blob: c026e4a6ee50a783cca31d80fc72e54d9ba468e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public abstract class PrettyFormatter {
private static final Map<String, MultiLineStyle> STYLES;
private static final MultiLineStyle DEFAULT_STYLE = new MultiLineStyle() {};
static {
STYLES = new HashMap<String, MultiLineStyle>();
MultiLineStyle c = new MultiLineStyle.Simple("/*", "*/");
STYLES.put("h", c);
STYLES.put("c", c);
STYLES.put("cc", c);
STYLES.put("cpp", c);
STYLES.put("cxx", c);
STYLES.put("cyc", c);
STYLES.put("m", c);
STYLES.put("cs", c);
STYLES.put("java", c);
STYLES.put("js", c);
STYLES.put("css", c);
STYLES.put("scala", c);
MultiLineStyle xml = new MultiLineStyle.Simple("<!--", "-->");
STYLES.put("xml", xml);
STYLES.put("html", xml);
STYLES.put("sgml", xml);
private static MultiLineStyle getCommentStyle(final String lang) {
MultiLineStyle style = STYLES.get(lang);
return style != null ? style : DEFAULT_STYLE;
public static PrettyFormatter newFormatter(String lang) {
return Pretty.loaded ? new Pretty(lang) : new PassThrough();
private boolean showWhiteSpaceErrors;
private int lineLength = 100;
public void setShowWhiteSpaceErrors(final boolean show) {
showWhiteSpaceErrors = show;
public void setLineLength(final int len) {
lineLength = len;
public SafeHtml format(String line) {
SafeHtml html = new SafeHtmlBuilder().append(wrapLines(line));
if (showWhiteSpaceErrors) {
html = showTabAfterSpace(html);
html = showTrailingWhitespace(html);
html = prettify(html);
return html;
public void update(String line) {
private String wrapLines(final String src) {
if (lineLength <= 0) {
// Caller didn't request for line wrapping; use it unmodified.
return src;
if (src.length() < lineLength && src.indexOf('\t') < 0) {
// We're too short and there are no horizontal tabs, line is fine
// as-is so bypass the longer line wrapping code below.
return src;
final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
int lineLen = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) {
final char c = src.charAt(i);
final int cLen = c == '\t' ? 8 : 1;
if (lineLen >= lineLength) {
lineLen = 0;
lineLen += cLen;
return r.toString();
private static SafeHtml showTabAfterSpace(SafeHtml src) {
return src.replaceFirst("^( *\t)",
"<span class=\"gerrit-whitespaceerror\">$1</span>");
private static SafeHtml showTrailingWhitespace(SafeHtml src) {
return src.replaceFirst("([ \t][ \t]*)(\r?\n?)$",
"<span class=\"gerrit-whitespaceerror\">$1</span>$2");
protected SafeHtml prettify(SafeHtml line) {
return line;
private static class PassThrough extends PrettyFormatter {
private static class Pretty extends PrettyFormatter {
static final boolean loaded = isLoaded();
private static native boolean isLoaded()
/*-{ return $wnd['prettyPrintOne'] != null }-*/;
private final String srcType;
private final MultiLineStyle commentStyle;
private MultiLineStyle currentStyle;
Pretty(final String lang) {
srcType = lang;
commentStyle = getCommentStyle(lang);
protected SafeHtml prettify(final SafeHtml src) {
String line = src.asString().replaceAll("&#39;", "'");
if (currentStyle != null) {
final boolean isEnd = currentStyle.isEnd(line);
line = currentStyle.restart(line);
line = prettifyNative(line, srcType);
line = currentStyle.unrestart(line);
if (isEnd) {
currentStyle = null;
} else {
currentStyle = commentStyle.isStart(line);
line = prettifyNative(line, srcType);
return SafeHtml.asis(line);
public void update(String line) {
if (currentStyle != null) {
if (currentStyle.isEnd(line)) {
currentStyle = null;
} else {
currentStyle = commentStyle.isStart(line);
private static native String prettifyNative(String srcText, String srcType)
/*-{ return $wnd.prettyPrintOne(srcText, srcType); }-*/;