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<test-fixture id="basic">
suite('gr-formatted-text tests', function() {
var element;
function assertBlock(result, index, type, text) {
assert.equal(result[index].type, type);
assert.equal(result[index].text, text);
function assertListBlock(result, resultIndex, itemIndex, text) {
assert.equal(result[resultIndex].type, 'list');
assert.equal(result[resultIndex].items[itemIndex], text);
setup(function() {
element = fixture('basic');
test('parse null undefined and empty', function() {
assert.lengthOf(element._computeBlocks(null), 0);
assert.lengthOf(element._computeBlocks(undefined), 0);
assert.lengthOf(element._computeBlocks(''), 0);
test('parse simple', function() {
var comment = 'Para1';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', comment);
test('parse multiline para', function() {
var comment = 'Para 1\nStill para 1';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', comment);
test('parse para break', function() {
var comment = 'Para 1\n\nPara 2\n\nPara 3';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'Para 1');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'paragraph', 'Para 2');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'Para 3');
test('parse quote', function() {
var comment = '> Quote text';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[0].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[0].blocks, 0, 'paragraph', 'Quote text');
test('parse quote lead space', function() {
var comment = ' > Quote text';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[0].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[0].blocks, 0, 'paragraph', 'Quote text');
test('parse excludes empty', function() {
var comment = 'Para 1\n\n\n\nPara 2';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'Para 1');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'paragraph', 'Para 2');
test('parse multiline quote', function() {
var comment = '> Quote line 1\n> Quote line 2\n > Quote line 3\n';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[0].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[0].blocks, 0, 'paragraph',
'Quote line 1\nQuote line 2\nQuote line 3\n');
test('parse pre', function() {
var comment = ' Four space indent.';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'pre', comment);
test('parse one space pre', function() {
var comment = ' One space indent.\n Another line.';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'pre', comment);
test('parse tab pre', function() {
var comment = '\tOne tab indent.\n\tAnother line.\n Yet another!';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'pre', comment);
test('parse intermediate leading whitespace pre', function() {
var comment = 'No indent.\n\tNonzero indent.\nNo indent again.';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'pre', comment);
test('parse star list', function() {
var comment = '* Item 1\n* Item 2\n* Item 3';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result, 0, 0, 'Item 1');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 1, 'Item 2');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 2, 'Item 3');
test('parse dash list', function() {
var comment = '- Item 1\n- Item 2\n- Item 3';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result, 0, 0, 'Item 1');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 1, 'Item 2');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 2, 'Item 3');
test('parse mixed list', function() {
var comment = '- Item 1\n* Item 2\n- Item 3\n* Item 4';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assertListBlock(result, 0, 0, 'Item 1');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 1, 'Item 2');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 2, 'Item 3');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 3, 'Item 4');
test('parse mixed block types', function() {
var comment = 'Paragraph\nacross\na\nfew\nlines.' +
'\n\n' +
'> Quote\n> across\n> not many lines.' +
'\n\n' +
'Another paragraph' +
'\n\n' +
'* Series\n* of\n* list\n* items' +
'\n\n' +
'Yet another paragraph' +
'\n\n' +
'\tPreformatted text.' +
'\n\n' +
'Parting words.';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 7);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'Paragraph\nacross\na\nfew\nlines.');
assert.equal(result[1].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[1].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[1].blocks, 0, 'paragraph',
'Quote\nacross\nnot many lines.');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'Another paragraph');
assertListBlock(result, 3, 0, 'Series');
assertListBlock(result, 3, 1, 'of');
assertListBlock(result, 3, 2, 'list');
assertListBlock(result, 3, 3, 'items');
assertBlock(result, 4, 'paragraph', 'Yet another paragraph');
assertBlock(result, 5, 'pre', '\tPreformatted text.');
assertBlock(result, 6, 'paragraph', 'Parting words.');
test('bullet list 1', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n* line 1\n* 2nd line';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 0, 'line 1');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 1, '2nd line');
test('bullet list 2', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n* line 1\n* 2nd line\n\nB';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 0, 'line 1');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 1, '2nd line');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'B');
test('bullet list 3', function() {
var comment = '* line 1\n* 2nd line\n\nB';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertListBlock(result, 0, 0, 'line 1');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 1, '2nd line');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'paragraph', 'B');
test('bullet list 4', function() {
var comment = 'To see this bug, you have to:\n' +
'* Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)\n' +
'* Be very unlucky\n';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'To see this bug, you have to:');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 0, 'Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 1, 'Be very unlucky');
test('bullet list 5', function() {
var comment = 'To see this bug,\n' +
'you have to:\n' +
'* Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)\n' +
'* Be very unlucky\n';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'To see this bug, you have to:');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 0, 'Be on IMAP or EAS (not on POP)');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 1, 'Be very unlucky');
test('dash list 1', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n- line 1\n- 2nd line';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 0, 'line 1');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 1, '2nd line');
test('dash list 2', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n- line 1\n- 2nd line\n\nB';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 0, 'line 1');
assertListBlock(result, 1, 1, '2nd line');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'B');
test('dash list 3', function() {
var comment = '- line 1\n- 2nd line\n\nB';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertListBlock(result, 0, 0, 'line 1');
assertListBlock(result, 0, 1, '2nd line');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'paragraph', 'B');
test('pre format 1', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n This is pre\n formatted';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'pre', ' This is pre\n formatted');
test('pre format 2', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n This is pre\n formatted\n\nbut this is not';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'pre', ' This is pre\n formatted');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'but this is not');
test('pre format 3', function() {
var comment = 'A\n\n Q\n <R>\n S\n\nB';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'A');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'pre', ' Q\n <R>\n S');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'B');
test('pre format 4', function() {
var comment = ' Q\n <R>\n S\n\nB';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'pre', ' Q\n <R>\n S');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'paragraph', 'B');
test('quote 1', function() {
var comment = '> I\'m happy\n > with quotes!\n\nSee above.';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 2);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[0].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[0].blocks, 0, 'paragraph', 'I\'m happy\nwith quotes!');
assertBlock(result, 1, 'paragraph', 'See above.');
test('quote 2', function() {
var comment = 'See this said:\n\n > a quoted\n > string block\n\nOK?';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 3);
assertBlock(result, 0, 'paragraph', 'See this said:');
assert.equal(result[1].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[1].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[1].blocks, 0, 'paragraph', 'a quoted\nstring block');
assertBlock(result, 2, 'paragraph', 'OK?');
test('nested quotes', function() {
var comment = ' > > prior\n > \n > next\n';
var result = element._computeBlocks(comment);
assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
assert.equal(result[0].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[0].blocks, 2);
assert.equal(result[0].blocks[0].type, 'quote');
assert.lengthOf(result[0].blocks[0].blocks, 1);
assertBlock(result[0].blocks[0].blocks, 0, 'paragraph', 'prior');
assertBlock(result[0].blocks, 1, 'paragraph', 'next\n');
test('getTextContent', function() {
var comment = 'Paragraph\n\n pre\n\n* List\n* Of\n* Items\n\n> Quote';
element.content = comment;
var result = element.getTextContent();
var expected = 'Paragraph\n\n pre\n\nList\nOf\nItems\n\nQuote';
assert.equal(result, expected);