blob: 5d6941db467ae67467aa0d7c4c070092e154fdf9 [file] [log] [blame]
= Gerrit Code Review - Contributing
== Contributor License Agreement
In order to contribute to Gerrit a link:dev-cla.html[Contributor
License Agreement] must be completed before contributions are accepted.
== Contribution Process
As Gerrit is a code review tool, naturally contributions will
be reviewed before they will get submitted to the code base. To
start your contribution, please make a git commit and upload it
for review to the main Gerrit review server. To help speed up the
review of your change, review these link:dev-crafting-changes.html[
guidelines] before submitting your change. You can view the pending
Gerrit contributions and their statuses
Depending on the size of that list it might take a while for
your change to get reviewed. Naturally there are fewer
approvers than contributors; so anything that you can do to
ensure that your contribution will undergo fewer revisions
will speed up the contribution process. This includes helping
out reviewing other people's changes to relieve the load from
the approvers. Even if you are not familiar with Gerrit's
internals, it would be of great help if you can download, try
out, and comment on new features. If it works as advertised,
say so, and if you have the privileges to do so, go ahead
and give it a +1 Verified. If you would find the feature
useful, say so and give it a +1 code review.
And finally, the quicker you respond to the comments of your
reviewers, the quicker your change might get merged! Try to
reply to every comment after submitting your new patch,
particularly if you decided against making the suggested change.
Reviewers don't want to seem like nags and pester you if you
haven't replied or made a fix, so it helps them know if you
missed it or decided against it.
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]