenerForTest(document, 'page-error', spy); |
| router.handleDefaultRoute(); |
| assert.isTrue(spy.calledOnce); |
| assert.equal(spy.lastCall.args[0].detail.response.status, 404); |
| }); |
| |
| test('handleDefaultRoute after internal navigation', () => { |
| let onExit: Function | null = null; |
| const onRegisteringExit = ( |
| _match: string | RegExp, |
| _onExit: Function |
| ) => { |
| onExit = _onExit; |
| }; |
| sinon.stub(page, 'registerExitRoute').callsFake(onRegisteringExit); |
| sinon.stub(page, 'start'); |
| router._testOnly_startRouter(); |
| |
| router.handleDefaultRoute(); |
| |
| onExit!('', () => {}); // we left page; |
| |
| router.handleDefaultRoute(); |
| assert.isTrue(handlePassThroughRoute.calledOnce); |
| }); |
| |
| test('IMPROPERLY_ENCODED_PLUS', async () => { |
| // IMPROPERLY_ENCODED_PLUS: /^\/c\/(.+)\/ \/(.+)$/, |
| await checkRedirect('/c/repo/ /42', '/c/repo/+/42'); |
| await checkRedirect('/c/repo/%20/42', '/c/repo/+/42'); |
| await checkRedirect('/c/repo/ /42#foo', '/c/repo/+/42#foo'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('QUERY', async () => { |
| // QUERY: /^\/q\/(.+?)(,(\d+))?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/q/asdf', { |
| ...createSearchViewState(), |
| query: 'asdf', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/q/project:foo/bar/baz', { |
| ...createSearchViewState(), |
| query: 'project:foo/bar/baz', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/q/asdf,123', { |
| ...createSearchViewState(), |
| query: 'asdf', |
| offset: '123', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/q/asdf,qwer', { |
| ...createSearchViewState(), |
| query: 'asdf,qwer', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/q/asdf,qwer,123', { |
| ...createSearchViewState(), |
| query: 'asdf,qwer', |
| offset: '123', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('QUERY_LEGACY_SUFFIX', async () => { |
| // QUERY_LEGACY_SUFFIX: /^\/q\/.+,n,z$/, |
| await checkRedirect('/q/foo+bar,n,z', '/q/foo+bar'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('CHANGE_ID_QUERY', async () => { |
| // CHANGE_ID_QUERY: /^\/id\/(I[0-9a-f]{40})$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/id/I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567', { |
| ...createSearchViewState(), |
| query: 'I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('REGISTER', async () => { |
| // REGISTER: /^\/register(\/.*)?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/register/foo/bar', { |
| justRegistered: true, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar')); |
| |
| await checkUrlToState('/register', { |
| justRegistered: true, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/')); |
| |
| await checkUrlToState('/register/register', { |
| justRegistered: true, |
| }); |
| assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/')); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('ROOT', () => { |
| test('closes for closeAfterLogin', () => { |
| const ctx = { |
| querystring: 'closeAfterLogin', |
| canonicalPath: '', |
| } as PageContext; |
| const closeStub = sinon.stub(window, 'close'); |
| const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx); |
| assert.isNotOk(result); |
| assert.isTrue(closeStub.called); |
| assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT logged in', async () => { |
| stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(true); |
| await checkRedirect('/', '/dashboard/self'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT not logged in', async () => { |
| stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(false); |
| await checkRedirect('/', '/q/status:open+-is:wip'); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('ROOT GWT hash-path URLs', () => { |
| test('ROOT hash-path URLs', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/baz'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT hash-path URLs w/o leading slash', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect('/#foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/baz'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT normalizes "/ /" in hash to "/+/"', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar/+/123/4', '/foo/bar/+/123/4'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT prepends baseurl to hash-path', async () => { |
| stubBaseUrl('/baz'); |
| await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar', '/baz/foo/bar'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT normalizes /VE/ settings hash-paths', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect('/#/VE/foo/bar', '/settings/VE/foo/bar'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ROOT does not drop "inner hashes"', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar#baz', '/foo/bar#baz'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('DASHBOARD', () => { |
| test('DASHBOARD own dashboard but signed out redirects to login', async () => { |
| stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(false); |
| await checkRedirectToLogin('/dashboard/seLF', '/dashboard/seLF'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('DASHBOARD non-self dashboard but signed out redirects', async () => { |
| stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(false); |
| await checkRedirect('/dashboard/foo', '/q/owner:foo'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('DASHBOARD', async () => { |
| // DASHBOARD: /^\/dashboard\/(.+)$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/dashboard/foo', { |
| ...createDashboardViewState(), |
| user: 'foo', |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('CUSTOM_DASHBOARD', () => { |
| test('CUSTOM_DASHBOARD no user specified', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect('/dashboard/', '/dashboard/self'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('CUSTOM_DASHBOARD', async () => { |
| // CUSTOM_DASHBOARD: /^\/dashboard\/?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/dashboard?title=Custom Dashboard&a=b&d=e', { |
| ...createDashboardViewState(), |
| sections: [ |
| {name: 'a', query: 'b'}, |
| {name: 'd', query: 'e'}, |
| ], |
| title: 'Custom Dashboard', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/dashboard?a=b&c&d=&=e&foreach=is:open', { |
| ...createDashboardViewState(), |
| sections: [{name: 'a', query: 'is:open b'}], |
| title: 'Custom Dashboard', |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('group routes', () => { |
| test('GROUP_INFO', async () => { |
| // GROUP_INFO: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),info$/, |
| await checkRedirect('/admin/groups/1234,info', '/admin/groups/1234'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('GROUP_AUDIT_LOG', async () => { |
| // GROUP_AUDIT_LOG: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),audit-log$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/1234,audit-log', { |
| ...createGroupViewState(), |
| detail: GroupDetailView.LOG, |
| groupId: '1234', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('GROUP_MEMBERS', async () => { |
| // GROUP_MEMBERS: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),members$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/1234,members', { |
| ...createGroupViewState(), |
| detail: GroupDetailView.MEMBERS, |
| groupId: '1234', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('GROUP_LIST', async () => { |
| // GROUP_LIST: /^\/admin\/groups(\/q\/filter:(.*?))?(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/, |
| |
| const defaultState: AdminViewState = { |
| view: GerritView.ADMIN, |
| adminView: AdminChildView.GROUPS, |
| offset: '0', |
| openCreateModal: false, |
| filter: '', |
| }; |
| |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups', defaultState); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/', defaultState); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups#create', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| openCreateModal: true, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups,42', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| // #create is ignored when there is an offset |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups,42#create', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/q/filter:foo', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/q/filter:foo/%2F%20%2525%252F', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| filter: 'foo// %/', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/q/filter:foo,42', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| filter: 'foo', |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| // #create is ignored when filtering |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/q/filter:foo,42#create', { |
| ...defaultState, |
| filter: 'foo', |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('GROUP', async () => { |
| // GROUP: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?([^,]+)$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/4321', { |
| ...createGroupViewState(), |
| groupId: '4321', |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('REPO*', () => { |
| test('PROJECT_OLD', async () => { |
| // PROJECT_OLD: /^\/admin\/(projects)\/?(.+)?$/, |
| await checkRedirect('/admin/projects/', '/admin/repos/'); |
| await checkRedirect('/admin/projects/test', '/admin/repos/test'); |
| await checkRedirect( |
| '/admin/projects/test,branches', |
| '/admin/repos/test,branches' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('REPO', async () => { |
| // REPO: /^\/admin\/repos\/([^,]+)$/, |
| await checkRedirect('/admin/repos/test', '/admin/repos/test,general'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('REPO_GENERAL', async () => { |
| // REPO_GENERAL: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),general$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,general', { |
| ...createRepoViewState(), |
| detail: RepoDetailView.GENERAL, |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('REPO_COMMANDS', async () => { |
| // REPO_COMMANDS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),commands$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,commands', { |
| ...createRepoViewState(), |
| detail: RepoDetailView.COMMANDS, |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('REPO_ACCESS', async () => { |
| // REPO_ACCESS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),access$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,access', { |
| ...createRepoViewState(), |
| detail: RepoDetailView.ACCESS, |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('BRANCH_LIST', async () => { |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches', { |
| ...createRepoBranchesViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches,42', { |
| ...createRepoBranchesViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches/q/filter:foo,42', { |
| ...createRepoBranchesViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| offset: '42', |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches/q/filter:foo', { |
| ...createRepoBranchesViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState( |
| '/admin/repos/asdf/%2F%20%2525%252Fqwer,branches/q/filter:foo/%2F%20%2525%252F', |
| { |
| ...createRepoBranchesViewState(), |
| repo: 'asdf// %/qwer' as RepoName, |
| filter: 'foo// %/', |
| } |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('TAG_LIST', async () => { |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags', { |
| ...createRepoTagsViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags,42', { |
| ...createRepoTagsViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags/q/filter:foo,42', { |
| ...createRepoTagsViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| offset: '42', |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags/q/filter:foo', { |
| ...createRepoTagsViewState(), |
| repo: '4321' as RepoName, |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState( |
| '/admin/repos/asdf/%2F%20%2525%252Fqwer,tags/q/filter:foo/%2F%20%2525%252F', |
| { |
| ...createRepoTagsViewState(), |
| repo: 'asdf// %/qwer' as RepoName, |
| filter: 'foo// %/', |
| } |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('REPO_LIST', async () => { |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos,42', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos#create', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| openCreateModal: true, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/q/filter:foo', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/q/filter:foo/%2F%20%2525%252F', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| filter: 'foo// %/', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/q/filter:foo,42', { |
| ...createAdminReposViewState(), |
| filter: 'foo', |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('PLUGIN_LIST', async () => { |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins,42', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| offset: '42', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/q/filter:foo', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/q/filter:foo%2F%20%2525%252F', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| filter: 'foo/ %/', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/q/filter:foo,42', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| offset: '42', |
| filter: 'foo', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/q/filter:foo,asdf', { |
| ...createAdminPluginsViewState(), |
| filter: 'foo,asdf', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('CHANGE* / DIFF*', () => { |
| test('DIFF_LEGACY_LINENUM', async () => { |
| await checkRedirect( |
| '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar@321', |
| '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar#321' |
| ); |
| await checkRedirect( |
| '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar@b321', |
| '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar#b321' |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('CHANGE', async () => { |
| // CHANGE: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/?((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?))?\/?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42', { |
| ...createChangeViewState(), |
| basePatchNum: undefined, |
| patchNum: undefined, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42/7', { |
| ...createChangeViewState(), |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: 7, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42/4..7', { |
| ...createChangeViewState(), |
| basePatchNum: 4, |
| patchNum: 7, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState( |
| '/c/test-project/+/42/4..7?tab=checks&filter=fff&attempt=1&checksRunsSelected=asdf,qwer&checksResultsFilter=asdf.*qwer', |
| { |
| ...createChangeViewState(), |
| basePatchNum: 4, |
| patchNum: 7, |
| attempt: 1, |
| filter: 'fff', |
| tab: 'checks', |
| checksRunsSelected: new Set(['asdf', 'qwer']), |
| checksResultsFilter: 'asdf.*qwer', |
| } |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('COMMENTS_TAB', async () => { |
| // COMMENTS_TAB: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/comments(?:\/)?(\w+)?\/?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState( |
| '/c/gerrit/+/264833/comments/00049681_f34fd6a9/', |
| { |
| ...createChangeViewState(), |
| repo: 'gerrit' as RepoName, |
| changeNum: 264833 as NumericChangeId, |
| commentId: '00049681_f34fd6a9' as UrlEncodedCommentId, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW, |
| } |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('handleDiffRoute', () => { |
| test('DIFF', async () => { |
| // DIFF: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?(\/(.+))))\/?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42/4..7/foo/bar/baz#b44', { |
| ...createDiffViewState(), |
| basePatchNum: 4 as BasePatchSetNum, |
| patchNum: 7 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| diffView: { |
| path: 'foo/bar/baz', |
| lineNum: 44, |
| leftSide: true, |
| }, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('COMMENT base..1', async () => { |
| const change: ParsedChangeInfo = createParsedChange(); |
| const repo = change.project; |
| const changeNum = change._number; |
| const ps = 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum; |
| const line = 23; |
| const id = '00049681_f34fd6a9' as UrlEncodedCommentId; |
| stubRestApi('getChangeDetail').resolves(change); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffComments').resolves({ |
| filepath: [{...createComment(), id, patch_set: ps, line}], |
| }); |
| |
| await checkRedirect( |
| `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`, |
| `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/${ps}/filepath#${line}` |
| ); |
| }); |
| |
| test('COMMENT 1..2', async () => { |
| const change: ParsedChangeInfo = { |
| ...createParsedChange(), |
| revisions: { |
| abc: createRevision(1), |
| def: createRevision(2), |
| }, |
| }; |
| const repo = change.project; |
| const changeNum = change._number; |
| const ps = 1 as RevisionPatchSetNum; |
| const line = 23; |
| const id = '00049681_f34fd6a9' as UrlEncodedCommentId; |
| |
| stubRestApi('getChangeDetail').resolves(change); |
| stubRestApi('getDiffComments').resolves({ |
| filepath: [{...createComment(), id, patch_set: ps, line}], |
| }); |
| const diffStub = stubRestApi('getDiff'); |
| |
| // If getDiff() returns a diff with changes, then we will compare |
| // the patchset of the comment (1) against latest (2). |
| diffStub.onFirstCall().resolves(createDiff()); |
| await checkRedirect( |
| `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`, |
| `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/${ps}..2/filepath#b${line}` |
| ); |
| |
| // If getDiff() returns an unchanged diff, then we will compare |
| // the patchset of the comment (1) against base. |
| diffStub.onSecondCall().resolves({ |
| ...createDiff(), |
| content: [], |
| }); |
| await checkRedirect( |
| `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`, |
| `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/${ps}/filepath#${line}` |
| ); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('DIFF_EDIT', async () => { |
| // DIFF_EDIT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/(\d+|edit)\/(.+),edit(#\d+)?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/foo/bar/+/1234/3/foo/bar/baz,edit', { |
| ...createEditViewState(), |
| repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName, |
| changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| childView: ChangeChildView.EDIT, |
| patchNum: 3 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| editView: {path: 'foo/bar/baz', lineNum: 0}, |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/foo/bar/+/1234/3/foo/bar/baz,edit#4', { |
| ...createEditViewState(), |
| repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName, |
| changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| childView: ChangeChildView.EDIT, |
| patchNum: 3 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| editView: {path: 'foo/bar/baz', lineNum: 4}, |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('CHANGE_EDIT', async () => { |
| // CHANGE_EDIT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/(\d+))?,edit\/?$/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/c/foo/bar/+/1234/3,edit', { |
| ...createChangeViewState(), |
| repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName, |
| changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId, |
| view: GerritView.CHANGE, |
| childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW, |
| patchNum: 3 as RevisionPatchSetNum, |
| edit: true, |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('LOG_IN_OR_OUT pass through', async () => { |
| // LOG_IN_OR_OUT: /^\/log(in|out)(\/(.+))?$/, |
| await checkUrlNotMatched('/login/asdf'); |
| await checkUrlNotMatched('/logout/asdf'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('PLUGIN_SCREEN', async () => { |
| // PLUGIN_SCREEN: /^\/x\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)\/?/, |
| await checkUrlToState('/x/foo/bar', { |
| view: GerritView.PLUGIN_SCREEN, |
| plugin: 'foo', |
| screen: 'bar', |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH*', async () => { |
| // DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_FILTER: '/Documentation/q/filter::filter', |
| // DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH: /^\/Documentation\/q\/(.*)$/, |
| await checkRedirect( |
| '/Documentation/q/asdf', |
| '/Documentation/q/filter:asdf' |
| ); |
| await checkRedirect( |
| '/Documentation/q/as%3Fdf', |
| '/Documentation/q/filter:as%3Fdf' |
| ); |
| |
| await checkUrlToState('/Documentation/q/filter:', { |
| view: GerritView.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH, |
| filter: '', |
| }); |
| await checkUrlToState('/Documentation/q/filter:asdf', { |
| view: GerritView.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH, |
| filter: 'asdf', |
| }); |
| // Percent decoding works fine. gr-page decodes twice, so the only problem |
| // is having `%25` in the URL, because the first decoding pass will yield |
| // `%`, and then the second decoding pass will throw `URI malformed`. |
| await checkUrlToState('/Documentation/q/filter:as%20%2fdf', { |
| view: GerritView.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH, |
| filter: 'as /df', |
| }); |
| // We accept and process double-encoded values, but only *require* it for |
| // the percent symbol `%`. |
| await checkUrlToState('/Documentation/q/filter:as%252f%2525df', { |
| view: GerritView.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH, |
| filter: 'as/%df', |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |