blob: 6087e2cc1e23afbb9053fa7cc1086faaf492bd5a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {ChangeConfigInfo, ChangeInfo} from '../api/rest-api';
export interface DashboardSection {
name: string;
query: string;
suffixForDashboard?: string;
selfOnly?: boolean;
hideIfEmpty?: boolean;
results?: ChangeInfo[];
const USER_PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = /\${user}/g;
export interface UserDashboardConfig {
change?: ChangeConfigInfo;
export interface UserDashboard {
title?: string;
sections: DashboardSection[];
// NOTE: These queries are tested in Java. Any changes made to definitions
// here require corresponding changes to:
// java/com/google/gerrit/httpd/raw/
const HAS_DRAFTS: DashboardSection = {
// Changes with unpublished draft comments. This section is omitted when
// viewing other users, so we don't need to filter anything out.
name: 'Has draft comments',
query: 'has:draft',
selfOnly: true,
hideIfEmpty: true,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:10',
export const YOUR_TURN: DashboardSection = {
// Changes where the user is in the attention set.
name: 'Your turn',
query: 'attention:${user}',
hideIfEmpty: false,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
const WIP: DashboardSection = {
// WIP open changes owned by viewing user. This section is omitted when
// viewing other users, so we don't need to filter anything out.
name: 'Work in progress',
query: 'is:open owner:${user} is:wip',
selfOnly: true,
hideIfEmpty: true,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
export const OUTGOING: DashboardSection = {
// Non-WIP open changes owned by viewed user.
name: 'Outgoing reviews',
query: 'is:open owner:${user} -is:wip',
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
const INCOMING: DashboardSection = {
// Non-WIP open changes not owned by the viewed user, that the viewed user
// is associated with as a reviewer.
name: 'Incoming reviews',
query: 'is:open -owner:${user} -is:wip reviewer:${user}',
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
const CCED: DashboardSection = {
// Open changes the viewed user is CCed on.
name: 'CCed on',
query: 'is:open -is:wip cc:${user}',
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:10',
export const CLOSED: DashboardSection = {
name: 'Recently closed',
// Closed changes where viewed user is owner or reviewer.
// WIP changes not owned by the viewing user (the one instance of
// 'owner:self' is intentional and implements this logic) are filtered out.
'is:closed (-is:wip OR owner:self) ' +
'(owner:${user} OR reviewer:${user} OR cc:${user})',
suffixForDashboard: '-age:4w limit:10',
const DEFAULT_SECTIONS: DashboardSection[] = [
export function getUserDashboard(
user = 'self',
title = ''
): UserDashboard {
sections = sections
.filter(section => user === 'self' || !section.selfOnly)
.map(section => {
return {
query: section.query.replace(USER_PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN, user),
return {title, sections};