| Gerrit Code Review - JavaScript API |
| =================================== |
| |
| Gerrit Code Review supports an API for JavaScript plugins to interact |
| with the web UI and the server process. |
| |
| Entry Point |
| ----------- |
| |
| JavaScript is loaded using a standard `<script src='...'>` HTML tag. |
| Plugins should protect the global namespace by defining their code |
| within an anonymous function passed to `Gerrit.install()`. The plugin |
| will be passed an object describing its registration with Gerrit: |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.install(function (self) { |
| // ... plugin JavaScript code here ... |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| |
| [[self]] |
| Plugin Instance |
| --------------- |
| |
| The plugin instance is passed to the plugin's initialization function |
| and provides a number of utility services to plugin authors. |
| |
| [[self.delete]] |
| self.delete() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a DELETE REST API request to the Gerrit server. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.delete(url, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the plugin's URL space. The JavaScript |
| library prefixes the supplied URL with `/plugins/{getPluginName}/`. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed |
| JSON result of the API call. DELETE methods often return |
| `204 No Content`, which is passed as null. |
| |
| [[self.get]] |
| self.get() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a GET REST API request to the Gerrit server. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| self.get(url, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the plugin's URL space. The JavaScript |
| library prefixes the supplied URL with `/plugins/{getPluginName}/`. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| [[self.getPluginName]] |
| self.getPluginName() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Returns the name this plugin was installed as by the server |
| administrator. The plugin name is required to access REST API |
| views installed by the plugin, or to access resources. |
| |
| [[self.post]] |
| self.post() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a POST REST API request to the Gerrit server. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| self.post(url, input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the plugin's URL space. The JavaScript |
| library prefixes the supplied URL with `/plugins/{getPluginName}/`. |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| self.post( |
| '/my-servlet', |
| {start_build: true, platform_type: 'Linux'}, |
| function (r) {}); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[self.put]] |
| self.put() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a PUT REST API request to the Gerrit server. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| self.put(url, input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the plugin's URL space. The JavaScript |
| library prefixes the supplied URL with `/plugins/{getPluginName}/`. |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| self.put( |
| '/builds', |
| {start_build: true, platform_type: 'Linux'}, |
| function (r) {}); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[self.onAction]] |
| self.onAction() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Register a JavaScript callback to be invoked when the user clicks |
| on a button associated with a server side `UiAction`. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.onAction(type, view_name, callback); |
| ---- |
| |
| * type: `'change'` or `'revision'`, indicating what sort of resource |
| the `UiAction` was bound to in the server. |
| |
| * view_name: string appearing in URLs to name the view. This is the |
| second argument of the `get()`, `post()`, `put()`, and `delete()` |
| binding methods in a `RestApiModule`. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to invoke when the user clicks. The |
| function will be passed a link:#ActionContext[action context]. |
| |
| [[self.url]] |
| self.url() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Returns a URL within the plugin's URL space. If invoked with no |
| parameter the the URL of the plugin is returned. If passed a string |
| the argument is appended to the plugin URL. |
| |
| ---- |
| self.url(); // "https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/plugins/demo/" |
| self.url('/static/icon.png'); // "https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/plugins/demo/static/icon.png" |
| ---- |
| |
| |
| [[ActionContext]] |
| Action Context |
| -------------- |
| A new action context is passed to the `onAction` callback function |
| each time the associated action button is clicked by the user. A |
| context is initialized with sufficient state to issue the associated |
| |
| [[context.action]] |
| context.action |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| A link:rest-api-changes.html#action-info[ActionInfo] object instance |
| supplied by the server describing the UI button the user used to |
| invoke the action. |
| |
| [[context.call]] |
| context.call() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues the REST API call associated with the action. The HTTP method |
| used comes from `context.action.method`, hiding the JavaScript from |
| needing to care. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| context.call(input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. This |
| parameter is ignored for GET and DELETE methods. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| context.call( |
| {message: "..."}, |
| function (result) { |
| // ... use result here ... |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[context.change]] |
| context.change |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| When the action is invoked on a change a |
| link:rest-api-changes.html#change-info[ChangeInfo] object instance |
| describing the change. Available fields of the ChangeInfo may vary |
| based on the options used by the UI when it loaded the change. |
| |
| [[context.delete]] |
| context.delete() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a DELETE REST API call to the URL associated with the action. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| context.delete(callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed |
| JSON result of the API call. DELETE methods often return |
| `204 No Content`, which is passed as null. |
| |
| ---- |
| context.delete(function () {}); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[context.get]] |
| context.get() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a GET REST API call to the URL associated with the action. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| context.get(callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| context.get(function (result) { |
| // ... use result here ... |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[context.go]] |
| context.go() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Go to a page. Shorthand for link:#Gerrit.go[`Gerrit.go()`]. |
| |
| [[context.hide]] |
| context.hide() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Hide the currently visible popup displayed by |
| link:#context.popup[`context.popup()`]. |
| |
| [[context.post]] |
| context.post() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a POST REST API call to the URL associated with the action. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| context.post(input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| context.post( |
| {message: "..."}, |
| function (result) { |
| // ... use result here ... |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[context.popup]] |
| context.popup() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Displays a small popup near the activation button to gather |
| additional input from the user before executing the REST API RPC. |
| |
| The caller is always responsible for closing the popup with |
| link#context.hide[`context.hide()`]. Gerrit will handle closing a |
| popup if the user presses `Escape` while keyboard focus is within |
| the popup. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| context.popup(element) |
| ---- |
| |
| * element: an HTML DOM element to display as the body of the |
| popup. This is typically a `div` element but can be any valid HTML |
| element. CSS can be used to style the element beyond the defaults. |
| |
| A common usage is to gather more input: |
| ---- |
| self.onAction('revision', 'start-build', function (c) { |
| var l = c.checkbox(); |
| var m = c.checkbox(); |
| c.popup(c.div( |
| c.div(c.label(l, 'Linux')), |
| c.div(c.label(m, 'Mac OS X')), |
| c.button('Build', {onclick: function() { |
| c.call( |
| { |
| commit: c.revision.name, |
| linux: l.checked, |
| mac: m.checked, |
| }, |
| function() { c.hide() }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[context.put]] |
| context.put() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a PUT REST API call to the URL associated with the action. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| context.put(input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| context.put( |
| {message: "..."}, |
| function (result) { |
| // ... use result here ... |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[context.refresh]] |
| context.refresh() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Refresh the current display. Shorthand for |
| link:#Gerrit.refresh[`Gerrit.refresh()`]. |
| |
| [[context.revision]] |
| context.revision |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| When the action is invoked on a specific revision of a change, |
| a link:rest-api-changes.html#revision-info[RevisionInfo] |
| object instance describing the revision. Available fields of the |
| RevisionInfo may vary based on the options used by the UI when it |
| loaded the change. |
| |
| |
| Action Context HTML Helpers |
| --------------------------- |
| The link:#ActionContext[action context] includes some HTML helper |
| functions to make working with DOM based widgets less painful. |
| |
| * `br()`: new `<br>` element. |
| |
| * `button(label, options)`: new `<button>` with the string `label` |
| wrapped inside of a `div`. The optional `options` object may |
| define `onclick` as a function to be invoked upon clicking. This |
| calling pattern avoids circular references between the element |
| and the onclick handler. |
| |
| * `checkbox()`: new `<input type='checkbox'>` element. |
| * `div(...)`: a new `<div>` wrapping the (optional) arguments. |
| * `hr()`: new `<hr>` element. |
| |
| * `label(c, label)`: a new `<label>` element wrapping element `c` |
| and the string `label`. Used to wrap a checkbox with its label, |
| `label(checkbox(), 'Click Me')`. |
| |
| * `textarea(options)`: new `<textarea>` element. The options |
| object may optionally include `rows` and `cols`. The textarea |
| comes with an onkeypress handler installed to play nicely with |
| Gerrit's keyboard binding system. |
| |
| * `textfield()`: new `<input type='text'>` element. The text field |
| comes with an onkeypress handler installed to play nicely with |
| Gerrit's keyboard binding system. |
| |
| * `span(...)`: a new `<span>` wrapping the (optional) arguments. |
| |
| [[Gerrit]] |
| Gerrit |
| ------ |
| |
| The `Gerrit` object is the only symbol provided into the global |
| namespace by Gerrit Code Review. All top-level functions can be |
| accessed through this name. |
| |
| [[Gerrit.delete]] |
| Gerrit.delete() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a DELETE REST API request to the Gerrit server. For plugin |
| private REST API URLs see link:#self.delete[self.delete()]. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.delete(url, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the Gerrit server. For example to access the |
| link:rest-api-changes.html[changes REST API] use `'/changes/'`. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed |
| JSON result of the API call. DELETE methods often return |
| `204 No Content`, which is passed as null. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.delete( |
| '/changes/myProject~master~I8473b95934b5732ac55d26311a706c9c2bde9940/topic', |
| function () {}); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[Gerrit.get]] |
| Gerrit.get() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a GET REST API request to the Gerrit server. For plugin |
| private REST API URLs see link:#self.get[self.get()]. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.get(url, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the Gerrit server. For example to access the |
| link:rest-api-changes.html[changes REST API] use `'/changes/'`. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.get('/changes/?q=status:open', function (open) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < open.length; i++) { |
| console.log(open.get(i).change_id); |
| } |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[Gerrit.getPluginName]] |
| Gerrit.getPluginName() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Returns the name this plugin was installed as by the server |
| administrator. The plugin name is required to access REST API |
| views installed by the plugin, or to access resources. |
| |
| Unlike link:#self.getPluginName[`self.getPluginName()`] this method |
| must guess the name from the JavaScript call stack. Plugins are |
| encouraged to use `self.getPluginName()` whenever possible. |
| |
| [[Gerrit.go]] |
| Gerrit.go() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Updates the web UI to display the view identified by the supplied |
| URL token. The URL token is the text after `#` in the browser URL. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.go('/admin/projects/'); |
| ---- |
| |
| If the URL passed matches `http://...`, `https://...`, or `//...` |
| the current browser window will navigate to the non-Gerrit URL. |
| The user can return to Gerrit with the back button. |
| |
| [[Gerrit.install]] |
| Gerrit.install() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Registers a new plugin by invoking the supplied initialization |
| function. The function is passed the link:#self[plugin instance]. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.install(function (self) { |
| // ... plugin JavaScript code here ... |
| }); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[Gerrit.post]] |
| Gerrit.post() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a POST REST API request to the Gerrit server. For plugin |
| private REST API URLs see link:#self.post[self.post()]. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.post(url, input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the Gerrit server. For example to access the |
| link:rest-api-changes.html[changes REST API] use `'/changes/'`. |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.post( |
| '/changes/myProject~master~I8473b95934b5732ac55d26311a706c9c2bde9940/topic', |
| {topic: 'tests', message: 'Classify work as for testing.'}, |
| function (r) {}); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[Gerrit.put]] |
| Gerrit.put() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Issues a PUT REST API request to the Gerrit server. For plugin |
| private REST API URLs see link:#self.put[self.put()]. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.put(url, input, callback) |
| ---- |
| |
| * url: URL relative to the Gerrit server. For example to access the |
| link:rest-api-changes.html[changes REST API] use `'/changes/'`. |
| |
| * input: JavaScript object to serialize as the request payload. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to be invoked with the parsed JSON |
| result of the API call. If the API returns a string the result is |
| a string, otherwise the result is a JavaScript object or array, |
| as described in the relevant REST API documentation. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.put( |
| '/changes/myProject~master~I8473b95934b5732ac55d26311a706c9c2bde9940/topic', |
| {topic: 'tests', message: 'Classify work as for testing.'}, |
| function (r) {}); |
| ---- |
| |
| [[Gerrit.onAction]] |
| Gerrit.onAction() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Register a JavaScript callback to be invoked when the user clicks |
| on a button associated with a server side `UiAction`. |
| |
| .Signature |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.onAction(type, view_name, callback); |
| ---- |
| |
| * type: `'change'` or `'revision'`, indicating what sort of resource |
| the `UiAction` was bound to in the server. |
| |
| * view_name: string appearing in URLs to name the view. This is the |
| second argument of the `get()`, `post()`, `put()`, and `delete()` |
| binding methods in a `RestApiModule`. |
| |
| * callback: JavaScript function to invoke when the user clicks. The |
| function will be passed a link:#ActionContext[ActionContext]. |
| |
| [[Gerrit.refresh]] |
| Gerrit.refresh() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Redisplays the current web UI view, refreshing all information. |
| |
| [[Gerrit.url]] |
| Gerrit.url() |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Returns the URL of the Gerrit Code Review server. If invoked with |
| no parameter the URL of the site is returned. If passed a string |
| the argument is appended to the site URL. |
| |
| ---- |
| Gerrit.url(); // "https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/" |
| Gerrit.url('/123'); // "https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/123" |
| ---- |
| |
| For a plugin specific version see link:#self.url()[`self.url()`]. |
| |
| ------ |
| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |